| Monday, February 21, 2011
Created at 12:08 AM
| Thursday, February 17, 2011
My cactus-es aren't exactly in a good shape, especially the tall few. Lack of sunshine is the cause of its bottom unable to receive any and grew too wet. Perhaps the soil isn't good too.
The two stubby ones are still up and going! Go!
Have you ever wondered what is the difference between a high ego and a strong ego? Both are a kind of ego? Of course! Both are different? Of course!
Yeah Valentine's day is over now. SIM brimming with couples around. I've even seen one couple smooching at the corridor. One couple touching around in the bus.
School hasn't been too great. Just finished a group assignment with 2 heavy loaders coming right up and 2 tests. And I've not read up on the essential readings too.
Created at 9:25 AM
| Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Have been eating steamboats and BBQs with more to come gosh! 29th January - SP Choir BBQ gathering 31st January - University friends gathering cum my mum's birthday steamboat 2nd February - Reunion dinner steamboat 3rd February - Steamboat dinner at Aunty Agnes' house 6th February - Lunch at Gabrielle's house, Dinner steamboat with Secondary School bachelor gang. 20th February - Steamboat dinner at Alicia aka Aunty Agony's house
I've managed to skip rice at 3 of the gatherings so far. I was telling Mum about how we should exclude rice tonight. She went like, "没有饭?!Then how to call 团圆饭? 团圆肉?" So cute lurh.
Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year to whoever is reading this. If I can just say a chinese proverbial idiom, it will be 饮水思源. Something which I hope everyone will take back from reading this.
Created at 6:54 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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