sigh. im so laoya at house of dead 4. oh well, just have to train and play more.
bought this kawaii~~ hairclip! its plain black and is able to clip alot of hair!
and i tink its too big for my hair... lol
Created at 11:33 PM
im really worried. so very worried. it's not anxious or nervous. but worried.
today Father John van Dich taught me something valuable. no one is indispensable in this world. why worry so much about some others doing ure job when u have other jobs else where?
this is much reflected into my life. when max was training my low level warrior for me, i was worried sick about him playing for me. partially cos i keep tinking wat if he uses more pots? wat if he is ks-ed and no one to help him? wat if this wat if tat. oh well, end up things went fine.
it's like, we are more anxious than the person doing the thing for us that we rather do it ourselves and have no wrongs/trouble/error to solve. this is probably we are too confident in ourselves and does not trust others to be as good as us. think about it. how many times have we done that? and did not trust others to finish up the job as good as us? thats probably the reason why we grow older as we "fill" in this extra amount of stress on ourselves by ourselves. - quoted by me.
thats probably why some ppl prefer solo-ing in projs i suppose. they either do not think others will do as good as they do, or they are isolating themselves like dear daniel.
i tink i got heat rash on my face. as rebec have said. 1 patch of pimples growing. on my right face on the cheek. eeeeeee probably its 1. some bacteria growing there. 2. fungus attack. 3. heat rash. drink more 24taste bitter crap.. 4. i slept with my cheek leaning against the wall/railing/MRT/Bus/dad's car 5. my hand is dirty and i touch my face with it. 6. some mosquito 7. some netherworld stuff.. 8. it look like Singapore National Flag with the cresent as my nose. 9. someone spouted bad breath on my cheek! 10. my bolster kissed me :D :) :-* <3
Created at 11:32 PM
i Sincerely pray and wish that Max's journey will be smooth :/ he is going to India for further studies :(
i will miss him -TON-TRUCK-LOADS-
Created at 11:37 PM
TODAY!!!! PURELY SOMETHING which i feel is pretty fun!
oh well, we stayed in sch finishing up our FYP till 10pm.. even the ramly burger auntie also closing store liao. we started FYP from 9am and with 30minutes of break for lunch, lasted till 10pm. WAHHHHHHHHH SOMETHING pretty COOL!! its pretty tedious and tiring... but look at the bright side~ we get to spend time together as frens and close pals to finish up the project.
this is really serious scary ok. it was around 7+ when everything starts to go haywire. we were preparing to pass up at 5pm. end up something is wrong with nor's code so we couldnt finish it up. did till 7 when the labtech chased us all out. so we took sok's lappie to some benches and finish up compiling. the strange thing is, the more we compile, the more errors there are...
really lor. its not scaring u or the "ITS 7TH MONTH!!" thingie. but there were few instances when things go mad...
sok's graphics go distorted.. end scene "NEW GAME" button suddenly cannot click.. btnrolling after adding changing some values ONLY.. causing the program to malfunction..
for the rest of the problems, there were some errors on our part.. but for those mentioned above, there were none!
real tired right now. ok, another thing worse, while i was in the train to Lakeside when suddenly i yawn... then yawn.. then the next time i noe, the door closed. and i look "hey.. that block opposite looks like my house!" then the Train start moving. oh dear..
this is really a very strange day.
anyway to any Brothers/Sisters/Da Ge/Da Jie/Spirits/Ghosts that might see me typing the blog. Please let me be alone. thank you.
