tml is international labour day!
yay holiday! shout as if im not on holidays!!
kelly services called me today asking me to visit them to register at JE. 7/hr working at EA. i was expecting 7.5 from sources but oh well.. cant do anything now. better than none! i guess i will have to enjoy my time there. that lady even... called 8 times to my "Silent Mode" hp during the 1hour nap i took..
very enthu eh? after talking for sometime, she asks if i can go straight down JE now to register. of cos no! i dun like to be "forced" to go out in the last minute especially when im enjoying my time at home. so i told her next time.
so, after so much confusion and watnot, i found out that soksok is actually trying to straighten her teeth! good for her! girls should da ban mei mei then boys like. ok i sound ridiculous cos she takes an hour of preparation everytime before she goes out.
she told me about this free roller coaster ride at woodlands there. but hey! she cannot go becos its too vigorous for her teeth! so sad. i tot she wanted to invite me along or hint for me to invite her.
in the end, its just some "For Your Info" thing..
Created at 11:11 PM
iiyyyaaaa!! going back to work at EA this coming 10th of May. well, working to some slackers is a form of "earn money" but to me.. i tink working is a kind of enjoyment (that is if i like the ppl there.) how to say.. but since i have no commitments or watsoever as of yet, i will probably ignore the salary amount and go for the work i like.
but if i have a family.. i will have to consider salary 1st and work like cow/beef or horses.
just came home from church. it has been a really feast to the eyes for me! nope not looking at those fleshy areas. but a girl! wah seh! looks very "decent and filial" to me. obedience may not be a nice word lol. if she is attending sunday school, which means at most she will be sec 3 and that is 5 years younger than me! curse my old age! curse 1987!
hahaha ok. thinks too much again. cos theres no way she will be interested in me.
took bus 240 back home. on the way my veins nearly burst!! theres this young lady holding hands with a really young girl toddler like 2-3years old? boarding the bus.
as the bus driver's driving skills is worse than me swimming, the bus jerks and jerks so both of them is kinda like stuck there while trying to get to an empty seat. the little young girl was calling "mummiee mummiee" and some other weird stuff that only toddlers/babies understand besides crying.
then theres this old man.. probably finished exercise from his outfit and sitting beside them while they stand says loudly, "stop it girl! go and find a seat and dun make so much noise. its very noisy!" in english
im not really sure whether the lady takes it to heart or not, but they alighted on the next stop. just 1 stop from their boarding point..
i was really furious when the oldie starts cursing to this fren beside him. "char char char! no kia ah neh char... " blaX3 and watever. in hokkien.
in my mind, i just feel furious cos he is OBVIOUSLY making more noise than that little innocent toddler, who can only cling to her mummiee for safety in a jerky bus that is driven by a bus driver whose driving skills is worse than my swimming.
its not like he have NEVER cried before or ask for help throughout his whole entire existence or while he is a little boy. probably he might have tried climbing rambutan trees in the kampong and fell down crying thus making just as much noise which he have forgotten.
its also not like the little girl wans to make noise like those spoilt brats who cries and cries or refuse to walk when their parents does not buy their favourite toys. well, i did that before though i did not cry and i just show my ultimate gloomy face and making "humph!" sound.
this really reminds me of the Gospel i've heard lots of time. Let those who have not sinned, cast the first stone on others.
that little girl is cute!!
Created at 11:14 AM
| Saturday, April 28, 2007
recently its been a trend to put a single word/characters on some of my frens' blogs.
things like..
WTF? or LOL or B0iB0I.
the award shall probably go to the almighty "ZZzz!"
valerie have been bothering me about how should i cut my hair. "cut botak laaaa" "dun wan.." "go in also botak liaow. you might as well cut it now" "ure.. giving me the same reason as a person will eventually die, why not just die now"
also, its been a rather big news for the ppl around me going into "prison" lol like wat szekiat said, its a new trend to go police. yes, which reminds me of the usual trick mothers always use on little naughty kids. (i wonder does dora do that too?"
