| Sunday, December 31, 2006
soon, we can see there is a new archives link for 2007! "pat ureselves at the back" *pat pat* lol so shangzhe!
pat ureselves at the back for surviving 2006!
okayy enough for the fun and laughter and excitement. its just another 1/1/2006 just that the last digit increase by 1 spent much of today in boredom and slack.
happy new year to u all ppl!
Happy New Year to Jasmin! (talking to her right now. find a bf!) Happy New Year to Daddee! (take good care of ureself) Happy New Year to Mummiee! (hope u remain cheerful and take care of me!) Happy New Year to Amy! (time to make a decision!) Happy New Year to Morgan! ( ...? my pet terrapin) Happy New Year to Noir! (so long didnt talk to u le. got bully the female piano student?) Happy New Year to Bolster! (remain snuggly!) Happy New Year to Sokpeng! (hmm.. bu bu gao sheng? eh.. step by step growing) Happy New Year to Szesze! (accompany me play games! thanks! and wish u find a gf) Happy New Year to Suling! (and ure 2 cats. QA Lead by 2007?) Happy New Year to Clement! (wish u to leave bachelor club soon!) Happy New Year to Dora! (more kids? lol. dun get too stressed up!) Happy New Year to Jinyan! (Wish u to see the world out there!) Happy New Year to Roger! (work hard and u will see results!) Happy New Year to the rest of the ppl! (stay in contact i hope!)
Created at 11:32 PM
| Saturday, December 30, 2006
Time flies pass faster when ure doing nth at home and slacking or playing games and sleeping. it seems the 11 day holidays the staff at EA is enjoying is about to come to an end on Wednesday
im getting pretty addicted to the smell of the new hand-wash liquid i just bought. the smell of cherry apple ;D smells so nice that im tempted to taste it lol of cos no.. this time i wont taste it since its for washing hands!
alright. now is another session of pics that i've took!
 a ginger bread man made by tuckyee's girlfren. so sweet of her to make for the whole QA department.
 the christmas tree we had in our living room. of cos i've helped in decorating it. soksok should rmb the winnie the pooh thingie :D and see the snowman mask over there? its been there ever since im born.. so the snowman is kinda a little yellow lolol
 with the deco lights. well, the creeper-like lights that we hang around in our house have also been there ever since im born.
 amongst the decorations. this will remind u of something XXDD
 found this gigantic Yanyan at NTUC. lol. we even made a yanyan joke in EA. i bet this tin of yanyan contains sticks thicker than ure fingers. imagine if it is ure fingers doing the yanyan joke O_O Zangetsu Tenshou!
 Choco cream snack. tasty choco cream!
 a pic of a cat i took while walking home after midnight mass. its just outside of 7-11 so cute.
 cats got paws so cuteeeeee!
Created at 8:04 PM
just saw a post from someone whom might not like to be mentioned, in their blog about the earthquake thing and how "self-centered" who is.
i hope it is a different issue from mine as im not saying ppl for ignorance or not knowing something but more of, instead of falling to despair or feeling like the world have ended (for some ppl), they should cheer up due to the fact the earthquake is not in singapore.
or take this time to clean up the room/house.
Created at 12:10 AM
| Friday, December 29, 2006
Rubbish! it took 30minutes to finally be able to blog. so sad yeah! this is the 1st time i've not blogged in 4 days :/:/
okay.. i dun blame the internet speed as much ppl would since its a natural occurence that an earthquake happened and how the cables were damaged. but thru out my boredom of not being able to really fully utilize my internet, i've learnt pretty much things thru out these days.
read the newspaper and found out that there is 1 victim caused by the earthquake when a four-storey house collapsed. the father (who died) tried to save his kids (a girl and a boy). pretty touching. sometimes instead of blaming the "extra" necessities we were denied of, why dun we sit and think of ppl who were directly affected by it and were denied from everything (dead). this is not a permanent thing also..
sat and chat with mummiee during the 1st day of disruption. it seems that she met a very wise person while visiting uncle thomas. he is an old man with a cane. he seems to be in pain all the time due to his illness and all. but he is fighting them back cause he noe he still have things to do. he talks in a very slow and refined manner and told mummiee that "do things slowly. one at a time. take 1 day at a time." he even had an operation that cuts across his belly horizontally. he works at vietnam cos he loves to work in poor countries as the ppl's hearts are purer. if u provide them with work and a good concern, they are willing to be "heart to heart" with u. pretty inspiring for me i feel.
