| Thursday, June 29, 2006
no mood to blog.
just becos of a bit of thing turn everything into my fault.
so all the thing i did is not counted anymore?
Created at 10:32 PM
| Wednesday, June 28, 2006
today was suppose to be playing muuple. but well, suddenly around afternoon during event period, mummiee said wanna go find uncle. he had ran out of the nursing home for alot of times. but this recent time, he went to chinatown *as seen by another uncle who lived there* picking up empty cans. from wat i suppose, perhaps he noes he doesnt have alot alot of time left and wanted to be back at a place he is most familiar with. so, mummiee wanted to reconfirm about this.
and he is pretty dangerous as in.. he have been hospitalised in woodbridge before. so i felt it was my duty to follow mummiee and protect her *wat a nice child*
went there walking around the market area. found out the hawker centre is already being demolised as end of june, they will be making a whole new MARKET there. bought 2 shorts for 10bucks too. cheapcheap. oh its those wear till spoil then can become rags. no i dun mean i wear rags. so went on searching till we came upon this.. famous traditional dessert store near smith street. the peanut paste is nice n worth the 2 bucks. from wat mummiee said;
almond paste is good for throat ppl with sorethroat eat them equals soothing sesame paste is good for skin ppl whom wans skin nicenice takes more of this
so i asked peanut do wat?!?
peanut paste is good for nth. ppl who are too useful eats this to be more useless..
not really. its good for heart diseases. peanuts are best eaten 1 handful in few days. and its NOT roasted peanuts. just mixed nuts w/o salt or sugar or oil. if not, its cholesterol madness.
and so i wonder does ppl wans to be turtle eats GuiLingGao? lololol
really heritage tour. we went to peoples' park complex. which in the olden days i just call it the yellow building and pearl centre as blue building. as for chinatown point i call it bigger blue building. as for the building opposite chinatown point, i call it red building. for the one opposite peoples' park complex i call it lucky building. the one beside is called "shuang yu" building.
i wonder whoever visits chinatown can visualise? lol
now the yellow building turned green building as renovated.
btw, in case any one needs to noe, in IE, this blog goes haywire i dunnoe why. tried to changed to left justification but cant. it just goes center :/ and its so ugly that i tink even my room looks tidier than it.
anyways, its preferred to be viewed in mozilla firefox. even better viewed in my house desktop. best viewed thru my eyes.
Created at 11:09 PM
shock of the month: Dora knows my blog.
i dunnoe how she noes it. probably madly searching on yahoo for my blog for hours XXD
nope not going to change my style of writing or ranting about FYP. she will understand~ wohohoho one of the rare few lecturers tat understands poor me.
i saw from her blog too. sometimes missing for months then suddenly spam the blog then got to know her whole family have red eyes. kinda reminds me of Cyclops from X-Men.

nono.. of cos this image is not done by me.
Created at 10:53 PM
Created at 9:54 AM
| Saturday, June 24, 2006
much dismayed at how many ppl play maple yst. 12hours of exp x2 and i seen lots lots of ksers. some which raised the back of my hair only 1 which i say "ok"
daniel smsed to me yst while i was rushing for exp. as a good fren, of cos i picked up my hp. and off it. no of cos not (: i called him instead.
daniel; do u noe when school starts? me; yea its next week daniel; um ok me; next week mon tues wed have MST. that is if we have tests daniel; um ok me; if there is no tests then no need to go school daniel; ok me; but i tink Law we have test. dunnoe about GDET and MMOG. daniel; ok me; check out blackboard perhaps they got say daniel; umm ok me; i rushing exp x2 now hehe sorry ah daniel; ok me; byebye *talk more will ya!!?!?* daniel; umm ok bye
oh my! i forgot to wish on my blog for yst.
YST is MAX's Birthday!!!!
Happy birthday to u! Happy birthday to u! Happy birthday to Max Dadadadadadadaaaaaa! Happy birthday to u!
(p.s i didnt copy paste ok) he is 20. twenTY. no more nineTEEN luuu wish u all the best!
