| Thursday, August 31, 2006
its been so long since i last blogged though. lol. was busy on tuesday since me, pehpeh and nor went to PCBunk to have some fun with maple. the environment is pretty good. just that .. . . lol
anyways, ive heard alot of ppl say the counter-girl is very pretty. and works on monday. we went on tues so it was a waste since nor cant see her~ the tuesday one is .. . quite.. not so bad just that her mini-skirt is short lol. and is pink. no one finds it strange why do i only notice the skirt when the girl is behind a counter? lolol~ no. i dun ogle. i just like to learn how to appreciate ppl's effort in wearing such things (: well, for me, im 100% sure i dun really dare to wear such revealing things too.
saw lots of gachapon there. where u start playing and balls of "treasures" will drop down upon turning the knob. saw this FSN keychain gachapon. im so lucky yeah! i got Saber and Rin on my 1st try. pehpeh's fren tried 5 times though.

nice right?
then yst went to me best nursery fren's house!!~ jinyan~ of cos~!
spent the night at his house mapling LOL. he is so nice to see me play though. from 10 to early morning 5am. we chitchat and look at magic cards and had fun playing on the PS2 haha
then today we went to Expo for COMEX. computer exhibition i believe. man, they have lots of ppl there. really the train is bursting. it was a tiring 3hours walk there. i was looking for a subwoofer to go with speakers :D for optimal BLASTING EFFECT!!!!
so i went to Logitech, Creative, Altec Lansing and this weird brand named Divoom or something. strangely, divoom provides a cheaper price than their competitors and claims to have a better watt in speakers than the rest. while creative offers 67 bucks for 39watts, they offer 69bucks for 48watts. which is kinda... ok .. lol~ will not say anymore.
was disappointed with logitech's staff. i was looking at this 69 bucks model then i wanted to test it. so the BOY/MAN/MALE went into the room and played a love song. u noe how i told jin? "i wan a subwoofer for boomboom sound! not slow songs!!" he went hilarious :x
so nicely i told the boy again, can u let me hear something more bassy? so i can hear the subwoofer better. so he went back in again and came out with another LOVE SONG. this time ITS A MAN SINGING THE LOVE SONG. OMYGOSH! he was tinking man have bassy sound which is enough for subwoofer to work!?! i was hoping for some rock music or jpop :/
really so disappointed that though i pirioritise the design from logitech over creative that i gave logitech up. the staff from altec lansing isnt very frenly as well. it is a distributor i suppose.. so they displayed the speakers with subwoof there. w/o any specs or wat. only price. so nicely i asked, "uncle, u got brochure ma? i wan to see the specs of each speakers"
shockingly he told me, "no no dun have brochures. u wan can go behind see the box." i feel so... idiotic. so i gave it up with altec lansing.
so in the end creative is the winner. cos i secretly switched their sound input to my mp3 player, not knowing that it is connected to all the sspeakers OMG! so.. my 1st song in mp3 player is really ultra JPOPISH and the speakers go BOOMBOMBOOM hahahahaah everyone so shocked. yeah i was pretty satisfied with the results i got though. so i bought the 67bucks speaker.
went over to find SOKPENG at one of the booth. in ASUS lappies area. poor her, havent sold anything yet. no commission.

saw her? lol. visit her if ure free~ took the train back home and i feel so tired.
zakum sucks when its only 3 ppl fighting it HAHAHAHAHAHAWAHAHAHA i will upload the pic of it pretty soon~
Created at 7:02 PM
| Monday, August 28, 2006
went to geylang yst night. for wat? of cos to eat lo..
it can be easily 120bucks spent for 7 ppl. but wat i can say is.. ITS worth it@@! well, except the sambal sotong and "orh jian". cos they are pretty much everywhere.
the highlight of the day is at lorong 9 frog porridge.

its pretty EXPENSIVE BUT ITS WORTH! u see those claypot there? 1 claypot of froglegs = 20bucks. 1 claypot of porridge plain = 5 bucks.

