| Tuesday, October 31, 2006
aiya.. dunnoe wat is wrong with blogger. super crappy. just trying out blogger beta. wouldnt wan to go to other blogsites as this will mean i need to spend time making a new one.
just wondering, is there anyway to get all ALL my blogposts into a word document? so i can keep and collect. wouldnt wan them and my memories to be lost when blogger dies :/ pls help though :D
monday is tiring. considering i have to return to work. argh! didnt find much bugs at all! even today! lets see... about 4-5 bugs today from 7 ppl. not each! well, vic even said at least 20 bugs a day is our target. oh well...
so sad, no more stock for EA-PLAY shirts! haiz. nvm i still got the one mabby gave me :D:D dun dare to wear to work. cos im 100% sure gilbert styke and kl sure got things to say. making me and her embarrassed. suling also. ultimate cold queen. oh noo.. i had lots of laugh sitting beside her while charging my NDS.
i kinda miss church. cos most of the time when i go church, i hope i can find something enriching to share with u guys. by sharing, i also remembers it. so it kinda goes with me for eternity. not preaching but just words of wisdom.
heard from mummiee that sis is gonna shift her stuff over to her husband's home. so.. i might kinda shift over to her room for the moment while she is gonna renovate my room. half happy half sad. this room has been my mate for long years. ever since playing diablo2 MagicFinding to playing RO in the late nights to mornings, to the botting world of RO (longest time) to the madness world of Maple (very long..) to the lonely nights to RYL2 to LastChaos to early morning SROing.
ah those lovely memories. honestly i swear i do not regret the times when i played games like mad. sometimes time wasted and all. but the life i get, is wat i wanted. not to say about bad results or didnt do anything constructive.
diablo2 is probably old school game. its nice till everything is lost when 1.1 patch arrives. argh all my efforts. all the time i spent on finding magic items and Unique and Sets. didnt get to complete my Paladin set items. i still rmb Griswold something.
RO. the longest time and the one with lots of big memories. my 1st guild was finalwarriors. probably only Max noes. i rmb he uses hunter. called *ONE*. played official. then test server SARA. then official into guild Elite Dominion (ED). then private. then official till saw the end of ED and Danny appears. well, another person who leaves deep impression in me. he is kinda the leader of me and Max. a trio. so we shared accs and bots. into the botting world. then join UVE from danny's recommendation. UVEUnforgivable. to the strongest of UVE - UVEChaos. the head guild of UVE (UngoVernablE). went over to UVEEmo for a moment to assist in the guild wars. but still stuck with UVEChaos. for prolly very long. bots and killings in guild wars. kinda nice experience to guard to Emperium room. since im the ABSOLUTE last line of defense. often, i dun see any actions there unless the front defense failed to finish that guy, so im the last line. almost the last one to defend the room. AssassinX i was. UVE had lots of enemies more than allies though... but we were still strong. Grim, our leader 1 day decided that the whole gang of his, his frens and brother Ento go over to play World of Warcraft. so UVEChaos was left to Danny and some others while im still at the last line. however, danny didnt manage to do it well i suppose. so many ppl left. and i left too since im getting tired of seeing not much action. after leaving UVEChaos, i quitted RO.
maple by norman. played maple for 1 day before knowing that norman plays too. and in the same server. got soksok to play too. well.. its still not long ago enough for me to miss this game. so i have not much memories about it yet. training is madness. KSing is madness. money is madness. xcuseme is madness. played a mage cleric till 40 then a bandit till 108 while Max took my cleric and lvl it up to 103 before he stopped. then i started a dragonknight till 104 while his cleric got till 108. he left his cleric at 108 before going to India for further studies.
then to RYL2. honestly this game is pretty fun. quite fun that i kinda miss it now. sigh. i quitted cos i couldnt stand the lags in town. even in training areas, dying and dying cos of lag. couldnt make it above lvl70. wasnt able to lvl up as much as Max since tat time i was lagging and the only fastest way is to party lvl. and a laggy person would mean death. quitted.
Lastchaos as intro by peggie. was pretty cool. almost like diablo2 in 3D. new system to me and all. learnt lots of stuff there. but didnt stay long cos lvling is extremely hard. and there is error too at a certain training area. often DC. once i skip 2-3 days of playing. i didnt wan to go back anymore.
SRO by styke. pretty cool. though i dun really like the chinese style that is very heavily used. bots too. too much. lags? not so bad. lvling system is still ok. guild ppl are nice. i didnt like the lvling places though. u can train in 1 area for 1 lvl and find it hard. once u lvl up, u will find it comfortable. another lvl and u find it too easy and too slow. i couldnt rot in the same place like in maple. i pretty like the feeling of Owning low lvl creatures yet can lvl up fast. meaning quantity over quality.
overall. i love to ROT in games. i can rot in the game that i play in EA. just doing nth. but its boring...
Created at 8:13 PM
| Sunday, October 29, 2006
so.. Firefox 2 came out. and suddenly everything i typed have spelling check error lol. my lols is underlined in blogger for new reasons.
cos i dled firefox 2. my mistake. i suppose its official now. try dl it. Miss Firefox beats IE7 in my opinion. nvr liked IE ever since mine took a liking to virus 2 years ago. it is eating virus like eating beef!
madness! today spent a whole day in SRO. chitchat with Lenette and Guo_Jun aka camillius or something lol. just call him cam. well, though lifeless but i indeed feel i've done something i've wanted. spend the whole day doing something till ure senses stop. ever tried enjoying doing something till.. u nvr noe time is running? hungry = disappeared.
anyways SRO is fun and is best only when bots disappeared. when they do, lagging will be gone and everyone is a smiley face :)
looking forward to work tml? YEs of cos! why?! cos the more tmls that are over, also means the faster attachment ends yeah! MORE MORE! bah anyways i tink im adapting to work. if i quits gaming and live my life like adults. i will probably enjoy work more. the reason i couldnt endure is becos i have other commitments like gaming.
ah yes. tat is still probably means i dunnoe my piriorities yet. oh well.
i needa new mousepad. the pad that my mouse have is kinda old and dirty. i wonder where can i get a nice one for it. hmm
Created at 6:44 PM
heard from many blogs that mozilla firefox 2 is out.
somehow i went to check it out. but wouldnt dare to install it since its still on Beta and is developing.
Kawaii, Kirei Miss Firefox

i could imagine peggie's face when she says, "firefox shi nu de meh?!?"
-.- ...
