| Saturday, March 31, 2007
surprises! manage to catch sokpeng online. wow! so rare as if i've found a rare item! wats more she is replying to me 100% faster too!
and her b0ifR3N is doing fine too XD
i have to vacuum the floor soon. the dust and hair is a disturbance to a person who is always at home and ocassionally stares at the floor :/ EYESORE!
im pretty amazed at how the dehumidifier works. there.. the box where theres little beads inside and its suppose to suck some "invisible" water vapour into it. im truly excited at how it works. i've got half a mind of placing that box into the washing machine full of wet clothes.
tml's church! i must go for the 9am service! cos can see gerger! wahhhhhhhh
Created at 11:30 PM
its quite bad..
a sense of fear is gripping me today. im not sure wat. and i feel kinda giddy and sick. its a feeling as if tml's IAD exam and i've not yet studied :/:/
i guess i need abit of chocolates for some happy genes
chocolategirl loves kinder bueno
Created at 11:35 PM
| Thursday, March 29, 2007
will be using this pic for the moment... pls bear with it. i noe it sux :/
sometimes girls have this.. belief that everyone must have something. dun understand? let me give u an example
*VaIerie OwNs z0mbies ^^* which boyband do you like? tell me lerh.
me i dun like any boybands.. not interested in them.
*VaIerie OwNs z0mbies ^^* then girlbands?
me *thinking of soksok's favourite S.H.E nuuuuuuu* none.
*VaIerie OwNs z0mbies ^^* sure got one. come tell me. don't be shy.
me ... theres nth to be shy of.. really dun have.
*VaIerie OwNs z0mbies ^^* I don't care, choose any band. just choose.
me rubberband lor..
get it? they insist their instinct is always right.
now kiat also got a job liao. jobber! now its 2 msn contacts that is disappearing..
oh well, i still got to fill up the tax revenue thing for daddee
Created at 11:42 PM
| Wednesday, March 28, 2007
grats to suling for being so happy today :D i guess there will be 1 person less on my contact list that will be online in the noon now :'(
i've felt probably i should start trying to ask girls to go out. i must start with level 1 monsters. come on! my dearest female readers! come msn me and we can go out together!
been watching rozen maidens now. the dolls are really cute. especially suisei-seki! and suigin-tou
Created at 11:12 PM
been reading on a distant fren's blog. kinda wish that the fren is sensible enough and does not go wrong. well, currently all's well, but once wrong = wrong
it might be true that God always forgives, ure parents forgive, ure frens forgive and even society forgives, but once u have done something regretful which u cannot forgive ureself, its the end i tink. but i still think, no matter how forgiving those ppl on Earth are, it will still leave a mark in their hearts. like how u shout, "u [BADWORD] [BADWORD] [BADWORD] go and die" to a dearest fren in impulse. though ure fren might say "nvm..forget about it" probably they might have forgotten about the good things u've done as well.
and then they will start avoiding u slowly or try to get out of ure way.
the word "sorry" is highly misused by many i've seen.
an example, "u [BADWORD] [BADWORD]" then the next day "im sorry" then the following day "[BADWORD][BADWORD]" then the next day "im sorry" then the following day "[BADWORD]" then the next day "im sorry" then the following day "[BADWORD][BADWORD] [BADWORD]" then the next day "im sorry" then the following day "[BADWORD][BADWORD]"
even when u see this copy and paste sentences with a little edit, u also feel sian. a murderer cannot go freely even when he stabs and says sorry and pulls the blade back out and stab back in when the victim's head is turned around.
Created at 8:27 AM
rather tired right now, so i will keep this short. today went to Lido to find jpoon and frens.
they were incharge of Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars for EA. release in sg yeah? the graphics is damn cool u noe. i wonder will my pc die or not. its kinda tempting to buy it. but the price stopped me since its 80bucks. as well as theres no one to play with me too :( the acrylic mousepad looks pretty cool.
played a match of NBA homecourt with szekiat. brings back old memories though i've only played it for a day last time at EA during the xmas friday.
then we walked around and slacked till we reached starbucks and continued slacking. had lotsa talk there before going back to lido to find jasmin, only to find that she's very busy. busygirl_shandong@hotmail.com sia..
so szekiat and me and suling went to pepper lunch to have dinner.. i tink its prolly my last time eating it cos its pretty expensive for a meal of low budget towgay and meat.
