| Wednesday, May 30, 2007
so.. frenster brings me to another topic which is MSN.
how many contacts do u have on MSN? and how often do u really will find them for a short chat?
i remember the days when i have like 15 contacts and a fren having like 50+ i reached 50 and he/she reached like 200 or so.
and so i wonder is it another marathon of adding frens?
but i found out, hey! i got so much contacts that sometimes i do have a hard time in finding ppl. so i went to explore the power of grouping ppl.
yes. the very same way of looking at ppl with colored glasses. so i came up with things like "best fren", "good fren", "fren", "not so fren"
and i found out tons of ppl are actually belonging to the group "fren" and a few only in the first two category. so i remade it again. into my own customization.
however i do have a few suggestions for u ppl - "Humans", "Animal", "Demons", "Reptiles" and so on.
of cos, if u do have ure supervisor or boss' contact too they should belong to the "Celestial Beings" category, should they ever see ure MSN contacts.
Created at 9:18 PM
pardon me but i find frenster .. a really waste of web space.
the real purpose of frenster is to make frens? but how does looking at a fren's fren's fren's fren photo shows whether are they that good of a fren? and a suitable one for u.
a sociable havoc girl can have a few frenster account with 500 frens in them, and may not be a good fren. clubbing frens for instance.
u add frens easier than registering for a free online game. u add frens easier than packing my own bag which still contains the plasters which soksok loves u add frens easier than deciding wat to eat for dinner with a group of Real Life frens. most importantly, u add frens easier than u lose them.
why? cos there might not even be a chance to meet ure frenster frens.
testimonials? no one will ever allow BAD testimonials on their frenster accounts do they?
"omg! ure the 1st fren that ever gave me such an impression that u really sucks!!!"
BANNED! i dun fren u anymore, delete and block MSN
look at pichas?
forrrrrrr wat unless ure stalking like szesze sensei then u will probably thank frenster and the girl that uploads 50photos on frenster.
its not like i dunnoe how sokpeng or clement look like. besides, they have all reached a stage where they wont really change much. apart from playing with rubberbands with teeth
Created at 8:47 PM
damn. the grad pics is out now. i look so sick i feel that im spoiling the pic.
wat a waste.

well this is the few best i could pick out.. the rest u can see beads of perspiration on me or my face being too pale or i couldnt stand straight.

our terrapin on its bed.
Created at 8:34 PM
these days, i've been hearing about how evil villains have thrashed ppl's life. especially the "nie" ppl.
wats more, im seated beside a "nie" during my work. wont talk bad things about her in this blog since i dun really wanna defame her that badly. as of yet.
well, i've met my evil villain today during lunch with mummiee at the market coffeeshop.
since mummiee and me didnt have much appetite to eat, she ordered a ban mian she knew she will never finish and i ordered just a fish burger from a westernfood store.
so she gave up eating even before i finished half of my burger. and she sorta just rest her chopsticks on top of the bowl in a nice manner not like norman XD who just stick it into the bowl.
then the cleaner auntie came.
she took the tray that mummiee put aside. (nvm taking trays is normal)
she pointed at the platelet of chilli that comes with the ban mian and asks "yao bu yao" (lets just assume we have not yet finish our lunch and she just take off ppl's chilli??)
then mummiee told her to just take it. next she pointed with her index finger at the ban mian mummiee have eaten 1/4 only. is it natural to even ATTEMPT to take ppl's food though its not even 1/2 finished? i bet she dun love the bowls/plates that kiat have said about some waitresses do, but she definitely love leftover food.
mummiee just shrugged and told her to take it away. i was quite fuming already. i held up my burger to eat. thats the way to eat a burger isnt it??
she pointed with her index finger yet again on my plate and say "yao bu yao" i was really pissed that i just looked at her and she seem to install the malware that i've sent to her. finally she left us.
please. my burger isnt even half eaten. and i dun intend to eat it all while holding it on my hands.
wat a stupid attitude. its not like ure gonna get some hardworkng award of the year or wat. SLACK LA! we visit ure workplace to find some food to eat and slack. give ureself some time to slack and only come to us after we leave.
i absolutely see no reason to do that while ppl is enjoying their food. its not even an excuse when the place is crowded.