Created at 9:40 AM
MAPLE FEVER!!!!! these few days, no need to rest, no need to do FYP, no need to blog, watever also no need!! cos there is exp x2 as well as drop rate x2!!
cannot make it! for 2 weeks!
yst shuping came over to "do" fyp. but end up after doing some validation.. "MUPPLE" time. haha the whole evening till night we were making so much noise. regarding maple of cos. playing maple was nvr so much fun and Noisy as well.
will be back on track once the fever is gone.. hmmm perhaps a month? lol
Created at 11:18 AM
ok tons of strange happenings around these days :/
1st is the case with internet. changed my plan to 3500kbps HOWEVER as im lazy (yeah..) forgot to disconnect, i still using 512kb until yst when i called them to find out why my speed is still the same. today evening, something happen to my internet causing me to panic. the router said all is ok but i couldnt even ping yahoo :/ so the operator (with a cute voice. a guy) said give them 1 to 2 hours to check out the error. they took 1 hour though. perhaps lesser..
just now, sis's pc got virus. spyware i suppose. scan with trendmicro still got. norton went mad. pop ups about casinos keep appearing and its doing this.. thing.. where u click then 50 IE starts running wahhhhh i can do this as well u noe. i can make 1000 appear and lag u to death~ anyway.. her bf/fiance/husband didnt seems to care at all >:[ he is more concerned about his video shoot of someone playing badminton grrr
Created at 10:39 PM
| Saturday, June 17, 2006
will u be happy if i take everything u said as a joke?
Created at 10:28 PM
| Wednesday, June 14, 2006
while i was doing assignment earlier on.. tons of things flew in my mind.
u noe.. sometimes i see ppl holding hands.. hugging.. talking and laughing.. enjoying themselves.. care and concern..
i feel so redundant on mother earth.
Created at 8:47 AM
Created at 11:55 PM
no one can understand the troubles of a FYP group leader. oh well, everyone in the group have troubles as well.
its like, not only do u have to do work, u have to handle external clients, supervisor, MAKE really sure everyone noes wat to do (worst cos if they dun do, its ure fault) if work is not evenly distributed, some members will have too much work, or too little work.
kinda relieved seeing the panel of judges looking rather happy with our work. OR was it feigned? :/ though i had to admit compared to other groups, ours is more colorful (since its Flash) the work they did is quite ok.
was disappointed at JJ's group. sigh. shuping was telling me how GOOD their graphics were. but end up.. its pretty simple from wat i see. graphics is good, but the gameplay isnt. sad. or was i expecting too much from the elite group in our class?
daniel (attitude problem for now but really good programming brains) JJ (seems devious from wat rebec said) hamka (always with charles) Charles (big head minded creature. wouldnt listen to others.) Jerry (dunnoe much but from wat shuping said, his graphics is really good)
the more i tink of some other stuff, the more stress i get.. max is going to india soon.. im sure i will really be reluctant and miss him truckloads and tons.. no one will play gamegame with me anymore le :( but of cos.. he can't possibly forsake his future just to play games with me.
*tries to brighten up..* ganbatte
Created at 10:15 PM
today i dedicate this post out of all my work/assignment/sleeptime to my fren Clement. ok his bday is only on 15th but we celebrated it yst.
 yeahyeah his cake. see how much he appreciates the word "sexy" on his cake would mean how cruel the truth is XDXDXD
 we really had nth to do here so we decide to use up all the candles on JiaJia liang cha cans instead.. and a crumpled piece of tissue filled with my sweat burnt as well lol. *Do not learn from us*
 we had dinner at Carl's Jr later on. see the big one on the right *SuperStar*! is of cos mine. and i prefer normal fries over the... flat crinkly fries. notice the small salsa on the table? that is REAL stuff. as in nice la
 see the fries? its MINE. ok la we had to share everything. so i still ate alot of MINE! wahahaha i only ate 1 of those crinkly thingie.
 Ah thamtham and Shalabin~~ i wonder will anyone look at shalabin's pic few more times? :X
 honestly.. i wonder why the photographer decide to send me this pic.. after placing everything on my table and took a pic of the aftermath of SuperStar..
oh yesh.. if only shalabin didnt bring his laptop, boys wont be so interested in seeing PORN on top of ESPLANADE!! ok la... i consider it porn since its bar-top dancing.. stripping :/
and we saw small parts of the movie Hostel.. its so gross can. argh. about a story of surgeons who love to cut things up.. as in humans. they live in a town then abducted other foreigners and do all sorts of stuff on them. the ending is the chief surgeon got his 2 fingers cut off by main char and u can see the penknife cutting eeeeewww... then drown him in his own shit while he was shitting..
