| Saturday, December 18, 2010
Diablo 2. How nostalgic.
Am I the only one who thinks most girls are not punctual?
Created at 1:44 PM
| Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Watched Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Threader with Clement and Julia.
Not as impressive as I heard it is. The second part is definitely better.
Have been having long duration close talks with many many people for the past week. Definitely I have manage to learn alot! Joachim Julia Gabriel Benjamin Esther Gabriella Elizabeth My sister Faustine Beatrice
Especially from the older ones including my sister. Each one is a minimum an hour maximum three hours talk. Just sharing of thoughts is really a big feast for me.
Its just amazing how people just gave me opinions that I have not thought about and I'm sure it increased my capacity of thought!
Created at 11:46 PM
| Thursday, December 09, 2010
My gaming buddy Secretz was suspended for 2 days from entering game. My blackberry is spoiled and unable to service because warranty is void. I'm unable to get Torch because it is so expensive. IPod shuffle ran out of stock in both shops in JP when I should have bought it at Orchard Central. And a few others more.
Have been sharing alot about my life/views/plans with Joachim and Julia. Well, though I hate to say it but most of my friends are not interested in them except their own ones. I can hardly imagine Friend A to come up to me and say, "Hey Moses, lets meet up. I wanna know more about you. About how much you have grown over the past year and what you plan for next year. Also share with me how you think I can help you?"
No, that haven't happen yet even with my closest male and female friends. Its just kinda strange. I don't think I can ever share anything deep in my heart with sokpeng. Ah thats another story on the whole. Well I did share some with Clement
Things are pretty much superficial as I have told Esther, Joachim and Julia. Everyone is only concerned about someone when that person is sick and even so, all there is is the usual template of "take care of yourself!" or around that line.
I guess I have much to learn too.
I believe that true relationships can be made if you are willing to share your weaknesses with the other person instead of all the glory. It is not easy and not in instinct of the animal kingdom to let others know about your weaknesses and deep thoughts.
I feel quite sadden by the fact that though when I look back and saw how much I have changed both in thinking and the things I've learned over the past year or two, I feel bad to say this but many of my friends are so stagnant. It is amazing to meet people who have so much to offer me, teach and guide me and willing to listen yet when I see my own circle of friends, they have been pretty much the same. I'm not talking about looks here.
For some, I don't see them maturing much. For some, they are still as superficial as before. Perhaps only to me? For some, they are just placing personal growth as growth on it's own and yet not searching for more.
When I look at them, I really want to help them grow. To teach them what I have learnt. But it is difficult. Many of them have their own thoughts and I cannot force my idea onto them. And I may not be right all the time. But there are some where their thoughts are so shallow that I feel dishearten to talk to them. I'm not praising myself by bringing some friends down but you should know the feeling of talking to younger kids who haven't an idea. Everyday people scream and tweet hatred over the slightest nonsense and I detest people who uses FML. If your life is that fucked up, then go fix it. If your life is that fucked up, go and look at kids who have lost a parent or two, work their ass off just to support their siblings while studying. Didn't have a clean bed without bedbugs, no new clothes for the past few years ever since their parents died, shouldn't they have the right to say FML? Yet what can they do? You will say its fictional but it is true when you try helping out at soup kitchens and hear their stories. And all the spoilt brats are complaining about themselves dirtying their new clothes or not having enough cash to buy a certain clothe from a certain shop. If your life is that fucked up, then you should go to third world countries and take a look at reality. If you tell me that you don't really mean what you say, then I will say if you don't mean it then dun learn from other people and say such immature things.
Thats why I don't like twitter. When you see people of different ages tweeting about what they do, some younger tweeters can tweet sensible things while some older tweeters just tweet about the silliest of all things.
Look to edify each other with knowledge and your sensible thoughts. Not just go "OMG this is so cute!!" then? "OMG FML! the bus just left without me!" wait for the next one? or its your own fault of being late "That B*tch better keep quiet!" walk away? "The man infront of me stinks!" you will stink too if you work under the sun and not showering All these are plain useless information which people just take a two or three seconds glance and then feel frustrated and forget about it totally.
I got to admit I myself too sometimes tweet about such silly stuff. Which just shows I'm not a perfect saint. I'm still growing!
And anyway, the above examples and posts are not directed at any single one person. I know some will feel pretty angry over what I've said but believe me, when you are me, looking at your own posts a few years later when you mature more, you will see how silly you were then. It happened to me plenty of times. Just look at my past posts in this blog and you will see a gap like I say.
I need to meet up with Kervin soon.
Created at 7:33 AM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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