Created at 8:53 PM
it has been a series of unfortunate events for us.
1st it was me who have food poisoning, numbness, cold and migraine. im mostly cured then it was daddee with one of his eye infected. he is cured too
today i came home to find mummiee actually had the same rubbish i got in the morning!! so poor her. her supervisor even told her to go back to work though she have a MC. i was really furious. but also appeased a little to noe she did not agree to go.
just now daddee came home with the other eye infected, probably ran from 1 eye to the other.
poor us.
Created at 10:06 PM
thanks for all the concerns that ppl have showered me with.
especially of those that came from my family. although sometimes we hardly talk much, but during this period they showed me love and concern.
felt quite fine now. except for some "unknown" ache around my neck/shoulder till the lower back of my head which causes me to feel giddy and disoriented at times. besides that, i also do have lots of wind in my stomach due to the medicine i ate. was forced to let go during my sleep! XD cos my tummy will hurt if i kept it in.
theres still many things to catch up on. sleep is not a problem as im getting alot of it now since i do really wan to get well fully. slept at 9pm yst
poor daddee. he came down with a sore eye just 1 day after my illness. now he couldnt even open that eye. its a day of MC for him too.
i do get sickness too but thats pretty rare, rarer than dark ritual hunting XD. so once i got it, i will feel very uncomfortable as im not used to it.
i just didnt like the way that i've just started working and i have to fall sick. neither taking MC nor going to work is good options.
Created at 6:37 AM
| Wednesday, May 23, 2007
the past 2 days have been really uncomfortable for me. on tuesday morning 4am, i started to throw up and having discomfort in my tummy. with muscle aches all over i feel like a jelly.
then i decide that its time to ask either one of my parent to bring me to see a doc becos theres graduation during the evening and i dun tink i can make it till then.
at the market area, we couldnt find any 24hr clinic and the earliest one opens at 9am. and it was only 6 then. so we took a bus 99 and go polyclinic.
i really dislike the polyclinic system. 1stly the aircon is really blasting cold. and i was only in shorts and t-shirt. and they only open at 8am so i had to wait there in real discomfort.
then after getting a number, u got to wait for ure turn before they direct u to the room number where u can see a doctor. i waited 20minutes outside the doctor's room. after the doctor, the doctor told me to go yet another room to receive my treatment cos i told them i really wan an injection if that is a faster solution to end my pain. so its another 20minutes outside the room.
hey! im one of the 1st one there but yet still got to wait. becos of the whole 40minutes of waiting, there are lots of ppl at the pharmacy where u wait yet again to collect ure medicine. it may seem quite ok if ure not in discomfort, but for a person who is, those time waiting is hellish.
so i came back home and fell on the bed almost numb. my limbs were cold and my body is burning. i bet i must have caught a cold during the polyclinic trip. so wat now? after solving the tummy ache, now i got a serious cold. this time its just as bad. becos i still have not yet fully recovered, the cold is really painful for me.
and so i forced myself to sleep till the time come when we have to prepare to go SP for the graduation ceremony. the cold have subsided slightly and the tummy problem almost gone. but now i have a splitting headache during the ceremony. and i was feeling cold too in the convention centre.
after the ceremony, my parents are meeting my sis and bro-in-law for dinner at crystal jade. so they asked me along since its supposed to be a celebration for me. but yet i rejected them and asked them to go on ahead as i need to go back home and rest.
once home i took a bath and took a bet on eating panadol extra. im not sure if the panadol will clash with the medicine im taking but i really need the panadol to kill off the headache. the headache is making me lose or dull my senses.
for the past 36hours.. i've only eaten 1 piece of bread and i dun even feel hungry. its amazing till now i dun feel hungry at all.
u noe, i've learnt something from this.
last time i always tot being sick can cut off a few KGs and it might be good to go sick once in a while. but after this encounter, no chance will i wanna go sick again!!
i didnt even feel like doing anything else besides resting and sleeping and do nth. i've slept last night a total of 11hours.. i feel quite happy to be able to sleep that much from 730 till 630. though i keep waking up in between, i felt time really passes by slowly and i really enjoyed the time resting though my head still feels goggy as of now.
my neck till the back of my head still feels very stiff. and my reaction is still slow but nonetheless, its much better since yst.
i need to get well. i've got alot of things to do now including working.