Created at 11:23 PM
| Thursday, July 27, 2006
wah seh. today is 2nd last day for submission for FYP. for my task, im probably 80% done with the documentation of portfolio.
the weather is warm these few days :/ and my expenditure for this month is quite high, due to eating all meals by myself, spending 50bucks on maple stuff, 1 headphone for my dearest ancient mp3 player costing 38.90, hp bills amounting to almost 50bucks! becos called sok for a few times and it lasted more than 20minutes i suppose.. lol she wanted me to use housephone to call her but i dun wan~ dun wan~ later she noe my housephone number but if i use housephone which is in the living room, i cannot do my fyp while talking to her~ hohoho
talked with dora yst while doing documentation. found out she is a very good substitute for "Help" button. hahaha ok la, she taught me how to change my paper to A3 size.. though i still dunnoe whether is it correct or did i zoom in..making the paper looks big
this thing is still on my "To buy" list. mini 1st aid kit or just a small box which i can put some life-saving stuff in them. i got tons of plasters though.. u noe why? cos whenever im outside then i get a cut or something, im FORCED to buy 1 whole box of plasters as they do not sell just 1 alone. why is this so? cos im too lazy to pack it into my bag :/
butbutbut no worries, of cos i will review this and do something about it and do something with the tons of plasters. example: if someone talk too much, plaster their mouth. if someone sneeze, plaster their mouth. if in need of wrapping presents with cellophane tape, i can use plasters instead *style* if someone fell down and have a cut, i can use 3-5 plasters instead of 1. hohoho if in need of sticky notepad, use plaster and foolscap instead :D if need to hang paintings to the wall, use ALOT of plasters to keep it in place.
that should use up all my plasters i suppose.
Created at 8:15 AM
wat is happiness when u couldnt share it with ure frens? i got into EA games. but not nor, sok or even peg. this is just not nice at all lor!
sigh. to be happy or not? been almost like a punching bag, victim of sok's violence and despair. im rather happy though with my recent good luck.. but still, i believe, having something good, will mean something will be taken away from u...
anyways, we had a great time last saturday in maple. a time to de-stress i suppose. all the pics are below~
im a cropping master in photoshop~ thx to sok teaching me how to crop :D .. well tats all i noe though.. lol
 i felt this is lucky scrolling :D good enough for me
 and there!
 some examples of glitch
 xcuseme is sok! btw richard is our external client~
 more glitch!
 yeap cont from previous glitch
 nor is the one with the black bandana. look how kawaii the 2 pandas are. of cos the 2 "cats" as well
 smilies~ before we embark on our journey
 was on this toy train to ludibrium
 ah sok died T_T peggie was crying for her
Created at 4:33 PM
i was glad to find out i have another loyal blog reader = Dora.
today went out with daddee and mummiee. we went to fetch mum at bukit batok HomeTeam NS area where she worked. near there is the learning area for drivers. of cos, daddee is always the one saying how newbie they are. "see how they drive, left right signal also put wrong" so as neutral member of the society, i kept quiet while he talked LOTS on drving automatic and manual transmission
he seems rather happy i suppose. since while working, i bet no one talks to him as he is always on the road by himself. *looking to the little Mother Mary statue* "automatic transmission is better for newbies on driving. but waste more oil..bla bla"
mummiee got in the car then off we go to HongLim market there for dinner. there is this Ah Kow bak chor mee there. ok.. there are lots of advertisements from local food variety shows featuring it. all the newspaper clippings are on the signboard. surprisingly, we didnt eat any MEE! we just ate the wanton. 3 bucks for 6 big wantons in vinegar, chilli, bak chor, some other stuff.. i would give it a 7 out of 10. it feels weird to eat just the wanton though.. it sounds like going to MacD to eat their 50cents FRESH APPLE.
oh yes, we went to some..park.. somewhere.. i dunnoe where.. then walkwalkwalk then i could only follow the 2 adult around.. and hear them mentioning some "ancient" roadnames and stories about them pat tohing time. "i rmb tat time see u climb trees to eat fruits! now i bet u cant since ure tummy is blocking u!" oh.. haha that previous sentence was invented by me :D
walked on and found this sausage stall which is eye-striking to me. it is so.. nice looking in the middle of smith street. it sells sausages and some austrian stuff. so i was itchy. yes very regretful. i decide to try the German Sausage which cost 3.50 and having some mustard leaves. i didnt noe mustard leaves are those u add to porridge urhg.. i tot it is some.. leaves which looks like mint leaf. the sausage isnt worth 2bucks i suppose..
then we saw this banner somewhere there. "beware of pickpockets!" im not sure wat happen though.. daddee starts saying "beware of putpockets!" they open ure pockets and put money inside.. xD
climbed back to the car and daddee took us to this Tuas factory somewhere far in the west. it is so deep inside the industrial area goodness! then he drove us back home.
