| Tuesday, January 30, 2007
1 day i will die of blood loss. each early morning i hunt for mosquitoes like... 4am to 6am. its like a routine breakfast for them. and i really wanna noe where they come from. while playing with szekiat yst night and him owning all, i killed a disturbing mosquito which of cos contains lots of blood when smacked.
its the same just now and its like 545am right now! its been 1 week or so since i really have the full straight 8 hours of sleep :/:/:/
many ppl have different blog ideas. some have pictoblogs, some have advertblogs, some have celebrityblogs and so on. well.. mine will be classified as.. myblog.
sunday is a .. rather temperamental day for me. i was absolutely not interested in any pastoral assembly thing in church yet forced to follow like a doll. then after that, went to vivo city with the whole family. Vivo city lor. they say very big very big alot of things to shop. ya.. indeed big but i find it similar to a refurbished FarEast same.
there is this 1 store i would like to present to u all - Build a Bear store.

why is this store one of my most memorable store? no.. i dun love bears or stuff toys alot. but the idea and innovation is really good!
1stly, kids get to buy "skins" of their bear/rabbit/monkey/toy which is like a teddy bear without cotton. next, they will pump in cotton with the help of the kawaii lady helper there. the lady helper will entertain the little toddler and then before sewing up teddy's hole, she will give the kid a plastic heart which he/she will close eyes and blow some "life" into the heartshape. then place into the teddy and sew it up.
wats amazing is the amount of accessories they have! from rollerblades to hats to even undies/panties shirt and birth cert lor i would personally get a kitty bear with panties + a flower straw hat, denim mini skirt with pink blouse and a straw basket. no shoes is ok. and the name on the birthcert of my kitty? strawBERRY~
.... haha ok. i will name her Eden or Chloe.

see the little girl over there? the one looking to the store? i had to fake taking a pic of the store just to sneak her into my cam view. see how happy she is~ <3<3
so.. for a person that doesnt really love shopping that MUCH lol. food is the next best choice. Food Republic. daddee have been telling sunli (sis's hubby) that newspaper said blablabla then they tear down houses take the door and watnot to furnish the food court. and he have been telling US including me for about 8 times since i counted. one thing is that he loves to talk about things he said before "do u noe that a *******" "ya. u say before liao" "then do u noe that a *****" "also say before liao"
the food is good! bak chor mee is very good! bbq chicken wings quite alright though westcoast area got nicer ones. nvr touched the laksa though daddee said its good. douhua shui and douhua. nth special IMHO but the youtiao is good when freshly fried. dim sum. quite alright. beef horfun. not that nice.. cos the bak chor mee pwns all! maybe is the vinegar in the mee that makes the horfun taste bland.
and i wonder clement got notice the ngor hiang store there? its the branch of the one in boonlay! the one we occassionally go there and order watermelon juice with tons of fried stuff.
alright. spent 38minutes of blogging time. 2280seconds of my life. i should catch up on my 14400 seconds of sleep now.
Created at 5:42 AM
| Sunday, January 28, 2007
felt rather happy few hours ago. becos of painting the metal door frame. it seems like mummiee and daddee and i are kinda spending time together.
though daddee dun show it, but he occasionally walk over and see and gave some short remarks while i paint. then he would sit there on the floor and see TV. mummiee will come by to see me paint and then after awhile, she offered to paint some parts too. then daddee took his newspaper and sat on the floor near us and read some news to us XXD he will then cut some fruits then we all share while painting.
its kinda fun doing things together even though the paint smells alot. somehow during that time, i found out that there are things better to do than to play games whole day. probably doing things together makes boring things fun. but oh well, im always alone at home. wat else can i interact with, besides my terrapin and Mother Mary statue.
mummiee's bday is so soon coming! i wonder wat should i get?
somehow some ppl just dunnoe how to treat me.
when something bad happened, i will try to comfort that person and show some concern. or even worry about the person's mood but when it happened to me, they will just lol here or lol there as if its like some mistake or some sort even though i dunnoe if its unintentionally and then just some short remarks to shrug it off. but the stinging feeling is there even though it might be a casual remark.
ppl tends to forget about others who helped them during their journey, and when they got it, they will just forget about everything of their hardwork. including u.
