| Wednesday, February 28, 2007
some are such cruel and insensible ppl.
do unto others wat they didnt wan others to do to them, knowing it will hurt. yet they feel high and mighty when they do it to others, stepping them down and hard while showing to others how good they are.
i kinda had enough knowing about the poor person. being that i've felt before, the type of feelings that person had, and the other party doing it to them. but still, its not up to me to do anything.
putting a person down just to raise the other person up.
so.. are good frens that tells ure mistake, will be considered as good frens? or considered as critics/loudmouth?
ure cruel in my opinion.
Created at 9:11 PM
| Tuesday, February 27, 2007
sometimes ppl dun understand wat i wan. things that i wan them to say or appreciate me, they instead say other things. yes i noe i got to "say" it out wat i wan. but it isnt me if i "say" it out wat i wan. giving hints on wat i wan, is wat i wan and hope u noe wat i really wan.
it could result to this

if end up i have to force myself to say out wat i wan, it could result to this

especially if ure someone special to me or someone i cared to have ure opinion about, it could result to this

many ppl have asked this question why u so love to slack at home and not work? work for some money for ureself. dun be lazy. lazy is a hurting word. though i have to admit im lazy at times. or most of the times :/ but hey! i really enjoy staying at home and playing games or doing things that i wan to do.
isnt that enough of an answer?
i have set my mind that once i go army and after army, either uni (i will give up on games totally) or work (probably only flash games is allowed) becos i wanna concentrate on either my studies if i have the chance, or work. right now, i cant even find a job that wans me there for a couple of months. not to mention if u love work so much, u can work all u wan till 65. no problem with that.
on a personal note to sokpeng out of the topic; why dun u apply for university? its not like u have 0% chance of going in. its a chance for girls to overtake guys since guys have to go for NS. when guys come out they still got 4years of uni while ure already halfway finished. time is of the essence. u can work while waiting to go for University. ppl say singapore is full of grads and many ppl say "aiya go uni come out also become one of the many unemployed grads" they neh have the brain to think if lack 1 cert, ure not even 1 of them. or rather worse than them.
well, if its the problem with money, then i can't solve it for u and i can't interfere. but there are other ways.
on another side note, i've heard of many single mothers or widowed mothers or single spinsters that thank God the day they got a cert to protect them as insurance. wat if anything happen to the breadwinner of the family, they still can get a decent pay job for the family or for themselves if they are single.
anyway thats all i got to say about that. wouldnt wan to be interfering with ure life as much as im concerned. its just my opinion. dun wan to say it all the time till u might feel irritated
this period of time is probably the last time im able to do the things i want to do. after that, it will be for the future or commitments. still, in my head i feel "why should i waste this time doing things that i can do in future" imagine a youngster working isnt as bad as imagining a 40-50+ person still playing mmorpgs.
in which i really believe in wat my mummiee said about my daddee. he is a really responsible man. and im proud of it. he really gave all his time to us. when working, it cannot be blamed. but after work, he almost never hang out with his frens/working frens or have drinking bouts or hang out in pubs. but he mostly comes home and rest or see TV with us (during our younger days) or bring us out in his big truck during sundays. sundays always consist of church or things like kite-flying /other fun stuff or rest day for him.
thats probably the level of responsibility a person should have when starting a family in order to make it heart-warming. is anyone getting married, prepared to give their life up for the family like that? or demands to have time for themselves. getting married and have a family isnt just bringing the bread home only.
or doing just wat ure role is supposed to be. father work. or hang out in pubs with fellow pals mother cook, housework. or going for mahjong sessions all the time, facial sessions. kids study. or come home do homework, sleep the end?
think about it. how loving can a family be? in the end everyone still have to make the extra effort.
Created at 11:37 PM
| Monday, February 26, 2007
yes. finally its the end of my laziness and im back to blog. *clap clap*
so its a barrage of pictures again. ok la.. not really alot of pictures with blurry ones as well as not so blurry ones. :/ sigh my cam phone arent superb unless i can cast things like time stop or watnot.
 saw this in the library at JP area. Clement is the one pointed it out to me. i suppose... AV meant audio/video lol
 xinkai's house. i've been yearning to go his house ever since sec 1 can! every year i DID mentioned going but he alway give excuses. not to mention although its raining but i still insist on going this time and we ran thru the rain XD yeap i ran. probably i only run once in 2 weeks ;D iscaredifalldownandtwistmyankle:/:/ thats Mr Ong and wenbin over there.