he said he felt happy that he is educated and is able to share his knowledge with everyone. no one is lousier than anyone. it is only that everyone leads a different life and has their own unique stories and knowledge to share. i've learnt that "never say 'come i teach u'. no one is fit to teach anyone anything. learn to say 'come let me share my knowledge with u'".
went to jinyan's house. my nursery mate along with roger. we had much fun of cos making fun of every little thing. i love to be with him cos he enjoys every single of my jokes and lameness. we would start to laugh like crazy out of a sudden. went to clementi to buy a few games. i've been wanting to try out Neverwinter Nights 2. and i got it! also bought The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. wanted to try it out since much online ppl say its fun. also bought a ps2 game Bleach. fun ok! we had alot of fun to finish all the missions.
went back home to install NWN2 1st try cannot work..! wasted 30minutes. its a 6.6gb game .. 2nd try i rmbed to clean the disc with cloth and tried. okayyyyy! i only had enough time to enter [Main Menu] and tested out with [Options] while testing out the options, the music is really fabulous. wah seh! well, no matter wat, it is a very heavy game. in the sense of processing.
Created at 9:52 AM
| Monday, December 25, 2006
greatest regret is that i did not take pics for the dinner we had yesterday on the eve. it was pretty fun hearing daddee talking to sis's husband about all the funny things he did during his NS times. like how he always tackle the officers and how his platoon of gangsters always listen to him talk.
there were a few instances where he brought his whole platoon to pick durians. since he is the big lorry driver that drives the whole platoon of them, he calls the shots. so he told them that at 5pm they must leave. many of them nvr disobey him since they noe he is serious. he will leave at 5pm sharp and those still left in the jungle will have to find their way out and sit taxi back to camp in Tuas. so funny can. imagining the soldiers taking their rifle with them and sitting taxi back to camp. the taxi fella must be scared to death.
another instance is when they were picking durian in the camp nearby while training. then he told them all that if he shout "COMBAT something(dunnoe wat)" then everyone must take their rifle with the knife in front and start looking around at enemies and stab them. its supposed to be training. sometimes some officers love to go and inspect them to see if they are slacking so if any of the platoon spotted an officer coming, they will shout combat watever and start trying to stab the officer!! the officer scolded him but he claimed, "enemy wat.."
or some of the times they go those little mama stores to sneakily buy stuff back to camp. then he told them all that if he whisle veryvery loudly, they were all supposed to drop their stuff and line up beside the phone booth at the mama store. there were times those officers catch them but of cos his platoon of gangsters, loansharks and tattooman listened to him.
christmas today isnt that fun at all. since no one is at home right now as daddee and mummiee are both working.. haiz. so sian
i tink i might wanna scrap the previous post competition. since it isnt really very fun or not many ppl really noe me that well..
Created at 5:38 PM
| Sunday, December 24, 2006
aiya.. same pattern. so sian. zzzzz
i will talk about it later on.
this morning went to church. its kinda like Fr John van Dich's last mass :/:/ he has been posted to some other church lo.. im gonna miss him tons met auntie julie. she looks pale but still loves to laugh alot. probably is due to her nature. we then went to eat dim sum together. 4 ppl eat dim sum costing 40+ bucks LOL. daddee is mad, trying to order things like 3 sets of siew mai or 3 sets of everything lor! i had to control him.
then we went to shop for groceries. bought many many stuff too. then we came home and after preparing everything i went to take a nap. woke up to find eh? how come sis's husband is not yet here as he have "claimed" to come at 4. the husband (whom i've not respected ever since of previous stuff he said/done) even told mum that he will come early to help out with cleaning or cooking. tada! 530 and they are not here yet.
mummiee was telling me that she dun mind them not coming to help. i dun mind too and i can help but keep ure mouth shut if ure gonna make empty promises. its not like we love to listen to them.
rubbish. they gave mummiee so much stress. mummiee didnt noe when to start cooking the pizzas as well as the pasta since if they came late, the stuff will be cold and disgusting. sian la. work in service sector can be like that meh? i noe they sometimes have to stay abit longer due to work or shifts but cant they get a definite answer from their boss that they have private dinners to attend to and need to go at a FIXED time. at least let US KNOW CAN?