"dun be naughty! later u see that uncle/korkor policeman catch u then u noe"
lol i wanna see how szekiat goes around and mothers start using him XD.
being a police also not bad. some girls like guys in uniforms u noe especially those law enforcer!! or u can walk around and start suspecting girls for hiding drugs all over their body! *thinks too much*
Created at 1:52 PM
OWNAGE! this is wat i got for emailing NS
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email.
With regards to your request, your NS enlistment is schedule on September 2007 intake. Please kindly wait for the NS enlistment letter.
We hope we have been of service to you.
Please visit the NS Portal at or contact NS eServices Centre at 1800-367 6767. If you are calling from overseas, please dial +65 6567 6767.
We look forward to serving you better.
yes yes.. they should mean looking forward to me serving them better..
anyways, i emailed them to enquire about my enlistment date. since those sept-oct ppl already got it, i dun wanna go in during december and spend my BMT during CNY!
if its on sept then things should go for the better. at least now i got an answer for ppl who wanna employ me.
yay im gonna spend my birthday in NS!
gosh.. im gonna be in the same camp as clement i tink..
Your enlistment date is on 13-Sep-2007. Your reporting unit is TRAINING LIST BASIC MILITARY TRAINING CENTRE SCHOOL 2.
Created at 9:23 AM
| Thursday, April 26, 2007
well, im still being glad that my internet has been restored. for a number of reasons.
no more storybooks before i sleep. bad for my eyes to read while lying down. i do not have to keep glancing at my router time to time just to see whether im connected. lesser TV shows. something to look forward to. i can read blogs, surf net. no more anime-only afternoons
had an afternoon nap just now. had a strange dream! dreamt of gilbert and szesze coming over to my house and chat with daddee.. i've forgotten wat they chat about but it seems like heart to heart.
i hope its not another political issue or some world news..
Created at 6:44 PM
| Wednesday, April 25, 2007
bah! why do they have to cut grass early in the morning 8am? 3 of them somemore! im lacking some sleep now.. the equipment they use are freaking loud and noisy. not to mention the grassy and smoke smell came into my room since im only at 4th floor..
just like how peggie always sms ppl IN HER OWN TIME! i rmb sok did it once but after i told her, she stopped. mmm good girl. i still remember her sms-ing me during chinese new year morning 4am
but peggie nonetheless did it again and again.. during FYP, she can sms me late nights like 3am. even few weeks ago, she sms me at 4am in the morning... yes there are excuses saying, "ppl sms me late night i also cannot hear when im sleeping" the problem is, not everyone is the same as u! even when i put vibration mode, i still can hear it move. im not as dead as a log while sleeping D:
i hardly sms ppl in the morning especially when i noe they are supposedly sleeping. always waited till after lunch time.
the only few person that.. have to wait till dinner time will be jinyan. i rmb calling him at 2pm and he told me he is still sleeping..
had a fun time with suling yst talking about the Miss Singapore Universe. ya.. not talking about how amazing those girls are but rather how.. low standard they are.
honestly honestly, if ure talking about comparing the girls in the WHOLE CONTEST, ya.. there are some barely nice.
if ure talking about the whole singapore, no they arent. shadn't point them out or say their names.
but really even the church i went to, have girls better looking than them. yes yes even Adelaide.
well, i thought of instead ASKING girls to join the contest, why not they send ppl to scout around for them. u noe, not all girls love glamour or love to show themselves on TV or are probably too shy to do it. cute!
wats more.. its almost like a contest telling me, "oh thats the best out of all the girls who came for the interview"
not really the "MISS SINGAPORE" in my opinion.
gg, i would have voted for someone else if she is on the contest! i will give TWO vote calls!
Created at 8:36 AM
i feel alived! i believe its the sort of "raise from the dead" feeling. no, i dun practically do the same as Jesus but its just a feeling.