i tink i will buy C&C3 when they sell it as classics or 29.90 i prolly wont play it online since i didnt like the adrenaline rush of competitive games. and i've already got rose.
wah.. i still rmb how kiat and suling was persuading me to.. go girl-hunting at farEast. its pretty weird in my sense, to go after a girl that u judge by looks and hope to gain experience to lvl up.. ok ok i tink i dun say how weird it is, incase they get angry. i've got to say that i appreciate the thoughts (: at least they cared for my future well, its true that going thru failures and such, a person will become better at it. but i tink i will go fullspeed only after NS.
im flabby now and no girls like those except fat-fetishes.
im low on confidence and no girls like those too.
and.. getting a gf while serving NS is pretty tough. not only do u have to report to ure sergeant and officers, u got to report to ure family, now u got to report to ure girlfren.
but still.. better than no one to report to..
Created at 11:20 PM
| Saturday, March 24, 2007
well, probably this will be the last u will hear of the unfilial son. aint gonna let him haunt me forever since i will probably hopefully not meet him again.
on the last day of the funeral, woke up at 630am to do some market-ing buying those flowers to place into the pail of water for the ppl to wash their face after the cremation or burning ceremony.
the last rosary prayer was on 8am just before those white/black men push the coffin into the little musical van. the van was playing Amazing Grace at the time.
at the last rosary prayer, i couldnt help but feel tears in my eyes though they didnt drop. i guess my eyes sucked them back pretty fast. yes, as usual everyone stood there and prayed except the same old gang.
in my opinion, the grandson is a person with no idea of his own. becos being under the bloodline of uncle thomas, though his dad didnt wan to pray, he could have done it. its not like uncle thomas sek me and didnt sek him. (sek is in cantonese for "teng" like .. love)
auntie julie was wailing before they covered the coffin glass opening for ppl to see the face. then everyone followed the musical van. surprised at their action, i couldnt stand seeing that boy kenneth being manipulated by his mum and standing so far away from the van. its like normally, the van goes and then the wife and then the son and behind is all the relatives and grandkids. but the daughter in law and kenneth was standing like almost the middle section.
i went over and confronted them both. "eh. u and auntie should go infront just behind the van. since ure the relative of uncle thomas and its respect for ure gong gong that ure behind him" i even feel like adding "if u dun wan be his grandchild then let me noe. i wish i have a granddaddee like him.." but i didnt
so we all sat the service bus to the church and then more ppl cried there. some of the ppl that didnt attend the funeral cried too, at the church. its quite touching that about 3/4 of the church is filled.
i was given the duty to give out handkerchiefs for those who were sobbing. ah.. i almost needed 1 for myself. daddee took uncle thomas' car to drive the direct relatives to the mandai cremato-watever. the burning place. then there was this small lecture-theatre-kinda-hall where ppl place those flowers on the coffin and some ppl will go up there to speak about how they feel about uncle thomas. i didnt have the chance as i dun think im even expected to say anything, but it will be on my blog.
i've known uncle thomas for quite some years ever since i moved to Jurong. it was him that helped mummiee and daddee to blend into the new church environment by often asking them to join in prayer groups and activities. it is by God's grace that we are able to meet such a great man.
for me, i've never have a chance to really get the feeling of having grandparents at all. the feeling of all my grandparents have long faded away when i was really young. uncle thomas cared for me at times like how a grandparent would, to a grandchild. he would ask about my results and wat im doing currently. even when i often tagged with mummiee along to go for meals with him, he will always find a western food stall and nicely tucked in a 10dollar note into my hands and told me to buy some fried chicken. he knew i love fried chicken/wings alot.
but he himself never liked deep fried food though he love all the other traditional food like oyster and char kway teow. he is a food-lover just like me. i enjoy going out with him becos he is 1 person that knows all the location of the nice traditional food. i'm missing him cos of his kindness and generousity. sometimes he will ask me, "Moses, have u eaten already?" becos im sure he knows i love food alot too.
he is a very generous man. he keeps his newspaper to give to a sweeper so that they can make additional earnings. he gives money to those nurses that is helping out in the hospital or old age homes. he would love that everyone can have the money to eat good food and meals. food money is not something that he'd love to saved up on.