 dickson's home.
 xinkai is so tall. most likely taller than clement and i tink he is taller than me now..
 went out yst with suling, jasmin and szesze for lunch. thanks jasmin for the discount! East Ocean Teochew Restaurant or something. their dim sum is quite nice and interesting. so much different from the ones i eat at the market beside the soybean drink store. 4 ppl eating amounting to a price of $102. hmm about the max of my budget for a meal lol
if u see this pic, u can see they are walking in matrix or so. suling seems to be the Godfather, with a tall bony right-hand-man and a left-hand-woman who looks rich enough to be the sponsor for this mafia team lol XD
well, of cos im the person behind the scenes
 pardon for the blurry images. that was daddee petting a cat there isnt light and its in the night time. no my hand isnt shaking and i refuse to say my photography sucks! its the LIGHT!
 its so cute at the time i took the picture.. its probably mad at me cos the LIGHTING really sucks.
Created at 3:15 PM
| Saturday, February 24, 2007
abit lazy to blog these days BIG SIGH.
dunnoe. laziness have ruled over me. uh.. lets see.. i will blog later on
Created at 8:48 PM
| Wednesday, February 21, 2007
too much overeating these days. how to see? from the excess amount of air in my stomach. urgh.
chinese new year visiting is quite tiring. even when im not the one driving *pities daddee* been getting on pretty well with my brother-in-law. just dun see him everyday, he will be like quite a normal person. less getting on my nerves. sometimes there are some ppl where u will never get ure eyes off them cos of the little things they do. like a thorn.
today is ash wednesday. for us its suppose to be the start of Lenten season. which means penitence as well as fasting. i doubt i can fast well lol XD but its to mark the beginning of the 6 weeks of preparation for Good Friday as well as Easter. why Ash? cos it reminds us of our mortality. that we came from ashes and will go back to ashes.
so lets go on to CNY 1st stop is my mum's 2nd sister's home. wats most amazing is that, my aunt have 4 male kids and the 4 male cousins whom are married, have a total of 7 boys and 1 girl.
 and they are all very jiji zhazha! lol. there is 1 that loves to offer mummiee sweets and talk about the sweets/choc he have at home. there is another that loves to dance along with HI 5.. the girl loves to command ppl to do things. such as her father(my cousin) sitting how she wans. "ure hands must place here. then ure legs put here then will look nice" and she loves to take camera of really.. everything. even the buddha statue in their house zzz upclose to the face sia..

 then we went over to my brother-in-law's godfather's house. there. their lovely boy. WeiMing is the name. pretty clever u noe. in a little child's way.

then we are on to my dad's biggest sis's house.
 didnt really like the place since there are alot of smokers.. abit sian.

 not to forget my streak of bad luck does not end there. the shower hose came off while i bathed.
the next day, off to my godma's house. at bukit panjang plaza's area

 the back of the richest lady. of cos her handbag contains lots of hongbao lor...
we went to auntie julie's house too. sigh. didnt wan to post much about it since all i did was help out with lunch. abit sian.
then we went over to my brother's youngest sister's house.

 one of my prettiest cousin. theres a reason why my camera phone focuses only on her LOL. ok la.. that is pure luck. or not?
 my father's side family. all are crap talkers. the best ones is daddee and uncle albert. cannot make it.. im only a little trembling lamb beside them when they are talking lame jokes ......
 ok its her now closer. im not that lecherous to purpose take this one ok.. its just that its there. its there! i didnt noe its there until today when i load the pics to my pc :'(
so we went over to my daddee's eldest brother's house. rich guy u noe.. 3 storey bungalow.
 thats auntie joanne and someone else..
 my cousin John.
yes they have a garden and their tortoise resides there. its the same one that szekiat has!