Created at 1:10 AM
| Thursday, June 08, 2006
today's the day my sis gets married to the guy of her dreams. ok... anyway its registering of marriage. not yet the actual traditional one so.. she still have to stay here. just that in the eyes of the government they are married couple. i tink i will miss her lots if she really moved away. sigh.
its really strange how ppl can have different ideas. someone told me Dwarven sniper in DOTA sucks. ok.. i cant say much to him cos he said
"that sniper is short! and his HP is so low! dmg LOW! only range good nia"
well, i had to say i noe ppl who are shorter ^^ there are worse HP if he ever try out other chars. sacred relic still dmg low? yea.. basically the range is why its so good.
just like how my best fren always say, "Syllabear owns u." strange ideas from everyone. (i dunnoe how to spell syllabear but dun care~)
oh yes, talking about strange ideas, maple have the worse ppl ever. i mean char.

this guy "magicmaste" is a firemage and he claims firemage is lousy. he is only 5x lvl and he claims he noes what he is doing. *whistle 108 108 108~* obviously i've seen much more than him. i had to say clerics are good party ppl. any good parties have them.
but ice mage.. hmmm just becos at extremely low lvl like..30-50 they own everything cos of their LIGHTNING, ppl use ice/lit mages. cant they see furtherrrr into the distance? at 60 to 95 u have NTH to kill to ure advantage. oh he dun believe. i have evidence ok. my fren, who have big beautiful eyes had to train like mad killing random monsters to reach her lvl93 today. her beautiful eyes turned to little dots when she fell asleep at werewolves. and lvl93 she still cant fight bain. whom is weak against ice.
cant blame my words cos basically i dislike mages. i WAS one. it was fun. but at least at lvl40 i found out FAST enough that, melee chars really is good at later stages. why do i hate mages? if anyone plays maple at low lvl and is a melee char, u will find low lvl lvling places swarming with mages ksing each other, ksing u, and ksing dunnoe wat they imagine they are ksing. they see ure dmg low they ks u. at least 90% of them i encountered. they see u 1 hit killing everything, they ask u nicely to go away. they see u ksing them or refuse to go, they make tons of bad words and ask their guild to come ks u. in the end, they have to go away cos they arent that strong as they claim.
back to wat that guy said, firemages are going extinct? he really have to open his eyes. firemages owns at lvl80 i do wish to say mages sucks infront of him but wouldnt wan to be flamed to death in mage forums. oh yeah he was also talking about blue robot. obviously if it is too tough for him, then have some mentality to find some cheaper/easier/nubber monsters to kill. if at lower lvl, they can 1 hit kill everything nub, they expect to do the same at higher lvls. just imagine 1 hit killing bain. woooo. i bet no one wanna be warrior anymore. who needs warrior anyway by then?
or imagine area lightning striking every bain and seeing them melt and disintegrate!!! wahhhhhh!!
i wonder if there is a poll, im sure 80% of the characters given up at 30-60 are mostly mages. evidence is in my own guild. 5-7 icemages and 2 firemage all died at 30-60+ reason? owner say sian. well.. only 1 particular icemage survived till 93. reason? owner dun play maple even more sian. and 1 more priest reaching lvl103 and stopped. i have to give credit cos its tough. reason? no one to talk to, tiring. (true)
Created at 11:35 AM
| Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Created at 10:19 AM
finally had a chance to rest and eat my dinner. today was pretty fun with sp, norman, kl and peggie coming over. my room though abit small but still accommodate everyone
honestly, we only did half of wat we are suppose to do lol. as usual end up everyone DOTA after peggie left for some MOVIE HUH ok.. we lost every round against 5 ai. they were super AI somemore... 50% more exp for them and also money 2x for them. 1st round we lost cos we didnt have enough money cos split by 4 and AI is farming far far faster than us. when we were lvl14 and struggling, they were already 21 zzz
really tired right now. dun tink will be able to train my new warrior in maple.