Created at 4:46 AM
| Saturday, October 28, 2006
so its finally saturday again. with SRO being choked up like a bottle.. lots of bots running around ksing.. i felt kinda sian (1 million / -1000)x - 1000.
anyways, going off to church soon. so wanted to blog abit. oh yesh today will be bombardment with pictures. and a very ultra long post.
from SRO as well as yst's dinner at Singapore Polo Club. yst was tiring in EA. victor told us if we can get 40 bug reports, we can skip OT. i kinda dislike the bargain. cos its impossible to get 40 more bugs in such a late stage for an old build. its almost like hanging a bottle of water in somewhere high up out of reach in the desert.
gosh. i was pretty moody for awhile after tat. since he might as well just say "lets do OT tonight." tat way, we would have done OT happier. nonetheless, i couldnt do OT since i told him last week that i have a birthday party for Miss Ning. nicole yeah. from 4E8. in EA, i was kinda sian sian cos i couldnt find any more bugs.. until its almost end of the day then i found a straight 5 bugs.
the 3 new interns that joined us are pretty much talkative. with styke, gilbert and kl. i couldnt have join them since im a NUB about sports like soccer or basketball. and i was too depressed finding bugs. well, i have to admit.. im kinda not a sociable person. i will take at least 1 week to get into laughter with new ppl around me. like mabby for instance. she was very kind to offer the whole of our group to taste her newly bought ice cream. lol. styke might be laughing here. gilbert kl and styke have been creating this icecream joke.. and the itchy joke which i will not explain cos it might be too obscene hahaha
strange is, peggie ate the icecream mini balls coated with chocolate. then u noe wat she said?!? "actually i dun like to eat icecream coated in chocolate." dun tell her tat in case my ears might have grown mold and i heard wrongly and she will confront me. wat i felt fustrated is, u dun like to eat it, then why still eat it? GOODNESS GOD SAVE HER! and she ate too much beef. i felt sad for her. in some way.
anyways took taxi with clement after meeting him at King Albert Park. i really must tell u, im cursed with taxi drivers. this time, its an old man with really white hair and white moustache. talked abit of rubbish like Singapore Polo Club is where ppl sits horse and watever blablabla then even tells us that it is in a very far place. heck! far then far! raghhhhhhhh "u noe.. its very far.." i didnt like his attitude dunnoe how to explain. worse is he missed the entrance to the expressway. had to U-turn further on and join in the traffic jam as the road filters. alright he was quiet at least. the taxi driver that drove us back home tat clement and mingrui joined, is kinda like daddee. talking about politics. im glad i knew some ABCs about politics from the usual talk that daddee always talked about.
im not too sure about wat the driver wanna say but i can feel he is frenly. i said, " condo sucks. so small stil need to pay so expensive." he said, " nono. expensive but at least got security and status for some ppl." i said, " car is good. cos can drive frens go out eat. have fun easier." he said, " ah but its like a second wife to many ppl. take public transport better. car too exp. no use" i said, " then taxi driver can earn? hahaha" he said, " condo and cars are the same. " *quiet*
i was tinking.. car = no use. condo = got use. how can car = condo.. this one need to ask styke_mathboi87@hotmail lolol.
bah i missed my time and i tink i will go mass tml then. go on bloggin :D its addictive how writting starts and cant stop.
i kinda didnt tot it was grand with so many ppl dressed up for the ocassion. if not i could have worn a gown there :X lol. ah yes! forgot to take pics of this girl that clement have interest on. oh well, i admit she is pretty. and nice figure and all. saw Eileen too. so long didnt meet her. saw Mingrui. our favourite fren. lol. he always smile shyly and turns his face to 1 side when clement and i made ultra lame jokes together. the food was good especially the salad.
drank a glass of red wine and im almost dead. can feel the veins pumping blood to my head and its like numb with blood and almost bursting. very red face too. felt really embarrassed and nub that most of the teens there knew wat is clubbing and pubbing and the alcohol terms. okay.. its not my fault. i just dun like to go socializing in expensive places like tat. ppl go doesnt mean i go too. :D
didnt noe many ppl there. but i can sense clement also felt sian with me complaining about it. im anti social i have to admit at times. i dun mind hide in 1 corner and do my things. went to visit the horses there. ok i guess blogging text is ending here.
so its time for pics.
 this is near taman jurong area. well.. i feel the kuay chap there is just okok nia.. but since the elderly ppl wanted to eat it, i just follow along. kuay chap still beats eating air at home.
 auntie julie and uncle thomas. my parents' best frens in the church society. they are really frenly too. lovable ppl. prays hard too.
 i could have sworn chrysanthemum tea makes Tiger replica more real.
 the horses at Singapore Polo Club. they all have awesome ang moh names. names like Donato or Venezia lol examples.
 another horse
 the behind is white horse. the other is not prince charming. but another weird strange breed.
 the strange breed touching a real horse. lol ok that is clement.
 fingers and horse. the horse is really huge.
 strange breed with the horse again. ming rui refuses to go near the horses. i suppose he didnt like the manure smell coming from the stables. i didnt like it too. but the horses are more kawaii. im not so sure.. about the strange breed though.. hmm
 this is the only horse with the name tat is chinese. as i've said, most of them are having italian-kind of cool names. click to see the name if its too blur.
 Noir might noe who this is. Signum. from Magical Lyrical Girl Nanoha A's i find this particular scene to be enticing. really pretty.
now for screenies from SRO
 a gigantic giant tiger.
 i love this pic alot. cos its so nice to see regular chakji, champion chakji and giant chakji together posing.
 this is a new mixed breed 2 headed horse. made by me and Lenette (styke)
 close up
 2 giant demon horses. really huge.
 nice emitters for particles system.
 some weird gigantic flower..
alright.. i took an hour to post this ultra long post. tired.
