| Tuesday, November 28, 2006
dead-ly as in dead. the new game i was assigned to, wasnt really all the FUN in it since its pretty straight forward for some parts which i can only play. i prefer more complex stuff since time flies past faster
ah... gonna move to another section tml. so sad im gonna miss ALOT of ppl from my previous group. such as szesze!!
im pretty happy u noe today. cos i just got something satisfying! yes!
Created at 8:19 PM
| Monday, November 27, 2006
went to central for dinner. well, its kinda far for me since i hardly travel to FARRR away places like Orchard.
1st day at the new project. sigh. i could say i didnt fare as good as in the previous one since this one requires much much more japanese language as well as their culture, geography etc.
kinda.. sian lol.
okay.. im quite tired now. wont blog further until tml i suppose.
Created at 10:31 PM
| Sunday, November 26, 2006
seems like everyone is like so busy in the weekends :/
having some tummyache this evening. ah yes. slept for almost the whole afternoon. cos of the nice cool weather. if not for FFXII i would have slept till night. then sleep again till morning.
work work. oh yesh! i found this very funny email i got from a fren
To all Employees:
Effective January 2007
Dress Code 1. It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a pay raise.
2. If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a pay raise.
3. If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a pay raise.
Sick Days We will no longer accept a doctor's certificate as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.
Holiday Days Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are called Saturday & Sunday.
Compassionate Leave This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives or co-workers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early.
Toilet Use 1. Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet. There is now a strict three-minute time limit in the cubicles.
2. At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the cubicle door will open, and your picture will be taken.
3. After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company notice board under the "Chronic Offenders" category.
4. Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the company's mental health policy.
Lunch Break 1. Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch, as they need to eat more so that they can look healthy. 2. Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure. 3. Chubby people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim-Fast.
Thank you for your loyalty to our company. Remember we are an employer of choice and we are here to provide a positive employment experience.
Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternation and input should be directed elsewhere.
an email from Mr Ong. me fren of cos.
Created at 9:52 PM
| Saturday, November 25, 2006
felt dead after training in ffxii lol. need some food before i can continue. been thinking about alot of things lately.
and i seriously need to drag myself to do housework this afternoon. cos my room is starting to collect dust. argh.
how i miss the use of vacuum cleaner, cos its already permanently shifted to someone's house :/
Created at 11:25 AM
been taking note of Gendou's Anime Music. the top few ranking these days is always -
| Artist
| Anime
God Knows..
| Hirano Aya
| Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Rolling Star
| Yui
| Bleach
Colors of the Heart
| UVERworld
| Blood+
hohoho saturday! means i will be off to play FFXII see ya
Created at 9:08 AM
| Friday, November 24, 2006
it seems amazing yet disturbing to me how fast something can change. i was reflecting on how uncle thomas looked when he is sick and was healthy. also on how soksok will look in her stay at the emergency observation area comparing to her usual smack on the shoulders and chuckle.
i do not notice it for myself since i have to admit i do not have sickness often. i wonder do i or will i lose my color as well too?
long term changes seems to last longer though. i WAS skinny back then. short hair which resembles a mushroom :( that was the hairstyle my sis always tease me about. Mud-Loom head.. mud-loom comes from mushroom.. and i seriously moves around like a monkey. climbing up the door frame by placing 1 foot on either side of the door frame and going up after seeing jackie chan's moves. as weight starts to succumb me.. i couldnt do it anymore after an attempt at sec 2. either im too heavy or my foot lost its friction.
its amazing how the once hyper-active me who always run around the house, turned to a docile tamed human who only loves to sit and play games and lie and snuggle with bolster. yet those once-tamed ppl turned to the current havoc status.
Created at 6:41 AM
| Thursday, November 23, 2006
today is certainly not a good day yeah. was anticipating to going over to sok's grandies' house as they invited us to have dinner. so sad suddenly joshua have to call me and ask whether if i have sok's house number. shocking of cos. breath-taking. so of cos the dinner is cancelled "haaaaaaaa!? mei you niuuuu rou~!?" lols. (a joke aiming at someone else) gu bak! gu bak!
so i tot again. isnt joshua kinda dumb? why would i have her house number? why dun he just ask soksok herself?! of cos styke said "ya he's stupid" sty-ky and joshua have a feud during the FYP days so they are kinda arch enemy.
so wat happened to sok? she have food poisoning. probably too much chilli or tomyam. we couldnt see her inside as she is resting and waiting for the doc to appear. so i went over to find Uncle Thomas who is currently in the same hospital. mummiee was there as well.
poor uncle thomas. he is the oldest person that i've known that i really like. my grandies died when i was young.. so i couldnt develop much feelings for them. all the places he brought us to, giving us a ride on his car to eat and enjoy food. sometimes drives us to prayers as well. he is 1 ultra devoted catholic that prays everyday. at least an hour rosary. of cos so is his wife, auntie julie. jolly couple that i've grown to love.
he got a near-stroke. from wat i've heard, his blood around the head thickens into almost a clot. so the brain couldnt receive enough blood or watnot. then he is very lucky since his mouth didnt really slant 1 side as some patients do. he can move his limbs too. all body parts are functional. just that his reactions are abit slower.
when i look at him. i could feel almost tears coming out. the once jolly person who love to eat is lying there with eyes half-closed and murmuring at rare times. auntie julie too lost her color and chats with mummiee.
daddee was trying to cheer up uncle thomas by telling him about the cockles that we will bring him to eat after his recovery. i do wonder is that encouragement or trying to tease him and make him hungry.. but nonetheless daddee still lifts the mood there. uncle thomas also smile weakly and a little chortle. so sad yeah.
i saved 7 snails on the way home. they were on the pavement and is easy to crush by elephant legs. so i picked them up and place them at the nearby bushes. ah there is this 1 snail... which is sucking on the floor so tight that i have to.. use abit of strength to pull it up.
here is a pic of 4 snails together which i've saved them all.