Created at 9:10 PM
just went out with daddee n mummiee, under the hot sun after church was tryin to find altars for my sis. found one rather nice Mother Mary statue but however the statue's eyes seems.. almost sleeping lol. so in the end we did not buy any. went to katong area there. the famous tau kwa pau is really nice. omg really nice. its tau kwa then inside put alot alot alot of nice stuff and gravy.
was in daddee's car when i start tinking about car specifications if next time when im getting one 1st and most important (must) i need perfect suspension. so perfect that even when going over the hump, i feel like NTH! lol. just like how gamers go for perfect graphics card/RAM/CPU i need suitable steering wheel. in the case where pregnant woman can still drive without affecting the baby. yesyes for potbellies too. nice leather seats where can adjust angle (i tink is quite common) nice wheels. i've seen some where the metal at the wheel area looks so ugly when it turns. i wan those so shiny that when the sun shines, someone gets into car accident cos of the reflection (:
Secondary; nice voomvoom sound. depends on budget also... nice numberplate. good numbers and easy to rmb just like my bday nicely shaped car boot (dunnoe how to spell) aiya short to say, the butt of the car. there are some cars i see, their butt area looks like coffin. nice spray paint color. prolly red but never black or dark blue (i hate the oven-baked car when entering it in the hot sun) for some reasons, no white too. (bird shit makes it worse) and also pink (ever seen pink cars? rare and so weird lor)
so many places where nice food are, and i would always love to bring frens go out and have nice lunch or dinner at nice places with nice food. of cos nice ppl as well. but there are some places where access is really not easy like etc. geylang, katong, beach road, joo chiat, etcetcetc so if next time i have a car, i will force daddee to bring me to all the places with me driving of cos. then i can bring frens there as well.
to me, thats wat cars are for. for fun and gathering. bringing family, kids, frens out for church/food/picnic
not status (stupid adults dumber than i tot they were.) not for show off (stupid students) cos if bus/train can do the job, why bother get a car? waste money. i rather keep the money in the bank and let it grow interest than to pay interest. with regards to car maintainance as well.
to me, nvr get things tat are out of ure reach. if u are not working, dun act like ure working, by spending parents money. a student just act like a student. u wan a car/assets/big stuff, go out and work and strive for it ureself.
tats how youngsters go bankrupt these days. credit card *shua shua shua*
expensive handbags, handphones, makeup, perfume, those are really turn offs. basic necessities which can fulfill ure requirements (like my car description) is good enough. i bet my car as described, can be easily get. wats best is, the car is being put to good use. i dun mind paying tons for something which i use darlingly. like my pc. the best is, get good stuff which *almost* as good effect as their expensive counterparts but is much cheaper. ofcos a fren of mine, Clement is best at this. but he also cheats my money too :( haha but its ok since its still cheaper than going and get them myself.
Created at 12:49 PM
im wondering whether am i getting older or wiser.. cos recent days i've started back on maple BUT i found out either 1. i couldnt train for long period 2. low level are really boring 3. i noe when to stop (like real...) 4. i need rest.. since its weekend (last time, weekends = MAPLE!!)
so.. conclusion is FYP changed my life.
i even had to snooze 1 time this morning :/ just for 10mins more of sleep which is veryveryveryveryveryvery very uber rare for someone who dun snooze often its almost like asking a rooster to sleep 10minutes more.. i really hate myself at times cos i could not sleep after 8am except today envious of ppl who can sleep overtime; till 12pm; late; till 3pm (not being sarcastic) i always wake up early in the morning then cannot sleep liao :/ tats the reason why im forced to sleep at 12. if not i still will wake up at 7-8am
went to sister's bf new home yst late night. partially to help move something over and to buy "something" as well.. his new home has been renovated and its pretty cool. thursday is their house warming and REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGE!!! surprises and surpises i ONLY KNEW IT YST!! ok.. im a badbad sibling.
their house is best when the windows are closed and door closed with air-con why? cos ummm its really not suited to keep windows open where dust flies in and their decoration is really hard to clean. so much dust will kill them. especially since i noe my sis 1. dun cook 2. dun do housework 3. loves to eat 4. really hyper mood swing (sometimes good sometimes byebye also dun reply) 5. still immature in the sense she dun think about future yet 6. money earned = expenditure
anyways i really wish she found her suitable prince charming since marriage is for life. and thinking back.. i tink i will miss her oh, not to forget she will still be staying with us till they are officially married meaning wedding dinner and all. now is only register as husband and wife
wedding dinner is alot alot alot of money from wat i noe *starts saving too*
tummy ache after drink water in the morning :/
Created at 8:36 AM
| Thursday, June 01, 2006
was really bored today. besides sleeping and sleeping the whole afternoon. but lunch was really fun with peggie and norman. we trashed alot of things out and had fun talking bad about everyone, of cos i ate alot too.. *fat* glad to see norman relieving also. he seem rather stressed out with all the sudden rush of pace of work. looks like i made the right choice in asking him to show hubertus our latest work. cos when hubertus praised us, i can see him feeling a sense of satisfaction instead of carrying all the trouble.