ok now i should go have a sleep. becos tml will be some gathering time again!
Created at 7:37 PM
| Tuesday, February 20, 2007
i need a rest today urgently! so didnt manage to blog even today. except a short one here.
feel veryvery exhausted during the CNY thing. for years ago when i was a kid, cny was always the funnest events on earth.
now, when i have a taste of wat my parents have been doing... its tiring! for example preparing for the reunion dinner takes lots of time and effort. its not just cooking. but buying and preparing and all.
even spring cleaning is tiring. visiting is tiring after all those sleepless nights with uncle mosquito.
Created at 8:48 PM
| Saturday, February 17, 2007
unluckiest day of the year goes to today! which is the last day of the Dog year in chinese lunar calendar.
l33t/\/355 pure unlucky. lets start with morning. slept at 1am even when i noe i got to crawl out at 7am to buy duck with mummiee.
bitten by blasted mosquito at 430.. (1)
woke up at 715 late couldnt even hear mummiee knocking on door (2)
couldnt find a place in the market to eat.. end up i ta bao back while mummiee go working. (3)
i had to find a place to put the duck (besides fridge cos of freshness) and ants terrorize my house so i need to strategise
hanged the whole plastic bag of duck/charsiew/shaorou/spareribs/chicken on this thing that u hang the undies on lol. its a rectangular thing that have many pegs and clips coming down.
went to toilet to blast then heard the whole rectangular thing fell on the floor due to the weight of the package.. (4)
had to clear up the drips of sauce before ants come. (5)
decide to hang the package higher. on the bamboo pole instead (inside my house)
found the bamboo pole bending at a dangerous pace so i quickly lift the package up with the "spear" i got. the spear is the one where u can hang clothes with.
the bamboo pole rebounded and fell out of the top area. (6)
the SAME BLOODY rectangular thing fell once again cos it was hanging on the bamboo. (7)
my sausage mc muffin with egg fell on the floor... sunny side down cos the bamboo hit the plate while falling (8)
cleared the muffin and the bamboo and the rectangular thing.
end up i placed the package in my room beside the bed
had to hang up the clothes after wash so i start hanging them.
didnt noe the bamboo is so weakened that it couldnt hold a stretch of hanged clothes. the whole stretch came down with the bamboo broken (9)
while it broke, it hit my face and my specs drop on the floor with 1 len came off (10)
after finishing everything, i went to look for newspaper and found it was stolen... since i called daddee to verified. stupid usual newspaper thief! (11)
while bathing, my clean shirt drop on the puddle of water.. (12)
here i am now