Created at 9:12 PM
argh. now since few weeks after microsoft came out with the Genuine Windows Notification watever crap, my pc was rather stupid!
notifications such as "ure software may not be genuine. pls get a copy blablabla" okayyyy! i bet out of 10 ppl using windows XP only 2 gets the real thing. and wats more microsoft have already gain the monopoly of OSes out there. watever games also requires windows OS.
this notification is so fugly can! when log in pc, it appears in the blue log-in screen at the bottom big words with a screen and a countdown. in desktop, it appears in the toolbar. while shutting down, its there again! GOODNESS HOLY COWS!
well, at least now the problem is solved after doing some "crack" and disabling of those things thru javascripts given by experts online to solve this fugly fugger thing.
 click to see it more clearly.
ah yes back to how i got it. was trying to install IE7.0 and it starts validating for authentic windows software verification. WTF?! raghhhhh honestly this gives another reason to me for hating INTERNET EXPLORER!
i still love pretty Miss Firefox!
anyways i've learnt that the real cook for Botak Jones is at ang mo kio. and he is really botak? i tink so. how about next time i create a chain of western food stalls called Uncle Momo lol
Created at 6:52 AM
| Tuesday, November 21, 2006
ah yes! botak jones sure is worth the money and time waiting for it. simply one of the high grade western food i've eaten in coffee shops. not to mention the price is pretty worth it!
yeah... botak jones = BJ.. so the whole group was all making fun of this BJ stuff.. i was just curious and anxious to eat this "famed" western food. but became.. BJ here BJ there lol.. suling even said ang mo kio there got botak jones as well. then is near mabby's house.. can ask her go eat BJ together ... zz hahaha that is funny i have to admit
sometimes i do wonder am i too biased against clarence or is it just his way of doing things? i sometimes feel its really hard to differentiate between prejudice and facts or opinions.
anyways its time for pictures again! wee
 yes a picture from the steamboat we had on last friday. i had to admit mabby looks a lil old on this pic. well, she is only 20. she is more of a feminine-mature type of girl.
 the food we gathered
 shafiq on the left and jonathan doing the weird face
 suling here. extreme laughter cos we were trying to send MMS about this beef that suling took up, to peggie. kinda like a taunt. "eh~.. niu rou~.."
sad couldnt have a pic of jassy and victor :/
now for botak jones Cajun Chix plate set
 the big chunk on the right is the chicken meat. kinda big size, is juicy and tasty. grilled nicely and with molten cheese on top and some bbq sauce. pretty cool serving of coleslaw too. and fries. costs $6.50
 sagano megumi. one of the .. side characters of School Rumble. i pretty like her character and of cos the art too. it attracts me alot.
 ueto aya. suling intro-ed this japanese star to me. i find she is quite pretty and cute too. worth it to put on my blogpost *nods*
 well, its her again! she got nice eyes ya! so sad. i do not have eyes like tat :/
Created at 8:59 PM
| Sunday, November 19, 2006
ah!.. it feels so good lazing in the weekends. not going out for major stuff or anything since its always out, out, out in the weekdays.
didnt rest enough for saturday as i slept at 12am and woke up at 4am due to the continuous attack for this mosquito. the horror of seeing my legs hands and neck all with red marks argh! luckily God made them only able to breed on stagnant water. imagine if they can breed anywhere anytime anyhow... they would prolly conquer earth just like how dinosaurs died and they still survived. so 4am i woke up pretty.. tired but is revived by Final Fantasy XII! okay starts playing and reading the guide at the same time. to my horror again, the guide is pretty sucky. so traumatising... i missed out some steps when i read the online FAQS. now i cant get my Zodiac Spear anymore... the most strongest weapon in game. but nvm, all is not lost as i can do the harder way!
been playing that and sleeping as well as abit of computer thru out the weekend. so cool, so fun, so lifeless yet i love it. spending time alone with myself is prolly wat i need at times. to clubbing or pubbing ppl, prolly my life is wasted and dead and couldnt imagine staying at home and needs to get out and have fun.
Uncle thomas and auntie julie even... say their neighbor have a girl named Priscilla is very homely too. just like me. even wan to try to matchmake for us to meet... which reminds me that time i went over to their house alone cos i was helping them to fix their computer P3 with low functions as elderly ppl only need to do simple stuff like reading fun emails. after fixing and relaxing there, uncle thomas came and told me "hey.. i got her email for u liao" ...HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!? baby chicks flying and rotating around my head. worse is, auntie julie even agreed to it.. didnt wan to disappoint them so i gave mine too. well, as expected that person didnt really talk much in msn since she didnt.. even.. accept.. when i add her..
THAT! is the different thinking of different generations. which reminds me that suling's mum was blaming why is Battlefield 2142 lanyard with the number 2142 and not some other number (i forgot which but thats the 4D number for lottery) guess she bought 2142 but didnt win.