Created at 12:05 AM
| Saturday, January 27, 2007
singnet is so sucky. so cuppy lor 1stly they claim that the taiwan earthquake is the cause of the lag. ok i accept. then they say all websites are now back to the norm. probably not. now they put an announcement on their website apologising for the lagness in video downloading as well as overseas online game.
which means ROSE online which im playing, is really affected. there was a period of time where there is no lag. thats why i decide to play on after the seven days trial from ROSE. after that, i get alot of serious lag during 7pm till 1am or later. wat made my heart worse is that, i've heard maple is no longer laggy for singnet. feel abit sour becos when i was addicted to maple, singnet lag. when im addicted to ROSE, singnet lag, maple returned to normal.
now even have disconnections. bah. called the technical helpdesk and heard from them that the world of warcraft ppl have been bombing them with complains and calls. so i decide to make life easy for that man and just ask him any idea when it will resolve? he said he dun have any idea. now this hit some weak spot of mine.
i can nvr stand waiting for something/someone when i dunnoe when they are coming. u can ask ppl how blasting im when they are late w/o letting me noe. i believe its a responsibility to let someone noe that u cannot make it on time or due to some other commitments. im sure i can accept those. and not let me wait like a fool until something happen.
so when is singnet going to finish up their business since a month ago when the earthquake started? if its like a week lag still understandable. but they dragged for a month liao and we didnt get any rebate or watever for the cuppy service i've had. i didnt pay 60+ bucks for a 3500mbps line which lags + dc during peaks okay! so all they say is they dun noe when it will be fixed. i wonder is this the kind of commitment they have for the service sector.
this morning is havoc for me, gilbert and szekiat. woke up at 925am by peggie. and was told by her that we have to attend a MASS BRIEFING BY 10AM. so i woke szesze up then i rushed down to the briefing. from wat me + kiat + gilbert + peggie recall, shirley have nvr told us that if there is a MASS BRIEFING, we have to attend. she just told us each individually that if we need to come for any briefing or meeting, she will call us and let us noe. so no call no go right?
the briefing isnt really the all important IMHO. the most important is about the october survey as well as graduation stuff.. and of cos seeing Dora there taking pics thru out the whole briefing. she sure have long hair now. though i prefer her in shorter hair since long hair makes her looks like some student helper XXD
so theres dinner with 1b22. the problem with going out with the whole gang of ppl is that, different ppl often have different ideas where to go after dinner. so its either starbucks, coffeebean, home, pub, clubbing. and even pub, we have problem choosing a pub.
i feel the best way to fix the problem is that, the main organiser should have fixed the whole outing schedule. ppl who dun like watever can just drop off at anytime. at least we have a guideline of wat to do. those who dun wan to follow, can make their own schedule of where to go and so on.
a little headache now. guess i will sleep in a whiles time.
Created at 12:45 AM
| Wednesday, January 24, 2007
MUST READ! this post is like a newspaper to everyone!
this early morning was an epic battle between me and mozzy. cmi.. after 2 hours of luring and watever to kill it, i found out the mozzy i killed, have no blood in it. means! the big boss is somewhere else!!! ragh. just imagine a big boss mozzy send the little mozzy to go suck my blood, then the big boss mozzy suck the little mozzy's blood.. sounds like some alienated mosquito mutation
yst was very tiring for me. and shocking.. went over to Eunos to meet my 2nd aunt from mummiee's side. of cos both of them had lots of things to talk to in this really nice restaurant at the clubhouse of their condo. Mandarin Garden Condominium at siglap there i tink.

i sorta find the food there pleasant. for 3 PERSONS! auntie, mummiee and me. we ate tons. actually I ate tons..
teochew style fish with beehoon Big grilled chicken in lots of delicious mushroom sauce (not the western style) fried tofu with pork floss on it (best) hor fun (like other stalls)
so u noe, 2 middle-age women likes to talk and talk and neglect the food. then auntie will always say "mo hak hei ah! ah yi hai yi dou!" which means dun be shy, auntie is here. so i was eating alone and listening to their converstation for about 2 hours.. its like u eating ure lunch beside a radio with the DJ conversing with the guest.
then we went over to their house for a little sit. auntie gave me a veryvery generous ang bao! so happy can.. it will be in my history cos its the biggest i've ever received. i wonder did she mixed up 10buck(s) with the 50buck(s)
then uncle drove us to Eunos MRT to take train back to the west. we saw those civil defence truck as well as lots of police car. i was tinking hor hor! liao already! must be either terrorist bomb or some rapist or someone with guns and launchers. or.. the usual suicidal case.