often, he would drive mummiee and me (if i tagged along) to prayers since its always on different locations. he and daddee sometimes often tried to be the first to pay the money for the meal, pushing each other's hands to prevent them from paying.
i.. kinda missed him alot.
after that, we came back to have lunch. i've heard from mummie that daddee and uncle patrick have complained about the son.
daddee said when he was driving them back to jurong after the mandai thing, he noticed the son sat beside the driver's seat and placed the father's photo at the feet there. wtf.. suppose to hold it in the hands isnt it..
uncle patrick was telling everyone also that he saw the son was bringing up some stuff back home and holding 2 candles. where is uncle thomas' photo? in between the armpit.. and uncle patrick said in cantonese "tai dou ngan dou bhao sai fhor" (see until eyes explode with fire) probably like this
Created at 2:53 PM
today is kinda the same. man, i feel so happy with the tons of ppl who have eyes and tongues are spreading about how unfilial they are. i mean even after the end of the whole day at 10+pm, his fren helped us out in dismantling all those tables and stacking the chairs while he just sat there with his other frens and his wife chatting.
oh ya! i feel so shiok when even uncle thomas' maid complained about how fckup they are. seriously lor, the tons of ppl, mummiee, daddee, uncle patrick and his wife auntie lucy and uncle joseph and his wife auntie marlene have been there since morning 10am till now helping out. he neh touch any peanuts, nor served any drinks at all.
i've heard from mummiee that he once told her that his sis (uncle thomas' daughter) isnt coming back from vancouver. becos there isnt any need for her to come.
i hear liao is like WTF? wat u mean no need to come? no need as in God sent a group of freebies to come help out and extra help is not appreciated? or she dun need to come since he is already dead?
either ways, its not the right way to tell ppl.
i've heard uncle thomas' grandson kenneth came in the morning. so i kinda didnt get to see him since i only came at 1pm. and i didnt get to see him until 12am. 12AM shitty right? ure gong gong died and u disappeared. ya the son of the unfilial son.
uncle thomas is the founder of this Rosary for our Lady of Fatima group. kinda like block rosary where u visit ppl's house to pray in this jurong area. many ppl, esp the oldies knew all the hard work and all in getting new ppl involved in such activities.
not to mention too, when the last prayer group was praying the rosary (the group founded by uncle thomas) many cried. even the maid who isnt a catholic and doesnt understand our prayers. i've almost shed a tear too. i've seen full-grown man like uncle patrick cry, youngster like kevin cried too. its almost like back to the time when he is praying with us.
yet, behind us, though the whole hall is empty of ppl whom have gone to the front to pray the last rosary, only 1 table is full of ppl. ya u noe who. they were talking loudly and at 2 times, the wife even laugh quite loudly. sounds so drama to me but it wasnt at that time.
ppl have eyes and can see. ppl have mouth and can say. ppl also have ears to hear. ppl have brains to think. but no one can feel anything at all coming from that table. neither regret nor remorse. but i can smell out how rotten they are.
mummiee said she do all these work for God. but im not that great. i do this for the man i respect. u dun see me doing all these for some other great man which i've not encountered before. nor am i very hardworking and i'm the few worse slackers that everyone noes.
95% of the ppl came for uncle thomas. as they noe him. 5% came becos of his son's father's death.
wah.. lastly i beh tahan him sia. he asked whether did i go WCG (world cybergames) i said no. cos im not into competitive gaming. so he had to say kenneth plays warcraft alot and is very good at it. but now he is in army for so long, he didnt play for so long. from his words i've known its World of Warcraft. ya ya. i've already long considered that a game i might play. but after hearing how shitty it gets when ure maxed out at lvl70, the game goes round and round and just huge amount of killing bosses for items and nth but items. bored ah? make new char lor
i dun get any satisfaction in playing any game that doesnt requires TONS of effort. like how i played in maple, sro and rose and RO. satisfaction only comes to me when i see how good am i against the monsters as well as surrounding gamers.