im half expecting the pc to hang up or shutdown or restart when im blogging. probably i will fall off the bed when im having my nap later on or have cramps on my leg dun worry. i will blog more about the misfortunes of me if there is any.
yesterday is very busy. morning went back to BLSS to visit. however there arent any girls that tagged along.. so sad. saw mother yong, mdm ang and miss sandra isnt really interesting except saw lionel sitting on the floor. then the whole group of us went to JP for lunch. and its the usual 10minutes deciding where to eat lol. end up KFC lor.. then dickson and bin and tham got to go liao.
clement and i went to see ghost rider. the show isnt as exciting as the trailer. storyline wise is quite ok. but the battle scenes between the 3 angels (earth, water, air) is so lame. LAME. L.A.M.E Air died in just 1 attack from ghost rider. Earth died in 1 surprised attack from ghost rider. Water died w/o ghost rider touching him and he was even strangling ghost rider..
at least blackheart gave abit of resistance.. but still died cos of the.. death-stare-like kinda thing
then went back home to have sleep. beauty sleep..
daddee called during 10 oclock like that to bring us to sheng siong to buy groceries. so many ppl can.. and while queueing up to pay, there is this guy behind me keep pushing his trolley so blood close to me until ppl cannot cross. he even at instances pushed his trolley against my butt zzzz im like irritated? cant he move and have some space to let ppl walk past?
ok ok. later i got to defrost the food as well as prepare a few simple food tasks before the great chef comes home to cook. until then, i still got to sweep and mop.
saw this on styke's blog. so i decide to try it out here is my result - i find it quite true..
9 - the Peacemaker
Thanks for taking the test ! | you chose BX - your Enneagram type is NINE (aka "The Mediator")
"I am at peace"
Peacemakers are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union with others and the world around them.
How to Get Along with Me
- If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially
don't like expectations or pressure.
- I like to listen and to be of service, but don't take advantage of this.
- Listen until I finish speaking, even though I meander a bit.
- Give me time to finish things and make decisions. It's OK to nudge
me gently and nonjudgmentally.
- Ask me questions to help me get clear.
- Tell me when you like how I look. I'm not averse to flattery.
- Hug me, show physical affection. It opens me up to my feelings.
- I like a good discussion but not a confrontation.
- Let me know you like what I've done or said.
- Laugh with me and share in my enjoyment of life.
What I Like About Being a Nine
- being nonjudgmental and accepting
- caring for and being concerned about others
- being able to relax and have a good time
- knowing that most people enjoy my company; I'm easy to be around
- my ability to see many different sides of an issue and to be a good
mediator and facilitator
- my heightened awareness of sensations, aesthetics, and the here and
- being able to go with the flow and feel one with the universe
What's Hard About Being a Nine
- being judged and misunderstood for being placid and/or indecisive
- being critical of myself for lacking initiative and discipline
- being too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch
of the mouth personally
- being confused about what I really want
- caring too much about what others will think of me
- not being listened to or taken seriously
Nines as Children Often
- feel ignored and that their wants, opinions, and feelings are unimportant
- tune out a lot, especially when others argue
- are "good" children: deny anger or keep it to themselves
Nines as Parents
- are supportive, kind, and warm
- are sometimes overly permissive or nondirective
reds are true in my opinion try it http://www.okcupid.com/tests/take?testid=6711512663497470889
Created at 9:17 AM
| Thursday, February 15, 2007
so.. many ppl sure wanna noe the day of valentines for a loner like me hahaha. for some moments during yesterday, seeing some couples going out. wat i wouldn't give for one myself..
anyways, it is a super hectic day for me. morning 7am woke up to follow mummiee to market for grocery shopping. the 1st time i woke up so early (besides mosquito hunting) in like 2 months. had to carry so much stuff and she didnt seemed to notice it. it makes me annoyed sometimes :/
came back home with only 30minutes to rest before going to buona vista to meet jinyan. then we went to simlim to get a RAM. since he is kinda like a total computer illiterate, who dun even dare to open up his pc case by himself.. i have to accompany him. it was perilous!! walking from 3rd floor to 5th then to 3rd then to 5th then to 3rd. end up we bought the RAM (an old model of PC2100 266mhz 512mb DDR1) from this store called Best Bargain(s)
then sat at the basement food court and talked to him about silkroad online. LOL the days of EA when me and szekiat will sit at MacD for like an hour or more talking about it. jinyan wanted to try out his 1st mmorpg. so i was like telling him some good ones and bad ones. okay.. he didnt wan to pay any monthly so his choices are lessened.
clement came over to my house around 6+ with me only having 1hour of nap. then we played diablo 2 through out the night. madness! from act 1 to 5 with a 1hour break at the end of act 4. then we walked to market at 2am zzzz to search for MAC DONALDS!!!!!!111!!1!1!!!!11!! hahahaha it was closed though. too bad. thats the only time i have crave for it.
visited the coffeeshop for wanton mee and 7-11 and about the joke on.. ice cream cones.. he went back at 6+ so i finally got my sleep. felt feverish then. and headache. need more rest sia. CNY coming soon.
Created at 6:35 PM
| Tuesday, February 13, 2007
went with sok for her interview at Recruit Express. well, couldnt help but found it abit amusing seeing how nervous she is. relax! :D