the control station auntie speaks so loudly and very "auntily" then only say there is an accident and prevents all of us from going up there. so i saw some heroic civil defence ppl running up the stairs and escalators with some equips which makes me think for a second, the train might have de-railed.
so, end up they brought down between 8-10 ppl.. something that i can only see as covered in white on the feet or head i dunnoe. then.. i just had to rot away asking szekiat or norman how to go back to west by bus. 89 MINUTES TO REACH BOONLAY VIA 154! holy cows!
so end up mummiee brought me to the nearest coffeeshop and rest. they have a good view there u noe.. its just beside the MRT and u can see the train stopped halfway in the station with lots of man on the rail and on the platform looking and snapping pics of the train.
okay ZENUFF! lol with Eunos. we then went to JE IMM for a walk. aiya cannot make it. its a veryvery long story and i will rot sitting here narating it.
anyways wat valerie said, has struck me. "im the poorest person" - valerie "dun say poor leh.. u dunnoe those beggars how poor" - me "but i've been trying to prevent them from being poor until im poorer than them." "how is that so?" "everytime i see them, i couldnt help giving a note or 2" "lecture notes or sticky notepads?" "stupid! of cos is money!" "then u still give!?" "becos im poor so i dun wan others to be as poor as me"
well, the last sentence is the most striking one. making herself poorer to prevent others from being as poor as her. i didnt noe she is so kind.
until she ask me for donation for her charity card......
but still, she herself have donated 50bucks to the card.. WAH COW! u ask clement or me! we donate how much to the charity card we always have! a grand total of how much.
Created at 11:47 AM
| Tuesday, January 23, 2007
been too busy these days playing ROSE online. lol as usual im so addicted to MMORPGs
somehow, i've become the house maintainance person. since i dun work and i slack, im now in charge of doing rare chores like wiping windows, door frames, mop, sweep, clean the fans, bathrooms etc.
even later, i will have to learn to paint the metal door frame.
and i wanna learn how to cook nicer green bean soup for my parents since i too wan to drink it but couldnt always forever depend on them to cook it for me. they can always eat my green bean soup when they come home from work.
seems to me im learning to become a housewife cum slacker
szesze is too owning in DOTA liao.. i only got 2 kills and he got like more than 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 or 60! solo-ing 5 AIs shouldnt be a problem for a man of high calibre.
so.. Mother Mary's statue will be placed in our home for a week starting tml. its a Rosary prayer group that goes around the neighbourhood to pray. of cos mummiee volunteered since she is one of the active members of the group.
now i will have an extra person in the house to talk to D:
i've been wanting to tell this to someone in my msn since this morning. but i bet that person doesnt visit my blog so.. wat happened? so fast finish liao ah? cup4 chan3 gay1 er!
anyway anyhow, daddee just installed/fixed a new tap for my bathroom. everytime i wash my mouth with the water that comes from that tap, the aftertaste is like pizza.. but on the 2nd wash, the taste is gone. GOSH! did he bought a pizza-taste tap back? i wan a fried chicken taste one..
NOOO its not rust!! its definitely not moss! urghh.. *vomit*
Created at 10:46 AM
| Monday, January 22, 2007
i dunnoe how many ppl still visits this blog. seems almost like a tombstone. i promise to blog tml!
Created at 10:02 PM
| Friday, January 19, 2007
felt abit tired but i couldnt sleep past 10am... reached home and enter the dreamworld at 1am but was woken up by a mosquito at 3am. i was hunting for it till 5am+ can.. sounds so much like hunting for a RARE ITEM. finally killed it and found hey! how come this mosquito have so little of my blood?! when i was bitten at more than 4-5 places!
so i reckon that there is a boss somewhere.
yst went to meet jassy, suling, szekiat and gilly for dinner. kinda find it rather awkward for the 1st few minutes since its like u see some ppl almost everyday then suddenly they disappear from ure view for some time and now u see them again. but still! we got on pretty well laughing like mad again.
ate pepper lunch for the 1st time. i will say its quite ok. good business idea i believe too. asking customer to cook themselves. if anything happen like diarrhoea or watnot, BLAME URE OWN COOKING SKILLS LEI CUP!
and.. i have a little tummy ache right now. NOO THEIR MEAT IS NOT FRESH!! PEPPER LUNCH CUP!
had lots of hearty talk. which will not be included here. lol ChinAng if ure tinking, think no further! cos we were talking about u! lol XD we went from Isetan to Starbucks to BK. saw this cat there while we were talking. i couldnt keep my eyes off it cos its rather cute. though a little skinny but soooo cute!