Created at 6:58 AM
now from the 1am posts to the 6am posts..
how tiring! for the 1st time in many months, i'm "forced" to wake up before the Sun. its normally either its too warm or nature's call that wakes me up even when its dark outside.
still yawning as of now. its expected ever since so long ago when im supposed to go EA at the 10th with the nick yawnerer.
yes.. many have been wondering why do i wake up at 6am today.
its mainly becos i dun always like to wake up and bathe and then go for work straight. yes i do catch more sleep that way, but i will be in danger of being late if i loiter at the PC.
i rmb the days of internship at EA where i wake up at 4am just to do some daily gaming and breakfast with some bits of exercise and even anime before going to work. of cos im have to sleep at around 8-9pm for that.
in fact, that way its much healthier in my opinion. its always best to sleep before 10 and wake up early before the sun rise at 6. its also best to kickstart ure day with breakfast which many will skip due to lack of time? yup, snuggle some bolster before going to work is also the best.
yawned at least 10 times during blogging.
i guess it should take a few more days to adjust back to working life. in preparation for NS life too.
Created at 6:06 AM
today is a slacking day for me.
nuff said. going to work is like going back to school after a long holiday.. those dreaded moments. of cos back to school isnt such a bad thing. 1st of all, u get to see ure frens again before school starts. 2nd, u can start cursing when u get the .. dreaded .. teachers which u dun like. 3rd, u can see the girl that u have secretly admired once more.
today went to order new specs. its not that i wan but i need a black plastic one for NS. eeee so orh biang lor.
and so i asked the specs-maker when is my last visit. he told me its 2003... i AM really surprised that in 4 years of computer course and gaming and bad lighting, my degree only increased by 25?
well, the only bad habit that i stopped is reading books while lying on bed.
and so.. tonight will be the last night i'm able to sleep late.
Created at 9:41 PM
today is a very very happy day for me. joyous!
1st off, 10tacles agreed to accept me. so im officially working on monday the 21st. and have to take a leave on tuesday... for my graduation ceremony. 1 day work! lol
i was quite surprised when the phone rang with the number 6222xxxx. if soksok rmb, alpha plus also start with 6222.. very very er xin that number! brings back very scary memories. of cos that only occurs for the group leader =( and so, the HR manager talked to me about blablabla things and so like that.
oh yes. i would urge blogreaders to keep this to themselves for now. cos i dun wan let EA to noe about this as of yet until im really into the job on monday.
and flowers are really great thing i must say! dun ask me how i get it or why its there

just enjoy the view. as i look closely, i learnt some new things. - they are the prettiest part of plants. - they give off nice scent. - they are pleasing to the eye. - colorful. - flowers can really make a person happy if given at the right time. - a ring often comes with flowers XD that is besides the point.
of cos my dear one, u are like flowers to me. (note the mushiness) - u are the prettiest one of all the girls - ure hair gives off nice scent. - u are pleasing to the eye. - u give off radiance. - u can make me happy if u'd just look at me and give me confidence. - (it is not responsible to be talking about rings now)
Created at 10:36 PM
| Wednesday, May 16, 2007
HOORAY HOORAY the blogpost is back to normal!! time to open some champagne and celebrate!
meanwhile im blogging while waiting mummiee for news on dinner location. she is using ultra... short-form language now. here's her sms - "2nite 2 u 1 2 join me 4 dinner?"