the froglegs sauce is so "tian mei" so sweet and fragrant!!!! though i dun really appreciate the meat as much as fried chicken.. the sauce with the porridge makes everything worthwhile to eat it even it means 45minutes of journey on car
so u just scoop some legs and sauce onto ure plain thick porridge and there u go!!! omG its 25minutes wait to be served but its GOOD!
and there u see old uncle thomas and auntie julie. besides my daddee. they are food lovers as well. jolly ppl i would say.
 sis there with soonlee hidden by her.
then we went a few more store away and there is this store that sells taiwan snacks. you tiao and dou hua and stuff.

nice to take in sweet stuff after some heavy delicacies :D
Created at 9:19 PM
| Sunday, August 27, 2006
since maple is so bloody leckky now i might as well update the blog with pics from both maple and chalet~ PREPARE TO BE LECCKED!!!

below are pics from chalet. sorry if my skills have dropped..
 some -anonymous- girl i took on train...
 playin daidi lor..

 bbq time
 watching EPL for the guys
 weichai looked so uptight about vodka
 the girls sitting behind me on the stairs
 weichai pounding on nor and yeowhong
 at MacD for breakfast
 some horse training grounds at the park while we cycle
 baofeng and a horse named henry
 hohoho see u again
Created at 2:55 PM
| Saturday, August 26, 2006
-friday- morning was comforting for me. i was scared and found out mum is not really that angry with me. pretty happy, so i took the leftover rice from thurs night to cook fried rice.
didnt noe there are lots of technique in cooking fried rice. such as how to prevent the rice from sticking to the wok, how to keep the rice seperated instead of a lump. mix,mix,mix, stir,stir,stir,
it was tiring for my arm to keep "prying" the rice over and over.
well, the result is sweet. 1 thing i regret is, not having potatoes and char siew. potato and char siew fried rice is the best! the rice will be starchy with bits of potatoes and the sweet char siew hidden all over XXD and a bowl of campbell soup will be perfect.
wats most important is getting to see mummiee in smiling again.
maple is so lag these days after the chalet. im so bored with it .. not sure wat is happening but hope the server is better again.
am pretty happy to mix around with the old group of frens again during the chalet. ppl like jeremy, yeowhong, weichai, eileen etc. happy to be talking with them again and laughing over and over at each other's cold jokes. weichai slimmed down alot too. which makes me feel fat :/ i should start on something soon too.
sometimes i feel, im too accustomed to being alone at home. alone in the room and all. too much in sync with my home that if one day anything were to happen to my room, i will prolly melt away with it lol. im just getting afraid one day i might become a very boring person which no girls will like. then i will just become like a hermit living at Lakeside's chinese garden lake somewhere in the trees.. perhaps nowadays girls are more open and more care-free, longing for freedom those kind tat wans to fly when their wings are ready. but somehow im the type that longs for home.. and just be together with the person i love. 2 of us is enough for the world. somehow i tink no girls will like me i suppose..
Created at 12:51 PM
| Friday, August 25, 2006
argh. this time, its not my nonsense.
they dun even appreciate things that i do for them. things like sleeping on the floor-confined-coffin-sized area just between the wall and bed. amazingly it fits me just nice with my 2 arms by the side tats all. its no-air-con zone as well. warm air reaches me so they can have more space on bed. and they can stretch their long legs and curl in bed till "early morning" and still tell me night will be lotsa things to do when it was only the 1st night and i and eileen are the only ones talking in the small room of prox 10 ppl. the way i was sleeping before i had to dig into the dark confined area, though i wouldnt like to say it.. i had to face the wall if not i will be smelling at least 5 ppl's feet while stacking my leg on 3 of them if i wanna sleep with legs straight.
weichai left halfway to toilet, so they all took the chance to spread out with eileen telling me to take over his place.. but i noe him too well. he will pounce. and i didnt wan to squeeze in with so many ppl on the bed so i remained on the feet part. then sok said she couldnt stretch her legs while i was sleeping there. so NICELY i went down to the floor at the confined wall-to-bed area.