Created at 6:13 PM
| Saturday, November 18, 2006
well, it seems to be that a new chapter in my life is opening. this post will be ultra long.
opening as in, i tink i should learn how to stop myself from thinking that im still a kid. (arghs. i've got this stupid phobia that everytime i write will, should, notice, could, my brain will jolt and tell me that victor is checking..) anyways victor bans us from using those forbidden words in writing bug reports.
which reminds me, i have not touch my log book for a long time. a very very long time. will do that later though. thursday was a super boring day. its so boring that i almost rotted during work since i've got no bugs and the 2 leads that i found which might bring about a bug, was discovered by others le.. :/
oh yes, we shifted over to another area of the department le. just sitting opposite gilbert, he still nvr fails to distract me from finding bugs. while concentrating, one can feel his eyes looking and a near-hideous smile flashing. looking up, u can only see him either (shakes his head after peggie did something or nods and smiles at u and asks "ni you xiang wo ma?") but nonetheless, not forgetting szesze who is sitting directly opposite of peggie, might be enjoying his time with michelle.
i would say the new area/place we shifted to is on a hanging thread. golden hair lion can look directly over so do most QA leads and the ever-distracting Godfather game which shafiq and ken are testing. which kinda means, no taking naps or looking at distracting games. but i do have to say its much cooler there. and oh yeah, mabby isnt opposite of me anymore. so sad, turn to gilbert liao lol
friday is better as i've found 2 confirmed bugs and 1 bug which i tink and feel.. will be considered invalid cos of my stupidity. did many errors and stupid stuff like assuming things shouldnt happen that way but it did. finally agreed to go along for shafiq's last day celebration dinner. Good Luck to u, Shafiq! wish u well in ure career as well as ure NS journey! was reluctant and almost not going until jasmin had to... tickle my shoulders and use a special tactic that girls can use.. of cos, im not attracted since its Jasmin (lol becos its jasmin tats why it doesnt work for me, no offense) if it was gilbert or peggie who did that, i will have melted on the spot and vaporised.
so me, mabby, jassy and victor took a cab down to bugis junction. purpose? the steamboat is near there and i need to go kinokuniya to get FFXII's guidebook. so nice of mabby to lend me her membership card for kinokuniya. ah yes, i've got the game but only needs the guidebook. some might say "yeer play with guidebook not advanturous at all. suxs!" but for me, if i do wanna enjoy a game fully, i will not hesitate to KNOW the game fully before i start playing. its called Tactical Strategy Planning of cos this term is invented by me also or by others? nvr in any games that i've played and enjoy that i've known nth of it at all. hates to restart if there is any wrong steps.
the cab journey was pretty weird since when mabby and jassy talk to me, vic kept quiet. when mabby and jassy talked to victor, i kept quiet. so the topic of shifting starts in the cab. mabby said she was really relieved to see us gone :(( since we often made alot of noise and she claims that we are so mean to peggie but she felt she herself is equally mean when she laughs with us. "u all so mean can. but u all are so mean till i cannot help laughing lo.. all the jokes are so bad yet so funny!" (which reminds very greatly to me that sokpeng said the same thing too)
mabby and jassy were both shopping at this place called Muji or Mugi in 2nd storey of parco. some weird jap store which sells a lil home stuff as well as clothings. victor even gave a comment when mabby was in the changing room for some time, "needs a bigger size?" so mean but funny when u can hear mabby "WEI" from inside the room.
so yea. i didnt like shopping alot since i've got no targets to aim at and im only aiming to get my guidebook. so just roamed around that store with victor. couldnt find any topic to start with since he is soooo much into sports and me, a near-hermit. was pretty glad he starts off the conversation by asking what happens on the night of my bday. was really glad since he breaks the ice instead of me. so we talked about some stuff such as how to get A for my attachment grade. and also asked whether is there any chance any of us will be able to attain an A. he seems to think for awhile on the escalator before replying "yes! ya why not?" he continues to ask what grade i think i should get, after the work i've done. well, i've told him everything honest, about how i feel im still a B and tries to attain an A. however 1 thing i did not tell is that, i need an A if i wanna go University to further get my grades to GPA 3 and above. didnt want to tell him that as not everything should be told to supervisors (peggie should learn this)
walked over to this place with a few steamboat stalls. its amazing seeing so many ppl eating steamboat and is so crowded. not to mention more than 10 of us on 1 table that i have to sit almost away from the table to eat. nvm that, but i still enjoys the dinner alot. with suling and victor on either side, the dinner was great. 3 types of soup they go with; tomyam, Ma La (numb and spicy), chicken broth i suppose. the ma la one is really out of the world since its so .... urgh! gilgil and suling both accidentally bite into some seeds which is triving on that soup. i too, bit a half of it accidentally. their mouth as they claim, are numb and burning. mine is just the tongue. thank god!
lots of laughter arose from the whole table as peggie quickly became the main topic of the meal. i get this feeling she is now more famous in EA than super models. well, rumors spread faster than wildfire and its true. so, jokes about beef starts to rise as well. even victor noes how to pronounce "Straw-bear-RY" in peggie's way. we were all so surpised and laughing like mad can. but i can feel suling's really enjoying herself since she was laughing in a way that ppl noes she is enjoying herself.
lets see who was there Mabby Jasmin Gilbert Ettrick Clarence Krishnan (dunnoe how to spell) Shafiq Yingzhong Mark Kahlun Suling Me Victor i tink thats all. 13 ppl on 1 table gosh. well, after tat gilbert, victor, kl and me split from the rest of the group since they were going to have a drink (and i feel alcohol like beer makes me fat and didnt wan to spend anymore money) gilbert needed to meet his frens somewhere in the west. so kl was driving us back to west area. victor dropped off at his condominium at jalan jurong kechil area. very near to clement's house. can see that condo is really... grand gosh. after vicky drops off, gilbert was claiming that he needs a pee and is gonna jet soon lol. well, i cant blame him since im also in the same kind of urgency. so kl drove us to my house where gilbert being too shy to come to my house for dunnoe wat reason, decides to go to the coffeeshop near my house. seeing him run to the toilet then i walk off back home. i wasnt really that urgent just that when the car goes over the uneven road or humps, my bladder jolts.
i got train before okayyyyyy record i have is 4 hours of keeping it in. nearly dead that time haha.. but still its bad for health. so Children, rmb to release ure pee as soon as u need to release. not in bushes or public but toilets.
