| Saturday, June 30, 2007
do u believe in "Spare the rod and spoil the child"?
i totally believe in it as i was brought up in a really respectable family. at least i respect others as much as i hope ppl will do for the same to me. respectable not as in rich but not despise ure own actions.
yesterday, i spend a bomb on economical rice due to my blurness.
i had a 10 buck and a 50 buck in my wallet. i tot i took out a 10 but instead took out a 50. the auntie gave me a change of 47 bucks. so happily i tot i earned. but in the end while standing there, i decide to give back 40bucks since i tot i gave 10bucks.
its not until i check my wallet during dinner that i found out i've left with the 10buck and not 50..
well i really felt shocked and sad after that. the only thing that comforted me is when i tink about how i did not try to "covet" that 40bucks and keep for my own as i tot i gave out a 10.
the most memorable thing my daddee told me during my primary school days is during a bus journey to church. my bus card didnt have anymore money in it. so i just sneak pass the bus driver and went to sit.
daddee caught me after that and ask whether i paid for the journey. i told him i didnt cos my card didnt have anymore value in it.
he told me very sternly that we should not be dishonest for this kind of little things. becos its this kind of little things that people survive and feed their family with. and they are earning an honest living.
so he gave me a dollar coin to pay for my trip.
and i've always noticed he always pay the 10-20cents requirement for using some of the toilets even when the attendant isnt there. which greatly makes me admire him alot becos i myself too, sometimes did not give.
i bet there are some parents which will tell the child to go shortcuts in life.
its this kind of little things that really affect a child's behavior in the future. magnificent or memorable things will forever hang on their head, be it good or bad.
Created at 10:12 PM
| Thursday, June 28, 2007
rice has been my staple food for today. which isnt good at all ;/
economic rice for lunch and chicken rice + rice for dinner..
dinner isnt exactly filling except near the fact that im feeling pukey right now cos of rice and more rice with just 5 strips of chicken flesh.
so fast and its 8pm liao. have to sleep at 10 i tink, becos im feeling quite tired playing game the whole day.
Miss Ning just msn-ed me during work. i was surprised to receive her msg cos i didnt expect her to actually remember me. prolly she was bored. asked whether am i going back to BLSS on 7th july for some alumni gathering or carnival.
honestly i wasnt really interested. yes secondary was fun for me to a certain extent but that was all in the past. so long in the past. and there wasnt really anybody i wanted to meet after such a long time.
i wasnt particularly interested too in meeting the person which i've fancied for a whole 4 years.
neither will the teachers remember me at all. BLSS choir has fallen from its former glory ever since my seniors left. yes, it has fallen during my era and is probably worse than the "disbanded" TAF club.
honestly i find that MOE disbanding TAF clubs is a absolutely wrong choice. i've personally found the club helping me to cut down cos i wasnt really belonging to the extreme ones that i've saw, so that gave me the motivation to get out of TAF club totally.
for this whole post, it will solely be my opinion.
so those fat kids said that being in TAF club is shameful. shameful meh? if u really scared shameful then do something about it and with the club's activities like running during breaks, u will sure at least maintain or cut down.
some even complained that after the recess run, they could not find time to eat. dude, run faster and u will find ureself enough time to eat like me. or best, just dun eat and talk to some girls or ogle at girls with ure best fren.
"ppl call me fat.." the reason they laugh at u is becos they see u as a person. do u tink they will run to pig farms and laugh "eeeeee so fat!" at all the pigs?
i've known plump frens too. they arent ashamed but somehow they dun see the need to cut lol.
"since we also not motivating, then might as well scrape the whole thing" ya. scrape so u can eat more during breaks? or u dun even have to do any WALKING at all?
its totally spoiling the kids man.
next time go NS how? "aiya.. i run also fail one. we country small also. might as well scrape the whole NS thing"
U WAIT AH! slowly wait.
its like training the kids to do roundabouts than to tackle the problem at its source. its like changing the environment to suit YOU. Even if the parents dote the kids and pump coke to them like water torture during the WW2 days, doing something like TAF clubs let them noe that they are not having a free rein.
alright thats all for today's post. i shall have to bathe and snuggle my lovely soft cotton bolster. P.S cotton is heavier and snugglier than a polyester fibre one.