Created at 5:20 PM
| Saturday, December 23, 2006
its amazing how different ppl make different frens in the working environment. some making plentiful of frens some making a small circle of frens like me some who just wanna get away from work reality and spend the night away in fantasy
amazing actually. while i was studying back in poly... i've always tot, "die la.. i so antisocial de. how to make new frens in work. wats more the age gap may be so much different." i got this idea ever since i heard mum's working place have a stubborn old man around age of 60. so i started thinking.. i might go into a place with old ppl and prolly my lifestyle will change according to them. and i've about no confidence in making frens with ppl above age 2x (where x is 0 to 9 to prevent death) but somehow, i tink i've made some really cool and dependable frens in EA. and its almost 95% of the ppl there are older than me but i tink i still made it pretty well alright (in my judgement, though im not sure how many might have hated me for my noise)
yst at EA is my last, in the period of attachment(slavery) had much fun rotting around since shangzhe wasnt there and our proj have finished. so end up kl, szesze and me was wrapping presents for the gift exchange. as usual there are some ppl who .. sorta didnt wrap them so since we're free we wrapped for them. i was kinda into the idea of doing spring cleaning for QA department cos hey! its exercise + kills time and it isnt really that tough to do it. but oh well.. the other 2 didnt want to do it. so end up we played this basketball game. dunnoe can say the name or not but i tink better dun.
the game is fantastic! very cool moves and of cos suling and i had a fun time laughing at how i've learnt a new skill to trash gilbert but end up he also noe that skill liao :( oh well nvm. its my virgin basketball game XXD lol the dinner at the QA room is pretty good. i was asked by mabby to carve the turkey. well, though it is also my virgin try on carving the turkey, i had to say yes isnt it? XXD i didnt do well for the ham though. since the knife is pretty short and is only use for cutting small amounts of meat like chicken and not ham or turkey but i tink .. i wish no one complains though :( Chris was nice enough to let me use his lappie to search for instructions on how to carve a turkey as well as a video available. boy, the knife/blade is certainly different and its damn sharp (from wat the woman in the vid said) the knife i had is for cutting steak. rough edges blade therefore the meat is like woodchips lol
played this game called Mafia. so funny can! pretty fun i must say, trying to mislead ppl and saying who is the mafia. as devious as i am, i found everytime i make some facial expression (when i found out who is the mafia) like smiling or grining, some ppl will either believe me or the next round im killed by mafia lol.
went back home and was tired. but still had 2 games of dota with szesze, cam and ivan. didnt do well for the 1st game since its my 1st time trying out naix. 2nd match we won cos i was using techies XXD techies is so fun!
Created at 11:52 AM
| Thursday, December 21, 2006
ahhhhh this few days im pretty happy u noe. though sleepy as i am during work and struggling to keep awake, the events is wat kept me going!
shared buying a headphone with suling since getting a pair of them costs 100 and splitting price will mean its 50. HQ1700 i wouldnt wan to get sued for using their pics so do visit. the sound is pretty good as well as the bassiness. Romance songs fanatics wouldnt wanna get 1 since they hardly contain any MUCH bassy instruments *nods* hence i also got a subwoofer too! well, thats been blogged pretty long ago. the only worry is that wearing headphones on my head might get my sideburns stucked and pulled out! i got pretty long sideburns.. since the hairstylist often didnt cut them. i guess cutting them off with my current hairstyle would mean i look dumb.
yes! another thing. i got an A for attachment. this is extreme good news to me since i've been striving to get an A and that is my goal for internship. wont be seeing TJ as well as shangzhe since they are scheduled for their own vacations. felt a little sad cos i will be missing shangzhe lots. with his BEEFY bass tone, its pretty much fun to see him doing weird stuff when u would expect a high ranking person than u to do serious stuff. and.. since tml is my last day at EA, i would be missing jasmin and suling TONS! for being so frenly to us (though jasmin did switch her "bitch-mode" on for the start of the project to keep us on the track) now she have lots of nicknames made by me - shandong mei shandong hottie spicy rabbit (unknown source) central girl ** (** means the year she is borned. i guess it IS a sensitive number and shouldnt be shown here, if not i would die before celebrating christmas with a stylus stabbed on my back)
yeap suling too. will pretty much miss her witty jokes. but im sure we will keep in contact in msn! and VL, for being the kind soul that often visits us at our usual hot corner just to see the weather lol. he would often buy lots of tidbits and end up placing them all at the desk szesze and me share.. so he would come over and take some bites while sharing with us!