Created at 7:04 PM
| Thursday, October 26, 2006
ah yes! finally i blogs again. doubt anyone views this blog everyday though..
anyways its been a wonder why i didnt blog for such an extensive amt of time. well, tuesday is holiday = off wednesday = OT-ed thursday = OT-ed again. (today)
OT is pretty fun and tiring. considering all of our jokes. omg didnt noe suling is so ultimate cold GOSH WORSE THAN SHALABIN! the jokes are so cold till me and styke melt and flow to the floor from our chairs.
jasmine is accepting us as her frens i suppose. she sometimes come over and laugh with us and even ate dinner with us today. as well as Chris from the upper lvl. rmb? the one that does magic tricks to entertain interns.. time passed very fast tonight since suling is with us. yst she wasnt.
been spending much money on food since im suppose to eat dinner outside. usual days i might skip dinner and sleep straight waking up in the morning for a fresh meal of breakfast.
since interns can only claim taxi fare, of cos we all took taxi home. the wednesday's taxi is traumatising! the uncle sorta talk alot and likes to "herh herh herrrhh" laughing like asthmatic driver. and he likes to talk about pregnancies and how ladies should listen to elderly ppl's words about pregnancy stuff (which i agree to 100% extent) even talk about how to choose a right soul partner and also to make each other happy.. so on so on so on so on~! EVEN MISS THE EXIT OF THE EXPRESSWAY TO MY HOUSE!! cos he talked and forgot i told him to turn.
today's taxi is equally traumatising and arghhhhhh.. the driver is a newbie!!! he was asking me whether to take AYE or PIE. so i tinking AYE is faster. so he thinks awhile then ask "clementi there is it?" then on we go to clementi. then he ask "this exit goes to AYE?" .... then i've noe myself to be cursed with taxi drivers. but he was polite. pretty nice malay guy with a very clean and new taxi.
even on AYE, he didnt noe which exit to exit the expressway. luckily im always awake when daddee drove us home using that way. so i kinda knew. but it was horrifying to noe that 2 newbies of the road are together in a car!
imagine we both in a car - i dunnoe~ he dunnoe~ i look at him! he look at me! i say hehe..liao already.. he say hehe..already liao.. he say how to go ure house? i say if i noe, i dun need to sit with u..
anyways the above was a joke. but he is polite enough to ask in a nice manner. so i answered him happily too. imagine if it was the wednesday driver, "herh herh herrrrh.. pregnant woman must... eh eh eh! how to go ure house arh?!" i tell u.. i tell u.. i will .. strangle myself with the safety belt!
Created at 11:15 PM
| Monday, October 23, 2006
today off! good! tml off! also good!
well, kinda tired of sro liao. as in for today. too much of a game in 1 day, makes excitement turns to tireness. dun really feel like going back to work anymore! ragh! lets all go on strike!
i guess im not good in any ways of being a partner for life..
anyways keep hopes high and look over at the horizon. where the trees and forest fills the edge of the world. lovely streams gently flowing. flowers in the fields and bees floating around it. butterflies colouring the grass. the greengreen trees, the blueblue sky and the brownbrown earth.
yst's evening is fun filled. shopping at IMM with daddee and mummiee. bought 2 jeans 1 shirt and 2 socks from Giordano. nope im not a giordano freak. but just tat we can enjoy 30% staff price discount!!! wahhahahaahahahaha 60dollars jeans become 40+ best is i dun have to pay for them! waahahaha *conceited idiot i am* mummiee always disappears when me and daddee was watching other things. then she can just walk and walk off then on to her own stuff then we will have a super hard time finding her. lol, daddee even told me of 1 invention that can track her. ask him about it if anyone sees him :X
will be going for chalet on 10-11 i tink. november. church aunties and uncles' chalet. all who are frens of mummiee and daddee. best thing about elderly ppl's chalet is that we wont have to dig for food. cos FOOD IS ABUNDANT! cfm cfm cfm got food one. some cook curry, some cook bee hoon, some cook snacks like boiled nuts, keropok, etc sorts of traditional stuff. the bad part is, confirmation for the sec 3 kids are on 12nov. sunday. sigh. how ah?! soksok bday also 12nov. how ah!?! good thing she turns 19 faster than me. do take note this will be our last "TEEN" ever..
Created at 7:59 PM
| Saturday, October 21, 2006
gosh. my stomach is rumbling. not of hunger but of weird strange happenings.
these few days ive been in constant bloating of air inside. uncomfortable and urgh..
today is kinda lazing for me. played sro till afternoon when mummiee "drag" me to go out with her to get jeans and ankle socks. i was kinda tired and half dead mentally. and i suppose i was having such serious PMS that even cheng teng taste like bland longan water. didnt have the mood to eat rojak or popiah as daddee ordered. so i just ate my bland water in silence ocassionally complaining about how sucky it is..
surprisingly that cheng teng gave me wonderful voice to sing in the church. u noe, christians and catholics love to sing praises for their God, so do i. and i found i can reach pretty high compared to the usual sundays where i had to squeeze my throat to reach the notes that those "dumb" sopranos like to sing. its becos of them, the music had to reach probably 1 or 2 note higher to match them. i fell asleep during the interval from Novena to normal mass. 15minutes sleep and i hung my head on mid air and crouch over to prevent ppl from seeing my closed eyes.
im not sure of it, but it seems that tat really revitalises me and the PMS disappeared. so i kinda enjoyed the mass. this is one very nice sentence i got from a passage.
"i will change their hearts of stone, to hearts for love alone." pretty rhymes to me.
went to scout for jeans at the.. place. blsc where else? lol. prolly only westerners noe where they are. kinda cheap jeans are available. but bah they dun suit my thick thighs cutting. i wanted a straight cut but their cutting have no rooms for thighs. its almost like asking a person with thighs measuring the same as shins to wear that jeans! okok i admit i got big fat thighs enough to crush alot of ppl to death..
so as i walked and walk.. feel like farting LOL. aiya dun laugh its cos of the air in my tummy. its bloating and it doesnt feel good. had to control lor. if not lots of ppl would probably noticed. so i complained to daddee about it. he went all so cheeky about it i feel like pushing his face to my butt!!! RAGHHHHHHH
but still, i can feel he was concerned. he drag me to some medical shop and ask around for me cos i wasnt really able to hide my shyness about it. so we arrived at this stall where they got sell liang cha there. all sorts of liang cha. from yellow to utter darkness black bitter death. as i've mentioned before, there is this type called "24 taste" liang cha. it is probably twice as bitter as an old bitter gourd.
so daddee was telling that man about me and my bloating tummy. blast that man for looking at my tummy! lucky he did not laugh or smile. if not, he would have been on torture to pump all his liang cha down himself. he opened his drawer and took a cup. then scoop some weird really weird powder from 6-7 different tins. GOSH IT LOOKS LIKE MIXING MILO AND COFFEE AND TEA. thats an example. then mix with even more liang cha. blackblack. then u can see the powder dun really dissolve. just a mixture. the smell is absolute grossness. the taste is worse than taking bitter gourd and put wasabi on it..
it should contain heavy mint, bitter powder and watever in it. drinking it makes me feel "24 taste" liang cha is like drinking coca cola. i've tot im the few that can brave storms and seas to eat bitter gourd of extreme bitterness. this is worse. by probably 2x of the most bittered food i've taken.
if bitter gourd is considered 1 out of a 100 that drink is -100 out of a 1.