Created at 7:43 PM
| Wednesday, June 27, 2007
today's dinner was quite ex for me lol. alright i wont elaborate anymore.
nth much to blog about these days.
i was kinda shocked when i heard the news of Chris Benoit dying. suicide somemore. his one of my favourite wrestlers and his matches with Kurt Angle are the best.
well.. i still have his WWE deck with me LOL. a keepsake i supposed. didnt expect him to die faster than Undertaker
i feel so poor now. i dun wan to go back to 3 digits!!
big meals coming up - sunday dinner with whole family with me treating somewhere in the "near" future dinner with sok and peg. how near i do not noe lol.
Created at 10:42 PM
felt kinda elated now.
mummiee had invited all our church frens from the previous estate we had stayed in - Ghim Moh estate.
most of them are well over the 40s or prolly going 60s
i missed them too. when i was still young or when i was borned, i've known them and got much of their care and concern for our family. a group of jolly ppl they are.
auntie lucy and uncle richard - they are sorta like the leader of the group
auntie germaine - active in the church and has a old mother which mummiee had taken care of during her younger days
auntie susan - mummiee's lookalike. very close fren of hers
auntie doris - used to play with her son when i was young. she loves dancing and singing and often drags mummiee to go for community centre singing sessions
auntie nancy - mummiee's 1st godma. a passive and kind hearted woman.
1 uncle and 1 auntie - i've forgotten their names but are also involved in activities.
they really made themselves at home. asking me to set up the karaoke system for them and helping out with cooking and setting up the tablewares and so on. brought roast duck and roast meat too.
i still vaguely rmbs the time we spent praying rosary or having advent meetings and reflections. during those days i was often "forced" by mummiee to follow her for prayers.
now i feel, its kinda sweet to be involved in a group of jolly ppl so that during ure older days gathering, u would not be so lonely. this is probably one of the advantages of being active in church i believe. the community really makes it worthwhile.
i still rmb the last week during our stay in GhimMoh before we moved to Jurong, we went for the prayer and some of mummiee's frens even cried. they together chipped in and bought a huge "Holy Family" plaque for us. i supposed it costs at least 300bucks for that
and of cos the best pleasures of life is having a group of ppl who noes how to cook and ppl who enjoys eating as much as u do.
well just a note to all the younsters out there *coughcough* dun be too active in ure work and neglect the ppl whom u noe will become ure lifelong supportive frens. probably its still too early to noe ure lifelong frens yet but if u dun try, probably there wont be any?
alright.. that is a note for me too.
i should look for a lifelong partner soon. buddybuddy!
Created at 1:35 PM
| Saturday, June 23, 2007
yst went out after dinner.
"friday night leh! must go out one!" as quoted from Ken.
after work, went with suling and ken to simlim to get some PC stuff. i felt kinda ripped off from the sound card i bought. 20bucks for it. a brandless one somemore..
then ken and i had to RUSH and really i mean RUSH down to clarke quay's riverside indonesian restaurant to meet up with the EA ppl.
we both totally had no idea wat bus to take directly to clarke quay as we were late and quite panicky.
so he told me "851 may not go back the same way as we came"
"uh huh.." "lets go check out the directory at the bus top" he replied
and so in the end we took 851 which seemed to travel in circles around bugis.. quite nervous, i asked him where are we.