then we went to IMM for shopping. yes i go shopping. . . bought 25 DVD pack, Curse of the Golden Flower VCD original (for family) and 1 mousepad.
and lots of photos! of cos taken by me cam phone. dun complain. let me quote 1st. "basket!" - sokpeng_
 Daiso @ IMM
 our dearest sokpeng
 we saw this "M.D" thing. so if M stands for Moses, D stands for?
 i've been hoping that it is "M.D" and it is a D and not a P.. its a D im sure! not P
 high heels for sok!
 i pushed a trolley but in the end.. thats all she bought.
then at MacD, she was telling me this counter girl is pretty at the sideview. well.. lol not in the front view though! so we decide to go home liao then she had much laughter at my mistake of the 2 signs at the front entrance* of IMM
"Shuttle service to bukit batok has been suspended"
so all i saw is the 1st line. i happily told her about how there is bus going to bukit batok she can take. but still, she is also blur like me. the next sign shows
"Alighting point at front entrance. Boarding point at covered carpark."
so blurry that we stood there thinking why so little ppl is going to make use of the free shuttle service.. i guess u should noe the reason from the colored font
Created at 8:49 PM
| Sunday, February 11, 2007
i apologise for the large amount of rants in my blog posts. lol i see other ppl's post being less complainy and less fussy.
well.. if im gonna dig something out to say everyday for my posts, there will surely be something bad. and not everyday is happy smiley for me (:
for some reason i've been catching up on http://www.extremetech.com/ for their story on Windows Vista and should we upgrade our pc to it.
much tests have been done. like upgrade or clean installation or just performance test between vista and XP. so.. lots of tests shows XP running 3D/audio and lots more much faster since its simpler. but vista's premium home ED have this.. really cool desktop.
and also lots of complains from ppl stating that the new Game Explorer by Vista have not been working properly for games on XP. even so, some games cannot function properly on Vista too, though Vista have the privilege of making use of DirectX10.. oh well, how many games needs DX10 right now. and there is only a few graphic cards that support DX10, namely nvidia which cos around 800-1000 for 1 card..
so.. for the sake of games and compatibility, i've decided not to get Vista until XP is regarded like the current win98!!
Created at 10:02 PM
ah this post can be considered illegal.. shhh.
anyone noes of any chinese music downloading websites? no need the hippest or latest (cos i not interested) i wan those from the generation of our mothers. yup. let me noe via MSN!
went dinner with daddee again. this time he seem much cooler. less hot that is. and he seemed to have forgot about things that happened yst.
while on the other hand, mummiee is different. my sis's husband's godfather's baby is having his 1st month celebration today. so i noe that there is a buffet. so yst daddee asked me whether i wanna go. i tink and tink so i rejected cos.. i dun feel like going. then today afternoon, he called home and ask me to prepare to go. i told him i didnt wan to go. so he just say the usual - "rmb to wash up the turtle after u feed ah!" then i made my own lunch. mummiee came home. she seemed surprised that im still at home. so i told her i didnt go for the buffet. wat i didnt like is that she used such a tone like demanding why i dun wan to go. or why i not going. 1st of all, i see no reason why i must go. i dun mind going but its not a MUST. i dun owe him anything or wat sort, so i dun deserved to be interrogated like that.
she went on to say about ppl booked buffet liao got set number of ppl. so? wat i dun like again is that u all only tell me yst. i've got lots of things i kept inside me and didnt flare it out. though im bloody free at home and slacking, but im not a toy that u say go means go. i only noe we went to buy some presents for the baby few days back. but no one ever mentioned there is a buffet lunch. probably im too insignificant to noe of ure full plans until there is a need for me to noe. i also felt like telling her why didnt she go? i noe she chose to work and not take leave cos daddee told me. why? so? i must go?
i sometimes hate her attitude of planning. she never let me noe anything until last minute. i couldnt stand it at times and blasted back. the other time at church too. i asked her after that stupid PPC wat are we going to do. all i get is a ****ing "just follow. dun ask so much." when everyone noes wat they are going to do except me. if not for the sake of the family i would have just blasted and leave for home instead of following them to Vivo city
Created at 7:46 PM
| Saturday, February 10, 2007
SCARY! for the few times in my life, i saw daddee flare.
was eating dinner with him at the usual place. then he started on the topic of auntie julie. (yes i noe its been the topic of my posts too. bear with it!) since i tot mummiee told him everything, so i told him about how auntie julie wanted her to help out cooking on the 2nd day.
wah... seh.. he flare sia.. didnt noe he didnt noe.. if i detests auntie julie's way of treating mummiee 100% i can sense its more than few million % of his part..
his tone and all those.. is like worse than alot of things that i've heard. of cos the vulgarities arent that bad. but anyone who is not deaf can sure sense his anger. i didnt noe its that serious though heard it from mummiee that he is voicing out. i tot as in the usual - "rmb to feed the turtle with grapes" "later wash up the turtle" "help mummiee to do housework" "go RUN! exercise! dun everyday stay at home.." nags.
but this is sure different. so.. i ate my chicken chop in fear.. even when he fetched me home just now, i too sit in fear.. i think for the rest of today i should close up my door and hide..
yeap. for all the fans of the Anti-Mosquito Club we hereby look at our arch-enemy