Created at 8:01 PM
| Wednesday, November 15, 2006
im so very confused. confused of how is this and how is that. but i am very sure of 1 thing. oh well.. the absence of it, is the best.
didnt noe that szesze is sensitive about what i said. i tot he takes things of any kind pretty easy.
okayyyy! i noe wat to do liao
Created at 8:44 PM
sigh. i prolly will have 10minutes for blogging before abit of exercise and off to work. had a pretty nice sleep compared to yst. i disliked falling asleep during work time since i really had to keep myself awake. i hate to keep myself awake when i have to stay awake when im falling asleep and there is no bed for me.
okay check this out http://www.mysg.com.sg/main.htm
 pls dun sue me cos its an image i got from them :/ but still do visit their webby and eat their food. *free advertisement*
We ordered
* Calamari Rings * Chicken Wings * Apple Crumble * Caesar Salad (add Smoked Salmon) * Pan-seared Cilantro Chicken w/Mashed Potatoes * Cod Fish * Chicken and Ham Linguine in Cream Sauce * Bailey's Coffee * Irish Coffee * Chivas Regal * Bailey's * Sparkling Apple * White Wine - Jacob's Creek
well, some description here then. Calamari rings is good. u can literally taste the sotong inside the rings. the thai sauce that comes with it makes it tangy and even sweeter and a lil spicy. just like a pretty, sweet girl dressed in red. no not the 7th month type..
Chicken wings is pretty normal except they gave 11 pieces. 5 drumlets and 6 wing parts. for 12 bucks. check out the price yeah. i can find better chicken wings out there cos im fried chicken expert. wat is nice about it is that it is freshly fried with the same tangy thai sauce that comes with it makes it tangy and even sweeter and a lil spicy. just like a pretty, sweet chicken dressed in red. XXD
Apple crumble is a MUST-TRY!! highly recommended by of cos me! after a little alcohol from watever drink u take, u will feel the dryness and lack of something in ure mouth. there it is! the sweetness of apple crumble! it is not too sweet and nicely baked to perfection. it is best to share with either 1 partner (so u can eat about half) or share with 3 ppl (so u at least got 1/3) or share with lots of ppl (so u dun have to pay so much XXD) best for all occasions~
caesar salad aint that bad cos its really classy veggies. veggies that are out of my dictionary since they didnt put anything like celery, lettuce, cucumber, xiaobaichai, spinach, gailan, watsoever. i wouldnt try it again except for the additional salmon we took. the best raw fish i've ever eaten. but since im not an expect in raw stuff.. oh well.. i hate raw chickens.
Pan-seared Cilantro Chicken w/Mashed Potatoes ate this for main course. this is good if they sell it cheaper aww. took the Thigh part since i pretty much love thighs. i felt blessed when they didnt serve with the thigh bone. i was half expecting a big piece of nasi bryani chicken thigh there.. the mashed potatoes rocks. the chicken with sauce isnt bad too. cooked nicely with enough solidness and not burnt
Codfish took some from kl's plate. ahh i was clever yeah! i wanted to try some. however didnt wan to ask, so i cut a piece of Cilantro chicken and gave him. then pray that he is sensible enough to noe wat i wan :D ok good he gave me a piece of codfish with some skin. its really ultimate nice can! the fish is soft and the skin is a lil saltish. which makes the taste of fish comes out not as "Xin wei" but as fragrance. anyway the codfish set is 28bucks. the cilantro set is 18 i suppose.
chicken ham linguine with cream sauce is good. much better than pastamania. even suling *if i didnt rmb wrongly* and jassy said pastamania isnt good. its just another fast food chain. yup! i can cook pasta like pastamania standard but not Secret Garden's. ate 3 strands of it from soksok's plate.
the rest is drinks. mostly alcohol except the sparkling apple which is refreshingly almost same as "Apple Tea".
i took white wine. however.. couldnt really noe whether is it nice or not until the aftermath lol. this white wine is better than red since i ate chicken. couldnt find out the difference but i will slowly learn yeah. didnt like alcohol like Chivas or Vodka. wine is much better and more classy. taste better than cocktails too. and i dun get drunk over wine. *my max limit i've gone highest is 1 cup? lolol nvr tried more than a cup*
dang no time to exercise liao zzzzz
Created at 7:07 AM
| Monday, November 13, 2006
today. is the happiest day of 2006. also the happiest day in all my birthdays add together.
i couldnt express enough thanks to the people who organised the things. especially mabby and jasmin. who organised a mini party for me in EA. the cake is nice too. its the 1st time that im quite touched with what outsiders did for me, just for my birthday. jasmin and mabby. im touched.
for dinner, peggie, me, kl, styke and gilgil met soksok and off we go to find Secret Garden again. THIS TIME WE FOUND IT. i would say the internal ambience is pretty nice. not as classy as Indo-Chine but is very cosy and the ambience is superb. i have to say there is this Waiter/promoter/owner (either one) is really good at customer service. i would give an A* for him. he would explain lots of stuff to us as to why the dishes are served in this order. special gratitude to gilgil for treating us ALL!
i will upload a pic of the receipt after i've get all the DAMN FUNNY pics we made with the utensils from kl.
im pleased to noe such good pals. it beats getting presents. the enjoyment and fun we made, can never be erased :))))))
Created at 10:35 PM
| Sunday, November 12, 2006
today is sunday already le. so fast and its already evening. things go past very quickly when ure bz doing something and not "rotting". how i love to rot in weekends.. the days just crawl..