"oh.. this place is behind parco bugis. but i dunnoe whether this bus got go near clarke quay or even boat quay" "haaa? u mean u dunnoe where this bus is heading?!" he asked me, "u noe infront is where?" "im a totally town noob.. u can ask suling or jasmin."
yeah i admit im totally a noob. even when i go home from clarke quay to the Clarke Quay MRT i also do not noe where is it. had to follow Mark back to city hall MRT
at 1st he pointed somewhere when i 1st asked him "there! see the peninsula hotel? its over there nia" "uh... where?" "u go from here straight then turn then go along the road then...." i could not even trace or imagine wat he said since i really had no idea.
the streets may recognise me as their patron or even walked on them before but i simply did not have the knowledge to piece together all the different images of the road i visited in Town area.
i noe where is Cineleisure in Orchard road but i could not piece together the information needed to travel there. like its behind or opposite some building. but i could not even rmb wat building is before or around it..
i guess im just not cut out for being a navigator without a map, or simply the reason i did not travel around in Town often like CentralGirl79 do.
the dinner was so-so. food is nice but not worth the 25bucks.. poor jasmin even apologise becos of the price difference. ah well, dun be scared ^^ im not that particular about money.
all of us, Victor sei/lim, wang, tuckyee, chin ang, rizal, mark, ken, roland, mabeline, jasmin, gilly, kl, the new QA lead were heading to the pub called 1nitestand or something. One Night Stand.
the pub was quite crowded. yes i was standing there. and i figured out if i stay in the pub for a night, i will be standing for a night. so much for "1 night stand" LOL
i didnt accept alcohol when jasmin offered it to me is becos i didnt wan to spend anymore money for the night lol XD so sorry.
the live band there is REALLY GOOD! the instruments there made my house subwoofer sound like a little cat's miao.
wats most important is the long hair malay guy. he really made us all entertained. not with his non-witty jokes but the way he enjoys himself on stage performing with his band for us. instead of standing there and just playing the percussion/singing/drums/guitar, he has shown us many aspect of wat he can "express" with all his actions
i truly enjoyed watching the live band. oh ya, the girl has nice voice too in relation to the type of songs she sing.
Created at 8:44 AM
| Thursday, June 21, 2007
i woke up at 6am and sorta still felt tired so i went back to sleep.
encountered this really scary dream.
dreamt that i went to malaysia with mummiee and some of her frens. for wat reason i do not really noe. then we took a bus to this 2-3star hotel and stay. some how this hotel is kinda small but crowded with ang mohs
then we went into the room to stay and just placed our luggage on the table. somehow the lights seem to flicker and then the windows creak.
i told mummiee about it but she kinda ignore me and ask me to take our luggage and we will go outside. i was still feeling sleepy in my dream.
then we took our luggage and went outside the hotel and turned left and walk along this fenced up area with an opening. of cos u can expect many creeper plants to be along and up the fence. it was like an empty carpark inside the enclosed area.
somehow that opening seems to be like the entrance or wat.
so i placed the luggage on the floor and leaned against it. mummiee told me to sleep and i was thinking "tml need to go work.. will i rush back in time? bah just take unpaid leave and tell suling i need to bring someone to see the doctor"
and so i fell asleep.
suddenly in my dream's dream, i suddenly felt seizures around my head. i tot its lack of oxygen or numbness. but suddenly i open my eyes dreamily i can see something blurry and transparent hugging my eyes like trying to prevent me from seeing. and from the transparency i can see the empty carpark thru the opening, become a crowded place with a temple and some ppl selling fruits. and alot of ppl walking here and there.
but thats not the problem. its the way the transparent hands were harrassing my head. there were like 2-6 hands or so. and they were hugging my head so tight that at some places of my head went like numb. then 1 or 2 hands will be rubbing my hair left and right and across my cheek. aiya just plainly harrassing.
i was scared and frightened. but to my surprise, i did not cry or yet scream or freak out or run around.
i suddenly rmb of Jesus and my religion of cos. then i start praying the Rosary in bits and pieces since i was half frightened and half trying to keep calm. somehow the hands seem to be more frantic and start molesting my head hard and fast
and so i pick up my luggage and look thru the opening - still the same view
so i wondered where is mummiee while still praying. and i walk back to the hotel with a "turban" feeling on my head
as i leave the fencing area, suddenly i woke up. yes in real life.
and after blogging all these, im pretty sure suling will ask "u talking about which head?"