that man is like trying to tell me how pro his son is. ya ya as if i've not seen any good players
im sure im pretty well known to the ppl near me as the hard leveler. madness farmer of experience and rotter. the few things that im weak in, is farming in DOTA and earning money
i've known ppl like suling as a skilled player who enjoys game that requires skill szekiat as a mixed gamer who is good in all games that he play max as in a good partner in games always sokpeng as in a determined player though she plays little games
in fact, i wont feel proud cos his son plays WoW, but i feel proud i've played harder games than WoW and have done pretty well in them
Created at 12:56 AM
| Wednesday, March 21, 2007
just back from the funeral after helping out. seriously, i feel like im the grandkid lor.. and mummiee would be the daughter. WHY?! cos his own son is SLACKING. slackkkkkkkkerrr :/
its like ppl come, i bring them to seats then serve and clear, mummiee is incharge of collecting "condolences money" while daddee is refilling all the nuts, sweets and drinks.
obviously the job is done by outsiders instead of their own ppl. since uncle thomas is old, of cos his direct siblings are old too, so u cant expect them to help out. much of the ppl that came during the afternoon are quite elderly. the middle-age ppl come during the night after work to pay their respects.
auntie julie is like.. probably too sad to do anything or she dunnoe how to do anything. sigh. i dun blame her.
i feel so bad complaining but i have to get it off my chest. like how i told uncle patrick, the way me and mummiee sits at the table with the phone, nuts, sweets, drinks and paperwork, it would seem that im the grandkid :/ ya.. i would like to be his grandkid if i can, when he is alive.
i went at 1pm and bought 20packs of rice for them. and then the son came at 2pm or so. sat there with his wife and do some money stuff. until 4-5pm like that, they say they have to fetch their son kenneth from the Army. seriously.. u would abandon us and ure dad's funeral to fetch ure son from the army. so i got the info that his son just finished the 16weeks training.. and he was telling me that all those things like at first he cannot run but now he can. even chin up also can do 1. yadayada :/
tell me for wattttt..... if u can help us out, do so.. oh ya, he came back about 4hours later at 8pm when it was the peak period. so as u all noe, funerals have prayers and a whole bunch of catholic pals were all standing infront of uncle thomas and praying, he and his wife just came and sat behind and ate dinner. probably he didnt noe how powerful is funeral prayers. the more ppl that come to pay their respects and pray for u, the more it means that more ppl are grateful for all the things that u have done. of cos it shows to the person up there that many ppl respect him. just like how the Pope died and tons of ppl from all over the crust of Earth came.
sigh again, he could have joined us in the prayer u noe.. at least stand there even if u hate praying to show some support la :/:/
then the peak period arrived where the jobby ppl finished work and came. batch and batch. he just sat with his wife and frens in 1 corner table near the one that mummiee is sitting. mummiee even told me that though she didnt see it, she can feel both husband and wife looking at her cos she was handling with the condolences money :/:/ seh sian leh :/ they are supposed to do it themselves cos ppl's tongue will move if anything goes short
if im just a normal church pal of uncle thomas and i go visit him, i would have thought the guy and his wife sitting there are just another fren of his. who noes his son!? didnt even go and welcome ppl to sit or thank ppl for attending the funeral. and daddee is doing that for him.
uncle thomas has another daughter but she is married to vancouver and have a family there, so she will only reach on friday.
holy moo-ers, its only day 1.
at the very least, he did say "thanks for all the help" to me before i took a ride on uncle joseph's car home, while daddee and mummiee still attending to the crowd.
i.. dunnoe wat to say is when he said,
"hey.. thanks for all ure help today. where are u going? are u going to stayover tonight?" "no problem.. i came for uncle thomas. no la.. tired cannot stay overnight. i've got things to attend to at home" then i followed uncle joseph
Created at 11:43 PM
well, i was kinda shocked when daddee called home and told me uncle thomas has passed away. yst 2pm that is. he called me at 5pm.
im still not too sure about the details but im going over to help out at his funeral later on probably lunch time. well, the reason is unlikely that its becos mummiee told me to go, but rather i've quite the respect for him. i believe its the same thru out most of the church ppl. i can expect tons of his church pals thru out the ages will come and pay their last respect to him.
ah. u noe.. im getting the feeling that how great it is for sooo many ppl to remember the things that u do, that u existed, when it comes for u to return to God. it must be thru his actions that he can gain so much respect.
i wonder when i go back, will sokpeng still rmb me? her dearest FYP leader.
yst clement gave me a link to some really beautiful art. well, for ppl who have played dynasty warriors, they will notice that its actually girls wearing the warriors' costume. i've got the almost full collection from max then.
i will post some nice ones from the 30+ i have. if anyone wans them can msn me :D
 beautiful eyes
 beautiful hair
 beautiful way of using the bow
 beautiful shoulders
 beautiful moon
 beautiful weapon
 beautiful legs
 beautiful style
 beautiful face
 beautiful costume
 beautiful stance
well, theres more but these are the really nice ones. total of 41 that i have lol.