Created at 9:14 PM
| Friday, October 20, 2006
okok enough rantings. today's EA social day is pretty fun. not to mention shirley's visit to us. also fun too.
argh i do really always forgets things i wanna blog about. during the event, i will think "hmmm i must blog this down." come back forget liao.. bought pretty much stuff. 1 battlefield 2142 lanyard. 1 EA polo tee 1 battlefield 2142 t-shirt. if i cant wear i will give it to guys. 1 NFS carbon mug 1 battlefield 2142 mug
yup. those are limited edition stuff. can give as presents too :D;D today sure gain weight liao.. sigh. thick haze somemore. i need to get my ankle socks and jeans prolly by this week! wonder who will shop with me?
Created at 11:00 PM
okok enough rantings. today's EA social day is pretty fun. not to mention shirley's visit to us. also fun too.
argh i do really always forgets things i wanna blog about. during the event, i will think "hmmm i must blog this down." come back forget liao.. bought pretty much stuff. 1 battlefield 2142 lanyard. 1 EA polo tee 1 battlefield 2142 t-shirt. if i cant wear i will give it to guys. 1 NFS carbon mug 1 battlefield 2142 mug
yup. those are limited edition stuff. can give as presents too :D;D today sure gain weight liao.. sigh. thick haze somemore. i need to get my ankle socks and jeans prolly by this week! wonder who will shop with me?
Created at 11:00 PM
lol. im surely tired again. kinda wrong with my piriority last time.
game 1st sleep and eat 2nd surfing and blogging 3rd studies 4th
now its changed - Work 1st sleep 2nd game 3rd eat 4th surfing and blogging 5th.
so anyone can see, work takes up 9 hours, sleep takes up 7 hours im left with 8hours. 2 hours travelling left with 6 misc health/bathe stuff. left with 4. (been trying to do a little sit ups and push ups) SRO 2+ hours left with 1+ chat, surf abit, 1-2 epi of anime with breakfast takes up prolly everything.
not to mention my blog posts are always so long and wordy. once i start, i cant really stop. its like spamming and spamming. saw sok's blog about going to lunch for 2 hours. kidna fortunate for her cos at our side, we nvr have such good luck though EA SOCIAL DAY is still the only thing to look forward to.
saw the mechandise they are selling today at the social day. pretty cool i must say for the T-Shirt. battlefield 2142 t-shirt looks nice. im just afraid they dun have my size then i siao liao.. the lanyards arent nice. looks gayish to me.. why would anyone wear at lanyard and go shopping? or arcade or church or watever. put pokemon cards in it? or dragonball or senior citizen EZ-Link card? tat is prolly the reason why SP students nvr ever wear lanyards to school and the lecturers have to let us off cos the amount of us is too huge.
i was astonished when i rmb last time the 1st time i enter SP and the lecturer told us that if we didnt wear lanyard, even we get all A, we might not get scholarship. Fine 50bucks somemore! somehow i feel, lanyards arent necessary. imagine going to CLS or SB with EVERY studstuds wearing lanyards. GOSH! it will look like some kindergarten school group going for a field trip to the zoo. and the lanyards will make them easier to recognise.
but luckily not much ppl noe this blog. if not anyone reports to SP then i confirm fail ITP. worse still, the school might force me to wear all the different CLS, SB, MIT, SD, EEE, MME, MA, BE lanyard colours to work.. zzz
Created at 7:18 AM
| Tuesday, October 17, 2006
pretty much tired these days. sigh.
jasmine isnt as bad as from last time. it seems she starts to accept us as we are - noisy kids. lol
kinda miss my cosy corner (though extremely hot) cos i was shielded by styke and gilbert's poke. gilbert even... love to play with the back of my hair pulling it or twisting it. he even used his hair to brush my hair while i was leaning back GOSH!
im pretty much afraid that soon i will be a pauper. reason? its been rather long since i look at my bank book.. not being able to control w/o looking, i felt like i've spent alot of money on food. now i have some new plans - a new mp3 player (probably next month or next next month) a new track shoe (i didnt have a proper one) some ankle socks
i've aborted the idea of getting PSP since its out of my budget range. this friday is a chance for me to buy some EA souvenirs since its EA SOCIAL DAY AGAIN WOOOOOO! free dinner that is!!! save a meal and i get to eat unlimited Subway, pizza, chicken wings, satay and prolly others! to relief my guilt, no sweet drinks for my meals only plain water for a month. except MacD trip.
went with styke yst to King Albert's Park MacD for dinner yst. that place is pretty comfortable compared to other place in the area! 2 storey high with lots of ppl studying. can see girls also! good for boys. but then that time i didnt see any pretty ones. ate for almost 1.5hours with him LOL. talked about some stuff though mostly SRO
my aim for SRO - be able to reach his level. well, its the same. when in maple, i started my bandit when soksok was lvl50+, reached lvl70 together with her. reached lvl108 and stopped awhile before making a new DK when she was lvl80+ reached lvl104 when she just hit lvl100.
thats my satisfactory accomplishment. of cos not to forget Max for his help along the way to such accomplishment.
Created at 7:57 PM
| Sunday, October 15, 2006
listened to a passage in the bible in church today. this particular line left me in awe.
"I prefer her to light, because her radiance never sleeps."
did nothing today besides watching Kyou Kara Maou, sleep and played SRO in the morning. i dunnoe why but today is extremely tiring for me. as in being awake for 2-3 hours, i need to take a nap. of cos i would take a nap since this is a rare chance that only happens once a week.
well, for interns who are under stress from watever reasons, i would encourage watching Kyou Kara Maou. it have rather nice storyline and really interesting characters. more than Gun X Sword. and its ultimate funny at some point of the story. its not completely lame all the way as with some anime. a spoonful of it here and there makes it really nice.
Created at 8:16 PM
| Saturday, October 14, 2006
today is probably another of the best evenings in this month :D ate dinner with mummiee and daddee.
ordered lots of fatty stuff yet i dun feel guilty cos im quite happy. its been rather long since we went out for dinner just the 3 of us.
went to our usual place at Ayer Rajah food centre for dinner. mum wanted to go alexandra hospital that area to eat. but i firmly insisted our usual place. cos i missed the western food and the bbq chicken wings as well.