anyways, saturday was pretty ok to me. not too exciting nor too bored. went to meet soksok at JP that afternoon. okay.. i wont say the details but i was kinda late in eating lunch lol. hungry seh waiting for her! ate the fried fish soup from the Ocean stall at the basement of JP. the soup isnt tat bad considering the amt of fried fish that auntie gave. (pardon me cos im feeling down when writing this post, so i might write it too down.) ||| ||| ||| ||| V down. grrragh! anyway met up with baofeng and lisong at JE then we went over to find Eileen at tiong bahru. so sad. cos i didnt receive any presents from them but its ok cos i nvr did receive much presents from frens much often. except a few like Clement who always love to give me cards.. "good" ones?. such bad luck when we are going to bbq and it is still raining. couldnt do any grilling so we ate cooked food instead. kinda unfair cos those ppl who were here later on LATE and can bbq cos the weather dried up. was kinda sian le so i decide to go home early and didnt follow norman, weichai and lisong to bugis to meet daniel for Pool.
tried to play sro this morning but after sometime, gets bored so i rotted somewhere else in some other games before preparing to go for mass. Confirmation mass for Sec3 kids. a mass where those kids will be considered adult christians. i would say since im not good at teaching stuff. and also that im not too social, i couldnt really take the class well. so i would normally either hide in the midst of them and tell them some short stuff about the lesson or i will just sit in a corner
so the bond between me and the kids arent as great since im like a hermit crab in a shell :(
(cont') okayyyy! i just came back from dinner. left the blogger post opened just now so i can continue. felt much better after dinner with parents and auntie julie and uncle thomas and auntie anna. they are still as lovable as usual. eating food with them is so enjoyable. sometimes i tink im kinda too justified. as in i dun like things tat is unfair. okay!! i noe some ppl will say "life is always unfair" well i can say "my foot!" life is always fair depends on how u look at it. sometimes i feel its always fair. ppl who have disaster or accident and ended up handicapped or blind. but hey they can do art or music much better than ppl with hands and eyes.
things like, when ure cool in ure teenage years, u might no longer be as cool in ure later years. fair? even if some might say "aiya rich boy ma" but tink again, perhaps his/her forefather worked hard to get wealth enough for their own generations to come. prolly born poor ppl may not be as wealthy but im very very sure im happier than most kids out there. why? cos i appreciate wat my parents did for me. things like Birthday? nope its not to celebrate the coming of a baby on earth. it should be a day celebrating when a mother almost lost their life giving another life. sometimes i would say my bday isnt worth celebrating for. since i didnt do anything really great in this world or to anyone besides entertaining them, i dun really feel its needed. the best person's day to celebrate is mother and fathers' day.
so the topic for dinner came till something related to wat i've said. parents taking care of grandkids for their own kids. i cant say much since i've not been thru there. well, in my opinion, i will strive hard and work so my wife would not have to work and can concentrate to learn how to be a good housewife taking care of kids and waiting for hubby to bring money home. in a way, she can have a closer bond with the kids and my parents dun have to take care of my kids for me. they have slogged for more than half their lives taking care of me. why should i trouble them to take my burden when its my turn? yeap. prolly i will force my wife to stop working. i'd rather have a simple life and a happier one like wat i have - spending more time with daddee and mummiee and eating simple fare in markets, food court or kopitiam, then night walking or simple TV before going to work again next day.
if both me and wife work, with all the money we get, we will prolly spend them on car or house or other high class stuff. if we hire maid, money is gone. if parents take care for us our kids, they would lose their chance of finally able to enjoy life. i still rmbed 1 day mummiee was telling me about how she and daddee is considered by wat teens like to say "no life, lifeless, rotting" etc. no time for restaurants or watsoever. the few cheap activities we can come with is, kite-flying or going to free places. up to my secondary4 life, i've only been to the movies 3 times with them. and thats the amt they went to after having a family. so she was telling me that once sis and me grew up and have family, she will take this time to really enjoy life with daddee. hold hands and go tour together or do things that couples do.
AND ITS SOKPENG'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!! happy birthday to u! happy birthday to u! happy birthday to soksok happy birthday to u!
(p/s i didnt copy paste okayyy) JU NI kuai gao zhang da! zao sheng gui zi! chang sheng bu lao! nian nian you yu! (so u got enough money to treat me dinner)
more pictures here for the dinner at Indo-Chine pics from sok's hp

 nope i dun like angmohs. will nvr marry one.
 this is eileen
 statue from terra cotta fake one of cos
pic at nicole's bday, clement and another eileen. i drank red wine so im red.

 zhanke and clement and me. zhanke is fun too. love to make fun of him then he just shakes his head and smile.
Created at 6:46 PM
| Friday, November 10, 2006
thinking again, prolly my piano skills have rusted. hmm i do wonder is it even considered a skill yet? since i've only got the basic readings and trainings.
thursday's dinner was really cool. had a long chat with mabby to find out more about where to have dinner with a girl. of cos its sokpeng. was surprised with the amt of suggestions she came out with. those posh restaurants to fine-dining. ah yes! kopitiam kinda stuff can ask me :) jasmin came out with some more as well as suling. but with the bombardment from the 3 ladies, i couldnt really decide where. forced myself to come out with 3 selections; Secret Garden from mabby and "map" from jasmin, Clarke Quay by both kl and jasmin and this .. steak house at the top of takashimaya from jasmin. i could only choose Secret Garden from mabby is becos, the options she gave was really expensive and really worth it kinda stuff? but well, i do have budget too. and wouldnt wan styke to die with me. but from her words i knew its worth it. just that i didnt have the funds.
chocolate buffet? NUUUUUUUU! was an option till mabby said 3 of her frens dragged her there but she insisted on not going. 3 frens later on told her the same thing - "regret sia" chocolate and only chocolate. if there is a chicken wing buffet, i bet i will stop eating fried food too. prolly i would love a bolster fun fair somewhere!