i've cooked a pot of greenbeansoup as a surprise for daddee and mummiee.
its my very first attempt at that after hearing some theory-based short description of how-to's by them.
wash some green beans - if u love more "things" to bite, then more beans. ilovethem
then wash them 3-5 times and rinsing the water away.
add in half a pot of water and add in 2 porcelain soup spoon. the reason is very bizarre as the porcelain soup spoons are used to make the greenbeans softer while cooking.
bring the whole pot to boil. and then add rock sugar, sago and dried orange skin.
rocksugar can be purchased in most places.
sago too.
u can make dried orange skin ureself. just eat an orange, keep the skin and sun-dry it. keep in a box and in the refrigerator. u can add a little plum powder if u wanna eat it like that.
well.. today i meant to cooked half a pot. but end up it became a full pot becos i added too much beans *i tink* and toooo much rock sugar. i didnt noe rock sugar is just that sweet. end up, i have to pump the pot with water..
great! subarashi! it taste just like mummiee's one. the good thing about soup-based stuff is, u can always add water and boil again!
Created at 4:16 PM
everything is still out of shape in blogger posting =/
went for the interview at 10tacles today.
ownage! the place looks so much different from EA. honestly, the EAQA department looks a little like a TV, Hi-Fi, VCR repair shop on 1st sight. alright, i wouldn't describe the pantry in 10t much though. its really comfy.
a twin-seating sofa with a big TV and XBox, XBox360, PS2, PS3, Wii.. and a "help ureself" refrigerator with lots of canned drinks in it. 2 toilets in the pantry. espresso coffee maker.
yeah most importantly, some of the ppl there are frenly. the only gloomy one i've seen there is Pooh.
and so after the interview, im required to do some "QA" test. i was allowed to play a game in the final build but it still contains some gameplay bugs. so im supposed to dig them out in 45minutes or so.
actually, i would have more confidence if i didnt noe my competitor is mabby.
and then i visited suling and we went to botak jones with szesze and jassy for dinner. honestly, do not order the LARGE fish and chips. its too much fish. and too fried and too dry. the fish is quite nice really. just that too much of it, turns my mouth really dry like a desert.
fish soup with mian xian is probably more owning *winks to soksok*
was really surprised that jassy took some presents as well with her. its from EAJ - EAJapan. for our performance in making SimCity NDS a "great" game. i didnt noe why its so famous or so anticipated that it got its sale target. oh yes, the present is a .. trophy? i dunnoe wats it is called.

of cos u might be wondering wats that wonderful snuggly thing behind the "plaque". of cos its my soft cotton bolsterrrr <3<3
i wonder wat shall i do tml? either visit jinyan or swimming or stay at home and game. maybe if i wake up early, i can cook some greenbeansoup! wahahaahah
Created at 10:46 PM
felt really disappointed when tuckyee called me to say the project from EA is extended YET another week. meaning im only needed from the previous previous agreed 10th to the 21st to now 28th.
im now more onto going to 10tacles for the job. but still there is a competitor! mabby also sent in her resume!!!
was rather a shock to me.. since she is like a person whom i've quite respect and is now trying to get into the same place as im. the bad part doesnt end there, 10tacles only needed 1 person.
Created at 1:07 AM
dunnoe wats wrong with blogger these days. the posting section is so screwed up.
anyways, it hasnt been a good experience.
kinda turned off right now. ah! i've to go for interview at 10tacles for the 3months job interview. i hope i can get it. but for another, i do not noe how to reject EA since i've already verbally agreed but have not yet signed any contract. but the job at 10tacles is giving more salary than EA.
so, how special is mothers day to u?
i feel this year..theres a different meaning. probably.
like for the rich, and i mean really rich like slacking at home and waiting for food. they could probably have a real mothers day. a full 24hour day. this year for me, i felt a little sad in the morning.
becos of church. yes saw the usual pretty girl and her whole family and the grandies. of cos even sitting beside me is a couple with 3 toddlers. so there is this part where the priests ask all the "mothers" to come forward to receive blessings.
