finally back after the confinement week in BMT yes its 15days in Pulau Tekong.
and everyone in my bunk call me Lao Jiao (old bird) cos its my RE-bmt
i dunnoe if i used to do things like them, but they are super slack. i meant my bunkmates. throwing their sweaty shirts around after exercise and end up wasting time complaining the lack of changing time when they were given just sufficient timing.
often i had to tell them to push their chairs back in after leaving the room or tell them to keep their things properly incase of losing them or tell them to hang their clothes out to dry becos there is sunshine
soldiers now are quite well taken care of nowadays. things like arc of firestick, range cards were given to them when at my time, we had to buy them ourselves.
oh well, except for 2 or 3 my bunkmates were quite nice ppl. funny and VERY corny
i'm not sure is it NS tat changed my thinking, but the way they think and do things, really differ from me.
an example will be
we only had 15minutes to change to Smart No.4 and so we rushed up. most of them started sitting on the chair and taking off their sweaty clothings while complaining the lack of timing. i went straight with my towel to the toilet to bathe. when i come back, they were still sitting there. while i change, none of them except a few started changing and skipped bathing. when i finally wear my boots, they were saying things like "wah.. lao jiao change so fast, u got bathe or not?"
so i tot it would be good to tell them, "eh if u got time to sit and complain, why not move ure hands and do something else"
Created at 7:09 AM
have u ever thought of wat u will wanna name ure future child?
laugh if u wan but if i have a daughter, i will name her Chloe. sounds nice?
better than ppl calling ure kid Rambu with surname Tan. lol reminds me of my army aquaintance - Ang Moh Liang.
will be going back to BMT on 5th. not really anticipating it or hating it.
have u feel quite lonely at times? ever have the feeling of clinging to every hint of familiarity to u?
Created at 12:06 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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