Created at 7:07 AM
nonsense you talking.
these words are so sharp and precise. ya i've been talking nonsense all my life. thank you
truly madly deeply
Created at 10:38 PM
yes.. i feel so sian now. every weekday i will have to think of wat to eat for dinner. will either just go straight home and rot/dig out any canned food to eat or travel somewhere else for dinner.
its just so sad to not find anyone waiting for u at home with food. especially when work is quite boring to the point i need to cheer myself up with food. i couldnt do anything FUN at all without sound card! bah!
the dinner yesterday was really great.
I've never imagined food-tasting session is so grand. all u need to do is sit there and wait. they will bring the dish in and show it to u. after that, they will divide int portions and serve u straight.
never felt so pampered besides the days when i fell ill.
of cos, if anyone of u do have food-tasting sessions which i could join, do let me noe! i dun mind tasting food =)
from the amount of money i calculated after hearing bits and pieces of all about the wedding, one would probably need about 50-70k to get married. ya and thats without a house to stay. well, mummiee told me that if the girl doesnt mind in sharing the bill as in shares the burden, the male would probably be less stressful and drops lesser hair.
but i would not always expect my future wife to be rich. besides, it has always been the wife that holds the backup money for the family.
and theres really much things to do!
from offering tea to wedding mass to flower decorations to choir/altar boys/priest/church to invitation card for church wedding and buffet to wedding mass booklet to marriage photographer for the day to gown and suit to wedding dinner venue to dinner menu to price hagging to invitation and sitting arrangement to invitation card for dinner to usherers to MCs/organiser
and lastly to ure wife.
Created at 7:36 PM
its late now. and im waaaay past my bed time :/
went to food-tasting session with whole family at Rendevous Hotel. of cos sis is getting married.
i hope i will blog tml. stay tuned.
bolster time!
Created at 11:40 PM
| Saturday, June 16, 2007
everyone sure does have their trouble with colleagues at work.
went out with mummiee and auntie anna for dinner after church evening mass. and so, i went to my usual silence and listened at what they have to say.
ah yes. its the common chat of work whenever ppl get together. work will normally relate to the ppl that u encounter especially if u've worked together before.
just like how the nie-family never leave the conversation and haunts us like a ghost whenever the EA team meets up for dinner.
today's afternoon nap is especially refreshing. i've not had any naps in the afternoon ever since last sunday :/
amazing! Wii can surf the net! even surf things like blog, youtube, crunchyroll and all i bet u couldnt play Granado Espada on Wii
Created at 9:20 PM
i wish i can be absolute about some things. more hard hearted?
i've probably inherited this kind of attitude from my mum. too peace loving to start a real war. everything also ok ok. angry and went to sleep to find out once i wake up, things went back to normal even my feelings.
i wan things to remain as this way but when at times things go wrong, i'm too wobbly to do anything big and serious.
i really have low patience these days. patience is still not a word for a description of me. i could have high tolerance (due to the fact that i sleep and wake up feeling good) but no patience.
probably its the time of the month. again. abit sad.
Created at 7:07 AM
ni hao.
it has been a period of chinese games for me ever since last week. supposedly.. oh well i guess its not good to talk about work here. LETS talk about ppl instead!
nie-san has been quite bad mood in the morning. threw her lanyard on the table with a crash and went to fish for her logitech mouse which she "claims" to be better than the office mouse. often sees her banging it or using it roughly. so sad. of cos i felt sad for Logitech's mouse.
suling took MC today. like wat ken said, once in 500years. i told him if she is quite ill and takes 2 days MC, that will be once in 500x500years to get 2 MCs in a row.
well, we had lots of chat today. since i had no one to talk to except him. nie-san of cos is always listening and sniggers when we said anything weird. i'm surprised ken's felt surprised that his taste for girls is quite similar to mine. and he spent quite awhile showing me some females on korean dramas and asking are they my type. ah.. i hate to break it to him but honestly that is wrong.
of cos the theory of decent comes again. but how do u noe whether a girl is decent w/o knowing her well? its not the matter of looks isnt really convincing.