Created at 9:01 PM
friday blues. probably the best thing ever happened today is going to the library with ah sok. morning was busy with FYP till had to go to a talk at 3pm. accompanied peg to submit some forms to SAA and it took 45minutes!! walked to fc5 popular to buy a thank you card too.
sigh. i think i should start on something too. since 28th is something big for me..
ate KFC with ah sok and talked alot of things too. pretty comfy to talk to her about lots of things except she likes to beat my shoulder. i was fond of Terry Pratchett books since secondary school time. saw those books again at the JE library. reminiscenes of last time reading it, makes me hunger to read it again. sadly, i didnt manage to finish the series. and wat's worse, i didnt follow the book order during those days :/
judging from the things tat i always do, can hardly believe im turning 19 soon. its like when i was young like 13 or 15, i will think tat 18 and up is some real teenage stuff. like having steads or going to pub or going out everyday, saturday night fever, coming home late, hanging around.. but it seems they nvr seem to happen to me.. or should i be happy tat is so? i suppose my impression of teenage years are pretty crooked. those ppl who did those, are perhaps just socialising. and i dun like to socialise with lots of ppl.. hermit? recluse?
wat i would like best out of all is going out with just another person. or just another 2 person. but when it comes to buffet or enjoying ourselves, i like a bunch of good close pals/frens. nvr or will always avoid going out with fren and fren's fren.. its like a total stranger and it ruins the atmosphere *for me only perhaps*
this explains why i would like to stay at home and play games rather than to go out for socialising camps or YISS camp or some "meet new ppl" sessions. this will not be good for me i suppose.. and i noe no matter what, a clam must still open up its shell to the sea, otherwise it will be hard to survive in the future.
Created at 7:29 PM
| Thursday, July 20, 2006
its been a week since i last blogged. busy and tired about all kinds of things. went to EA for interview yst. the lady is pleasantly frenly. peggie went in the longest during the interview, partly due to her asking lots of questions. oh yes their hot chocolate is nice too.
its around 30-45minutes on bus to there from my house with direct bus 154. giddy during the bus urgh :/
just came home from outing to jurong point with sok, nor, peg and rebec. somehow it is strange pleasant and unpleasant during some parts of the journey. went to shop at value shop after eating at the top level kopitiam. then down to NTUC then to waffle shop. the waffle for some reasons, isnt as nice though..
just feeling siansian right now.
Created at 4:20 PM
| Thursday, July 13, 2006
i went mad today. crazy.. doing things i hardly do.

see? all scrolling with 10% for my armor.
sometimes doing crazy things makes u feel happier in the end. but of cos not too crazy.
and the distasteful truth fell on me today. next friday is FYP submission date. definitely i will tink about requesting for extension. but if an extension will increase requirements in marking scheme or other worse things, i would prefer to get it done and over with.
was pretty happy at the end of school too. found out i was one of the pre-selection ppl selected for attachment to EA games. Electronic Arts. the job is to.... TEST GAMES OUT. omg how i wish i can get in. its 5/8 chances since 7 others were chosen too. norman, peg, shuping, gilbert, kl.., szekiat and isa. YES Isa from my dear secondary school.
if i ever get into it, print screen this statement:
whoever have this printed page is entitled to 1 bowl of wan ton mee at FC6 free of charge. while stocks last!
(actually stock lasts once only..)