and so, i began to think of my mummiee who couldnt attend the mass service becos she is working on the morning shift. yes sensible as i hope i can be, i still feel i missed her alot on tat moment.
slacked at home until dinner time when we go to lokyang for dinner. its unusually crowded there and food is delayed for an hour. mummiee isnt feeling well cos she explains the weather being warm and her workplace air-conditioned. daddee almost did his usual trick of ordering the food and refuse to admit he ordered the food becos he is so pissed with the delay.
it had to take me and sis to calm him down. "wats the point of doing that when finally they come and u refuse to eat? wait for suang? u can always do that another time"
and my brother-in-law is making me feel a little *something*. honestly i tink his idea of furniture designing is a flop.
1st of all, most ppl noe that he is a 3minute temperature person. 2ndly he have not thought hard enough to really become one. he told me he can use a blog to advertise his designing skills or join competition to get his website advertised. im not pouring cold water but he seemed to leave out some parts that i've asked him.
"wat makes u tink ppl will visit ure blog? especially ppl who are interested? for example if u sell furnitures, ppl will sure visit Courts or Harvey Norman first"
so he gave me some reasons like, hey! some chicken rice at some ulu coffee shop if sell nice, word spread by mouth can attract lots of customers. in a blog we can start small and earn enough to make a website of our own.
he totally missed my point. WHO will search blogs for furniture designs...? besides, he does not have any designing experience.
i told him a blog wouldnt really do the job. and should at least go to some other websites which is similar to DeviantArt or watnot to make some name there. he just says that a blog is more interactive which i have no idea how interactive he wans it to be.
okay... u might tink im probably not in any position to lecture another person.
well yeah.. i do have my uses too.
im very good at telling others but not good at doing it myself!
Created at 11:16 PM
okay. im quite tired now so i will briefly explain wat happen yesterday which is 2hours 45minutes ago.
went out to westmall for dinner. then theres this mothers' day event in the middle of the shopping mall with some dude trying to lure the crowd with his prizes. so i was quite interested and stood there. the prizes includes a 70dollar voucher for body wrap at Jean Yip.
so i stood there and listen to all the questions and found them to be so easy. and i decide to embark on the last question.
man - Waaaaaat day is it on 13th May????? man - no one can answer??? (probably everyone is too shy) me - (raise hand) man - uuuuuuuu there! come up here! me - (walks up) man - so the question again! wat day is it on 13th May? me - hmm. its sunday if the calendar is right. man - yeah sunday! but wat day is it on sunday? me - (i was so nervous i tot its wrong..) sunday lor... man - well, wat do u celebrate on sunday? me - (i almost said "Mass in church" in a blunder..) ohhhh mothers' day man - thatssssss right! give a round of applause for our young fren here.
honestly i tink i could have been kicked out of stage since i got it wrong. but i can see the man not trying to make things difficult for me.
and so i won. of cos sis was laughing so mad till swensens' where we had our dinner
its been a few weeks now ever since mummiee told me that my sis is getting married on 27th sept which is the same bday as my dad. its the traditional wedding. they had their ROM last year though.
and guess wat? i will probably be botak when taking the family photo with them during the dinner. cos im going enlisting on 13th sept. 2 weeks before their wedding. heard i should be able to return to main-island for the wedding for a day before going back camp.
anyways, while talking during dinner. theres this waitress. at first mummiee said something like "wahhh -------- hou leng"
hou leng in cantonese means very nice looking. so i looked into her direction. then saw the girl waitress. hmm quite decent looking. so i asked mummiee "wat thing hou leng?"
she said "wat u tink hou leng? i was talking about the orange uniform the staff have. and the cap."
so i looked again at the girl wearing the "uniform" actually it looks more like a polo-tee to me. obviously im more interested on something else than the uniform.
she looks quite normal though. but when she serves the food or talks to every customer, to every customer that looks straight to her, she will give a really dazzling and wide smile!!
