| Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Woman have many many useful weapons they have. Youth is their best asset. Their tears can melt even the hardest toughest heart.
Created at 11:33 PM
| Monday, February 23, 2009
 super pwning
Created at 8:27 PM
| Wednesday, February 18, 2009
How many people practise what they preach? I have to admit that I for one, do not.
I wanted to register for NTU but when I saw the news on how they show the minimum requirement out, I think I really have no chance at all. Seriously hate this kind of helplessness or a slight regret on my grade.
Maybe this is the few times in my life where I feel that my actions have made an impact in my future like some button that caused an ICBM to fly and hit some country.
My future is slightly dented now. I have finally feel that things are not as smilesmileeveryday as I thought
But I must muster the courage to face it and go for SIM then. Kervin advised that since I have not studied business before, going to SMU will be too tough for me.
Well, I will not be ashamed to go SIM for some will say it an university where anyone with money can enter. I have no money but oh well, I will have to do my best there and see what I can get from there. Strictly no more MMORPG once I've started university.
The weather has been scorching. I almost melted outfield while sitting in the vehicle in the open. If I came out from the vehicle, I will be burnt directly. If I hide in the vehicle, it will be a baking oven.
Created at 5:52 PM
| Sunday, February 15, 2009
Or is it just me
Created at 7:00 PM
Am I happy to go Taiwan? Some might ask. I will say it is mixed feelings.
IF I do not go Taiwan, I am pretty sure I will die from the workload in camp. Seriously bad. IF I go Taiwan, I need to figure out how to contact my parents who doesn't know how to use internet where chatting is much cheaper.. I'm gonna miss them tons!
I will be going from 2nd to 28th of march. sigh. Burnt Valentine's day to attend some course to learn how to drive on the right side of the road as that is how Taiwan's road operates. Crap feeling.
Today is quite explosive for our family. Morning was quite aggressive and I can see how impatient and easily provoked each of us are. I do not really know the reason but for me, I was just tired and really hate to go the extra mile out of my way to do things so I will snap abit.
I really miss my free time. I've got many things to do but they are always on the list only when I have tons of free time with priorities given to other stuff. Well shamefully this also meant poor time management by myself on my part too. I just need to lift myself up and I guess things will move but its often not like that.
Looking at how the other singles felt sad about Valentine's, ditto I'm the same. Except I have no choice and the feeling sucked
Some people think that stress is a way to keep people going. Fear is what make things move.
Do you think likewise? It definitely works but it is obviously NOT the right way.
Created at 6:13 PM
| Saturday, February 14, 2009
I feel really good today. I just gave her a present. And she really likes it and appreciates it.
It sort of debuffed all the emotions from the rubbish I got from NS these days.
I wonder how much I've scored.
I really do not know seriously how much she likes it but though many ppl may think it as weird, I will just believe her. I too feel that is a weird present for valentines but I really placed my thoughts and feelings into getting that gift which struck me while I was looking for uncommon chocolates.
If she'd understands my true intention for the gift, she will find it more valuable and precious than flowers or chocolates. If not, she will seriously NOT like the gift.
Created at 1:53 AM
| Sunday, February 08, 2009
Valentine's day is coming!
There are a lot of different stories surrounding Valentine's Day. A true romantic, Valentine's Day is enchanting and mysterious!
The most well-known theory is that Valentine's Day originated as a pagan holiday which was originally celebrated on Feb. 15. The celebration, called Lupercalia, was a fertility festival. Roman boys drew the names of Roman girls out of an urn and on the festival day, exchanged gifts. That is where the exchanging of Valentines comes from, or so the story goes.
Later, Pope Gelasius decided to put a Christian slant on the day. He declared it was to honour St. Valentine, who died on Feb. 14. St. Valentine was a Roman priest who married couples in secret although Emperor Claudius III had banned marriages. As a result, St. Valentine was put to death. The Emperor had decided that single men made better soldiers which is why he banned marriages - little did he know that he was unwittingly introducing a celebration of love that continues today!
Cool right? But then .. "Single men made better soldiers" how I hate this quote.
Sigh. I've never really celebrated Valentine's day before. My previous one on 2008 is spent with Kervin, Nigel, Joseph, Heng and Allen.. I remember hugging each other and saying Happy Valentine's day and running around in camp. Quite memorable because we were preparing BV-206 for a huge exercise and Nigel went crazy and asked what are we doing exactly on Valentine's day right then.
The woes of one who have a hundred and one ways of celebrating Valentine's day yet have no one to celebrate with =/
Created at 4:08 PM
goodness. Just changed 500SGD to 11,000 Taiwan NT.. Freakish to see so many 1k notes..
The past week is quite hellish. Slept in vehicle, moving out at 12am or 1am or 3am then stopping and moving and stopping. Fed mosquitoes like crazy. Lost appetite in eating combat rations.
Quite down really. Felt very desperate at times too due to unforeseen situations happening during tat four days. Very crazy seriously.
I've made some progress!! Feel a little elated but this time there must be follow-up!
Left about approximately seven months. This feeling feels weird. It is not far and not near yet feels good and not so good. Probably will feel better after Fang and Bala ORDed and then it's my turn. You know, the case where I just keep complaining and complaining but actually things aren't that bad while you're at it. But no, last week was really that BAD.
Looking at the minimum scores posted by Szekiat which the local universities accept, really destroyed lots of my hope. HOWWW am I gonna enter..
I really must do something. God please banish away my laziness!
Man.. sometimes I do not practise what I preached..
Created at 3:06 AM
| Sunday, February 01, 2009
Created at 7:37 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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