OISHI! today's chicken wings are the best. crispy skin with tasty meat and sweet honey taste-like marinate. ate 3.5 piece and i feel its not enough. but i guess there is an start to my guilt. the western food store that i always ordered from, DID NOT OPEN TODAY. GOSH! ITS SATURDAY AND SINCE ITS SO LONG THEIR FAVOURITE CUSTOMER DIDNT PATRONISE THEM, THEY DID NOT OPEN TODAY!?!?!
so i was forced to eat the one just a few stalls away. eeto.. not so bad. but too much blackpepper on my grills. dun like black pepper in thick jets.
we walked around the area. daddee bought 3 potong icecream w/o even asking us omg! he was claiming its veryvery nice. some weird brand called [KIMO] or something. hope its got nth to relate to kimono. so i was telling him that sugar is bad for health (fried food is not XXD) to advertise his product, he even say icecream is good for health. well...
so i started eating it. and he was saying things like "see, it doesnt even melts easily." "when u eat it, eay slowly, taste every flavour" actually he bought the icecream from a bakery store which HAVE a small icecream box just outside.. i wonder how amazing can tat be. i asked him why didnt 7-11 or cold storage sell them. "they dunnoe wat is good stuff. this is traditional. old taste" retro or oldies im not sure.
i further went to ask mum is it nice. she struck me with her answer. "of cos nice! no need to give money of cos nice! even he buy liao i also wan to bite some from him since he cant eat so much"
well, indeed it is hard to melt. but it also meant that i had a hard time eating it. its hard to bite and hard to lick. if it is so solid hard, it could mean tat its been placed in the freezer for a very very long ancient donkey years time.
Created at 8:32 PM
ok.. i sense that to make my black background and dark blue banner more colorful, i decide to add pictures in this post!
1st of all. this pic. who is it?

ok now.. some anime pictures of AIR. the art is cool.
 this is misuzu. a kawaii girl who is clumsy yet pretty. rare in this world though.
 this is haruko. the aunt of misuzu. i wish i have such young and pretty aunt.
 this is minagi. classmate of misuzu. i wish i got such pretty classmate. but nvm soksok is class flower :D
 this is Yukito. main male char. does puppet show for a living. oh well, not interested in him lol.
it seems really strange how the characters in an anime are all so handsome and pretty. so different from the real world. *aHA!* if they put all ugly characters no one will wanna watch anymore right? ultra fantasy!
Created at 8:40 AM
FINALLY i slept till 8am for the 1st time in almost 3 weeks! feels so good. yawn! i looked at the mirror and yawn and found that i got a big mouth lol. so i tried yawning even bigger and found it is like a cave..
yst is cfm the last day im with mabeline's team le.. cos monday its official im going back to styke's team.
yst didnt need to do any bug reporting cos of some reasons from golden hair lion that engineer blablabla. so played the whole day with shafiq on multiplayer LAN. lol played wat? of cos the game that we are working on. RTS game. headache sia.. 1 of our match took 2.5hours.. his defense is too strong while my attack is too slow. he couldnt rush out to kill me cos of my ambush somewhere that took him surprised. then he dun dare to come out find me liao lol. i tink im good at RTS games. probably.
accidentally scratched gilbert's hand yst while retaliating his poke. he always always likes to poke me. styke too. i dun understand the fun of it. since im very sensitive to it and might go berserk in retaliating, why do they still poke my waist to let me feel some shock.. i dun feel good being on cautious all the time..
Created at 8:21 AM
| Thursday, October 12, 2006
today is the 1st time i've ever closed my eye for a 2-3minute nap during my work with mabeline's team. dunnoe why so tired. lol rayson was already sleeping for like 30minutes le
oh well, probably cos mabby wasnt there. she went over to NFS for some fun in intervals. she was kind to me today. offering me her very expensive cereal. 12dollars + for a box of cereal. it is quite nice. considering it is almost 50% fruits consisting of berries cherries and so on.
zuraimi and shafiq have been drinking too much red bull lately. they even had a joke about .. who can avoid drinking it for 1 day..
i was totally shocked when golden hair lion told us that we had to work till tml morning if the engineers dun give us the new version. MEANING WE DUN GO HOME AND BATHE! lucky sia.. interns are spared from this. anyway i feel, if spending a night with a group of frens i like, and doing work together, i dun really mind much. except interns are not paid for OT... this is something valuable i learnt thru out this experience. having nice ppl for a team really makes "Things" happening.
another experience i gain today. i met one of the engineer of EA sia! he came down to look at rayson's pc. he is macho and young and wats most important, he is a computer engineer. in other words a programmer!
i've huge respect for programmers since 1stly, programming is very tough, not to say a huge game that EA produces. 2ndly, we are finding bugs for them to solve. just imagine they create a game. we find lots of fault with it and they had to change their game design sometimes becos of that. 3rdly, he even replied to my bug report de lor! wah seh. i tot the person tat replies to me is from Los Angeles cos .. blablabla game is from there. but end up, mabby told me the engineer that visits us today is the person that replies to me. 4thly, i idolize that kind of ppl. cos my dream is probably to become a game designer or .. programmer or.. debugger... or some project manager for BIG BIG companies like Blizzard or Koei so on. 5thly, the game we are playing on is his 1st project in EA. can see he is rooting rather hard for it. 6thly, he is macho. rather fit i tink. 7thly, he looks like Lawy.. LOL my fren. 8thly, its so FUN to see the bugs u reported and see the route that it goes. reports, goes to Lead then goes to p.manager then goes to engineer then goes to L.A if cant solve, then goes back to engineer then he/she will reply something, back to p.manager then something again, back to Lead and finally to my very own folder.
shafiq keeps joking about asking me to stalk the programmer back home and see wat he does at home besides programming. if wanna stalk, i rather stalk Jurong West St52's somewhere got 2 bolsters and is lying on the bed.
poor Styke and Gilbert. their team is on warpath. and it is very low on morale now i tink...
Created at 7:21 PM
yst i ate many sinful stuff. LJS and eggs..
i feel fat right now. when i feel fat, it means i've gain weight.
yawn! should start preparing for war soon since today i might return to Styke's group with the J-woman and peggie there. was still in mabeline's team yst. its still so cool that they depended on me to finish up the english version campaign ASAP cos im the only one who rush thru RTS games. when i finish 5 stage, mabby is still in 2nd. feels nice to have a group of ppl rooting for u and depending on u to finish up some important stuff. wats more, its something that i do very well - games.
styke have been describing our group as heaven and his as hell. i agree to the utmost extent. i cant say im totally formidable but i try to prepare for war if there is any. KL and peggie seems to have started war-ring. J-woman and the rest of the guys in the team is on another spark like N.Korea and S.Korea.
i do hope i become the demilitarise zone... we will live happily ever after if someone can bring J-woman and peggie over to some other groups far beyond the horizon and bring mabby, shafiq and zuraimi into our group.
it is so messy inside my refrigerator! i wonder if every household is the same. cannot eat finish, put all inside. then nvr take them out again le.. cos there is newer food to eat. sigh. i should ask mummiee to clear them off soon. i found 1 product yst.. a big bottle of blackcurrent concentrate hidden inside. its expiry date was at november. ah yes next month is november. but NUUUUUUUUUUUU! its 2005!!!!!!!!!!