Created at 4:06 PM
| Tuesday, January 16, 2007
so.. there were many comments on curse of the golden flower.
some say good. frens frens' say not good. fren say not good. reviews say good.
argh. i just wanna watch a muvee with my dearest mother!
was eating breakfast with her just now. she showed me 2 pieces of shocking news on the Straits Time.
One is about china being numb on robbery.
they even showed 3 pictures which shows 2 man attacking a woman. 1st pic - 1 man attack and tries to grab her bag. 2nd pic - woman struggle and holds onto her bag as if it is a title belt. another man joins in the attack. 3rd pic - both man pinned the woman face down and touch her butt. lol they wan to grab her wallet at her backpocket.
this really .. made china ugly in my opinion. i used to have the impression, hey, they might be poor and high in population but they are growing in the industry and whatnot. but this kind of news just tell how ugly china is.
wats amusing is that, in the 3 photos taken by the photographer, he/she didnt even help the woman who was pinned down!! worse than bypasser!
my question to the males
if u see a veryvery pretty young lady being violated in some deserted corridor by a man, wat will u do? violate in the sense of rape.
u can join the man just like in the china pic. rotten person with fungus growing. u can take out ure camera phone and snap pics for newspaper or for own pleasure. ure equally rotten and maybe blue mushrooms/caulifowers growing. if u helped (not the man!). then ure a good person and the girl might give u her msn.
NEWS no.2
so this one is about a dumb NTU guy. yes! NTU! the school i might attend. super stupid can.. wats wrong? he hack into some woman's msn messenger acc. then convinced "her" female frens to use a program called MSN8 which he found in some junkie emails. so she log in using that MSN8 and found out there is problem logging in. so the man ask her to send him a file to troubleshoot the program, but actually the file contains everything she typed including her password. so he just logged in that girl's account and changed password locking her out forever.
im not sure how.. but he told some of the girls that he have editted some of their images to nudity and will threaten to distribute to make them "famous". lol reminds me of tammy. so wats the catch? in blackmail, the girls are supposed to give him pictures of their breasts..
rubbish right? committing crime just to see girls' busts.
he can visit PORN WEBBIES!
go to google and type - "OMGROFLOLGGLEETLMAOPWNAGEBBQ PORN" and he can access to free and crimeless world.
some crime he have done include hacking other ppl's msn acc etc. afterall, he has committed crime just to try to see.. busts..
Created at 10:54 AM
| Monday, January 15, 2007
bought a brand new phillips vacuum cleaner on last saturday. we didnt have vacuum cleaner for a pretty long period of time cos the previous one we had was loaned by "someone" whom didnt return..
i was bugging mummiee to get a vacuum cleaner. its much cleaner than sweeping the floor as fine dusts can get stuck even on marble floors. and i needed some sucking power for cleaning my keyboard. the dust/dirt/cobwebs/mushrooms/lingzhi/fungi that is hidden below the keys of the keyboard is making me feel irritated. its just like having a big oily thumbprint on ure glasses and ure not able to remove it :/:/
JP's harvey norman is selling the one we bought at 299. but mummiee believed that a shop in the market sells the same thing but cheaper. hey.. i was hardly believing that a new product can be sold in a shop near the market. so we went to JW market to check it out.