its quite enchanting to see her work. she showed she is enjoying the work.
i really couldn't stand looking at some other waitresses in some other places. they looked as if the fishmonger cheated their money.
ah yes! when she came to serve us. i did the trick that i did to gilbert the other time at Simply Bread just below EA.
drink lots of water. and ask for more water! drink lots of water. and ask for more water! drink lots of water. and ask for more water! drink lots of water. and ask for more water! ....
ask her where the toilet is. ask her for the bill. ask her to serve the dessert.
and each time she would serve with an enchanting smile.
theres 1 time this other indian boy waiter tot i was signaling to him. dang he came over and refilled my water.
i told this to a certain fren online. and he said i should have asked her to bring me to the toilet instead... i dun tink she will give me a slap and will probably "might" really bring me to the corridor and point the direction. but of cos, my fren had a different meaning and image in his mind. we shall all ignore that.
the most important thing of cos is knowing her name. at least something personal even to a stranger like me. well.. i did not have the courage to ask directly so i looked at her chest. of cos the badge on the chest!
watever her name is, shall be known only to me! oh yeah, searched the frenster and found she is 18. (learnt from kiat! lol)
Created at 2:48 AM
well, im quite lucky i must say. to be able to hunt some really good stuff in rappelz. ok thats not the main point of this post.
took this link and tried it out. got this link from Dora < Styke < his fren Amy http://www.paulgoldinresearch.com/cg/
You appreciate the better things of life and you don't particularly want to strive in order to achieve them. What a pity you were not born into the Gentry with servants, etc. Unfortunately - life is not like that. You have the ability to be whatever it is that you would like to be but you must make the effort.
You are very self-sufficient and methodical. You presume to know where you are going but need to find a person who will recognise the way you are, not be too demanding and who is, as they say in Italy, 'Simpatico'.
Your confidence has been shattered. There are so many things that you would like to do with your life, so many dreams to be fulfilled - and you know that your hopes and dreams are not just figments of your imagination, they are real and you are looking for reassurance from someone. Basically your fears are such that you may be prevented in attaining your hopes and dreams. Even now you would like to broaden your fields of endeavour but in order to develop your 'inner- self' you need peace and solace. You are distressed by the fear that you may be prevented from attaining your goals. What you really need at this particular moment in time is quiet reassurance from someone close to you to restore your confidence.
You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.
You need to be needed and would like a situation where you will no longer be subjected to pressures and demands from those about you. There is no harm in 'dreaming' but it is you - and only you - that can be able to realise those dreams and to turn them into reality.
i find it to be very true for most parts.
pictures of my turtle!!

the trip to NTUC the other time. daddee went crazy and bought so much pizza. in the whole trolley, the brown-rice soy milk, onions, St Dalfour mandarin orange jam is mine.

so im finally able to make tasty speghetti now!
the previous attempt isnt that good. used button mushrooms, onions and Alfredo cream sauce with tomato puree. it tastes very sourish-sweet as i've placed too much tomato puree with the half-cooked onions.
it looks like curry to me XD

this time! i made it right! and i added 1 final NEW ingredient.
cook the speghetti. the way to see whether is it cooked can be trying to "cut" it with chopsticks. of cos if u like tangier, u should use more strength to cut it. or if u like it more thoroughly cooked, let it cook for awhile more. best results is using ure MOUTH.

then u need to heat up another pot for the sauce yeah. fry some onions. the more the merrier! and add some meat of ure choice. u can remove the onions before cooking the meat to prevent it from being too soft. whichever u like ^^ i chose back-bacon.
 if u decide to add shredded cheese, just throw them down. i've had experience where if i cooked the sauce and place the cheese, the cheese will not be molten and is kinda in chunks.
then u add either cream-sauce or tomato puree or BOTH! i love things from both worlds so i added both. depending on the type of cream sauce, u might not wan to add shredded cheese. if u like sour, more tomato puree.
yes for the last ingredient, MILK! honestly i've never thought of adding it until i asked mummiee wat should i do if its too heavy on taste. she told me a series of stuff to add in. things like hot water, more cream sauce or milk. i laughed and told her "where got ppl put milk one lor!" then she laughs and said she have not tried it before as well.