*sigh. so much unlike someone* i really dun get it at times. why dun that person just open up their mind? i've been struggling to cheer up everyone yet been poured with cold water most of the time. personal self-sacrifice will make everyone happy. k. this part on, will be some rants. prepare. even i dun mind going to foodcourt 1 from the other side of poly. so that peggie can be happy with her food. u're giving me this thinking that ure mentality is about "im doing all the work and u can all just go have fun. dun bother me." and everytime i hear "nvm i can go find baofeng they all" gave me the ruffle on my hair. its like "ohhhh they are so hardworking unlike u all" i just would like everyone to do/eat/get watever they wan as long as they do their work. a person like me, who sometimes spend less than 5bucks a week during holidays, will be willing to go out and eat and go shopping or just to eat waffle? i just wan to enjoy my time with u ppl before leaving our education and join the workforce.
wat the heck everyone so stressed up and close their minds up about it? (i can bet we will fall apart like jj and gang if we close ourselves up like daniel or charles) everyone is stressed.
eating the same food all the time will only make things worse. go out take a fresh air. enjoy. have some fun talking after work. in the end, im not ranting about how didnt u go with us or pangseh us. but about how u think. think u that a cheerleader is simple task? i can feel perhaps u feel unfair or fiery about it. but this is yet my simple feelings about it. (another morning maple 8am of momo time) not chiding anyone, but its about opening up ureself to suit others than others opening themselves to suit u. "nvm lor, u wan u all go eat outside. i stay here" wont make us feel any better than u do. we aren't simple ppl who only cares about our own food. we are concerned about u as well if not we wont bothered our time to ask u where u wanna eat. i wont be as bothered about u as KL. simply brushing us off like that, makes even norman pissed if u notice at all. he was pissed and just said "lets go then"
"then wat u wan me to do??!?" could be wat ure thinking now. think about wat u can do as a groupmember. thats the best way of me telling u wat to do. we are not individuals. often i talk too much. tat is my bad point. by keeping my mouth shut about how other ppl does things, im already doing my part in helping out in the group. a group is not all about work or doing it in time or passing up the work. its about how everyone contributes in being together.
a smile (most important), an ok, abit of walking, abit of bad to self, pat on the back, word of encouragement, consent to join in the fun like games, shake hands, go out, are all little things everyone can do. if u notice, i was really glad and happy when u say my simple animation was good. it felt really good and i couldnt help smiling.
i can see daniel hates going out in big groups. but he oftens join us in outings like sakae sushi or lunch at westmall BK or carl's jr. he does his work, had more un-answerable stresses yet he always yearns to eat outside food. why? he is even much worse and isolated. but a smile or joke or even care and concern gets us together as a group. probably this is wat is lacking in his group now. i dun think charles will ever smile at him. even if he jokes, he wont joke with daniel. no one shows care for him hence he is always heckcare about attendance. its his simple way of saying, "u also dun care about me, why should i care?" he needs care as well. i would have heckcared as well if im not the talkative one.
now there is 3 types of ppl i found out after thinking about it. one is the giver one is the receiver (daniel) one is the closed
or perhaps i should revamp my way of leading the group. lets try to turn to more serious stuff then. perhaps we are more efficient that way. its not my way of purposely doing it to spite u like wat KL always do. but i dun mind trying it. but i can imagine everyone doing their own stuff, going off to different routes after work. not bothering to look at each other. all we unite is not ourselves but just our work. isnt tat wat jj's group is doing? i pity them. cos i dun enjoy to be in their group. dun enjoy and i wont. i will dread going to school.
i dun have much time left.
and i dun wan to waste the little time i have left, on just looking at each other and work.
finally, if u ever read this last portion, i would to say sorry if i ever hurt anyone in this particular post.
Created at 8:22 PM
What Color Best Represents Your Personality?  You are Blue. Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace with yourself, you don't tend to over react. Although at times you can be quite harsh and cold towards others. Take this quiz!
Created at 12:10 AM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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