but .. i would like a girl more if i know her better and more than another girl whom is prettier than her and yet unknown to me.
ken even brought me to the wedding dress shop near our workplace during lunch. he was telling me those wedding gowns are really nice in this shop.
often ppl say my expectations are high but its really not the case. to be pretty in my eyes while being a stranger, u got to really be pretty or attractive.
and so we were discussing more on that until nie-san suddenly butt in and say something (i forgot the exact words) tell ken to start following the trend. wah suddenly we both kept quiet. its not wrong at all to have ure own preferences. and wats wrong with not following the trend?!
trends are actually "preferences propaganda"
so theres still the possibility that nie-san could be a very virtuous girl at home. if that is so, i will swallow her Logitech mouse.
Created at 8:05 PM
watched the Sinking of Japan dvd with the my parents just now.
the story is quite nice except that the visuals is almost identical to Volcano or any typical "OMG DISASTER" muvees.
so wat is the story about?
it appears that somewhere south of Japan have a major something (very chim term) which causes the crust to overlap each other with 1 side sinking in. picture it?

starting some american scientists told the government of japan that "ohh ure gonna sink in 40years time."
and then some "main char" scientist went to research more and found some 20million years ago rock which is found when japan is still in Eurasia. this rock is probably some remnants of the bacteria eating the crust and thus the rock floats up to shore.
as the crust goes down and cramps together, magma will automatically be forced out. imagine how u squeeze a pimple, thats how it is.
so he calculate and found that actually in 300+ days, japan will be GONE! poof! no more jap meidos for clement. no more jap anime. no more!
one part which i found it strange is, why did they add some love story to it? wats more is sad story which the boy died to save japan. alright.. some spice. everyone started evacuating and bla bla bla story goes on.
how is the country saved? the scientist gave a very nice example in the show.
picture this.
put 1 long rectangular sheet of newspaper underneath alot of dishes on the table. leave some part of the newspaper out of the table. when u pull the newspaper everything goes along with it right? BUT when u poke holes in a row along where the newspaper is being pulled, the newspaper will break free.
EUREKA! thats how u save japan.
then they went to loan all the drillships in the world to drill dunnoe how many hundreds/thousands of holes all along the stretch of the sea. and then placed some "N2" bombs into the shaft which will have to explode simultaneously to achieve the results.
somehow the IGNITER bomb of all the bombs fell into one of the trench. the main char (one of the lover) volunteered to do it with a mini single-manned submarine to retrieve the igniter and place it back into the shaft. supposedly the submarine can make it but with the sinking of the crust, the depth of the trench is MUCH more lower than wat the submarine can withstand.
so u guessed it right. the boy retrieve it (this part is most exciting) and placed it into the shaft but found out the submarine has no more power left to go back up and stays with the bomb.
the stretch of bombs exploded (this part is extremely spectacular!) and the family featured in the show (related to the female of the couple) are saved.
Created at 9:23 PM
| Saturday, June 09, 2007
went for church just now.
the priest told a very good story which i shall share with u ppl.
once there was a mango tree in a certain backyard of a poor family. the family gave birth to a boy and as the boy grew to a little kid, he always played with the mango tree, climbing and down and often fell on the grass with the mango tree comforting him.
soon, the boy grew up and and could not climb the tree anymore. the mango tree felt sad. but the boy will still talk to the tree at times.
one day the boy came and tell the mango tree that he could not play with her anymore as he needs to earn money for the family. the mango tree felt worse but offered to give him the mangoes on her branches which he can sell for some money.
then as the boy gets married and have a wife, he told the mango tree that he needed to build a house in which the mango tree again offered to give her branches to the boy to build a house. the boy thanked her and went ahead to cut the branches off.
after that, he wanted to build a boat to bring his family out on a trip but could find no materials. again, the mango tree offered him her trunk in which can be used to build a boat. the man gladly accepted and proceed to cut the tree even though she screamed when he did that.