Created at 9:53 AM
| Tuesday, March 20, 2007
yst asked from shok, an old mp3 of Good Old Acapella. been wanting to ask it from her for some time now, just that didn't have any chance until yst.
it certainly brings back old memories of the time when i was in choir. sigh. the days of practising, teaching juniors, learning simple notes on piano, performing, preparation camp, costumes and all are quite memorable.
it seems that i for 1 person, is someone that complains when im doing something i didnt like and complains again when i cant do it anymore. do or dun do also complain lol.
im sure many ppl who have heard of me complaining, i sure have complained about going to choir and how tiring it gets. but now im complaining that im missing it also. about the same issue, i've thought of how strict my parents was when i was young. caning is almost a 3times a week thing lol i've sometimes felt resentment against it like "why other kids can do it i cannot?"
now, i felt much happier thinking that i've been moulded into a better person than some hooligans. 1 thing they needed to do when i was in sec sch is, to push me abit harder for studies. probably i would have cultivated more motivation for studies.
probably for parents-to-be and a mother who visits my blog time to time, it would be really good if good attitudes and cultures can be cultivated into kids instead of just pushing them to slog like mad for studies which they hate. i would think the best time is when they are late primaries and early secondaries when they will understand wat ure talking about and think about it.
ah.. back to topic. i've missed acapella alot. a group of ppl singing or making percussions w/o musical instruments except clappings and tappings. if u wan a bass or percussions, get it from someone's mouth lol. if u wan a rhythm, get it from someone's foot-taps or claps. i wasnt really good at listening and since normally we didnt have scores for it, we just listen to some rockapella and try to make out each part at choo's house. and normally its xinkai that organises all the meetings. benjamin will ocassionally join us in some practices. shok and shizhen will always be late about 30-45minutes.
too bad, now im considered an alumni for SPC and didnt attend for 1 year already. cos of attachment and FYP. so there isnt any more chance of performance. afterall, all the practices that we had, is for the moment on stage.
i still rmbed me being the 1st bass for Good Old Acapella and how xinkai always stresses that if i go a semi-tone higher, the whole song will go higher and higher and of cos shizhen and shok is gonna die from the high notes. oh well.. its my 3rd time being background bass cum percussionist.
my 1st time goes to Ye Lai Xiang, being with shiming, shok and florence. i have to admit i wasnt doing good :/:/ 2nd time going to Circle of Life from LionKing. it was a blast at that time becos at that time, we are all year ones and it was really good! of cos credits goes to me and choo for being basses which pushes the song upwards my 4th time being Sukiyaki by 4PM. originally by some jap fellas but 4PM turned it to english and im quite satisfied with the results.
after all, we all dun have scores and we just go by memorising and going alot with the tempo.
i've also thought of going for Wild Empire choirists. but thinking they are all pros, i tink probably im not suited there. their passion for singing far exceed me haha
Created at 1:33 PM
i had 4 nightmares yst to the extend i was freaked out..
sleep nightmare woke up sleep nightmare woke up try to stay awake sleep nightmare prayed and freaked sleep nightmare
its kinda freaking me out with 3 nightmares involving Devil. 1 involving something invisible strangling me like a monkey on my head. it felt kinda like as if its real life but i feel it in dream.
another include me going somewhere to sleep. but i lay on the bed on the pillow diagonally. i raise myself abit and lie back down to find the pillow not in the same position but abit further when my ass is still on the same position. i raise abit and lie back down to find it even further. raise again and lie back down fast to catch the.. pillow.. moving away. pulled by some invisible hands and i can hear maniacal laughter.. u noe those high pitch "he he he" it feels so real that i woke up to find my head on the edge of my pillow.
i kinda forgot about the other 2.. will write when i rmb it.