and while all those on bed had nice time sleeping, i was half DeaD there.oh well, manage to sleep for 30minutes i suppose with ppl coming in and out then disrupting me. with the warm air from the Aircon i ever experience besides my spoilt one.
if its gonna be another bout of me and eileen talk and everyone sleep again, hell NO i will stay. i did not opt to go home for maple my dear. im not that PATHETIC! to me im thoroughly disappointed. really seriously bad. if everyone comes together to sleep on tight room and not talk or chat or spend some time together, but rather to regen their energy, i rather force myself to go home and leave them with more space and me with bed. baofeng also was disappointed. he wanted to go night fishing as well, but seeing all the dead ppl there, who will even wan to suggest when even momo tried to make himself a clown to entertain ppl who are sleeping, so that the chalet can last thru the night!?
if me or nor is that pathetic about maple which everyone claims like mad. lisong, sokpeng, mingen, benedict, will we even come to stay for the 1st night? nor even had eye infection and still came. i had exp x2 but still came. im willing to forfeit my 2nd night if the night is really "happening" instead of the disappointment me and eileen received in the 1st night. extremely disappointed when even u also said the same as them. pointing either me or nor.
even morning came also same. eileen already bathed at 7 and is waiting everyone. i just dunnoe.. i asked rog whether wans to go swimming pool public washroom to bath. so i asked nor too. so that sokpeng can have her own nice time to bath. and shortened queue end up rog wans to bath in the chalet, so i had no choice but to bath as well. much to my disappointment again, everyone is awake except sok..
even after breakfast came back to rest from macD, the same happen.. and i dunnoe why everyone start doing their own things and all. mahjong and stuff. when we are suppose to change pants to go cycling or swimming. so had to play a game of cards with the leftover waiting ppl.
and even after cycling, i doubt i can even stay thru out the whole night.. im spent as i noe im fat and all. lousy and all. ugly and all. slow and all. irritating and all. yes had to go home and all. wah then just shoot at us like that..
dunnoe its wat CRAP but im absolutely sure im feeling more disappointed and rotten now than even any PMS on the world!
and to add on to it, my dearest mum even cooked dinner for me cos her incapable son told her will be staying 1 night and coming home on the next morning. end up i came home after dinner with frens.. i noe she had work at 2+ pm so she must have woke up early to go market to get ingredients to cook soup for us. yet i had let her down. by not eating finish it though i really had to stuff some soup in.. ok.. she came back at twelve and before i was knowing it, she was washing the dishes. so i can sense her disappointment even though i asked her is she angry?
she just said,"why angry..? i noe u all cant finish de.." im just so down with tat.. and wats even sad is, she called me at 5+ during her work just to let me noe there is rice already cooked. and i told her i will be eating out cos promised with frens.. rmbering it, i also promised her i will finish it. but yet.. i didnt. when she called, she didnt even told me to eat but just asked am i coming home from chalet? which shows she is putting my chalet piriority over her food.. which makes me feel horribly miserable.
horribly horribly miserable.
but.. i think i should do something as an apology to my dearest and prettiest mother tml morning. as for chalet, i think its just best i let it rest. this post isnt aimed at anyone. and i wouldnt wan to rmb it either. i just felt dumb again. its another case of bashing my head on the wall.. and its serious this time.
Created at 2:20 AM
| Wednesday, August 23, 2006
i feel so bad. so bad. making her angry. and its becos of my nonsense again. i apologize for my rudeness sorry.
will be going to chalet later on. with the ex-1B22 ppl. baofeng and hendri and gang. staying for 1 night i suppose, though there is a total of 2 nights.
cant take so much leave from maple u see..
Created at 11:29 AM
| Tuesday, August 22, 2006
wat is luck?
to me, luck is something that just happen. i firmly believe that for luck to happen, something will be taken away from u in return. for example, u get a promotion in job "wow so lucky" end up u got more work to do. lesser time for ureself.