mrs ngiam is also nice enough to visit us today! she brought us down to coffee bean to have a drink as well as to talk about our internship experiences. she is nice to treat all of us! gave us a 50bucks note and told us to spend it all up.. peggie ordered a caesar salad and honestly.. i wanted to take a bite of veggies too but shy .. shyshy thats why i didnt order too much but just a drink. she said the salad was to share.. end up she eat it all up by herself. NEVER even tried to offer us though she said we have cookies there cos i told her to get cookies for everyone with the leftover money. cannot make it is that she even say "i tot u ask me to get cookies for everyone wat.. u all got cookies to eat." couldnt we have cookies and salad?! since the money is for everyone to share. sigh. wat to do. food is her territory.
anyways, though victor said the world is small and our paths may cross but i feel.. though its true but to cross paths again either by work, shopping, walking, etc, i tink its pretty hard. chances dun come by just like dramas.
i tink im getting fatter. u noe why? cos i feel my shirt is getting smaller :/
its worthwhile to work in EA afterall (:
Created at 7:27 PM
| Tuesday, December 19, 2006
i cant believe there is someone that can actually sleep peacefully during work. for me, i could not do that and therefore must struggle against my brain and eyes to keep awake. its a extremely hard process trying to cling on conciousness.
i made a pact to sleep by 9 today.
i felt so depressed at times i just wanna run away.. away from where it hurts most this is uncalled for. but nevertheless, adolescence.
Created at 8:24 PM
| Sunday, December 17, 2006
im still looking for an inspiring wallpaper. for my desktop yea. and also a new blogskin for this ancient on-going blog. my privatised blog started in 2005 april. Miss April! and the rather public one on december the same year. which means its about a year aniversary le.
today isnt a good day for me.. many things which i dun understand and how to solve them. how i love spending christmas with my loved one. but oh well, its pretty impossible isn't it? but nonetheless spending with my family would be just as great i supposed. i've nvr spent any christmas or real actual date with any ppl yet.
except for the farce date which i had with jasmin yesterday. was pretty fun. it was at victoria concert hall and the music is elegant. its classical of cos there were bright creeper-grass-like lights hanging behind and with the Singapore Symphonic Orchestra and the Singapore Symphonic Chorus performing for us. it was great as im sure most of us were entertained. we then walked to Raffles City for dinner as poor me have not eaten anything for 12 hours since morning. but it was already 1015 and most of the shops closed. so sad can. YES ONLY MOS BURGER IS THERE! MOS burger is always there for me of cos i mean who else can it be there for? we talked pretty much about work and the interns as well as working attitude. which gives me the double feeling about how i've felt nowadays kids do not noe what is working life about.
i still deeply rmbed the discussion about work life with gilbert and kl. gilbert is still ok but that kl had to say that we have a fixed hour and even with OT we cannot exceed a certain number of hours as its SLAVERY and we can go sue the company. yes i do complain about slavery too but i still do get work done dun i? who doesnt complain? but in the end it is who gets the job done that matters isnt it? if a company wans u to work 50-60hours a week u still got to do it wat! yada yada some still say about poor management but hey! its not as simple as finding a job as u can think. how many ppl is willing to slog for a job that is well-paid, accepting any conditions? singapore isnt as ENGLISH-WESTERNISED as u tink. daddee is a good example i feel. working and slogging 16-20hours a day in the past. complain? complain lo still got to feed family what. if not whole family go downstairs eat grass like cows meh
i've learnt that in this world, ppl who are not willing to walk the extra mile will always and always be the 1st to be eliminated. if ure settling for a grade that is just pass or a being-dragged-along lifestyle, then u could very well be the auntie that i always spot in coffee shops at market area. every few months i will see her change work from 1 coffeeshop to the other and being served by her really sucks. probably fired, who noes?
saw this portion of a blogpost by a female fren of mine. ---- I love cute things more than anything else. I love rabbits more than anything else. I love little beads jewellery more than anything else. I love W810i more than anything else. I love eating more than anything else. I love sleeping more than anything else. I love him more than anything else!! ----
so i was pondering about how "anything else" works - Cute things are pretty much subjective so everything can be cute to her. - so she doesnt like non-rabbit items. - little beady rabbit jewellery. - little beady rabbit jewellery on her W810i phone. - wait.. u cant eat the little beady rabbit jewellery W810i phone, can u?! - sleep all u wan and dun let me catch u awake
last but not least if im her lover. i would have come from the 5th dimension or im a male rabbit with little beady rabbit jewellery and holds a W810i phone and is edible
Created at 8:31 PM
| Saturday, December 16, 2006
yesterday had some fun celebrating gilbert's birthday.