the mango tree remained a stump throughout the years. the boy is now an old man and came back to find her. the boy told him that he is tired and wishes to rest in which the mango tree had nothing left to offer except a stump for him to sit on. the boy sat on the tree and talked to her for a long time.
after awhile, the boy died. and the mango tree had given herself to him ever since he was a boy.
touching eh?
i wonder how many readers dislike the way i write about daily affairs.
i believe my words/text brings lots of double meanings and sarcasm which might exercise ure brain a little. or probably it might be unneccesary. but still i find it fun to project myself as like that.
projector! beam u ah!
yst's dinner was GREAT! probably one of the best korean food i've eaten. not to forget that i dun really eat korean food often
the place is Awon Korean Restaurant at Excelsior Hotel, 5 Coleman Street(next to peninsular hotel) 11am-3pm & 6pm-11pm.
the normal ordering of food is quite nice but we didnt try that.
upon ken's recommendation, we went for the steamboat buffet. there isnt really alot of things for us in a buffet but even so, the food is fabulous. the soup rocks, the beef rocks as well as the ppl that ate with me :D
ken claimed the beef and pork cannot make it but me, suling and jasmin in the end found out the beef is the best.
all they had was an assortment of appetizers, beef, chicken, pork, shredded cabbage, carrot, tang hoon, mushroom, soup, prawns and rice. not very worth it if u wanna chiong for variety but is good if u wan a simple meal. thanks ken for the treat!
after that we went walking and arrived at Eski Bar in Boat Quay.
i cant really take alcohol well, so i drank only 1/3 of a cup. the place is quite chilly especially in the cold room (i would love to stay there longer). but elsewhere out of the cold room, the place is filled with smoke as in cigarette smoke. many times i almost choked when breathing. i definitely do not like smoke.
and probably will ask jasmin to bring me to Number 5 for a walk next time. went home on a cab with ken. after he arrived at commonwealth, the journey went haywire.. not to say i have baddest luck with taxi drivers. oh this one is quiet and doesnt talk much but his driving skills is really bad. i felt really nauseous as he speeds through the road cutting lanes and overtaking ppl.
his driving reminds me of playing Popkart or Daytona in my kind of skills except he did not banged into anything except for 1 ocassion where he almost crushed into another car on the expressway.
Created at 9:12 PM
| Thursday, June 07, 2007
few days ago was a real shock.
i was kinda half rotting in company when i saw Dora's MSN as online. so i decide to have some chat with her.
i went "mei nu" in her msn
suddenly her msn went offline.
i knew she didnt hate me for calling her sweet stuff and not a reason to go offline like that. unless.. she is in the middle of teaching.
and so i went to lunch feeling uncomfortable until she came online and told me wat had happened.
i was kinda half shock and felt very apologetic becos of the embarrassment i've made her bear.
but u see no matter how aged u are, its always very sweet to noe someone calling u nice things. i wouldnt really mind though i might get too high over it.
well, she was quite ok with it and accepted my apologies. but since i couldnt see her face, i could not determine was she still angry or grinning ear to ear =/ of cos i wish for the latter.
and so i wonder why do ppl say "aw! u are so sweet!" i dun mean aw as in the surname Aw but auuuuwwww or something. why do they use sweet? probably due to many ppl liking sweet things?
but i like salty food as well as fried.
"omg! u are so fried and salty!"
and i cant imagine why they call girls as hot. the nearest reason i can come up with is that they are nervous and perspires when near the "hot" girls.
"look! i can fry an egg on that hot girl!"
but somehow i feel "hot" isnt such a nice word afterall. things like calling a girl a chick is like telling her "u will grow into a chicken soon!"