tadaaa! if at anytime u couldnt hunt for any mosquitoes, just print this out and place it on ure floor. u might see it attracting other mosquitoes in. (gosh wat am i saying..)
saw this on M.Y's blog. yeah M.Y is a girl that me and clement noe.

sometimes i really cannot stand girl's shopping spree attitude. if u are having nightmare of failing exams everyday, u still got the mood to go shopping? gosh.. not to mention its not just 1 piece. for someone who wont be able to sleep or eat or watever, shopping is definitely something out of this world. i see liao cant help but feel angry at how immature some ppl is, not knowing the importance of something.
Created at 9:01 PM
| Thursday, February 08, 2007
came back a little while ago from Rosary prayer with mummiee. brought me to auntie sylvia's house. since there is a gathering, not to mention this really nice food.
its called Wati? or hwadi or something. veryveryvery nice! some of them eat raw green chilli with it. i couldnt help but eat 5 of it! but still, homemade traditional indian/dunnoewatrace snacks is still best. much better than other places which sells and adds lots of flour.
well.. after the prayer and food time, auntie marie, uncle christopher and his wife and both mummiee and me went to the nearest coffee shop to drink something. YES HELLO THERE! that kopitiam clement should noe. actually we prayed at the same block as where clement used to live. at IJ there.
so can hear them talk alot of politics between the group and auntie julie and uncle thomas. about how uncle thomas pampered auntie julie too much till when now he is in such state, auntie julie turned really spoilt.
some examples is, asking mummiee to go over to her house to cook for her relatives on 2nd day of CNY.. or saying she didnt noe how to buy fish or veggies and then mummiee will choose for her. but bad is, she will say she wan someting and point and while mummiee is choosing/teaching her, she just walk to the next store. end up mummiee pay for her somemore.
alright la. such stuff i should just leave it to the adults to solve it out themselves. heard from mummiee, daddee even voiced out. according to her, when daddee voice out on something, it means it has gone out of limits and should stop immediately.
heard also that auntie julie at one time demanded from daddee the reason why he didnt visit uncle thomas for such a long time. even saying things like "oh now he like that lie there then u dun wan to visit him liao?" sian. then she wan wat? mummiee and daddee to lie there with him the whole day? how about i shift my pc over and keep him company? cannot like that de ma.. daddee work from morning 5am while im still catching mosquito but i do get my sleep back and he is still working till night time 7-10 then come home. that is like 14-18hours of work a day. only sunday is free and its left for us and himself to rest.
some will agree to this. "some ppl if u helped them abit, they will expect u to help them forever. worse than a crippled or leprosy. but if u dun help them, it aches our hearts to see how things go from bad from worse. hence the stress"
been kinda like cut off from the world liao. last time holidays still can see soksok online in game early morning till night. at least someone to chat with. some radio fans too. peg will come in maple at around 11+ then the whole chat will be quite messy too. night time will include momox
now since i've been playing rose, its quite me alone most of the time. w/o anyone to keep me going, i feel a little tired in game.
wonder wats soksok up to, this holiday?
i feel quite lonely too in rose. sigh.
Created at 11:17 PM
| Wednesday, February 07, 2007
today i struggled to play rose but found out im too tired.
dunnoe why. its like fatigue or wat. feel abit feverish/hot/heaty. maybe is due to body system losing to the battle of mosquito bites.. and i believe is the type of food i ate these few days too.
a fren was telling me that mosquito suck blood is becos it is their food. its not like they wanted to. i dun mind they suck blood, provided they sterilise their mouth before sucking. its the germs/bacteria that make me itchy as well as all those mosquito diseases.
Created at 8:22 PM
| Tuesday, February 06, 2007
i feel quite overwhelmed by jealousy just a few minutes ago. i dunnoe why but i just felt "why?"
while i was playing rose, mummiee came and tell me something. "wan to go jurong point for dinner?" "ok lor.. go with daddee ah? or we alone eat?" "go drink soup with auntie julie. come along" "daddee leh?" "he working."
then i feel like... something crashed in me. probably some rebooting inside my mind.
just like 30minutes ago, i was asking her wat to do for dinner? then i gave the suggestion how about waiting for daddee to finish work and then he can fetch us go somewhere to eat. so i was kinda looking forward to getting out of the house.
then she just told me that i can certainly feel like she didnt ask daddee at all. and why auntie julie? uncle thomas have gone back home but is still in a very bad case. due to auntie julie refusing to accept the fact that her husband can never recover anymore. ever since then, mummiee have been giving her so much attention that i feel.. hey.. no one gives as much time to her as u.
so for her every off days, she will go help her out. today is an example. she went out at 8+ and surprisingly came back at 2pm. i tot it was the end but no, now she going to accompany her again. and asks me along.
its not like i hate auntie julie or wat.
but she felt kinda like a stranger to me liao and 2 middle age woman normally dun care about watever trail-along that follows. often i will be casted aside eating by myself.
im not dying to eat at some restaurant!
i try not to be sour and think of bad things about auntie julie (thats wat scorpios are good at) and i noe mummiee have the right to do the things she like, being that she spent half her life taking care of the family liao.
but still... i can't help feeling jealous.
so jealous that i rejected her offer downright. "dun wan. i dun wan to go. why must eat with her?" she kept standing at the door explaining all the goodies they will be eating and trying. all the more it kept me from going. i just stared at the monitor screen and continue my chant of "u all go can liao. i dun wan to go" she stand there quiet for awhile before going back to her room to get ready.
i still have not calmed down yet to feel guilty for my actions which i noe i will.
i didnt even say byebye to her.
i really wonder does she noe wat am i thinking? or is she thinking im just some lazing bum that wont wan to go out.
i wish i can be like some kid making a big fuss and throwing something on the floor breaking something. i've never done that in my life to get her attention before. becos when im young, i've never learn to appreciate her as much as now when im grown up.
if a kid does all those little things or huge things to get ure attention, it means in their little heart they cannot stand something and dunnoe how to say out. just by doing it thru their actions. of cos their grow hearts and maturity grow into something that contains everything, be it sadness, anger, happiness and watnot. have u seen adults being happy and hugging and laughing or rolling on the floor and smiling the best they can like an innocent child?
nowadays, an adult can just force a smile to a little kid and the little kid will take it all in while the adult kept everything inside their heart.
Created at 5:28 PM
| Monday, February 05, 2007
it seems that woman/girl are extremely sensitive about age. well i tink i should stop attacking the 79s'. who noes i might be exterminated by a shandong assassin.
Poly-near-graduate died under a pile of peanut shells and golf balls.
so.. wats up with the trip to chinatown? very tiring can! walking with mummiee can never be more tiring.. especially when there is OG over there. daddee was telling me that OG stands for Old Girl.
ok i will start from the very start then. met mummiee at jurong east then took a train to chinatown. decided to eat "kiao" which in teochew means dumplings. something like wanton. at HongLim Complex there. the store name is Ah Kow mince meat noodles. daddee and mummiee have been eating this ever since they are patoh-ing and daddee always say if go chinatown nvr eat it, mummiee will die.

