| Sunday, November 25, 2007
starting to lose my appetite on good food..
im not sure why but most probably have no mood to eat food ever since camp food.
for the past week have been quite heaty for me. blocked nose flu cough and the usual blockage
and also the humid weather.
today when going to boonlay shopping centre with mummiee, i saw christmas cards. then an idea came into my mind, i tink i will wanna send christmas cards to all my frens!! sounds abit weird but i will wanna appreciate all my frens by letting them noe that i appreciate them
i will probably have to start early in collecting addresses! XD
Created at 6:21 PM
| Sunday, November 18, 2007
saw Beowulf at Cathay yst.
honestly.. i knew nuts about wat this show is. until i see it and its actually a whole movie of realistic animation. at first it was quite obvious and weird but as the movie goes, i tend to just ignore it.
effects of the fight scenes and storms are really great and amazing. ah yes, Beowulf is 1 lusty man alright.
overall i would tink if u wanna watch a movie but couldnt find any title, u can choose this.
so many birthdays happened this week.
anyway, driving is quite stable for me now. went to public road for 3 days and still survived. still getting the ocassionally scoldings and nerve wrecking situations but i still leave everything to God.
infact, when i ask others about their instructor, i've heard of many sad stories about how they get scoldings much much worse than me. thank God for my instructor!
my instructor even told me that "i only noe how to study, dunnoe how to do things" but after awhile, he told me again that if i noe how to do things such as driving, i will be Wen Wu Shuang Quan..
i've also learnt how to stop my breathing in a split second when i smell cigarette smoke. used to hate it alot during my civillian days, u can ask suling about it.
now, im so covered with ppl smoking here and there, i had to accept the fact and do something about it for myself. when u cannot change the situation, u got to suit the situation.
i dunnoe should i say how bad the food is, since no matter how bad it couldnt be as bad as the ancient days.
at night sometimes i would spend like 15minutes praying and chatting with God. and also abit of time on praying for a good Wife/Girlfren after my NS days. its good to start praying early about it u noe.
and.. i would spend the rest of the time before i sleep imagining how my wife that God find for me, would look like.
and finally today is the 20th birthday of the girl that i've fancied from sec 1 to 4. Happy Birthday to you SerKiat!
Created at 3:06 PM
| Thursday, November 08, 2007
felt a little depressed yst.
went to the driving circuit and started driving. driving manual is definitely NOT easy.
my car stalled like 7-8 times. becos of clutch. instructor was telling me that i was too nervous. probably so, since i didnt wan to get anything wrong but ended up getting it all wrong.
i have certainly gained more love for deepavali. mostly becos i get a HOLIDAY out from it.
Created at 9:15 AM
| Sunday, November 04, 2007
im quite missing on some of my frens.
like daniel for instance. old quiet daniel.
i wonder how is he doing now.
as well as gilbert and szesze..
once things have settled down and after all my course and all, i will probably have to make it an effort to buy newspaper from the e-mart so i can read everyday. been missing out tons of stuff happening around such as the new expressway.
oh well, i will be going to attend the driving course starting on monday. and it will probably last till 10th jan 2008.
i wish i can pass the highway code.. it sounds pretty tough to me
i used to tink ns is something that is important but after mixing with ppl and getting opinions here and there from the "old birds" i can see things otherwise.. well, i will never sign on thats for sure.
Created at 11:23 AM
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