Created at 6:27 AM
| Wednesday, October 11, 2006
nvm.. maybe im just a kind of person who is always below u.
probably. but i do lead a better life w/o thinking about u too.
Created at 10:33 PM
| Tuesday, October 10, 2006
im sorry for the inconvenience but could all reader that have linked this blog to theirs, remove the link? thank you.
i really miss the 3 kingdoms novel online. though its translated to english, it is still so funny at some part.
arh! i need to find the exact passage next time i read it. that part is directly translated and its so funny!
talking about reading, i felt so nub when zuraimi and mabeline was talking about novels and books. Authors which i've unheard of. trilogies which is out of my dictionary. Characters tat i cant imagine. well, i can imagine mabby's house being a library of books... got them from 2nd hand bookstores i've heard.
Created at 9:17 PM
picture says a thousand words? not really. well, due to my laziness and tireness i will not post any pics for sunday's dinner. lets see if a thousand words means 1 picture.
"i enjoyed my dinner. we had awesome chilli crab, nice tasty yam ring with pork spare ribs in it. hotplate doufu, mixed veggie, and last but not leasy dessert"
that is less than 50 words. muahaha and i save 5 pictures. alright. im sure someone will say "ure laziness rule over u.."
sad. i tink today is prolly the last day i will get to work with mabeline. she is such a nice girl. to everyone of cos. she even checks thru most of our bug reports to see if we did the right format. then change for us and lets us noe. during free time, she will check OTHER COUNTRIES' localization bug reports and see if we didnt have any.
overall she is a very nice big sister to me.
not like J-woman. well, it seems to me J-woman doesnt get along with styke, KL and gilbert. though she gets along very well with peggie. bah. when i tot of her saying things about me behind my back, i get fed up. gilbert and styke was just joking about me and mabeline together.. then peggie will tell J-woman that "oh the new rumors is that blabla and blabla is together lor"
i dun mind frenly frens joking about me but do not tell everyone about it can? need super megaphone? honestly, sometimes i wonder if peggie acting slow or dumb her way of hiding some knives for stabbing. the rest of the guys tot so too. (anyways, from here on, it will be about her i tink. if u might be tinking it will affect ure opinion of her, pls stop reading)
KL always like to take breaks. be it toilet or smoking we dun noe. but we keep quiet when he is not there cos as not to let J-woman noe. but peggie had to ask J-woman how long our break can last when KL been away for more than 20minutes. so naturally J-woman will look around and found him not there. dunnoe is act blur or purposely.
the other time is when i wasnt in Mabby's team. so we were joking about mabby and TY getting together. then peggie had to ask straight to mabby, "eh.. u and TY are bf gf ah?" WTH lor. dun she noe how embarrassed this will make others feel? as well as the people who joked about it.
pls man. i feel like boycotting her to death.i've been ultra nice to eat with her on 1 same table when gilbert, styke and KL are on another.
And Pls do not spread any content from this blog to anyone. be it someone that u TOT also read this blog or wat. see anything here, keep it to ureself.
i dun like to be with anyone that i had to watch my words with, so they wont spread. cant enjoy myself.
Created at 8:43 PM
| Monday, October 09, 2006
did trading in SRO with styke just now. it was fun seeing him own all the little creatures doing things like... 10k dmg.
well, we didnt encounter any real human thieves yet but im sure when i do, i will kill them off cos i will only do trade probably when im 40+ lvl.
it seems to me, sometimes i do sidetrack with the purpose of blogging. sometimes.. bloggers tend to blog for ppl to see, not for themselves. admit it or not, many does tat unknowingly.
to me, blogging's real meaning is for myself. but sometimes i do find myself blogging just to let ppl noe. and this is bad. real bad. so probably, to help me in getting into the real meaning of blogging again, i might shut off chatterbox as a test. see if it helps me. but however, haloscan tagbox will still be there. so readers can leave some nice msg for me too.
yst ate some very good dinner. will update on that tonight.
Created at 7:08 AM
| Sunday, October 08, 2006
yesterday was really tiring. my foot is aching like as if im standing on urchins.
suppose to meet xinkai at choir.. end up RAGHHHHHHHHHH change to sunday also didnt tell me. i went over to Novena sia.. then didnt wan to make my trip wasted. cos i was cheated of everything. since money can buy everything except time, i lost both money and time. MRT fare and my time for going there!
argh! soksok blog posted so many pics of me when i cant even save-picture-as lor! she took them yst.
met up with her and uncle-korkor-s.t.y.k.e at city hall. went over to eat at Curry Flavour at stamford road. thx to him, i can eat in peace and not in pieces. thx for the treat! i ate some Beef Fry Curry. wasnt that bad though there is a more Cowy taste to it. meaning its more raw lurhs! the curry sauce is nice. but to me i felt spending so much on curry sauce isnt tat amazing to me. i would prefer to go for swensens since the price is almost there. *Westerner~!* *no Curryer~
walked over to Bugis village to find some stuff for styke. i.. kinda dun like tat place since though the place sells rather cheap stuff relative to shopping malls, but the environment isnt tat good. scantily dressed ladies flood the area. both shopkeer and shopper. if they are pretty, they are walking temptations, not eye-candy *aHA!* if they arent pretty, .... ..... .. .... .. ... ... theres no way u can read my morse code but im sure u get wat i mean.
didnt find any accessories that is nice for me. im looking for stuff to decorate my old and ancient bag of mine. the black one. and a new wallet.
then we went over to the wrong bus stop to take to orchard. so we took train instead. the story of orchard is very long and i tink i forgot some of them.
to cut it veryvery short since i've trained my summary skills in EA, wat happen, where and how.
we saw eileen at far east, went Heeren, styke eat dinner, find eileen again, ate Tori-Q chicken skin, found eileen, forced to wear shirts i wasnt going to buy, leg tired, say byebye, take train, home.
one thing i found out though. girls certainly do love to take pictures in the toilet. i dunnoe why but its just the mentality. but the haze nowadays are sure smelling worse than toilets i agree.
i seriously need a haircut. i wonder wat hairstyle should i get? if i dun cut soon, i will turn to Afro soon.