Created at 10:21 PM
how irony is it? i play maple to forget about fyp stress. yet i had to stop maple to do fyp. i do fyp so i can forget about maple. yet i had to kill somethng to release my in-built-energy
Curse those who thinks FYP rocks! actually i tink no one tink it rocks anyway.
how badly i wish to wring the neck of that particular person. how badly i wish to extract all the flesh tissues that person have. how badly i wish to skin tat person alive and rub sulphur on the raw flesh. how badly i wish to use a toothpick and kill tat person by poking every pores and bleed.
sigh. indeed i felt better after imagining all of the above tortures. *self-recovery skills of scorpio comes from imagining all the little things u can do to spite ure enemies*
at times like this.. everyone needs encouragements.. everyone needs a pat on the back or a ruffle of back everyone needs a helping hand or a comfy shoulder everyone needs love, care and concern as well as fun and joy..
the sense of touch is such a powerful thing.
much more than sight,taste,smell and hear. a pat on the back can save a dejected person. a squeeze while shaking hands gives an assuring feeling. cuddling with the chest makes the person feel loved. a short massage session will save me.
Created at 12:16 AM
tons of fun maple pichas
 norman slept while afk.
 gone were the days where i sat there and lvl up lol.
 nice and pretty. but not me.
 look at how momoXX2 lvl up.
 GM trying to be funny.. or rather lazy
 Dragon Crusher!
Created at 8:42 AM
best solution to constipation - orange juice + red wine + pu er tea + jasmine tea
dissolves everything to liquid and clears ure tummy. life not guaranteed.
went to uncle's bday. Dua Pek. as in Da Bo. biggest uncle. it was fun. all the laugh and all. uncle albert is the funniest of all. omg his jokes are so fun i dunnoe but i wish to inherit his gift. its far above me :'(
the dishes are okok though. but really filling. drank lots of orange juice, a lil of red win, some jasmine tea and slight pu er. and i love braise peanuts. the place was at concorde hotel at beach road. the restaurant is some teochew style place. pretty nice and quiet.
and finally, i bet it cost 2 bombs instead of 1.
Created at 11:09 PM
| Saturday, July 08, 2006
I'VE BEEN CONNED!! went this morning to the maple event at PCBunk at dhoby ghaut mrt station.
its so ownage. so many ppl. i reach there at 940 and only get to my turn at 1040. some ppl even paid 10bucks to enter the place just to take part in ONE event. one one one. norman and his pals was late :/ so i and mongxing went ahead 1st. still.. the queue kill us. so many ppl. and the event last proximately 20minutes. so crap. im sure they are earning tons of money.
the commemorative mug is nice and pretty cute. they give a magazine called teenage.. which is .. .. .. didnt enter the yeti challenge. its a "game" where they put random keys into 1 gachapon ball. then u just pick a random ball with the key in it. then test whether ure key works or not. if not, then "ty pls try again.." if yes then u get a Yeti Plushie. oh well.. i was the 3rd batch of ppl. and by the time i finished my game.. they were left with the last plushie... i wouldnt wanna queue up to find out there isnt anymore left. just dropped the lucky draw tix and go off for BURGER KING!
it was lucky for us that the team i was in won. couldnt describe much about it.
this whole event is really tiring and i bet asiasoft earn more than 200k today. :/
Created at 1:55 PM
Created at 11:54 PM
| Thursday, July 06, 2006
disappointed at the high tea buffet. wasnt wat i tot it to be. peggie and rebec misunderstood each other. rebec tot peggie was ordering wat she was describing to us. but end up peggie tot it was tat one. went to marine parade area to eat Suki Sushi buffet. its the same as Sakae but with more nicer choice i suppose.
ate lots of sushi with rice. norman said it was dumb but i felt, if i do not eat rice.. i will not be full and if im not full, it does not serve the purpose of being there. and i do not go for sashimi mad like him. i tink he took more than 10servings of it. :x
will be joining NKF soon. ate too much of their soy sauce w/o noticing. its just so nice with the sushi rice.