another example. u strike lottery 1 billion. "wahhhhh so lucky" end up? think about it lol. probably u will be too stressed with 1 billion (; a lil more serious is that, u might be too money-minded and thus lose frens.
ok for the above 2 examples are rather mild. any way the idea is there.
AND probability is 100% not luck. UNLESS once u get the number, u wont get it again.
ok.. i admit i got nothing to blog so i start crapping haha.. haha..
Created at 9:21 AM
| Monday, August 21, 2006
oh dear, she is such a good-natured girl isn't she? ;)
anyways, dad went a lil psychotic about veggies today. he went to NTUC Pasar then bought 2 BIG bag of chyesim and another weird veg.. he just came home with 1 spring chicken and told me, "go go, cook those veggies in boiling water like wat u did the other time!"
i was really bored the other time eating char siew rice, so i made some veg using that method. put some oyster sauce/sesame oil/fried onions/soysauce onto a plate. with a lil starch water. then boil water and place the veg in. do not cook for long, if not its not crunchy and veggie-tasting-like anymore. then just place on the plate with the sauce and stir/mix well. ure done@@!
gave some to daddee and though i didnt see his reaction.. i suppose it should taste like veg i hope.. THIS TIME ITS 2 WHOLE BAG! i had to cheat him by cutting half the proportions from each bag.
Men, Men, when they like something, they will TAKE ALOT of it. "uncle.. chicken rice, add chicken, add rice. orrr can take 1 more packet chilli?"
so that half proportions turn out pretty enough for omnivores. and he knew it. so he start saying things like.. 1 bag of that veg is like 1-2 slice of bread only. vegie digests so fast~ how i wish 2 pieces of KFC is having the cholesterol of 1 slice of bread only...
Created at 2:25 AM
| Saturday, August 19, 2006
does anyone think singaporeans are courteous?
was enlightened by Father John van Dich again today :D something was clinging on me for so long... and i just had to ask him the few questions :D
listening to this song right now: Forever Love as much as gentle and assuring this song is, however i do not believe in things like "forever"
prolly girls will reject boys if they goes "i will love u ... uh.. as long as i try?" - that is being absolutely honest!
how strange that girls do love to be lied to even if they noe the guys are lying..
guy - "u got a big tummy" girl - piak!
guy - rubbing cheek "u look pretty.. in this clothing" girl - "is it?? ohh i also tink so!"
guy - "i love u forever and ever till the world ends and the heaven falls" girl - "aww so sweet!"
ohhhkay... the conclusion i came to is, probably they knew ure cheating them, but they just wanna hear sweet things (:
Created at 9:45 PM
| Friday, August 18, 2006
today's post will be a bombardment of pictures :D some from pehpeh's cam, some from mine :/ there wont be much of me in those photos~lol cos im sure everyone had enough of me
lets start with wednesday. went to sch early to study. soksok!! cannot join us for sakura dinner!! oh well, her granny is sick and is hospitalised, so she couldnt go with us though i believe she really really really wans to go with us rightttt sokpeng?
so went to exams after tat. hahah LKB sure is funny. i kinda like him alot. will even joke crappy things with him before exam. especially since he is invigilating us. he and dora are the few that will understand my jokes~ not too sure about hubertus though LOL. his jokes seems at times, only for his own understanding...
ok, so we took the ultra long journey train to tampines safra to buffet! oh yes before that,
 recognise her? LOL its pehpeh~! i have to congratulate her for showing bravery :D if its me, i am not that brave..
so its dinner time! honestly i tink i took too much fried food. it just appear onto me that "its HEAVEN!" then i just took tons of fried food lol


didnt get to take pics of the restaurant cos i was too busy eating :/ busy busy busy then we went to safra's bowling alley. its very crowded there considering its already almost nine. so nor and daniel went to play pool while we waited.


 i see 2 flowers :D

 yes.. tons of rebec photos hahah
 the 2 guys..
 ah nor~
 they.. they did tat one purpose so i couldnt take pic of them!!!
 rare to see daniel smile..
the next day i wasnt feeling well, considering the amt of food i ate and the type of them.
Created at 3:56 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
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