Created at 6:14 AM
| Saturday, October 07, 2006
it seems to me that many ppl have been spending money on mooncake festival, just by reading their blogs.
well! i also celebrated mine too! Blackforest ice blended from coffee bean! 6 bucks.
to me, paying 6 bucks for a cup of drink is absolutely madness, craziness, horrifying and dumb. but walking pass Coffee Bean for almost 6 weeks now and almost 5 days a week, i felt i should try it. i felt kinda nub when ordering it. cos the last time i ever ever order things from Coffee Bean is when i was in secondary school when i spent every cent i had. so i forgot about the format of ordering there.
so they asked for my initials. i was like stunned.. i felt like telling them ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ so the woman can write my initials all over the cup lol. but nvm i told them "ahem, i momoxx, bandit lvl108, DK lvl104, RO 8 chars lvl99, SRO lvl19, single, available desperately, male, 19, singapore, Jurong West, loves blue, white, black, green, orange, loves Coffee Bean *aHA!*, loves ladies like u"
ok tat was a joke. well, the last 2 part is only to make the "kawaii.."... middle age auntie happy. so probably she might give me a bigger cup without knowing it :X then happily making my ice blended and "accidentally" pour another 1 or 2 teaspoon more of watever that is nice!
it got cherries too. gilbert was tryin to explain the red red "yi li yi li" dot dot things that is inside Blackforest lol. "u will noe only when u drink it.." actually tat sentence will flop any advertisement. imagine this -
ABC brand abalone is so nice that u will only noe when u eat it! or MacDonalds pala papa pap paaaaa, New Grilled Chicken FoldUnder - slim and the taste u will only noe when u come and try!
i broke my record of eating only pork porridge for my daily energy value. kinda goggy now. lol. well, come to tink of it, the Blackforest would have covered up all the energy i need.
ok. madness. im so hungry that i can eat my bolster :/
Created at 4:24 AM
| Friday, October 06, 2006
Its a wonder that i felt today's work is fun. not becos of its friday (for the 1st time) but cos im enjoying work.
well, at least i've reported more than 20 localization issues regarding my game. took about 28 screenies to submit. and im only halfway thru campaign lol. had much fun asking shafiq and mabeline about in-game things.
both of them always look shocked at how i play RTS games. "eh how come like this?" "wah seh craziness!" "finish them off le.. dun bully them." i even built up an absolute defense that i can leave my pc running by its own for 2hours and my castle still stands.
hearing such remarks really do make me feel proud. rather than things like "chey i do before le." "blabla is much better." "u dunnoe how to do things la" "only ppl like u will do this kinda things"
its been so long since i've slept so nicely. and its in bus somemore.. i was cuddling in 1 corner since the seats are so close to each other and i had to hug my legs. luckily i didnt wear skirt lol XXD the aircon is blowing from the top down. and it feels.. goggy at 1st. end up i slept like nvr feel so nice before.
well, i havent been sleeping well at nights. since sometimes i do wake up for no reason perspiring or nightmares or haze.
been rather disappointed with AIR. at Epi 2 kawaii shino appeared. but even at Epi 5 now im at, she didnt appear anymore.. wat is this!?!? she should appear in every episode!
goodness. i've seen epi 2 that part about her for more than 5 times now.. absolutely cute!
Created at 7:48 PM
| Thursday, October 05, 2006
i tink i wont be playing SRO at night..
im about dead. thx to the 1 campaign mission that is having a chance to have a nice bug for me to report. suppose to Defend in 30 minutes but i played 1hour and 45mins and its still going on HOOOOOOO~ (i love HardoGay)
so its still going on and on.. i can advance next stage. burnt my mind trying to burn all the unending troops the com is sending against me. mabby and shafiq was shocked with the amount of blabla troops i spammed at the entrance of the camp. high-end comp laggy seh!
waited awhile for gilbert and styke after work. there was some talk about someone getting present.. oh well wont say much since im not entitled to do so. i was just listening while reading my notes. Goldenhair Lion, victor and CA was all crapping and laughing. oh my god i can nvr forget the lion doing a gimmick about having spotlights hanging at his chest!!! then turning around and pushing his chest out.
felt pretty tired now. probably will just sleep. well, i tink im gonna gain some fat today.. since i just ate and wanting to sleep.
*clutch a crutch and do crunches*
Watched a few Epi of AIR. its sooo uber nice feeling. the fact that lots of stress and urban life makes things really bored. wats more with the haze going on. just by watching the 2nd episode of it, makes me wanna watch the 1st again. i tink im gonna turn to a pedophile just by watching it! the girl characters are just soooo cute! oh my goodness! gracious me! holy cows! flying pigs! talking chickens!
the most cute is a little 6 year old girl. named shino and she was hugging that sloth soft toy and hugging it with her hands and legs and keep snuggling "kawaii~" she said. so the main char (guy) offered her a bisquit. she starts saying "oishi~ kawaii~" the guy asked her to decide whether she wans sloth or bisquit. asking her to decide which to say.
"kawaii~ oishi~" is her reply.
Created at 8:52 PM
| Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Golden hair lion is pretty nice i tink. though he is extremely serious in work, but well he still thinks of me as a poor intern losing out. *bows*
i've found out today's 154 drivers are both young chaps who love to use either handbrakes or front brakes so much that i couldnt sleep in peace. morning wasnt that bad. the evening one is the one that owns. malay fella. young chap. oh my gosh. even when there is another bus in front of it at the traffic light, the driver wan to move soooooo close to the front bus that it keeps - move - brake move - brake move abit - brake green light - move - found out no space to move - brake.
wah. felt like smacking him seh. the front bus is sooo near to his view that it covers the whole windscreen. obviously he wouldnt noe if the front bus is moving how fast and hence the TONs of brakes.
i have half a mind to take Class 4 driving license and when next time such drivers do that during traffic lights, i will just shove them aside and give them my ez-link card and i drive instead.
when im coming home, i was debating with myself whether to eat McFlurry. since its been sometime i've eaten sweet stuff. and the f* driver is making me giddy. but thinking again... nah. since i can prevent eating it for so long why dun i skip it.
Created at 7:24 PM
| Tuesday, October 03, 2006
now i start to dread going to attachment now. shafiq told me that the proj is gonna last 2 weeks and its everyday OT. i was feeling like as if God had forsaken me when he told me, "sat and sun also need to work..."
i went like .. HAAAAAAAAA!!! pretty loudly.. so he went on like pay will be quadruple for them. but it might be NTH for me. since im an intern.