tuna was great. egg sushi isnt. salmon paste sushi is great (not sliced) tori kaarage isnt so nice (fried chicken but i tink not fresh :/) ika kaarage is nice (taste like old chang kee soft squid) corn salad sushi is still the top few nice ones soft shell crab isnt tat great due to re-used oil. urgh.. gyoza dumpling (definitely not guo-tie. just pure fried. not bad) ate some sashimi and other raw fish. didnt like them at all. i dunnoe how to eat raw stuff. they taste something like tree bark.. but nevertheless, i still ate them due to wanting to try "rare" things at buffet.
daniel was so nice to come with us after i dragged him along. was glad he seem much happier and laughing due to my lameness :/
soon. i tink soon. i will make a very simple blog skin by myself. which both mozilla and IE can see it perfectly nice. yeah.. cos its so simple they sure do have the things i need. but need to finish FYP 1st.
Created at 11:12 PM
this morning i got a shock of my life. how disgusted to my unpreparedness for emergency :/
when during the train reaching JE MRT, and i was day dreaming about maple and after JE station packed with ppl, suddenly i heard a scream or rather some shocked sound. then i heard a boom. the middle-aged indian man just fainted beside me..
i was pretty sure i DID bathed before leaving home. it was so shocking. his eyes were rolled up and lips mumbling or something. few things came to my mind 1. is it stroke? 2. is it he is having fits? 3. why no body bother to help him? (i was too shocked to help out too. i guess the rest of the passengers are the same) 4. i have always blamed those TV show where ppl just stand around doing nth during accident. im disgusted by my own act :/ 5. i do not noe wat to do. 6. if only i have a 1st aid kit or some medicated oil to help the poor man.
so im very pissed with myself
Created at 8:58 AM
today is HOT!
its so hot that even i feel hot :/
oh well, me and my idea of going to foodcourt 1 to eat haha.. everyone followed along. it was quite fun besides the heat. norman, peggie, rebecca, sokpeng and me. dunnoe wats happening to kahlun. been absent for few FYP meetings :/ most probably couldnt wake up i suppose. got to wait for hubert to fix him up thru the attendence.
warning - for those eating or is hungry. do not look on the post. really serious.
ate chicken chop. the fries given is really disappointing. shuping said its like rock and shove the whole half of the fries to my plate.. as a person who hates to waste food and eats it no matter wat the time taken, i ate it of cos. so she wonders wat thing do i not eat? few things tat i hate taking but if its served to me, i will still eat it. - tau gay.. - lady finger.. - olive fruit..
and rebbec and her do not eat capsicum. oh no.. w/o it, pizza wont be as nice.. FRAGRANCE! oh yeah... if anything tat is eaten by normal humans.. i hope they dun eat the Chinese star anise. OMG ITS CALLED "BA JIAO" as in 8 sides. grrr its .. uber disgusting when chewed.

ewwww but i tink no one normal will chew tat for fun. yes i eat beef too. the few tat i can tink of not eating yet is.. pig blood and pig trotters as well as pig ears or nose... but i accidentally ate pig eyelids before OMG ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i didnt noe my mummiee went to get some pieces of ... left over .. "pork" from some celebration. and its a pig HEAD FOR GOODNESS SAKE. SHE DIDNT EVEN NOE IT! she cook in porridge.. which disguised everything up.
how did the cheated me found out? when i saw a hole with a skin cover over it. so i went to bite the eye lid and found the.. zzzzzz
anyone sane will close this page right now.
Created at 10:34 PM
i have been a selfish person today.
Created at 9:38 PM
| Saturday, July 01, 2006
it was really tiring and extreme. but nonetheless fun. rushed to lvl70 today with the help of Max and ShuPing.
they really helped me tons. thank you!
sometimes during our youths, its better i feel to do things we can do while we still can. once we are an adult, chances are low tat we will be able to do them anymore. rushing game and having fun for the whole day isnt things tat any adult can do daily.
alright, time for some rest.
Created at 11:53 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
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