been quite busy for the past 2 weeks.
yup attached to reservists for training.
talked to quite a few of them. jobs ranged from managers, chicken rice seller's son, freelance programmer, airport customer service officer, consultants and so on.
one of them said something that struck me - "u dun have to worry so much about wat u going to study and the road that comes after that. afterall the road will change and twist into something totally different. i have a fren tat used to aspire being a doctor, but regretted when he found out things about the profession Doctor which he didnt noe. such as job hours, job scope, interest and all."
i find it quite similar to me. i chose IT in the 1st place cos i used to love to get close to gadgets or games. using tat as a base guideline for choosing my poly course.
end up? i found i wasnt fantastic in programming, my graphical art is like pre-school.
now i tink i wanna go for management. sounds vague? i will probably have to find some time to really find out more about it.
i still remember about jason and suling talking about how people hate changes and leaving their comfort zone. i have to admit i have this disease in serious condition.
are u in such case too?
Created at 7:26 PM
decided to buy a super computer this week.
spent approx 1200+ and buying the original windows.. (i never expect myself to support windows originally)
and its very heavy!
thanks to Hendri who kindly came along with me and also Kervin too. just finished configuring most of the things (except windows update and SP2) and now i got to book in to camp. will be looking forward to testing this system next week!! wahahaha.
today's mothers' day and yet i didnt have the guts to say that to mummiee today. i do not know why either. i hope she wont mind.. she have to work afternoon shift today so i couldnt spend much time with her.
sigh. luckily i spent quite some quality time with her yesterday.
I love you Mummiee!
Created at 7:32 PM
| Wednesday, May 07, 2008
having a pretty long break now. feels damn good!
spent 3-4 days shifting and painting my sis and my room. i've officially moved over to my sis's room to stay yst! her room is seriously bigger
i got a "Latte" color from Nippon for my room while mummiee got a purple for my old room. both looks good. the paint is quite expensive costing sixty-three bucks each five litres. im tinking back in the days when i was doing art and craft... those water colors cost so much cheaper
i wanna go out!!! been sacrificing my weekend doing painting i wan to go out see pretty girls too! glance also happy :/
sheesh i sound so desperate
Created at 9:44 AM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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