Happy birthday Gilbert happy birthday Gilly happy birthday to Bert happy birthday Pedro
his birthday is actually tml but we celebrated it for him yesterday. suling even offered to buy a card for him. ahh so sad i didnt get to take a picture of the KAWAIIIIIII~! cow in front of the card!! had the card signed by most of the ppl he worked with.
then we went billy bombers at Heeren for dinner. ah Heeren! i noe that place! was dragged there by a certain girl yeah (: ahhhh Far East also. i noe tat place so well that i noe how to get out of that place even when im stuck in the middle of that place the participants are gilbert, nopp, suling, szesze, jassy, mabby and me
suling and nopp ate Almond chicken thigh set. gilbert took sirloin steak. szekiat took B-52 burger and we love to tell him about the 52-B cup thingie lololol ultra large can. i bet he couldnt even hug the girl and lock his arms together. i took chix and ribs
so, just some pics from billy bombers
 sze kiat with his kirei orange monkey shirt.
 jasmin with szesze's razr v3
 gilbert in black and nopp just beside him. ah and of cos the 2 bears behind gilly whom are bankai-ing
 last but not least, Miss Mabby
couldnt take a pic of suling since she was hiding here and there urgh
we then went to this Balcony pub thing. i took Chenin Blanc. ah comments will not be said here lol go try it ureself. Jasmin, kiat and gilly took chivas and green tea Suling couldnt take alcohol since she have class on saturday so she took a mocktail Gunner. Bazooka! boomboom_bazooka@hotmail.com XD mabby took singapore sling ah and nopp took a glass of coke. WTH?! the coke costs 5 bucks and its a glass. so wasted yeah.. i wonder wat kind of thing they put inside his coke. probably coke mix with sarsi mix with pepsi mix with root beer mix with liang teh
the chenin blanc really had my head busted. its kinda pretty stuck up in my head with all the blood rushing. my eye balls were red too. i wasnt drunk but almost had the drunk effect when the blood is hung in my head. when i was preparing for bath.. found out my whole body is illuminating with red. i do look like a PINK human just born
anyways, i hope everyone enjoyed the day
Created at 10:53 AM
| Thursday, December 14, 2006
so long didnt blog. nth much to blog these days besides having a little fun here and there. today's social day isnt that good as the food werent wat i expected LOL. free ma. wat can i expect? jason and his group of bandmates were cool enough to perform 3 songs for us. stupid peggie and mr b and gang were talking so loudly about food in the pantry area can! wah lao. ppl perform free lor. give some respect. i noe how it feels to be the performer since i've done performance as well. talk and talk and so loudly some more. hate ppl who give no respect to the performer. as audience, we should learn to smile and try to appreciate the songs even if we didnt like the genre of the songs. hello! performers arent ppl who are smiling becos they like to sing for YOU to listen. becos they enjoy performing and felt smiling is a form of enjoyment. i was taught in choir that the best performers on stage, is to portrait themselves enjoying the song. it makes the audience happy too. its sorta like give and take. audience should in turn give their appreciation either by listen or smiling back or a nod of appreciation.
mr b is so.. geeky can i was asking suling things about pangya when she was playing and he had to cut or interrupt lor like trying to ask suling things that he already knew as if to show off his knowledge :/:/:/
okay enough about them. been thinking lots of things these days too. found out about myself like wat jasmin said, im very indecisive. yes i do admit so. i dunnoe why but its in me. but certain important things that is to me, i really am decisive. and i do not give way. if im indecisive about something, it isnt that i wish to do so but things like going out for dinner, i got to balance between having fun outside with frens or having personal time at home and resting earlier to conserve myself for the next day. i give serious thought about it thats why im indecisive. if i do not care for a choice, i would have just shake the thought away and said no.
somehow i tink im doomed.. not as in doomed to failure.
Created at 7:19 PM
| Monday, December 11, 2006
time flies past slowly today.