yeap 3 bucks for just dumplings. a little expensive but its quite nice i must say! just order 3 bucks of "kiao" with extra dark vinegar and chilli and ure set! we didnt order noodles cos we are eating something else.
then we went over toOldGirl to shop. or rather is only mummiee shopping since i didnt need to get any more new clothes. so as usual daddee and i always find some place to like some mannequin's platform. we will just sit there and talk and conserve our energy. daddee relates to me about this time when he followed mummiee and auntie julie and auntie marlene to shop. "not tiring meh?" "die ah! wat not tired!?" "they not tired? i can guess lo" "they are Shopping Immortals"
so we went on to shop at some shop houses. i found this rather interesting thing.

its a green pepper plant. it looks like watermelon hanging on a tree. it looks very cute i tink.
yeap i also found this nice looking dress! lol i purposely took the 50% discount too

yes. then at OG, there is this 1 hour special where they slash price of certain items up to 70%. u can guess the amount of ppl rushing there
 not scary enough i suppose. but tat was just the starting!
alright i will just let the pictures do the talking. it isnt as packed as 10years ago though. and i feel those shophouses spoils the fun. i feel much better if the whole area is like pasar malam style.

 "pepperoni!" lol

saw this PKClub thingie which is like "roflol dun playplay come pk la!" from wat i guess, they actually charge 3bucks per head(promotion) for providing a place to let ppl play 1 hour of game. wat game? wat i guess is this game called "Murderer" or "Mafia" that i've played with the EA ppl.
the thing is, its almost like going to a cybercafe to log into MSN.
Created at 5:57 PM
| Sunday, February 04, 2007
very sian right now. go out also got to wait. come home also got to wait. 10minutes become 20minutes then another 10minutes again. i really feel like.. cant time be given to me?
tml then update on the trip to chinatown.
i have high tolerance but extremely low patience.
Created at 11:47 PM
2nd post of the day and is still going!
will be going with daddee and mummiee to chinatown later on! i hope i rmb to take tons of pictures to keep. my last CNY before i turn 20.. or rather im already 20 in lunar calendar :/
eh... 20 is a two digit that starts with a two. i will be in the same league as suling and jasmin liao. soon.
i've been thinking about age. lots of ppl i noe, they celebrate sweet 16, mature 18 and dunnoe wat 21. prolly R(21) i've not celebrate sweet 16 nor mature 18. only happy 19 with EA gang. some even have bbqs or parties or peggie's favourite steamboat galore for 2-3 days as well as all her other jie-mei's 21, she gets to enjoy all the celebrations.
probably in my 21, i will either take leave from watever work im at and stay at home and snuggle my bolster :'( or maybe organise some large party watever. a group of sec sch mates, a group of SP sch mates, and a small group of EA mates. how i wish someone will organise for me. it will be ultra nice to have someone do it than myself.
often i find it weird that why is it that its person A's bday yet it is A that is organising the party. i find it absolutely stupid. A's frens should be the one organising and celebrating instead of A doing all the job.
for that reason, i hardly have parties.
and for spoilt kids who wans party that involve their parents to cook or prepare the house or lift their fingers abit, i wish to remind them that they have 21 years of age is due to their parents hard work, love and blood. u should instead celebrate for them that they reared u for 21x365.25 days plus the 8-10 months of hell ure mummiee had, to make u an adult.
Created at 1:46 PM
lol i guess many ppl are turned off by my previous post. so oh well. i will either leave it there or just delete. see how :/
saw szesze's blog on mosquito biting him. such *passionate* blood! i do have them too! i kill an average of 1 mosquito each night. the pathetic part is they only come out at night.. D:D:
around 3.30am to 6am they will come. after that, im safe to sleep. if i am to complain there are tons to say but no, i will gladly look in a bright side.