YES BLOGGING AGAIN! soksok have specially expressed that she misses my blogging. but never admitted that she misses me. heard she played with her teeth using some rubber bands or wat not, to make some space for something else becos she have no more room left.
the man came at 930 this morning. fixed till 1230 sia.. im very thankful to him honestly. cos he is really patient in answering all my queries and questions. absolutely more helpful than sok when i asked her things =P end up he changed the microfilter, some pairings outside of my house, even shifted the singnet server's connection location nearer to my block, added additional wall socket for my room, gave me new wires as well.
much more helpful than their call desk. raghhhhhhh. who could have imagined i was half snuggling bolster and calling them. after 15minutes later i fell asleep waiting for the "helpful" technician to listen. always "our officers are currently busy. please wait while the next available officer will attend to u shortly". when i woke up, found my phone no more batt ... and i suppose.. i wasted 25-30minutes waiting =/
im pretty glad theres nth bad with my router. i simply love my modem/router cos its been a slave to my demands for years now. and wats more, choking out some cash for that, is gonna reduce my bank acc further more!?
missed kiat's bday sia. feel so sad. my fren went to the start of number 2 w/o even me knowing :'(
lots of things happen as well as lots of ppl i dun wan to bother knowing. if u tink ure the one, no ure arent. cos those ppl will probably be too almighty to know that they are the ones.
Created at 10:10 PM
| Saturday, April 21, 2007
my internet is half dead these days, so = no blogging. nor am i able to play games :(
Created at 9:02 PM
| Thursday, April 19, 2007
yes my 1st time eating crystal jade KITCHEN edition today.
auntie pearl treating the whole lot of us. THANKS AUNTIE PEARL!
i bet the whole 10 ppl meal cost about 300bucks-400
the nicest will be the roast duck, pork and charsiew. next best is the "jin min" which is cantonese for the Hongkong "sheng mian" in singapore, they normally deep fry the whole chunk of noodles like theres no tomorrow. but here they pan fry it on 2 sides to get the crispiness of the noodles on the outside and the tangy feeling on the inside.
there are many things that make me smirk today. probably uncountable or rather i've forgotten about them.
i must visit jinyan soon. miss him tons! and of cos his mum's cooking rocks!!
many ppl have gotten the NS letter liao. either june or july. i tink if i miss the letter in a few days time, i will probably be better asking suling if 10tacles need any more testers. finally, its almost time to get out of my nest!!
Created at 9:51 PM
| Tuesday, April 17, 2007
came home from a small feast at geylang with the EA SC team.
felt quite alive since its like a outing out of home and meeting frens again "real life". talking about rising from the dead! heh
so sad, didnt really meet alot of pros out there. probably somewhere else. ate beef horfun. actually im surprised that i ate it again, cos i actually condemned it a few years ago due to the sucky aunties' attitude. cmi till have to condemn.
well, its a recap now. last time went with a bunch of frens including clement. but only me clement and roger wans to try it while the rest of the frens either dun eat beef or dun wanna spend extra money. so we all told the auntie 3 person eat. she brought us to a table only for 4 ppl. then i told her i need more space for my frens to sit, she say "didnt eat cannot sit. we dun have anymore space for u all"
so stuck up attitude lor. so end up we promised to make it fast and sat down while the rest of the frens stand. so while ordering, we told the auntie to get us the cheapest one. around 6 bucks so we can just "try out" but she told us we have to get the 20bucks one cos its 3 ppl eat. argued and still no use! so we stood up and think of other ways.
luckily another auntie came to serve us and we managed to sit down and ordered a 2 person share. but we didnt tell the auntie its for 3.. and we could not have another pair of chopsticks cos they only gave us 2 pairs!! end up 1 of us have to use spoon while another chopstick then we saw the 2 aunties talking to each other and pointing in our direction. wat an unhappy meal! so wat if famous?! when the service is that bad, even dragon meat taste like lizard meat!
like how dora told me before, i will probably be happier eating 3 dollar meal at the market
but anyway this time, none of that happened. if not probably someone will switch her bitch mode on XD
ate at yonghe youtiao da wang. honestly im not complaining about paying for it since i volunteered, but i felt as if the auntie cheated me cos 4 bowls of dou hua 1.20ea, 5 guo tie 3.50, 2 you tiao 0.9 ea, 1 xiaolongbao 4.80, 4 wet towels 0.4ea,
comes up to 17.50..when it should be 16.50! alright alright GST roxxor!
neh mind! as long as a meal makes us have a chance to chat and happy, should be fine with me :D Thanks to the hottest hottie for treating the BEEEEEEEF horfun
Created at 11:45 PM
yes its the 1am post again!