SURPRISE! the uncle took out a stack of forms and then going thru them while we waited after telling him. then he brought us to the back of the shop and asked if it is the one. .... and he sells it at 250 w/o cut and slash from mummiee. mummiee said she didnt need to haggle with the price as it is already lowered by 49 bucks.
so.. i tried it out today at max power. it really sucks more than my older one. thats wat we paid for. a more sucky vacuum cleaner
Created at 11:09 PM
| Sunday, January 14, 2007
sunday. went to church for 1030 mass just to pass clement his things.
sidharta is indeed a good person. erna should be very happy to have him as her bf i hope. went to eat at JP with clement after mass. the Pizza Place. lol 5.90 for a personal pan pizza + very pathetic amount of fries amounting to like 7-9 fries + 1 ice lemon and show ure student pass! the pizza is rather good. better than NTUC frozen pizza.
so embarrassing lor! we were like eat le then walk off like nothing happened. then the man was like chasing us and say we didnt pay! wah cow! forgot! we were used to eating fast food and just walk off.
went to play Time Crisis 2. another ancient game in the arcade. im playing player 2 and the screen is so dark can.. villains dressed in dark color i already like color blind handicapped liao. then wats more when u shoot, the whole screen goes white for a split second. so distracting! died earlier than clement..
dinner is very filling. there is this soup we tried and its ultra nice! hai xian lu = seafood..stove? or steamboat. ate at the usual Lokyang area. the usual quiet coffeeshop turned to a ruckus today! sian. there is this big big 8-10 tables of ppl group. making so much noise. heard that they were from some temple gathering. and their kids is like so many and running around in the coffeeshop like no one's business. at least 2-3 times the runners for the stall almost knocked into those pesky kids and spill the food.
i suggest they can either get a big cage for them or they chain them up to their tables. so that the kids have limited places to run and prevent from knocking into someone else. okay la.. the adults arent any wiser. they were cheering these 2 guys to stand on the chair to sing some hokkien songs. not that i wan to insult anyone or anything but hello there are other customers there who wan to enjoy their food w/o straining our ears to hear each other talk in the midst of the commotion.
its not like my ear is perfect already...
i still love the usual quiet Lokyang industrial area. where u can enjoy ure food in a table together with ppl u noe.
Created at 9:06 PM
| Saturday, January 13, 2007
its been very long since i go central. still feeling giddy from the side effects of taking a cab.
start from morning. met up with sok at JE. she still managed to exceed my expectations again XD then we go off to Suntec for the NTU talk for undergraduates.
i wanna go Uni.. but i tink my gpa arent really the very great to have a 100% chance of getting in. i dun even tink i might get 50%.. stucked between computer engineering and computer science.
after that, brought sok to bugis. to have lunch at KFC and to go simlim to look for the Saitek Eclipse II keyboard. IT COSTS 95BUCKS CAN! i tot if its like 50-60 i will buy it and cry at home. but 95 bucks will nvr make me buy it. how to say? its still an input component. i would prefer to pay more money for an output component such as cpu, ram, graphics, etc.
can feel sok is like dying in simlim. cos its definitely not far east and the stuff doesnt interests her. so end up we walked the whole of parco bugis before saying byebye. then since i have ALOT of time to rot before going over to shok's place for her bday party, i went down to the arcade.
amazing! i saw valerie there! well.. as usual since she love arcade rather alot and visits arcades all over singapore. and she was playing house of the dead 4 with 2 players. 1 human holding 2 guns.. that is like 4 bucks for a game i tink. me and clement couldnt even finish 2nd stage boss. much less me alone who cant finish 1st stage boss :(((((( can see the crowd of ppl around her while she blasts zombies. at this last boss, where u shoot this monster which looks like a frozen housefly, she gave up her game to 2 young kids. a boy and a girl. and they were playing like shooting everywhere. i tink since she felt its the last boss and she might have given some fun to those kids watching her play.
then rotted with her till i go to shok's house. met many old frens there. choir frens whom i've not seen for about a year.. and many seniors which i've hardly talked to. only big chris i suppose. since he and i rather clicked and we talked alot during our practices. so when big chris had to go for another gathering, i was inclined to leave as well. then while we crossed the road to his car, suddenly we hear 2 girls screaming something which sounds like my name "oo sa?" .. ... .. then we look back to see it was Aini and .. .. wats her name.. lol i forgot. anyway Aini and whoever was complaining i didnt say hello to them and byebye to them since they just came and im about to leave. i was surprised. since i tot they were screaming for big chris but actually they have nvr seen big chris before lol.
so.. i was kinda happy u see. XD had some chat with them as well as cutting of cake. then i felt like going home. so marie and her bf came along and big chris took us to marina square. then marie suggests that we take cab since she and her bf is going to chinese garden. which is very near to lakeside. so im ok with it.
just dreading the aftermath of taxis.. still feeling giddy..