Created at 8:32 AM
| Saturday, March 17, 2007
yst night, i dreamt of sokpeng ;D lol
well.. this time, its not as out-of-the-world as norman's but more of the.. she seemed so real lol.
i was in such a deep sleep that i AM in another deep sleep in my dream. so.. this time my whole family is supposed to go Penang for some travelling. And for some reason, the bus is only coming on the next morning. so i went to find this how-to-say machine outside this coffeeshop. that machine is one where u place 20cents into it and u get to ride up and down. kiddy rides!
yes its shaped of a car.. amazingly i fitted in and i slept there. so deep was my sleep that i can feel someone shaking the "car" and banging on it. and then shaking my head before calling my name to wake up. ah! i rmb the voice. soksok's voice. but i couldnt wake up cos i was all drowsy.
then after like some time, i managed to wake up and found the car moving up and down. and i saw 1 whole pile of coins infront of me.. its just like how those mothers, they wan to leave their child there for ages, so they dump in ten dollars worth of coins and let the child ride.
i dunno to whom does the pile of coins belong to. and i saw this really.. plump kid standing beside me with his mother. so i got off and let him sit. then for some reason, i placed in 2x20 cent coints inside for him and went to find sokpeng.
instinct seemed to lead me to this.. comic store. saw her there chatting with this middle-age man whom she told me is her fren. then she tried to drag me out of the shop. before that! i noticed a book on her hand World of Warcraft lol.
i tot maybe its an art book or illustration book from WoW that she might be interested in. so i told her "why WoW? their art very nice meh?" the shopkeeper had to butt in and say "Its a strategy guidebook"
"haaaaaa? i tot u dun play WoW de.. buy the guidebook for ure bf ah?"
then she gave me this "really her" attitude. hmm i cant seem to recall wat she said exactly but she gave me the same feeling that she dun care wat im talking about as long as she likes it.
lol. its the same feeling when i told her that her sharp shoes with polka dots arent very classy or nice. and she would just shrug me off or say my fashion is low grade.
man. i shouldnt have opened the book to take a look. cos i reached back earth when i did so. i could have followed her to see who the book is for =/=/ or wait till the Penang bus arrive then can go travelling in my dreams.
but nvm, who the book is for, is much important.
Created at 10:28 AM
| Thursday, March 15, 2007
today seems like PMS-ing to me. lol at how sms-ing sounds like pms-ing. probably it means Serious Menstrual Syndrome/Symtoms
woke up at 3am after a serious itch from an invisible mosquito which i could not find. only slept at 4am and straight on to 11am.. even after 11, i still felt like near dead.
probably i've been skipping the most important hours for sleeping. which is 11pm to 1am. ah. no wonder i have 2 pimples on my right cheek. PIMPLE PLANTATION!
i.. kinda missed swimming. im not sure why. but from the previous swimming, i've felt some sleepless nights where skin on my back and arms are itching :/:/
felt kinda moodless today. so much so that even games doesnt attract me. still, i dragged myself to play awhile before falling asleep for a long 4hours nap. woke up still feeling dead sia.. i made an assumption that probably a moodless pms would feel like that.
to the fact that u will wan to just stay in room and see anime and rot. really rotting to the extreme of staring at the fan turning ..
kinda miss suling's cats. but a little sad cos they seemed abit hostile towards strangers :(
ah! not to forget some girls are violent/abusive upon pms. i've never felt like that cos im docile. i've rmbed that kiat, suling and me discussed that cats are pretty noisy when they are mating or looking for mate or just making noise. so the best solution is that WE STERILISE THEM! of cos the cats and not the girls. u CANT sterilise a girl like u sterilise a cat, can u? or maybe.. u can. But that will be a waste u noe..
okay okay. i've gone crazy on 15/3/2007. ignore this post :/
Created at 10:42 PM
| Tuesday, March 13, 2007
today is a day trip away from home. how much i missed my bolster :/
met suling and jasmin at 6th ave for lunch! goodness. take 45minutes bus ride there just to have lunch. normally its out of my league but oh well, jasmin, suling and szekiat are my pals right? XD "willing to go up the swordy mountains and down to the pot of oil!"
saw both VL and VS, TJ, tuckyee, wang, mabeline too. ah i miss the old days. now they even have enough space a row for a person. so suang :(
after lunching, went with suling to town area where she needs to take her jap test. so i went Lido to look for some movies. end up they didnt have Norbit and i have to walk over to Cineleisure since im not familiar with the buses there..
szesze came and then suling. end up we didnt watch any movies since there isnt anymore good seats left for Norbit. so, we decide to go to suling's house to see cats!!
pictures shall do the talking then.
 this one is heng heng
 suling and uncle kiat
 heng heng finding ways to escape

 this is Ah Wu, this time its escaping from me.
 suling patting the cat. the cat lets suling pat. the cat is her pet. pet cat. cat patting. petting cat.