"decent" is always a nice, polite word i tink instead of the common CHIO which many many and i say again, many little kids use that w/o knowing the real meaning of it.
chio is meant for girls who are HIAO. vanity/slutty/skin-revealer/adultress? something like that or close to that.
a girl who is pretty/beautiful by nature even without the use of clothings are not to be described as chio but swee(good/nice) or ngia(good-looking) or tiam(sweet) or in my special case, kiam(salty)
oh yeah, incase u do feel im perverted in saying "without the use of clothings", its my way of thinking. i personally feel, clothings not only make you feel covered and keep u warm but they also beatifies a person. mainly seeing how a person is dressed u can see wat kind of person they are.
are they the monotonous ppl? (wears the same jacket 100% of the time) are they the heck-care ppl? (wears slippers to work) or are they the "chio" ppl? (here short, there short)
a decent looking girl will look just as great on any clothing without having to resort to means of showing off flesh to torture young minds like me.
Created at 8:57 PM
everytime i take the morning train, i get so fustrated that i feel like jumping off the train.
everywhere i turn my head, there is girls/ladies wearing either revealing or their figure is just too nice till dunnoe how to say
its like putting a hungry wolf in a place full of sheep and is trying to be a vegetarian =/
some will say - good wat! can look! please. 1. u cant look openly. 2. ure not entitled to look. 3. seeing more will only increase temptation. 4. temptation more = suffering great when u have to resist it.
i often have to either use another person's body to block the view OR close my eyes and act dead.
so some female readers will surely say - eee why u so erxin biantai one..
i dun blame God, but God makes it so that every male born child is installed with a certain Operating System that just work that way.
and so, 1 operating system is supposed to be very attracted to the other.
yes depending on circumstances, some operating systems might malfunction or is corrupted into another new type. worse still, some might even install new OS and remove the default one.
alright.. if males arent attracted to females, u might find the world population isnt that huge anymore. probably some other species would have owned the world and hunt humans as game.
and its also surprising that the ladies wear little and yet do not want ppl to see. its either they are really proud of wat they have and just wanna show off (but still doesnt wan ppl to see) or they wanna hope that some handsome males will notice her.
yeah its like striking lottery. u can't blame if some pre-NSMen is looking at u and u didnt like it nor can u blame old man from dripping saliva from in between their teeth.
if one day, God decides and tell me that if i do not do this or this i will be condemned for life in a train full of ladies like that, i will probably just agree to watever conditions he sets.
Created at 8:09 PM
 an ancient pic i went to dig up.
lol this is one of the advantage of not packing ure things. 1stly, u keep and keep and keep. im sure things like "oh gosh! i shouldnt have threw it away!" happened in ure life.
same with me. every time i pack my bag, i will take out my ancient plasters and files and unwanted papers. but end up i have to buy a new box of plasters everytime i get hurt, or couldnt find any pieces of rough papers when i needed it so.
and then, everytime u pack ure things and u needed them back, u got to dig them out again. Ah~ wat troublesome factor!
the only reason i pack things is when i find things are too messy and looks ugly.
wat a laz-er (lazy-er) attitude.
Created at 7:36 AM
| Saturday, June 02, 2007
i'm feel lazy today.
quite glad i can sleep afternoon nap when i wan to. and i really hate to feel the strain of trying to wake up during work.
but the weather is so warm, i could not really get some quality sleep w/o perspiring..
i was unusually pissed at something mummiee have unknowningly did to me. i guess a person starts working and sees all the little things that starts to wear off a person's patience.
went to return the graduation robes on friday. its at potong pasir and is at serangoon. so farrr! if not for the return of deposit of 50dollars, i would not have gone there! they should have chosen somewhere more central. somewhere like outram for instance. i mean why go for a shop thats so near to NYP and not SP? and so i went to toa payoh after that for some grocery shopping. a huge pasar malam was beside the bus interchange and here, i wonder on another thing.
im sure many ppl have notice the 3-4 ramly burgers, 3-4 fried food sellers, 2-3 nasi lemak store, 1-2 taiwanese fried chicken cutlets. it kinda reminds me of syndicate lol. yeah i noe they just wanna earn more bucks. but isnt it abit exaggerating? its like having 3 giodano and 4 hangtens in 1 shopping mall.
well, for ramly's i believe they did that to spread the crowd out amongst the different setups.
but wat about the shark fin soup?!
Created at 9:07 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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