mabby wasnt sure where Secret Garden is, stating she tinks its at raffles city somewhere. so i went to find out more about it from jasmin. jasmin drew me this map which i tot im sure its it!
so after work, went to meet soksok with styke. had much talk with styke over SRO while soksok and eileen shops in Far East. i do have phobia of far east and Parco Bugis. cos of the amt of times sok goes there? its as common as example having diarrhoea and the amt of time going to the toilet in the middle of the night. so finally we took a bus to Bugis to check Secret Garden out.
walk and walk. was pretty excited when all i found in the site where the map points = a kopitiam selling different stuff. i was dumbfounded.. kinda embarrassed and anxious cos i felt so bad bringing them to such place. end up we walked around trying to find the really "Secret" garden. so we gave up and went to Clarke Quay. kl was mentioning this place called Indo-Chine. which is a business company that sets up pubs and restaurants. so we went and took a look. im sure the uncle - taxi driver had a hard time driving since eileen and soksok keeps laughing all the time. soksok even imitates trying to strangle the driver from behind *shakes head* bu dong ta.
Madam Butterfly is the name of the restaurant just above the pub Indo-Chine. the food is exquisite as well as the amt.. i was kinda disappointed since the amt was little. but well, styke and i was really surprised that we actually felt full at the end of the meal. starch? or yeast? or special organism that can cause the fried rice to multiply in my tummy? i dunnoe.
asked sok and eileen and styke to order things. end up become i order all.. i have a habit of disturbing the waitress since daddee always does that. it was fun. anyway we ordered some stuff - Codfish Sea Perch teriyaki - this is awesome. AWESOME some gai lan veggie which costs 14bucks. i dun really eat the fish maw so its a waste for me. chicken with peanut butter mix with a various number of other sauce? not bad. but i noe where got better chicken somewhere. fried rice with salmon. same standard as mummiee but only we couldnt eat salmon everyday XXD
after meal, we went downstairs pub. was kinda nub since it was my 1st time if u dun include ordering milo from kopitiam. didnt noe wat is shorts, or on the rock or other terms. so i ordered this drink - Atlas. mixing vodka with orange and cranberry juice and 1 more weird thing. i would say its not worth it. either the man mixing it sucks or the drink isnt good. it wasnt as strong as i tot it would be. so i was disappointed. i should have drank red wine Merlot.
was having much fun there but there isnt any much crowd since its still too early. kl and chris came to meet us. chris is fun. so kawaii~ when he laughs. though he loves to make fun of soksok but he couldnt stand me lol. i was too gay for him. they call him Gay Chris for a reason. no. dun call me Gay Momo. peach is not gay. - momo in japanese = peach.
ok now i shall relate as to why i have bad luck with taxi drivers. if u rmbed my posts few weeks ago, i had 2 bad encounters with them. 1st one, talked too much missed the exit of expressway 2nd one, dunnoe how to go to my house
the 3rd one which i took with styke, sok and eileen, i tot i was fine. phew. but when i was going home, i tot i was lucky to take the last train to boon lay. slept. missed my train stop. stranded in boon lay. tried bus. saw bus left. stranded in interchange. no more bus, no more train. summarises everything?
so depressed i took another taxi... slept the night away feeling comfy. goes to work and sat 154. i fell asleep and woked up by the driver. to my astonishment, there is no more passengers left. only me sleeping. "eh.. where is everyone?" "sorry, the bus spoil liao. pls take another bus" was his reply.
the world fell on me or i fell out of the world still decribes the feeling that i have bad luck with taxis. RAGHHHHRAGHHHHHHHH!
Created at 6:44 AM
| Tuesday, November 07, 2006
alright. gilbert have been complaining since i didnt give him any nick and i gave mabeline mabby. so here it is - Gilly or Gilgil~ kawaiiiii~! :)
so sad. gilgil is going to leave us for another project. and he is leaving with peggie. i tot kl is going with him. oh well.. :X but life will sure be less entertaining w/o him around. lesser poking of ribs, scratching lightly of my arms with his stylus, no more singing of songs, lesser engine to start, lesser chimpanzee hair, lesser loud voice explaining, less 1 more voice. but all it summarises i will miss him. and he kept asking whether will i miss him or not.. at least 5 times? when i gave him the answer yes..
today is pretty boring. shadn't talk about work since its super boring. been thinking about how to celebrate sok's bday. actually, its more of a gathering and fun-time for me hahaha.
yupz i got lots of pics from sokpeng. wow. 1st time she sent me her pics. rare rare. and im glad she didnt need to bugger me for any :D i wont be so bad and show u the other pic which i've described to her and the jade bangles thing.
 pretty right?
 he looked super surprised. anyway it is a shot taken by me.
 another pic of the pretty girl. she must be happy to view my blog since girls like ppl to say they are pretty. but i noe, i noe she dunnoe how to react. then will say "where got~" when in the heart = "arm chio" aiya sniggering?
 taken by styke also.
 "thank you for watching! bye bye! be sure to catch me on Kids central everyday!"