Created at 10:19 PM
today's dinner is great. yst's dinner is great too.
yst is great becos the whole family is there to eat together. mai pian xia is very good (cereal prawns, not "dun lie" prawns) surprised at us sitting at the place for so long until 9+ when the store even have to ask us whether we wan to clear the dishes lol. yup the usual Lokyang area in the Tuas industrial. i tink relationship between me and my brother-in-law is getting better. probably i've started to learn to accept him more. hey! i pray for him too okay. when i pray for sis, he comes into mind and i will go like "ok la.. God bless him also." well, its something im glad of.
tonight's dinner is quite heavy too.. ok i will skip the details. but daddee seems abit more relaxed than the other times. so i took the chance to tell him about my results. he didnt seem very happy nor disappointed but rather he is more interested in where im going to go. and out of all my frens, he have to mention peggie. all the words are exact! dun blame me! im innocent!
"hows ure fat fren? her results how?" "wat fat fren?.." "nehhh the one that come our house and search the refrigerator that one" "oh.. she.. she should be doing fine since her previous results are quite good. im not sure now but her internship get quite nice grade" "she can study one meh? she dun look like she can study one leh" "wah lao.. u can see ppl face can study one or not? i got a fren who dun look like can study, always say fail fail, end up A.. *thinking of you sokpeng. yes you XD*
well, im still wondering why of all my frens that come to my house, he only remembers clement and peggie. clement is understood but why peggie?! is it her striking appearance or the way she search the refrigerator? or the way my father offered to cook my turtle for her when she was searching for something at the refrigerator?
it remains a mystery
 this is dinner. taken some days back. XD
 really heavy rain. i've told Noir about it. the rain is so heavy i thought singapore might flood. but the rain died down about 10minutes later zzzz

 took this today. after eating, daddee dragged me to this drinks stall and pointed this. i wan to take a pic of this but am afraid the auntie use coca cola throw me :/ so hence the blurness.
see the sign? "Ask For Low Fat Hot Beverages" maybe there is skimmed milk or low fat milk or wat. but im sure if u asked for KopiO or TehO = low fat enough liao. its amusing how "FAT" coffeebeans or tea leaves can be.
 yes.. yes.. its amazing how i only noe cropping and transforming in Photoshop.. incase some would say "wah lao out of shape" if its supposed to be fat, its OUT OF SHAPE ALREADY
i shall tell u more another time, about this man WHO IS INTERESTED IN MY MUM! my dad even have to interfere sia. HEROIC! jiang hai shi lao de la. *ginger, the older the better*
im a lousier ginger compared to sokpeng(few days), szekiat(less than 365days), gilly(less than 720days), suling and jasmin (2,000+ days), mummiee (almost 10,000 days!!!)
Created at 8:52 PM
few days ago, i've mentioned to Noir that in the case that i dun have a job, probably i will run to malaysia and sell kacang puteh.
well, this is how i proposed to him;
u join my kacang puteh as membership. membership fees is USD 10,000 annually (dig out some money) u get to eat unlimited kacang(nuts) at my shop. only on the spot. no bringing home or ta bao for every new member u bring in, u get USD 1,000 (of cos if u bring in 10ppl, u get to eat nuts for free!)
so its the pyramid structure under the pretense of kacang puteh selling.
Created at 11:24 PM
| Thursday, March 08, 2007
went with jeremy to see the IT show at Suntec. im looking for a printer now and so much regret for not getting 1 from soksok.
went there w/o not much of an aim to get anything besides seeing Microsoft's ultra large exhibition for Vista. saw a short demo from them on Win Office 07. the only thing that attracts me is winword.
besides, im not much of a fan for microsoft. lots of articles are so anti-ms that u can feel the propaganda.
ah, not to forget the girls that give out flyers. its either i've been too stucked up at home till i've never seen any other girls for a long time, or most of them looked kinda pleasant looking to me.
and when yst went swimming, i cursed myself for having bad eyesight and not having a spectacle that auto wipes off the drips of water. im trying to learn how to swim now. trying out the froggie style for a beginner like me. dranks lots of water thru my nose and mouth :/
look at the bright side water is good for ure health.
probably this sunday will be visiting the shop that baofeng worked at, to see printers
Created at 8:23 PM
| Wednesday, March 07, 2007
up to u to think wat u want to think. as if i will use blog to beat around the bush
Created at 11:12 PM

so.. im just behind by 0.013 to get a 3.
bah. right now no mood to blog. probably tml.