so.. this is the final product. do not fret if u find that u have too little sauce or too much ingredients or noodle too cooked or too saltish. just try another time and fix it right! well, if u find something wrong, this would mean ure tastebuds are still working fine!
Created at 1:22 AM
| Wednesday, May 09, 2007
its the 1am post again.
i shall probably need to be forced to do things i suppose. there are some ppl like that and thats me.
im quite glad now that my daddee implemented a rule that i will never touch playstation when i was in pri to sec sch during school days. even during weekends. the only time i can see the machine is during holidays.
and also dependent on my exam results.......
such were the days!
probably singapore should implement a law that forces all kids below age 50 to play any games while they are slacking.
suling and i was discussing about anabelle chong's act for world record
"She became famous for engaging in 251 sex acts with around 70 men over a ten hour period in January 1995, setting a world record, with the resulting footage being packaged as The World's Biggest Gang Bang. "
it becomes so un-loving till its almost like me paying 1000 ppl to lick my toes.
i really hate such acts. it just proves that private parts of a girl is so un-precious that things like that happen. i dunnoe how to say but thats something it.
say anything u all wan! its amazing they love to share i'm a person that doesnt noe how to share i'll never learn how to share i hope my spouse doesnt learn how to share tooo!
incase u have no idea wat rubbish im sprouting, the hint is faithfulness
Created at 1:11 AM
was happily rotting in rappelz when my brother-in-law (BIL) have to ask me to fix his pc for him.
oh yea.. minor virus as well as some configuration problem and also to install antivirus + firewall for him. pretty simple and needs some trial-and-error kind of thing.
and so he popped this question to me - why dun u master in something?
its quite true i do noe lots of little things from all sectors and yet master in none. its not that i dun wan but afterall, i do not have the motivation yet to go deeper into something and master it.
and of cos, after mastering it, u need to have the chance to practise it. oh, i for one, dislike exploring...(discovered myself having this attitude from playing games)
i love doing the same thing over and over again and get much and much better at it. i believe Dora rmbs about the 2 rotating planets i made for project and how i spend too much time keep doing the same thing.
and i hate this attitude alot too. i wish i can explore more on my own like daniel. or motivation like szekiat or soksok.
i've been wanting to make a flash RPG game. a very simple one with very kiddish graphics. yet could not dig some motivation out. its as RARE as GOLD like some ppl will say, "say say only nia. say liao also dun do, wats the point"
i probably need to get bored of playing games and turn to something creative/productive as a hobby. and will most likely stick to it and keep doing the same thing over and over again.
Created at 9:36 PM
found this link from Noir for the top 90 anime songs in the past 2 years its separated in 3 movie clips that compiles the songs.
top 30 is nice though :D
i do not agree with number 1 though. :///
Created at 8:16 PM
oh yes. its the evening sun again. its always this time of the year when the sun shines into my room thru the window.
yes i do get to see the lovely yet passionate sun. probably full of BURNING passion! but though i get to see it, the surrounding view isnt nice. tall buildings/flats all over. yet for this place full of tall buildings, my room could not be sheltered from the sun becos of this basket gap in between the D block and 51-something. its jsut this narrow gap that allows the sun to shine thru and bake me so much that i WANT TO GO WORK ASAP!