Created at 7:29 PM
| Sunday, November 05, 2006
just came back from church. and after cutting hair too. couldnt stand the length of my hair being too long. so had it cut short. and now.. i look like a chimpanzee.
 i got the pic from here.
well.. i was kinda a lil slightly dismayed when the lady which cut my hair is scratching my scalp. ah.. i noe i do have dandruff at times (everyone do) but she is scratching them out! after saying i have them, she proceeds to scratch. rubbing and massaging till they come out isnt tat bad as scratching since it hurts the scalp. so i showed her this face - :( she seems to noe and stopped.
i wonder wat bday present should i get. hmm. lots of enhancers? lolol not bad ma.. but it sounds like ++ body parts lolol
omg i got a +2 for height and a +3 for weight! and a -10 for hair... :(
Created at 11:25 AM
| Saturday, November 04, 2006
saturday night! just need to blog this very special outing with daddee and mummiee. just me alone with them both. felt really fun and is like a reminiscene of last time when we stayed at Ghim Moh estate ancient years ago. often we will go down stairs and walk to the ultra nearby markey and have dinner or walk and shop around for stuff.
and see the many activities that is so alive there. - uncles playing chess and drinking beer. - aunties sitting and chatting. - old aunties and uncles walking on the pavement with those stones poking out. - satay and otah smoke. - shops opened and lights beaming. - market washing with the food centre directly beside it bursting with ppl. - middle of the place is a playground for lots of kids. - around the playground is a "track" for those mini-cars that kids drive. pay to play.
recently when i've gone over to jinyan's house, found the place to have slowly died down. as in younger generations are moving out to more better place nearer to central. old ppl dying off.. memories gone. but no. its still inside me. i really wish that time can return to the time when i was still holding to mummiee's hands and following her to the playground. with daddee walking around aimlessly after dinner at blk10 or 11. then joining the fun with the kids. no need to worry about anything in this world. not even games or anyone or homework or projects or money.
anyway, daddee brought us to sorta visit my uncle whom i've said before, is in a mental state of confusion. i tink could be becos of some incident. well, it seems that things arent going well for him ever since he ran out of the mental hospital months ago and finally found. now back in the old age home where he does outrageous things. wont say wat but .. he wont sit still. so.. mummiee asked me to pray for him too. as in none of the uncles and aunties is willing to take care of him and mummiee is the only one doing all the work. using the money that Grandpa left for us to feed him. but mummiee told me that the money is soon being used up after 10years ago. the most it can stand for another 1-2years if nothing happens to him.
this is so sad. cos our family isnt that rich to begin with. we have just enough for ourself and uncle is taking about $2000 per month for the take he need. going to doctor with escort is around 80dollars per trip! he couldnt go alone since he have illness mentally. so... mummiee was telling me if the money could last till he can sleep peacefully then its good. but if he have a long life.. we will have no means of taking care of him anymore. no idea wat to do anymore. so prolly we are praying God will take him back to where he belong. since i suppose he is not enjoying being caged up in an old folks home and love freedom. but he makes disturbance in those areas that he roam that police is finding him. wanted man.
then we are off to the main purpose of this trip! - the wine exhibition at Expo which is on the other side of the singapore map. if u ask anyone who noes me, i nvr like to travel anything near to central already liao lol. but that time, i just wan to spend some time with parents. so i tagged along. to my surprise, daddee didnt noe that the exhibition costs. need 15bucks each person and a total of 45 to enter. so daddee diddnt wan to spend money as the exhibition is ending 1.5hours later.. so we walked back to the car and i suggested going to changi village. since its been more than 10 years we visited there together. together.

asked gilbert wat is nice there and he said Nasi Lemak. woah the queue sure is long. waited 15minutes. ordered some other food too.
 this is the one with the longest queue. we ate this. the chicken wing lose to some others i ate before. not nasi lemak but im good at finding good chicken wings! the sambal lost to boonlay shopping centre banana leaf sambal. or the one at market. the cucumber is average. the egg is average. taste like egg to me lol. the rice is nice. prolly the best nasi lemak rice i've eaten. soft and tasty. looks like chicken rice though..
 this one is the one beside us.
 food. high in fat. high in cholesterol. high in watever and everything. but high in enjoyment when u ate it once in a blue moon!!!
old school watch/clock shop. really old.

enjoyed changi village becos of the high amt of activity there that reminded me of olden days. the shops there are pretty mixed. air-con to retro shops. bought li zi as well. gao luk in hokkien. not lychee mind u. its also been almost 10 years i didnt touch that thing. its sweet and nice. a packet for 5 bucks. pretty nice to enjoy it inside the dark car when daddee is driving and mummiee is cracking the shell and making for herself and daddee to eat while im clumsily eating it. this kind of trend might be disappearing soon. who will ever wan to be a gao luk seller u tell me.
Uni grad come out sell gao luk?!? had lots of fun time in today's outing. in the car eating gao luk and laughing.
Created at 9:26 PM
slept at almost 1am. gosh this is the latest i ever sleep ever since my intern days!! well.. woke up at around 9. lazed till 10. why? cos im still tired.
lots of rumors going on. "rumors" yet to be finalised. about the 5 of us splitting. peggie, me, kl, styke and gilbert.
so the rumors goes that me and styke remain on this proj while the rest went over to the new title. kinda weird though i would prefert them to take the 3 new interns especially clarence. i really honestly couldnt stand his eating habits. here i am, trying to keep eating to a limit and he can go like, morning small boxes of cornflakes and prawn crackers which stinks to those around.., afternoon corn dogs, bacon sticks or Ruffles potato chips and some sweet drink to go with after his lunch. gosh.. he is worse than peggie. sleeps before lunch. come back from lunch there is also another high chance he will sleep. during work!
ok la.. just wish and let the big boss to keep him tidy 1 day.
went out with soksok and styke for dinner at BK. at least this time, i chose where to eat! wahaha. no pastamania since im sure if i can get the same ingredients i can cook it as good as them. talked alot with the both of them. of cos with the usual laughter from sokpeng. she looked better with her hair down. since it also blocks dust which clogs pores and cover her high forehead (means got wisdom okay) but it does seem as though she looked like a secondary school girl from afar after didnt get to see her from such a long period of time.
pretty much thanks to suling whom didnt poke fun about mabby anymore. well, at least she is better than kl who still dun really get tat im sensitive to that issue. mabby on and on. i even showed him my annoyed face yet... alright.. i dun care either. the hell we had when doing FYP can never be erased.
had so much cold jokes from suling yst that i really melted. gosh her brain turns faster than all of us. quickly turning something into a joke..
soksok couldnt tink of any present to give to Eileen whom also have the same bday as me. why worry? cos she feels Eileen have all the things that she needs. ah.. why stick with materialistic presents? something spiritual will be good.
such as a limited edition bible. or a height enhancing elixir pill. or a slimming pill. 1000% power-up effective those kind. or just a dinner at somewhere affordable and say "i noe u have everything. yet u dun have me as accompaniment. im here to eat dinner with u :) enjoy milady!"