Created at 7:52 PM
| Sunday, December 10, 2006
yes. got my needed rest finally! been sick for a week now. felt much better today. or for the worse..?
found out that Father John van Dich has been posted to another church!!! wah lao.. he is one of the priests that i kinda enjoy talking to. especially all the things he've taught me. :/:/
wats worse. mummiee told me that uncle thomas might not be able to make it.. so shocking yea.. heard from her that he had a 2nd stroke in the hospital. at 1st he was still ok that time i saw him. still can talk. then mummiee said he fell into coma. and then one day he suddenly stretched his mouth wide and opened his eyes. whole body stretched out. and then sat up. but couldnt talk. auntie julie tot there was hope. so she and mummiee was like talking to him in that state. but then found out he didnt seem to reply or hear anything.. end up doctor said he got a 2nd stroke. this time round.. he went back into coma and only God knows whether he hears them or not. so sad! auntie julie even stopped going to visit him le.. cos she says it breaks her heart so much to see him suffer. everyone is praying for a peaceful death instead of a recovery too.
probably its his time to return back to God.
 u noe they provided a pic beside the price tag so that the person noes wat they are selling. but daddee is so blind that he tot 1 peanut costs $1.50.. zz yeah.. 1 for $1.50.
Created at 8:42 PM
| Saturday, December 09, 2006
work work. these days, my life has been all about work, sleep, eat and colleagues. no time even for any games at home :/ felt sad that im not doing my commitment to games at home but oh well, the commitment of getting a good grade for attachment keeps me going and quiet.
thursday is real tiring. since after work, followed jasmin and suling to dine with shafiq before he goes NS. okay.. we sorta took some weird bus and walked to simlim square to get a panasonic charger for jasmin. caw! she bought this 3-in-1 charger yet doesnt fit in. lol talking about the casing hole being too small. it costs 20+ bucks somemore. i can bet the amt of disappointment that fell on her. i too, forgot to take a receipt from the taxi driver weeks ago so i couldnt claim from company. and it was only 8 bucks and i felt like i've dropped into some bottomless pit. probably jasmin dropped deeper into the pit this time :/
went to Hans for dinner. my 1st time there. the 3 of them is like HAAAAA?! and commented i need to go out more often and see the world. hmm quite true since the world i see is often from my pc monitor. i've tot of it. the amount of times i go central in the 3 months attachment with them is more than the amount i go central in a year during my other years. i tink, soon u might wanna add a whole 18 years life time of going central also does not beat the 4 months of attachment going to central with them...
yst's OT was slightly less exciting but nonetheless still fun. suling n me was doing some part of the game where we need to finish the mission. the one she did was the hardest. so i went and complete the 6 others. gosh, hafiz and michy kept singing thru out the OT period. it sounds like the wailing of the dead especially when hafiz uses falsetto with michy singing.
felt touched when it was always gilbert or jasmin who asked whether im staying in EA or going to have lunch since nowadays im sick and i often stay back in the office with suling. kinda felt bad too since i always reject gilly when he asks me to join him for lunch. yst mabby even came and asked whether am i still sick. i didnt noe whether am i still sick or not but definitely not mentally sick! ah.. the concern i felt from these ppl including suling though she always jokes about me being sick in the brain.. is much more than most of the schools in my life. probably is becos of maturity level? or i tink i wasnt social enough during those days but i supposed last time, frens are more for fun reasons.
Created at 7:32 AM
| Wednesday, December 06, 2006
today is sickly for me. nvr felt this stuck up in my head till the neck ever since FYP days. blockage from throat to nose to ears and brain. suling even commented sickness can make a person stupid.. and i just proved that theory to her..
was really surprised at how much concern many ppl have for me. esp. mabby, jassy and suling. they seems so close as if are my elder sisters. was doing work when suddenly hear a familiar voice and i tot was TJ or Jassy but didnt expect it to be mabby. i mean since im sitting in the extreme corner and there is absolutely no chance for anyone to walk there just to find "something" to EAT! nuuuuuuuu im not beef!
had so much damn fun can during OT! wah lao.. really laugh like mad with suling just beside and no one to restrict our laughter. was raining while eating dinner with shangzhe. dinner was alright except it started to rain. and running in the rain we got back to EA.. i can feel my nose errupting with sneezes. learnt some things about japanese music from suling while she on her mp3 player for us to listen. OT time really flies very fast especially there are so little ppl there. me, kl, suling and victor as well as chris mogg. just laugh our way thru the night.
the biggest joke of the day -
PINK vaDER darth vader in exclusive pink armor include the sex symbol, each sold seperately
 this pic is taken from suling's blog. her art and ideas is definitely better than mine.