Created at 6:42 PM
i dunnoe wats wrong but blogger seems abit off today.
feeling up and down these days.
can go extremely high. or extremely low.
like how i almost rot at home during afternoon yst, but goes hilarious during dinner with the whole family.
and so we saw this egg plant in NTUC. i told sis that its brinjal. but she said its egg plant after looking at the price tag. but daddee said its "shanghai greens" at the top price tag. however no matter how we looked, its not green in any ways
so in the end, we called it a brinjal that looks like an egg and is only green in shanghai.
ok. my sense of humor is nowhere to be found when im moody.
and i'm addicted to watching Ranma 1/2 for the past 3 days. its funny and amusing too. to see how humans can turn to another living type, with just a douse of cold water and back to normal with a douse of hot water.
i've been trying to translate japanese words from a website but so far.. alot of online translators arent up to the job. not even babelfish or worldlingo.
i truly wish God will knock some sense into me. make me a better person each day. make me more mature and understanding.
lastly, give me motivation for something. i dun wanna feel lost.
Created at 6:53 PM
feeling down now.
some number of reasons. some have appeared some time ago yet stores and snowball-ed
well, 1 recent one that happen today is that tuckyee called and told me EA wont be needing me until 21st may. that is like.. 11days from the previous agreed 10th.
he says its due to the delay of project and asks if i feel alright about it. well, wat can i say? its not his fault to begin with. so i told him im alright with it.
after that, decided to dig my head into the game im playing. a dude found a rare card just near me..
plummet even more.
sometimes seeing traces of some individuals also made me feel down. but after all, i still cannot blame any one for all the reasons that made me feel down.
i wish i can.
probably feeling angry makes a person feel more alive than sad. when i feel so, i feel like my existence is fading and goes into hibernation and sleeps so often.
alright. probably i should spend some time into looking for some songs that might cheer me up.
Created at 12:54 AM
| Wednesday, May 02, 2007
today! went out with mummiee to watch spider-man 3. sorry binbin could not go with u cos its rare to go out with my mum!
its so strange today while eating KFC. i went to order for both of us and came back noticing another lady sitting beside the seat im supposed to sit. its like
Mummiee-Empty | .............| Me-Lady
im not like anti her or watnot, but i found it.. abit squeezy and is like an intruder invading on my lunch with mummiee. well, mummiee told me the lady asked if theres anyone sitting there and of cos told the truth. and the truth is - the seat beside me is really empty. but she never expect the lady to just sit down.
ok probably lunch time and there isnt anymore space but due to this i believe she is not a local. a local singaporean will rather eat at other place or take away than to share tables with someone they dunnoe. hmmm or rather most ppl who arent rushing for time.
seems abit selfish eh?
anyway spider-man is pretty cool. i mean the movie. its just amazing how he have unlimited webs coming out from his wrist. even mucus is limited. oh ya, not to mention that his.. head doesnt come off after some dude swing him and his head just crash and destroy part of the wall. come on! be real! even cats have only 9 lives!
ok so u must make sure that if ure gonna see this movie, try to think like a unrealistic person. the moves were cool.
ah! and not to forget seeing too much movies is bad for ure eyes! well, the distance is kinda alright. but u should watch TV in a brightly lit room! lol but if i imagine the movie theater being brightly lit.. it gets so boring and less mysterious. probably spoils the fun for couples making out in the cinemas.
the only complaint i have for volume will be the movie - 300. omg! the entrance music is so loud!
the guy beside me during spiderman's movie is laughing all the time. yeah, there are some scenes where it gets funny but he seem to really find it hilarous till he moves and laughs till his elbow smash into my chest. luckily i have "fleshy/fatty" chest, if not the blow would have left me choking.
and so i was pondering about how to answer valerie's question on why is there a Yawnerer.
let me give u an example.
a spider is a spider. spidey is the nick for a spider. a man mix with a spider is spider-man. a man who wans produce something is called a produc-er. a man who wans to murder is called a murderer. a man who wans to be a spider is called a spiderer.
a person who yawns is called a yawner. a person who wans to be a yawner is called a yawnerer.
alright, just ignore the above engrish. cos its all rubbish and dun start commenting about it. just an entertainment. for myself.
yawning is good for u. u yawn and u feel slightly refreshed. u yawn cos there is not enough oxygen. u yawn cos its boring. someone talks to u and u yawn, u can pretend that ure not listening.
most importantly u can yawn and snuggle bolster at the same time.
Created at 7:57 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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