bad :/ i should/must try to sleep early. its bad for my skin as well as health. wats more, i always could not sleep over 10am..
been catching a vcd drama given by sis. if its considered TV, the amount i've seen these past week will probably have been for my past 3 years. have not been catching much TV besides watching the morning 10am drama with mummiee whenever she works in the afternoon shift. if not, i will be stuck in the room
the wound on my backhand is really growing ugly now :/:/ a split with reddish opening and yellow innards. it looks like a mouth to me.. i hope it wont start spitting saliva(pus) out.
kinda missed maple ever since saw pcbunk on saturday night. all the levels and looks and cash items and chatting. but all those wont be possible now. both sokpeng and peggie are working. norman is rotting on scions of fate. im solo-ing in rose.
i will just have to treasure and remember those moments that we spent in game or in school together. no matter how, i find school life is still so much enjoyable. be it exams or studies or relationships or having fun or copying homework. much more fun than rotting at home i supposed :/
i treasure frenships alot. but i've found im not one that is able to make frenships easily with strangers. probably that is why my circle of frens is so small.
Created at 12:58 AM
its been very long since i've last posted.
a few shocking things happened during the period -
ah i shall start with the latest one then. i was playing rose and rotting when mummiee came in and told me in a grave tone. i tot another person have passed away but it was Raya who have ran away. i couldnt believe the woman, whom almost everyone think she is hardworking and good and all, took auntie pearl's $5000 cash and ran off and took a boat back to indonesia.
so surprising, yet much disappointed. this kind of thing have never crossed my mind, especially for such a person. like wat mummie told me, which i tink its quite true. "for a person to betray their own name, reputation and their own conscience for just $5000, it must be a really huge sum and much needed to them. wats more, we believe Raya could really be a fillial person, hardworking and all. but the temptation of the money and her poor background probably made her do it out of desperation. $5000 is equal to 5 years of pay in their hometown"
this are the words which opened my eyes into instead of putting myself in the victim's shoes, put myself into the criminal's shoes. i may not be able to imagine the type of life they have there. but it could be so bad that $5000 is able to make a person go the wrong way.
saw peg on friday night since they all meeting at JP for dinner. saw daniel again. lol he really start to talk things that are more personal now. now he starts to strike conversations with me when we are both alone. but he will choose to listen when others are talking instead of joining them. a good start i might say!
i was kinda terrified when saw peggie. she have slimmed down quite abit! its like only 4months and u can see a real difference. i asked her about it and found out she went for slimming centre. at first, i think CHEY! slimming centre no wonder. paid a hefty sum of 600bucks for 20sessions. but awhile later i think, hey.. not bad if she starts to think more about her looks. a good start for her too!
but then again!.. i fell back to earth after she told me, she only went for the slimming sessions cos her fren got a lucky draw sms from the centre giving 50% discount. well, its back to her mentality again lol. anyways, its good to see a new her.
oh. i didnt go JP on friday at all. cos i didnt eat the waffle!!! they closed before i can even order!!! so... its not counted that i've went JP since i missed the waffle
today went KTV with norman, soksok, peggie and kl.
ok la its my 1st time there. not use to singing for ppl to hear while in choir we sing together!! yes. and sokpeng loves to fill our playlist with the same few songs
Ai Mei Li Xiang Lian Ren or something Ai Mei Li Xiang Lian Ren or something Ai Mei Li Xiang Lian Ren or something
haha ok. she got a beautiful voice really. more suited to singing higher pitch chinese songs with a light feeling. almost a totally opposite of me. i can only sing stretchy, lower pitch, "forcing".
after K-ing for 4hours... we went town to eat Ramen. the one tat i ate with suling, jasmin and szesze. i could only recognise the place or noe how to go there after i "actually see" the shop lol.
I'm Town Idiot.
and i've spent 1.2hours on this post.. time to sleep. met roger on the train too! he just came home from meeting szesze for dinner seh! wanted to go buffet but queue too long!