Created at 11:01 PM
| Tuesday, March 06, 2007
im left with 10minutes before i have to sleep. i shall have to do a quickie right here right now.
a QUICK post.
nth much happened today as in Monday.
Created at 1:21 AM
yeah. im still feeling the strain in my body finally exercising after a long time. whenever i sit and play rose for more than an hour and i stand up, u can feel all the aches in all the parts of the body that is required for napfa.
i felt abit pissed off this evening. daddee and mummiee went for evening church service and then im suppose to meet them for dinner. the problem is, i rmb they say going "out" to eat. meaning going in a transport and get further than Jurong area. so i tot they will fetch me at approx 7.10pm
i was still shampooing my hair at 6.55 when daddee called.
wat i didnt like was his tone. he asked where am i. i told him i was bathing. then he straight out say "wat time liao? still bathe?" of cos i feel like damn innocent get scolded for nth. "why ah? cannot bathe ah?" then from him, im suppose to meet them at church at 7pm... wth wtf lor!?
again i have to stressed it again that i really hate their planning. they always leave me out from knowing wat they planned. yesterday they say wanted to go Blessed Sacrament for mass. today afternoon then tell me is back at SFA now last minute then scold me cos im "late" that i didnt reach the "appointed" place which is only known to them ONLY.
i wasnt in a good mood and im sure both of them can hear from the phone. i reached there in 25minutes time and saw them there. luckily daddee didnt talk about it anymore, if not there is sure to be war. i had half a mind of just eating noodles at home. heck care going out to eat :/
Created at 9:02 PM
went for napfa today. well, as expected i cannot make it. was surprised at the number of fit ppl there. WHERE ARE ALL THE FAT PEOPLE IN SINGAPORE POLY?!?
probably only me and jeremy is..
ah yes. i should not forsake the probability that they might have skipped the napfa test even if they noe they are failing.
i did 2.4 in a really slow timing.. even i have to admit im really cannot make it. i couldnt even complete 0.4 w/o stopping sia.. not to mention out of the 60 ppl there.. im last with jeremy, mingen and myself with a girl behind me.
ok i wont say the rest. -------
im suprised that some readers actually read my whole post. of cos i wont say my posts are long and boring :X but i do hope ppl read them too. and i found out that posts that dun concern readers tend to bore them and they will do sectional and selective reading im one of them :D
so.. i've been thinking, probably long posts are really boring or too wordy. maybe this will attract ppl into reading my long posts

yup! so did that attract u? i suppose it does (:
most of the blogs i see, are mostly about their daily lives. like soksok's for example. its more on ummm wat she likes and wat happened to her. or the few that rarely blogs like jasmin, sometimes my browser cannot view the weird wordings somemore T_T but she must be busy i suppose.
not everyone is as free as me. not to mention my blog is ranty. and some of my posts is freaky long.
i have the strangest dreams these days. yup i shall talk about one of them and u all can laugh at it lol. strange about dreams is that anything can happen.
so.. its about me visiting norman at his house. his house is not wat me and sok went before but somehow, its a big condominium that is made of glass.. freaking rich also. then of cos! lol i rmb he told me to take a look opposite.. of cos its all glass then we can see a couple making out *sweats*
then he dragged me downstairs to see some gold fish in this glass lake.. trees are not glass of cos. here comes the stupid part. he told me he need to visit his grandma for dinner. so i asked where she stay, maybe i can go visit her. "Britain" WTF?! then i ask him how he wan to go so far.. then he told me about this train near his house that goes all the way to britain in 2 hours...... so im tinking so cool! i might wanna go XD then the train fare is like 200bucks. seriously. i've really seriously thought about going.
so just when im about to say i wanna go or not, im woken up by our best fren, the mosquitoboy
Created at 9:14 PM
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