Created at 9:35 PM
| Thursday, January 11, 2007
today is rather sucky. except morning whom i made a new fren in ROSE online. his name is confidential in this blog and comes from Canada. why do i mention him here? becos he is special. in the sense that he didnt have legs. lost his legs to a machine in the farm becos he used to play there when he was young. "pls dun feel sorry for me. i believe its my destiny" he uses artificial legs to walk. and learns boxing lessons to protect himself.
i cant help but think about how the leggy ppl and what they have been doing.
i do feel that the experiences we had with the more misfortunate is given by God. to periodically think about how fortunate we are.
these recent days.. i've been thinking. do someone have something for a long time, tend to think that they will have it forever and not noe many ppl are eye-ing for it too? its like grown all natural. for example a job. a highly paid job yet requires low cert. many ppl wans it. but Mr A got it. at first Mr A will work really hard in gratitude. once Mr A noe the environment well, Mr A slack. Mr A might think that he is doing fine and nothing will happen. when actually there are candidates vying for the job. anxious to show the employer what they can do. Mr A does not noe wat went wrong even when the time come when he is fired due to incompetence
so does many ppl think like Mr A? in the many things that u have. be it parents, job, spouse, girlfren, boyfren and so on
shortform for this - Taking for Granted.
Created at 10:31 PM
| Wednesday, January 10, 2007
today im mad.
have been waiting for Rising Tide: The 2nd Tide from kiat. since he is installing VS 2005, im suppose he is coming out with a new engine with new features in his new expansion set! stay tune for more details (:
been rather lazy to blog ever since monday (medical checkup) well.. let me describe the stations.
the 1st lady that gives u this file.. she was wearing this speghetti with a red manchester sweater. i bet many guys sure wanna look at where the goddess resides..
blood test - take blood and check ure blood type. for poor souls like me who dun noe about my blood type, i got to stick a needle into the vein between the arm and forearm. so funny the guy even ask whether i got phobia of needles. i suppose if i answered yes, he might tell me a joke and stick the needle in while im laughing :O "u still feeling ok? giddy or anything?" "i feel like going to die le :/:/ " "alright i can see ure fine. go next station" =(
X-ray - take off clothes and push the chest against this board. the stupid part is the person in charge told me to take a veryveryvery deep breath in and hold it there. why stupid? cos he took almost 30seconds to finish the thing, i might have lung explosion and fail my medical check up
Eye - pretty simple. the man asks everyone to read the same line lo.. just memorise wat the guy infront of u read. then even if u covered both eyes, u can still pass yeah? but the risk is there. if the guy infront of u is either blind/cataract or following another person infront.. u might fail with them
Ear - sucks. hate this one. ure suppose to raise ure respective hands according to the different frequencies u hear in respective ears. the lady tot i got history of hearing loss... wasted 15minutes
Dental - i dunnoe whats wrong with me. the doctor was like taking about 1-2minute for the ppl before me. yet he only took 10seconds for me. "alpha 1-2 something" "forward dunnoe wat" "ok u can go"
he even ask the person before me, when is the previous dental appointment. that person said poly. i was so afraid cos my last one is like... secondary school? in that stupid dental bus besides D&T workshop..
Height/weight - the guy there talks nonsense. i bet he must be ultra bored
i dunnoe what is this - u just lie there and they use ure wrists and ankles like batteries/charger to this machine. and then clip some suction things on ure chest to tummy. amazingly they manage to find out my fat % and whatnot.
doctor - okay.. actually i didnt noe much about this besides coughing. i mean how is coughing suppose to help/detect whether ure fren is attached to u or real or fake? or probably they just wanna see for the fun of it.
i got this funny idea for the person before me.
i wonder wat will happen when he is pulling down his shorts
 "Hoero! Zabimaru!"
there is this IQ test as well. phew! its tiring can. after the 1st test i tot wahh finish liao. end up, took about 6 tests i estimate. the whole IQ test lasts about 1.5hours or so. after i came out of the test room! saw DANIEL! daniel~ daniel! ok la. i'll admit he is the one who spotted me. had some 5minutes chat with him. miss him sia. the usual quiet him.