gosh! really laugh till i peng! didnt have such laughter since the old secondary days. no wonder i and suling can entertain each other since we are the Lees though its damn funny and i enjoyed it, but sometimes i do feel a little bad :/
i asked suling wat is the worse word she can say "peg"
took a cab home. with shaking fear since i always knew cabs are bad luck. the driver this time is like...perverted uncle who tot i am a little girl probably.. i sounded like 1 with my flu. he always uncle this uncle that. did uncle drive too fast? too havoc for u? GOODNESS HOLY COWS! uncle see u not sitting properly know that sure drive too fast for u liao thats the fact that i dun always sit properly.. uncle go by PIE ok? ya.. thats the way ure already heading..
worse is there was an accident along PIE expressway. see? got accident. sure jialuk how u noe? see the blue police light? uncle see there 1 patch of red backlights and 1 blue light means got accident. come uncle drive slowly so we can see wat kind of accident.. i felt like.. wah CAW! ppl accident then u still go there see?! as we approach the area, it seems the tow truck already towed the car away to road shoulder. so we couldnt catch any glimpse.
lai 7.70 pls thank you. ok uncle return u 2.30. rmb to sleep early and take care ah dun do so much OT. kkk..
and my instinct forces me to turn my head back after leaving the cab.
the uncle is still looking at me from inside the cab.... traumatising
Created at 10:40 PM
| Tuesday, December 05, 2006
i guess now im being pictured as a bad person now.
oh well nvm.. guess it couldnt be helped. just make do with it and continue BEEEEF-ing
Created at 9:43 PM
| Monday, December 04, 2006
i tink wat i love is repetition. thats 1 sort of stuff i've learnt during work and projects as well as games that i've liked. things like doing same thing over and over again. things like leveling in games. things like fighting same monsters. things like doing same area of the game. things i do before and after sleeping and work. i may be slow in the start but once i get the hang of things, i believe i should be able to go on pretty fast. i find it important to noe wat is our living style if we wanna be efficient or rather to enjoy our work/pasttime.
which reminds me of the 8 new interns that joined EA. okayyyy their overall impression that gives me is pretty bad. they look unruly to me in the way that i didnt like their way of dressing. some probably like dickson still dresses pretty proper. luckily he sits beside me and not the one with the beanie on his head. urgh. and 1 ultra butch that sits showing her/his crotch to the whole row as well as the leads and manager. and of cos luckily she/he wears jeans.
impression of them all? nah. to be honest i dun really like them. except for perhaps dickson who seems pretty nice. i kinda have bad impression of ppl who dresses like as if the current trend is being punkish/long hair long fringe/sweater/khakis kinda gives me the feeling they are not a serious bunch.
anyways, found out dickson is also in the same type of course as we are. game programming of cos. they learnt everything we have learnt such as openGL, DirectX, c++, java, modelling etc. so i was tempted to ask him wat games he play, hoping he got MMORPG to intro this desperate soul. okay.. he said none and his favourite game is Eureka Seven on PS2! (clement might wanna buy it then bring to my house and play~)
got another nonsensical rubbish from NWK again. mooooooo~! heard she filed a duplicate bug and have the brains to go to the Lead for protection before anyone confronts her. i too have that kind of brains when i wanted to counter jasmin for not allowing sandals. and i asked TJ instead of any Leads. of cos i didnt want to have the thick, elephant, crocodile, gold-plated, bullet-proof skin to say "TJ say can de..." since no matter wat she is still the one facing me everyday.
i pity Nopp. he must have felt anger yet kept it cool. hey! its a stupid bug can! Nopp wrote a bug about the game hanging when user selects the staff when they are doing something. yet NWK can go and file another one saying game hanging when user selects staff when they have fainted. they are all staff wat just addendum below that it also occurs when they are fainted can liao lorrr. wah lao.. she got no mouth to ask de meh? or even check directly with roland 1st before going straight to chin ang. CAW!! next time i can file tons of dups and just find TJ liao lor since she didnt noe that its a dup and all i need to ask is "is my format correct?" "yes yes" confront me? "I ASKED TJ. SHE SAY CAN DE.." like what gilbert say, "wat to do? lan lan.."
i would have confronted her if im in the same team. its not becos she is a girl or i prefer girls or boys or watever sex stupid issues. be an adult! this is working world. dun means acting blur will just cover everything up and the sun will shine on u only. make ureself till the whole QA knows about u. forr wat? bu dong ni.
in the working world, there is almost nearly hardly anywhere w/o prejudice. either u change ppl's view of u by proving to them OR u be one of them to survive. no point working alone and do things that only U THINK is right.
one thing about scorpios is though they appear the most calm and quiet when such rubbish comes, but in their mind lots of things is happening. just like a sting as what horoscopes say and i find its pretty true. really horrendous stuff that i myself find it *sweat* out of my mind. okay i wont say it out incase im being avoided for a lunatic.