Created at 4:02 PM
| Thursday, November 02, 2006
today is victor's bday as well as jinyan's. !!!!!! thx to victor for treating lunch~!
ah yes. jinyan. my best few ancient frens. we attended the same nursery, kindergarten, primary, and poly. he is 1 fun chap. hmm as in he enjoys watever lame jokes or stuff tat i threw at him. we got along naturally well and hits it off quickly even after a few months of not meeting. sometimes i do stay over at his house. since his parents are really frenly. his dad and mum. prolly will wanna visit him much often after internship. since its the only few time left... before the thing. the thing! sometimes we do get into petty quarrels. but it resolves quickly after i apologised, since i didnt wan to spoil this relationship.
talking about relationship. it is a waste if a nice frenly relationship is destroyed. dun have to be boy-girl but frens. sometimes i often dislike ppl making fun of me infront of the other party. especially a girl. its annoying. not to me but to the other party if she is involved. if she is not there or couldnt hear it. yes i dun mind if the joke is between me and u. not till the other teams also learn about it when all i did was just to fancy a girl. she is a nice girl but its a nice fren relationship. dun tell me there isnt any boy-girl relationship that is based on frenship? things like this always spoils everything.
just like in sec school. where i liked this girl. we talked often in sec 1. close frens. my best fren learnt about it and i dunoe how the whole level learnt about it too. yes that time i was even fatter. and i have very low self-esteem to those who knew me. prolly the reason why im being made into anti-social. so its either i too shy of getting made a joke out of anything that i didnt talk to her anymore, or she is too shy of getting made a joke out of anything to talk to me. to make a person i like feels like tat, i tink that is very unneccessary of. i still rmb that face. khairul. oh yeah made fun of me. ok i noe im fat and not nice enough for her. but he didnt have to made fun of me and her talking isnt it!?!?! bah. blood boils.
today got this incident again. im angry yes but im often the type that cant be angry for long unless the ultimate. i can't understand why suling whom read my blog have to tell ppl about how i called mabeline in my blog. as mabby. its a short form for me. yes. joke about it yes. within me and u. but now gilbert and kl also noe about it. kl and suling even goes "mabby mabby" so loudly im totally sure the NFS team also heard it. there is no way mabeline is so deaf she can't hear. last time while i was in the same team as her, when suling made some fun about me going to another team and better dun come back, mabeline defended me telling her not to bully me too much.
now there is no sound from there. behind the TV screen which blocks her from us. i certainly hopes not becos of some joke, she will be avoiding talking to us or me to prevent any more of this kind of joke. to be a joke with an ugly guy is probably bad.
i feel its totally kinda bad when the joke is aimed at someone whom is involved indirectly and is nearby and hears it. sometimes when gilbert and us was talking about peggie, they talked kinda loudly till im also sure peggie hears it. i dunnoe about it. but i do feel guilty. cos she might be hurt or something as i would. ofcos if the boy she likes (choi..) happens to be there as well, and the joke is about both of them. be sure she will flare.
i can feel anger burning inside me in the instance that the other guy from the NFS team even told them dun "suan" me so bad..means soon the whole EA will noe. yaya often ppl will say, dun be so sensitive. chill or cool. ure not that big to make such a news. but what if this thing happen? i will prolly stop internship and request to go another company if the whole QA department is laughing and making fun.
i tell u for sure.. 1 day i will flare up and just the words are not nice anymore. i can take jokes but not till the other person changes their view of me. especially someone i respect.
Created at 8:31 PM
| Wednesday, November 01, 2006
this is my number 474 post in my private blog. as for public one, it will be 203. lols. today work isnt that fun. since i tink i talked too much and rot too little.
gilbert is really the... omigosh.. now his current trend is to sing a song which i dunnoe wat name since im not good in english, chinese songs. it goes like this "u said it best.. when u said nth at all." he particularly likes the part about "the smile on ure face and the dunnoe-wat-ever.." NOOOOOOOOOOOO he keeps singing from King Albert Park's macD till the bus stop till inside the bus sia!
his phrase- "im burning myself to make ure life brighter." from arthur poh of cos. my phrase- "u are burning ureself to make my life shorter." from me original copyright.
ahaha but i guess he is a nice fellow nonetheless. for the laughter and all. he is much much better at making fun at ppl than me. i need to get my mastery lvl up. when im with styke and gilbert, often i believe them 100% cos i tot the info they give were always true. but now... prolly 40%. lol. they always say something so serious... then end up is a joke.. doink!
asked styke whether he saw any pretty girls at macD and he told me this "yellow shirt" girl. so i look over. yup she looks avg but not pretty to me. i have strange standards. its not extremely high but.. if i do not noe the girl, i will rate extremely on looks only. means to be pretty, u must be extremely pretty. if i noe the girl and she is a nice girl, an avg looking girl is pretty to me also. probably more pleasing to the eye than anonymous ones, though there are some anonymous ones that make even girls drool. lol. for me to say pretty girl, the girl must be really either GOOD in character or EXTREMELY PRETTY.
ah yes. its so late now. i need a sleep. nites all.
Created at 10:35 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
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