This week just zoomed past like some rocket. Serious. Oh, I meant weekend.
Well, I've learn that organizing large scale of 100+ people events is really tough. Being the chairman needs to anchor so many things!
- Prizes for competition - Food and Drinks with a set budget - Tables Chairs Stage Props Lights Speakers - MC and the timeline for the whole event - Attendance
I've just found out that I need a lot of money to do the stuff I wanna do after NS. - About 500 to 700 for a slightly larger new bed and frame - 200 bucks budget for a new watch (replacing it with the digital one I'm wearing) - 150 bucks budget for a new pair of spectacles - Blackberry Storm (Cost a bomb. Probably 700)
Time to save up more money!
Btw, I'm looking for a job from mid-September till December or so.
Created at 7:54 PM
Weekends after weekends of uneventful stuff. hoho! Some say uneventful also means peaceful. Events aren't always a good thing right? I have to agree with that at times.
Now I can finally understand what those "old birds" say in army. "As the day to ORD draws near, so will u will the ultra sensation of dreadfulness and sick of it"
Anyway I'm glad dearest soksok agreed to bring me out for movie of Angels and Demons. I personally find that movie quite exciting and breathtaking. I absolutely love those quirky endings.
After that, szesze came and join us for LAN gaming. 1st time seeing sokpeng playing LAN and she did better than I thought when we played Left 4 Dead. I was half expecting her to scream and not touch the keyboard as if it have tentacles. (u noe u noe, those typical girls lol)
But amazingly she did quite well in FPS. As expected from a Game Development student lol
May God give me strength and courage for this coming week and for the weeks ahead. I pray for the wisdom too
Created at 12:02 AM
Mother's day just went past and on friday while shopping/eating at Chinatown, mummiee hinted to me to get something for Dad.
That day was really warm and sunny. Both of us were perspiring like crazy when we ate at People's Park for the yong tau foo. Dang. It was really delicious for a bowl of soup with beancurds and stuff. $3.50 for a bowl and usually opens at one to one-thirty in the afternoon till four or five.
After queuing for like ten minutes, finally!
And we spent like an hour in a shoe shop too. The shop-owner is just too brilliant at selling things to customer. The shoes he offers aren't very nice-looking yet REALLY REALLY comfortable when you wear it. Yes lurh, you must feel comfy to fork out $135 bucks or so for a pair too..
I wasn't intending to get any shoe but mum, yet he can convince me to almost take out $135 for a pair of sandal-like shoe. I didn't get it in the end because it is too expensive to be just "another pair" of shoes for me.
I think I wan to go Sentosa 1 day. Didn't go there for like years already? probably 10..
Come! Anyone! Bring Momo to Sentosa!..
Created at 6:42 PM
Life is tough.
This is a common quote from my boss.
Yes it is tough. Always dependent on what you do and how you look at it. Stress is a factor that everyone gives to themselves. Seen those who says they are stressed and starts smoking? Or those who says stressed but tries to find solutions.
We always hear all the success stories of people but it is definitely not a smooth journey for them too. With a bit of luck, things will go well. But a time of forty working years, you are so lucky?
Have you wonder among the hundreds that succeeded, how many millions have failed?
Well working under pressure is a thing while working in fear is another. Which do you think that is better and more applicable? Or would you think they are both linked together? Got A then got B.
Sigh.. I need to enjoy my work I guess. If not I will only feel down and out while working under pressure and fear.
Created at 4:11 PM
Another weekend over.
I wonder should I join the church choir youth group. They always have singing in the 10.30am mass service and practises about an hour or 2 after that. Talk about being committed!
But I wanna.. go for 9am mass :( I like 9am for many many reasons.
I wanna go YISS too. Youth in the Spirit Seminar from 18-21 June. Feel like asking her along too. But been trying to devise on what I should say lol~ But I guess the answer is hard and bad since I know she won't be free during that period.
May will be a super super hard month to pass. June too probably with me trying to start my plans for freedom. July will be the execution of plans initially. August will be full force of execution. September will be heavenly.
After that, I will slack for a whole week or 2. Then maybe going overseas!
Oh yes, Roger just went to Taiwan for backpack and lodgings/travel costs him about $800-900 for 6 or 7 days. Hows that? Anyone interested? or we can go somewhere simpler like Bintan or Genting~ With that money we can go stay in Genting for few weeks LOL
Created at 6:02 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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