Recently been having a lot of (don't know what word to use) with the girls in my life.
One grouchy. As if I'm owing her something. Hey I do my best to accommodate ok? Even I also get frustrated too but I try not to show it. One wrong move and you will see me explode like you have never seen before.
One treating me in the same way as someone I know treats her husband. The Great Wall.
One always three minutes degree hot. Enthusiastic in a moment, and totally throwing it off the next.
One keeps joking about marriage with random boys. It doesn't reflect well you know, even if everyone knows it is a joke.
One treats me for granted. The more I think of it, the more stupid I felt I am.
And almost every girl I know is late or rarely on time.
Basket, my first week of holidays totally ruined. I'm not in the very mood to enjoy it. I totally forgot to check my scheduler and went ahead to book tickets for movie with Sokpeng and Priscilla. I'm supposed to be coordinator for the Bridging Lights birthday for the same day and time but I've forgotten. Because of this error on my part, - Had to go out of my way to collect the tickets at cathay and head back home because they require the person who booked to be the one who collect. - Am going to waste 11dollars because there isn't someone to buy my ticket - Have to squeeze out time to pass the ticket to Sokpeng - The time will have to come in between morning cell group and making of dumplings for the potluck birthday
- Morning cell now may be cancelled. One is very late as usual, one is not coming if it is just two person, one is resting at home because of other commitments, two no reply. What about me? - Mum even offered to cook porridge for the group and now I told her not to. - Mum is supposed to guide me on making the dumplings before she heads to work but this will be cut short as I have to meet Sokpeng before her class starts at 3.30pm
I am so super busy during all the weekends and it will really help if everyone, including myself can stick to the promises. This is as stressful as examinations last week. I am beginning to wonder do their menstrual cycle starts on the same date?
AND I have tons of tasks not yet done. - Contacting Jeanette. I felt bad for dragging this for so long. - Contacting water dispenser companies for quotes on them. - Look at English courses at British Council. - Play Dragon Age 2
Created at 9:22 AM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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