Created at 1:04 AM
| Tuesday, April 10, 2007
szekiat at today. so sad. felt as if my limbs' been amputated.
wonder how's suling in her work today. so late havent come back. must have went havoc with shandong havoc girl XD
1 day i shall have to find sokpeng out for dinner. if not she will forget me soon :/:/
just finished Hikaru No Go today! its quite a good anime to watch. even though i dun understand the game "Go". or rather WeiQi in chinese. but the storyline is quite nice. not the exciting ones like Blood+ or FullMetal Alchemist.
well, theres a few shows that i've been wanting to get for ages now - DragonBall full series as well as the Three Kingdoms (real life acting) from china that one. couldnt afford to buy them even at pasar malam big sales. not say couldnt afford but rather, i will probably watch and cry at the same time cos they arent cheap for the full set.
i wanted the Three Kingdoms one ever since i was pri6.... i remember watching it on TV on pri5 when i was in the morning session. the show is at 11am every weekday and i will always rush to school for lunch after that.
Created at 11:04 PM
im starting to blog like.. AM in the morning? lol. blogging seems being pushed to the last ever since pangya came.
now its like, sleep VS eat VS rose VS dota VS pangya VS misc X(
suling is starting work on tuesday. kiat started yst. so probably night time slots will be left for them =D
went to JP today to eat dinner with sis and mummiee. of cos going to JP = the usual chicken wing set + waffles for dinner. i was abit attracted to the fish soup store though. its quite nice and i could have spammed like 2 bowls if i can afford it. but oh well, chicken wings rox!
found this really cute gif!
Created at 12:53 AM
im so glad that currently now i do not have the crave to spend money.
not working and yet having cravings can make a person go haywire. last time i did have a crave to get things like
new better mp3 player PS3/Wii PSP but never NDS!
but after being homely for such a long period of time, they seem to have faded out of existence. i tink is probably due to peer pressure that i've gave myself. when working in EA, seeing all the gadgets like PSP from frens, news about PS3 and Wii or even the frequent usage of mp3 player in bus, i seem to be attracted to them.
only thing that blocks me from getting them is my sense of being practical. for the game platforms/consoles, i do not really have any attraction to the games they provide currently, needless to say i have to get HD TV if i wan PS3. as for mp3 player, i've thought after internship, it will probably rot in 1 corner till i need it. which is a waste of money and technology :/
well, to all prayerful ppl out there, please pray for me to attain enlightenment. such as being more responsible and more sensible. as well as grow out of the "gaming addiction". like how suling said, it is a sudden enlightenment. i guess its the same as how i always beg daddee to get me toys/kiddy items which he told me i will eventually throw them one side one day.
true enough, they are all now in the cupboard.
Created at 1:28 AM
| Saturday, April 07, 2007
went to install pangya out of curiousity of why kiat wan to play pangya all of a sudden.
the game is rich in colors and quite peaceful. nonetheless, it gives me the same feeling as when i've just started dota.
i'd rmb that i have always disturbed norman whenever we played together. "norman norman buy wat buy wat? wat skills to put 1st? how to kill ah?"
and as usual he always only tell me when he have finish his preparations and the 1st wave is already on battle or when i start tugging his hands away from his keyboard to get his attention.
now its suling that is teaching me and kiat how to play golf. kinda same feeling that everything is so new and suddenly a whole lot chunk of details is shown to u to try it out for ureself.
i'm probably gonna save up pangs(pangya currency) to get Arin. but then again, it will probably take some time.
i feel like going out to eat some nice delicious food these few days!! friday was a torture for me..
Created at 7:47 PM
good friday. how good can it be when Jesus died? on another way, it is good cos someone died for us.
mass was 2.5hours long. very long compared to the usual 1hour. i felt very happy after the mass though. dun wan tell u all why
last time when i was young, i use to think its "yay! holiday!" in return i just need to attend this ultra long mass, and i get a day free from school. instead of pondering why is there such a thing, i would think more of how to spend the holiday. now that i have so much holiday, i tend to think more into such things. it kinda marvels me. and i have grown respect for the man on the cross...
alright, religion things are kind of debate topics, so i will stop here.
well, a sense of joy ran thru me when dora posted a comment saying i've slimmed down. probably cos my tummy is hidden, or i was taking a deep breath in. they couldnt recognise poor daniel though..