Cheap intern tat is. styke also went exclaiming like me. this is absolutely traumatising. i can even feel grey clouds covering my whole head :(
mabeline have been promoting this box of cereal to me. its 12+ dollars with nice box. inside is filled with nuts and raisins to the max. so its only 10% flakes and lots of other nice stuff. i felt its pretty nice except.. probably it will take 1/3 of the box to make me feel full. so i'd rather eat plain flakes and prevent myself from gaining too much energy from the cereal she offered.
another thing, she is absolutely so bias with dwarves. sorry Roger! likewise, she loves Elves alot. since Lord of the Rings have elves, she was telling me this "******* elves are so strong u can just send 3 battalions against a town and they will die! they can shoot so far and they have high def too! i love them!"
so she start going "dwarves are so useless. so slow lo.." sorry Roger but i too have to agree with this XXD imagine elves doing hit and run technique. only ambush by dwarves can defeat them if not they will sure die. but think again! elves are good in their sharp mind and agile body. dwarves.. well, they can hide below the bushes lol.
ate dinner with sok. had so much fun shooting her wahahaha. it really refreshes me. i kinda didnt have any target to shoot at while in work.
the few girls that are there, are not nice target to shoot. suling - shoot her u can might as well kill ureself. nuff said. Jasmine - suling x10. nuff said. TJ - wanna fail Internship? try shooting her Peggie - shoot or not she dun even noe ure shooting her. so boring.. Mabeline - she's too nice to shoot at. wats more im not close to her. so i dunnoe whether she will be mindful of jokes or not. and 2 guys will be chasing me to hell if i did shoot her. LOL.
if im not wrong, sok have slapped my shoulders and said "basket" for more than 10 times just for that dinner trip.
Created at 8:41 PM
| Monday, October 02, 2006
when i was getting ready for bath and pressing blackheads out.. i tot of.. probably i get more experience than the rest. since im dealing with EA Los Angeles and the Lead could have got another more experienced tester than to get a almost not tested trainee intern like me to try it out.
so i went into bath and start showering when i found out my right shin is burning with pain. ok.. this reminds me i had a gash there..
if u open up ure CD-ROM. let it eject. then touch the edge there, its kinda sharp i guess tat explains how the rather deep gash appeared.. kinda bloody but at least it contains the blood in the wound.. not so deep till blood is flowing out.. it looks rather bloody now. with it drying up. i do hope it doesnt leave a scar... cos i will be very very hurt if there is a scar there.
out of extreme curiousity, i went to measure with my cute ruler. its 4cm in length :X
Created at 11:46 PM
those ppl going to EA camp get free EA T-SHIRT TOO!
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!@@!@@@!!!!! !!!@!@`11@@!@@3141234263246Y 3278672384563478613Y486
Created at 11:16 PM
i am so pathetic! i work OT w/o being able to claim cos im attachment interns!! i work 3 hours OT. 1 hour dinner.
the only means of comforting myself is that.. im working for my grades and i get taxi claim....
cheap labour rocks man.. i will totally have no more life left if i everyday OT 745 leave home. reach home 1045. 15hours outside. that will mean 9 hours home. 8 hours sleep. 1 hour for blogging chitchatting and slacking..
GOSH! tat include bathing, changing, washing, packing, wearing shoes, going to bus stop, vending SRO. pathetic me.. i feel so down now..
when i tot of the difference the fellow SP interns are.. they get to go EA camp. slack at NDS game. while i've been transferred over to another game (cos i was left out from camp) worked at the hot corner. OT no pay.. expected OT everyday somemore.. really sia.. i feel dam f* * *** ** ** *
few more comforting things - mabeline is very kind to me. shafiq is sociable. zuraimi is same. golden hair lion is cool.. styke and gilbert waited till 7pm for me. just for me. we ate dinner together. thanks gilbert for the dinner u treat! very expensive Donato pizza..
Created at 11:03 PM
| Sunday, October 01, 2006
yesterday was uber fun. morning slack and SROing then went out with my oldies frens the SINGLE club!
clement, wenbin, dickson, xinkai, youde and me. went to LAN gaming at bugis. amazingly the place seems revamped nicely. and the counterstrike sections are making ALOT of noise with the bang. played DOTA. 1st round against AI. didnt noe that AI are that strong.. luckily we did not try Super AI. cos winning will be very hard. with 5 on 1 team and 5 AI. then me and clement teamed up against dickson, youde and wenbin. wenbin was using the stupid spider.. so he is the most dangerous one. oh well, to cut things short. we won. lolol
played abit on classic Warcraft. wasnt that bad. considering we are against 5 computers Easy and 3 on 1 team, 2 on another team VS 5 of us hahahahaha. super handicap for the coms seh.
met up with tham later on. then found out we didnt noe where to go for dinner. either its Novena zuchao.. or Chinatown zuchao..(by dickson) or Jurong Point's MacD.. (by stupid bin) or Old Chang Kee.. (by me) or ToriQ's chicken skin.. (by clement) or Marina steamboat (original idea)
strange about dickson is "chinatown got really very nice zuchao lo. cheap and very nice. and no ppl one." well, the ironic part is - cheap and nice yet no ppl go there eat.
so end up we went marina for dinner. ok -pause- this is gonna be a veryvery long post. we went to the ChongPang steamboat. they extended their place so we went to the corner one with lots of air.. well, the food wasnt tat bad. just tat as i've not been eating regularly and not luxuriously, i couldnt stand so much meat.. so end up i ate misc. food instead.
 this is the super disgusting latex ball. normally fishball are Q~~ this one is.. piauek... so u can imagine how unQ it is. the chopsticks show how.. piauek it is.

this one here is my part of the table. very clean hor! cos i knew i couldnt eat much so didnt take much.
 dickson with youde. youde though skinny is the champion of the dinner. ate and ate and ate.
 Wenbin drinking his 5th sharkfin soup.
i've always found the greenbean soup there to be the best dish ever... kinda lame but its really nice. so bin was telling me he had to drink 6-7bowls of sharkfin soup to regain his $12 back. so i was telling him in return i had to drink more than 120 bowls of greenbean soup to get my $12 back XXD
then we had a competition.. for every 1 bowl of greenbean soup i take, he takes 1 sharkfin soup.. end up we both lost at 6th bowl. walked back to marina bay MRT. the journey was tiring since im almost bursting. saw WeiJing on train lol. then the joke came to me about whether is she taller or Roger LOLOL
 my lunch. mixed carbonara with traditional tomato puree sauce. not bad.. just a lil on the salty side. should add some water next time.
okay~! a pic of styke and gilbert at work. this pic, taken by me amazingly did not show any of the games we are at. and any other testers there. so its only me frens :D
Created at 6:04 PM
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