Created at 11:09 AM
| Sunday, January 07, 2007
its been a week since 2007. hows that? fun?
told ya its the same as usual. besides going thru the whole cycle of festive seasons, nth much changes.
dunnoe why ppl still celebrate 00:00am 1/1/xxxx like i said, just a change of year and everyone is happy! "OMG ITS MONDAY TML! YAY!" they probably wan to find some reason to celebrate. well, thats not bad considering everyone have been bz with their work and finding some time together is still good. "OMG A GIRL TALKED TO ME! YAY!" - desperate males..
today im rather short tempered. i was ordering this 2 piece chicken set from Hello for my dad. the man is like.. around 45-50s?
"uncle, 2 piece chicken take away" "haa?" "uncle, 2 piece chicken set take away" - i point at the chicken pieces. "haa?" force me to use chinese sia. "uncle, liang kuai zhuang (as stated on the menu)" force me to point again. "oh.. ok" so he start to put the chicken piece into a paper bag = im already pissed of why must he put in a stupid paper bag and not the usual cardboard box. its 2 piece chicken ! from then on i talked to him in chinese. "can help me make hot ma? refry it" cos its been left there for god-knows how long. "already hot le. just fry de" BAH! i noe he is lying. Hello's multiple owners always refry their chicken upon request. ask clement!
every hawker loves to lie when they are lazy!
soon soon or already cooking ure share le or they just brush u off
so im already super pissed then he starts to put the paper bag chicken into a plastic bag. "HAAA? uncle why no french fries??????!?!?!?" "no fries." mei you shu tiao or watever. im clearly near cancelling my order. "uncle i wan is a set de leh. got fries de lor. take a look!!!" F word almost came out. "no fries! no fries!" so i just shove him the menu and point at it. glaring at him. "got fries de meh?!"
from that i knew he is stupid. a donkey selling western food who dun even noe wat he is selling. a person who bought the store over and tot they can make some money with some half-arse selling. so he start to signal this man sitting nearby and seeing newspaper and asking him whether got fries or not. just then i noe the man sitting there is the real owner and he got a fup assistant.
the owner gave some fries and place them in a cardboard box with the 2 piece chicken and just push them to me.
"xiexie. go and die.."
if anyone rmb.. the pink sentence does remind me of a certain individual.
Created at 8:26 PM
| Saturday, January 06, 2007
someone was telling me on msn that DotA is the The next big game! so.. on i go, "DotA?" "yes dota! wanna VS me or not?" "lolol!" "why u laugh?" "Diablo 3 is the next big game..." "Diablo 3? wat is diablo???? shooting game??" "..."
so i sorta change the subject. he doesnt understand wat is the next big game nor do i understand why is DotA the next big game. its been out there for almost 3 years now i suppose. besides coming out with newer AI and versions and some heroes, basically the mechanics is still the same. its not like Roshan is gonna spawn as a creep or Roshan is now a hero or u can do something else besides owning opponents/AI as well as destroying enemy towers :/:/
been pretty bz this week and im scheduled for my medical checkup on Monday. i pray that my IQ is at least average if not above. sigh.. just imagine failing IQ..
went over to visit Jinyan and stayed over. the time flew past very fast as we certainly nvr run out of things to talk. we even went to Shop'n'Save in the middle of the night at 2am just to get some stuff to eat. made so much noise there as the whole area is so quiet lor :/:/ slept at 4am+ after chatting further more and making fun of everything. so we woke up at 9am and ate some breakfast before going to visit the primary school we both attended. Ghim Moh Primary School. tons of ppl dunnoe where is it as its just a neighboring school. but lots of memories of the students there really make it precious. heard that it will be demolished in 2008. we were like standing outside of the gate and recalling of the things that have changed.
uneven tiles that made us fall and bleed - to now polished pavement. sand based playground with this spiderweb crawling ropes - no more spiderweb ropes and floor turned to concrete. a gigantic tree beside the canteen in the field often climbed by students and the roots are all sandy - now the roots are filled with grass meaning no one played with the tree anymore.. the gigantic tree shading half of the basketball court - now is chopped off.
we nvr went inside. just looking outside and then a security guard came. rather old man. so he was like asking us wat year we came. 1994 primary 1 if im not wrong. he seemed rather very surprised and ask us if we knew Mr Seah. yeah of cos. i even noe the principal before Mr Seah, Mr Jaya. heard from him that Dunman High have shifted to take over the old Raffles JC which used to be just behind my house temporary lol. Directly behind okay!! last time i often see them in the market so i asked mummiee why they always carry so much books. and how i often laugh telling her that i also will go RJC next time. in fact, i felt stupid now tinking about how i had told her about going RJC.