Created at 7:37 PM
| Thursday, April 05, 2007
yes its 1.05am now. am blogging cos i couldnt sleep!! felt too bloated and full from the sakae buffet thing.
the last time i ate so much is during reunion dinner or with the other group to have buffet too.
it was fun though, gathering to eat. so sian soksok didnt go. fun but sian. i dunnoe wat am i talking about.
wan tyng couldnt stay long and left when nike came. she went to chinatown with her other frens to eat that porridge besides CK. lol i had some fun with wan tyng and nike cos they both take turns sitting beside me =)
Created at 1:05 AM
| Tuesday, April 03, 2007
tml will be meeting 1b22 for dinner at sakae.. i dun really mind sakae if they wont put rice underneath their sushi :/ but then, it wont be sushi anymore. i've rmb at the jurong outlet, they served ayam brand tuna mayonnaise on top of their sushi. absolutely disappointing can. i wanted to eat some... standard tuna sushi..
sometimes in reality and in virtual, i've felt like i've been used sometimes. probably its not the intention of the person but still i couldnt help feeling so. for an example in ROSE, since im a uber support character and can give buffs to ppl, there are some who would beg and beg for buffs but leave w/o even a thanks after they got the buff. its ridiculously stupid to feel cheated but no matter how, it still stings. likewise, i've sometimes buffed a guildmate for an hour or so while i stand there and rot or surf net. even though they keep "tyty" or just a figure of speech or watnot, i couldnt feel their appreciation at all. especially thru their dialogues.
i dunnoe how, but if a person does not intent to make u feel appreciated for the things u do, no matter wat he say or do, u wont feel appreciated.
everytime i go town, they will swarm me and ask for buff. i buffed, they say tyty they ran off even before i can say "welcome!"
well, enough of virtual stuff. even in real life, yes i do feel like that too.

a picture of the pizza i made few weeks ago. looks very heaty and molten but it tastes pretty good. i have to admit i've got to find some other ways of doing the cheese cos they are dried/burnt up very easily. wats those red dots u see?
taiwan sausage lor lol XD
some of my ROSE screenshots

Created at 10:04 PM
Spoiler Alert
was testing out how to play this new thing that suling suggested. seems pretty cool to me though i was thinking hard how to do the visibility
today's dinner is uber. me + daddee + mummiee + auntie julie + her sister Pearl + their maid Raya + uncle theodore + his wife auntie margaret.
auntie margaret is .. kinda intimidating to me. the way she is choosy about food is pwnage. these were some of the sentences she said
- im very selective of the beef i eat. i only eat beef from the beef horfun at lorong 9 geylang.
- how come the bittergourd cooked with spare ribs, with the bittergourd so thinly sliced? cant even taste the bittergourd.
- the asam fish damn nice. really very nice.
- can i have all the onions in the sweet and sour pork? i love onions.
- i dun like sweet and sour pork in big pieces.
- eee, why the belachan got this box-taste one.
- i love going hawaii the most.
why is it so intimidating to me? cos.. she is so fussy about things that she scares me.. for a person who have lived in a family that eats almost anything that is given and cooked on the plate and is edible, having such golden tongue is just like how short ppl tend to see tall ppl as scary. for example hubertus. or hubby for short.
its more enjoyable eating with her husband though. just like how mummiee explained to me later, the way and thinking of a person differs greatly for ppl of different birth-background. i wont say that we are poor which explains how a glutton i am, but rather, i've been exposed to lots of nice food since young and how my parents love to give us the things that they cant enjoy during their childhood. we can't afford the Best Food but we enjoy the simpler and nice food.
Created at 5:58 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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accidentally burning/grilling my backhand on the oven while making pizza. now its an ugly red line which i hope it will disappear. im having trouble searching for the keys in my forepocket of my jeans, with the jeans rubbing on the wound.
peggie slimmed down. oh well, there are my thoughts about it too.
SOKSOK invited me out on sunday!! oh.. hmm well, she just said it casually like "wan to go out, give me a call in the afternoon ok?"
rmb the maid that auntie julie hired to take care of uncle thomas? which i've praised that she is hardworking and all? SHE RAN AWAY WITH AUNTIE PEARL'S 5K CASH AND ALL THE CLOTHINGS AND FLED BACK TO INDONESIA LOR!