they train my eyes for looking around places for black dots. hey! they are black arent they? a black dot on the wall means SOMETHING! i've learnt how to wait patiently for a mosquito to appear. the longest i waited is 1.5hours and i hope my antibodies do develop some kind of resistance or immunity against their rubbish bites. so when i enter Tekong, i can jump into a swarm of mosquito and die without any itchiness.
valerie gave me this idea thru msn...
i should cover myself with double sided tape draped with strands of my passionate blood. and then lie on the floor. Lo and Behold! all the mosquitoes get stuck on the double-sided tape and i can enjoy torturing them later on.
fantastic idea! but how do i remove the double-sided tape from myself? that is still a question that havent been answered and she went offline.
Created at 11:35 AM
| Saturday, February 03, 2007
 been listening to this for like a week liao its good when ure playing long hour games! lots of different music and "playlists" as well as human-voices to hear
okay. this post is meant to be my thoughts and is not directed at anyone
its the dif from my usual J-pop playlist. probably 1 day singapore might come up something new too. like how we have Singlish, we should come out with Sing-Pop or S-Pop, S-Rock. which highly reminds me that singapore rarely have anything original and authentic of our own. probably the highest amount of "Mixed" languages of curses and swears.
for example (please excuse me)
"ta ma de! wat the fuck he/she doing sia! diu lei ah! kanina give excuse nia knnccbkpkb mee goreng chicken rice curry roti prata western food chicken wings!"
some even goes racial stuff like "HEY U PORK! come here!" "come here u banana!" "i cant see u at night!"
Created at 2:38 PM
| Friday, February 02, 2007
mosquitoes sucks i will nvr lament for them if they become endangered species. how fair is God? by making them as small as a fingernail yet hard to find. rather than the size of a human. imagine a human-sized mosquito that breeds in the forest. u may nvr noe if they start an army to conquer earth vampires might even surrender to them.
i bet for some ppl who sees long posts that dun relate to them, they will skip it or read in intervals. how do i noe? cos i do that too XXD
yst had a nice long chat with suling on msn. it seems a certain group of people is giving her trouble as well as many ppl trouble. but oh well, judging from the amount of ratio of my words to her words, i can see she have kept alot of things in her heart and had to blast it out lol
for the interns, i feel if the adults in EA are too lenient such as the ETs and Leads, u are not helping them at all. u will end up cultivate this "too casual" attitude in them which they will definitely not survive in the working industry. they might even think they can get away with it.
i suppose the company that takes part in this internship program absolutely have the right to impart working skills and attitude to interns. not just cheap labour and all. after all, interns are there to LEARN i certainly do not wan to point out who is lenient or who is strict or watsoever names. so dun bother guessing.
for me, backstabbing or not, i feel if im an adult that sees some teens doing wrong things, i will let their guardians(Leads) noe about it. if the Leads noe about it YET do nth.. probably its time to do something about it.
a good example will be clarence. when he sleeps, i will let suling or jasmin noe. i wont do the job myself. cos letting a 1 rank higher person noe is not as bad as letting the 2-4 ranks higher ppl noe.
how about adults to adults? i've felt adults have already cultivated this singaporean scared die attitude. nvr wan to speak out or correct someone. maybe in a way, some might say it is backstab or wans to avoid problem/conflicts. i feel if it only affects 1 person then yeah u can either keep it or have one to one chat. but if it affects the whole company, and the lives of more than 10 ppl, shouldnt something be done?
lol alright i've got much more to preach but i tink i will end here.
Created at 9:35 AM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
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