sometimes i wonder, why are there so many things to do, yet so little time and still im always doing all the unnecessary things during that little time?
i wish for her to stand up again. i wish for her to have a life that she deserve. i wish i'm not fcked up like the Moses i am. i wish to have the motivation to do everything. i wish i can just forget about some stuff. i wish to receive wat i gave to others, and wish tat i gave the right thing i wish i can get into an Uni
Created at 12:52 AM
| Saturday, July 19, 2008
couldn't help but feeling ultra down this morning.
Sad! or probably i am quite dreading the weekend? some thoughts keeps haunting me ever since last weekend and i tink they only resurfaced when i start to be more free.
i feel like a plunge into the depths of nowhere when someone i secretly admire before, started smoking. wah, its like taking a bayonet and stab yourself then let the blood flow out.
why take up smoking? sigh
kervin is already starting on his path to studying. its almost a year since i enter NS.
no time! probably i have to start to drop off all those things that doesn't have a future in them such as gaming and others. already having no mood to play any games now.
Created at 5:48 PM
hi mr blog.
i tink sincerity really counts. especially on how u treat me and expect to get back the same treatment back.
have u ever tried asking ppl for something and didnt get wat u wan becos u were not sincere in treating others? and i especially hate it when there were ppl who "eat others without letting others eat"
training is starting to get tougher now.
Created at 2:05 PM
| Saturday, July 05, 2008
Tekong is getting more fun as the days goes by.
u get to see really interesting ppl. weird ppl who may seem slightly irritating at 1st, end up to be giving good advices to me about my outside life. u also get to see that some ppl who may seem to look like good quality stuff, end up to be slightly rotten, lazy and rubbish.
its certainly fun with the Warrant officers around. seriously funny them all.
oh yes, the food there is really monotonous. imagine economical rice for 2 meals. imagine its rice add rice add rice portion. imagine pork, chicken wing, veg and the occasional fish in different style everyday. imagine 1 bowl of soup ranging from watercress to mushroom soup tats good for like 2 or 3 days
weekend is just too short!!!!
Created at 9:57 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
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