so i was telling Jinyan about how good RJC i have imagined is "the top of the top lor!" "okay la.. but everyone sure looks old" "the cream of the crop!" "i dun like cream" "the brainiest of the brainiest!" "not all are clever. some are hardworking" so, knowing he loves chicken like me - "the skin of the chicken and the tip of the chicken wing!" "ahh i get wat u mean!" he goes.
today, mummiee and daddee are suppose to attend this family fiesta thing held in church. end up they cannot make it due to work and told me to go. its a Couple's ticket and i felt like.. going with someone yet clement rejected me :(:( so sad. even on friday when i wan to eat lunch with szekiat he rather eat with beverly's girlfren lolol! sad sad. so i went there alone and saw uncle patrick, uncle joseph, auntie lucy and auntie marlene. sat with them. the woman in charge of the entry even ask where is my other half since i showed her a Couple's ticket
"somewhere else. probably at home."
lo and behold! saw SHARON HUINS THERE! clement's favourite lol. there used to be a scandal about him and her during his NPCC times. adelaide too! angela too! but the last 2 came from his mouth though maybe not sharon.
talked to her about schooling and where she wanna go since she just completed her Os. seems like samuel have been telling her that NP's IT is good. lol. subjective i suppose. and about how her frens have told her NP is more fun than SP. if she is looking for amount of girls then NP do have more better quality ones. about facilities and all.. SP may look dull but who cares. we are there to study and get out of tertiary education. during class we couldnt wait to get out of school. who will wanna stay in sch for facilities!?!
ask soksok or norman. often when we walk near the gate of SP just below Er Mei Shan i tell them dun let me see the gate. if not i will walk towards the gate and towards MRT liao. or going out for lunch. at clementi or watsoever, i also wont wan to return to school.
so i told her - to define fun or not, be it school or work, the most important things that make a place memorable is the people there. if ure stuck with a class of studious ppl, even if u go to a course like Diploma in Having Fun and Laughter or Diploma in Exciting Rollercoaster Rides the class will be damn bored.
so be glad when momo is there to cheer up the whole place even if he have to be a clown :X
Created at 10:09 PM
been wondering where is Noir?
anyways these days have been rather hectic for me. and a little sick. will update later on
Created at 12:35 AM
| Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Computer Cleanup Utility
used the utilities today - a piece of cloth a bucket of water screwdriver
Open the CPU Take out the individual fans (3 excluding the cpu fan) Double-click on [Cloth] to clear out the dust on the cables Click and Drag [Cloth] onto [Bucket of Water] to rinse Continue doing this until process reaches [100%]
the amount of dust collected is MUCH MORE than the amount in my whole house combined! poorest PC.. u must have lived a very dusty life :/:/ cannot blame since i've installed so many fans which brings in/out the air containing dust. too bad currently my house dont have a vacuum cleaner if not things would have been less troublesome. Horrifying! the bucket of water turned pitch black and i mean really black, at the end of the session. took about 15minutes to clear out the dust
lol about my previous post on cosplaying "L", someone in sg really did. he must have gone thru tons of mental stress while trying to burn out the midnight oil. bah! i bet he used eye shadow! how unnatural! how.. quicky!
 the original actors
somehow i find the actor for "L" look abit like.. benedict LOL
Created at 6:58 PM
| Monday, January 01, 2007
1st post of 2007.
abit blur right now cos played too much diablo 2 lol. was rushing the same area over and over to gain some goodies XD afternoon was great. went to see Death Note: The Last Name with some frens.
Aname Misa is cute. real name is Erika Toda
 got it from Clement from some "sgmagic" website lol
well, 1st post of the year already feature a girl liao!
sad the story didnt really revolve around her but 2 guys instead. a fanatic freak who loves justice and (Light) a weirdo who loves chocolate (L)
i cant imagine girls screaming "L"! at the airport.. "L, i love u till the end of my life!!" - fanatic girls

i mean since he is now a star and alot of girls like his pattern.. probably he is gonna be the next big thing! imagine L walking in town, towing a group of girls trying to cosplay him. its easy to cosplay him as u can try to burn a month of midnight oil (to get his dark eye rings)
Created at 11:11 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
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