Created at 8:10 PM
| Sunday, December 03, 2006
im talking like a toad right now. no way am i gonna reveal this voice to anyone. its a pretty sorey sore throat. and im getting this feeling the coconut milk is the cause of it.
talking about toad voice, there is this fren of mine who talks like a cricket. gay chris we call him. hmmm not as gay as i tot but nonetheless a pretty fun guy. and there is this person that talks like a cow. no joke. a cow. niuuu rou
cos his voice is so damn low that i had to HAAAAAA??? at every sentence that he said. probably his tune is almost hitting the lowest limit for a human ear. these days i begin to suspect whether my ears are still functioning cos at times i couldnt hear or figure out wat the other person is saying. probably my recognition feature is too slow or too outdated.
i will enjoy my sleep again. byebye
Created at 9:05 AM
| Saturday, December 02, 2006
OT in ea seems pretty cool. since the population count is really little, we can enjoy talking lots of BEEFY stories with victor occasionally BEEEEEEEEEF from his desk. so funny sia hearing his accent saying niu rou like niu ru.
abit moody right now.. not sure whether is it the coconut milk.. but i did feel like puking when i sat the taxi just now. sigh. taxis.. probably tml something bad might happen to me. dessert at this... Ah Chew dessert place in bugis is pretty cool. its quite nice and sty-ky saw this cashier girl that looks like from SMIT lor! i tot so too. no wonder he wans to sit on the table so near her. just beside the cashier.
not bad la. she loves to smile i can see that. i dun really love to smile for the sake of others or my job.. hence im out of sales sector. asking me to smile is like asking a 1.4m girl to elbow a 1.78m guy's forehead while they are both standing on same ground.
a little tummy ache now. as if the attachi is killing me..
didnt noe that victor is also a christian. just that he WAS a catholic and converted to christian by his gf. alright, nothing more than that will be posted as its his personal life. ate too much today.
saw roland play arcade today. pretty nice but not all too impressed cos it was KOF or something. and i got to say he got good reflexes.
shocking thing of the day - seeing golden hair lion eating char siew wanton mee..
thx victor for treating us interns dinner! but still.. sigh and found out his chinese name is shang zhe! Shi ShangZhe. cool sia need to wash my standing fan tml.. its collecting dust.
Created at 11:28 PM
| Friday, December 01, 2006
still got to go to work tml siaaaaaaaa okok im sure the team is sick of me ranting to them about it. but i've really looked forward to saturday morning snuggling since monday morning! i would have felt better if they let me noe on monday.
ah... full to the brim. probably its becos my tummy was shrinked due to hunger of waiting for botak jones.
waited an extreme 1hour for it. i bet suling and szesze sure WAHHHHHHHH or laughing their heads off. okay.. at least i spent half of that time walking and changing my games :D
the queue is super long. and of cos with a large crew of ppl. i was like "ha.." when the cashier lady told me its about 1 hour. i sat there for about 30minutes in front of the place and looked at how the team worked. its pretty amazing since i've always love to look at a large team of ppl at work. relaying messages and bills.
from the cashier to the person bringing the receipt in to the person clipping it and registering on another bill for the food "packer" food packer shows the organiser of the plate. then he relays to the cooks and chef. 1 in charge of fries, 2 patty grillers, 1 organiser, 1 salad man and prolly some hidden. about 4 plate servers to serve to tables. 1 kid for preparing napkin with the fork and knife. and finally 1 muscular dishwasher who also wipes the plates.
so.. this interests me alot since they all worked together. how about GD class make a team like tat too?
programmers- szesze gilly allen norman daniel JJ hamka fufu sim kangkang
graphic artists- soksok (part-time artist, part-time msn) jerrie
ah yes! how can they leave me out?
Project Manager - yours truly. =)
at the train back home, saw this couple playing this game where they hold hands and goes scissors paper stone and winner gets to smack the opponent's hand. the girl looks pretty nice. but dunnoe why the guy's face looks like those... "qian bian" face where u see liao 101% bu suang. how i wish i get to play this game with him.
he win, i get a smack on my hand. i win, he gets a punch from me, on his face.
Created at 9:11 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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