feeling cranky these days.
beware i might just turn moody all of a sudden.
when momo dun play games, he gets crazy at times.
Created at 10:17 PM
kk... was uber bored so i tried this
moses = 浜野 Hamano (seaside field) 聖人 Masato (sacred person) moses lee khenghui = 浜野 Hamano (seaside field) 大輝 Taiki (large radiance)
those are my jap name.. so all in all, im a radiating sacred person who lives on the seaside field. get it?
Created at 8:13 PM
i just got the shock of the day. its even worse than someone electrocuting someone alive :X
- just found out my blog is center justified in school's internet explorer - just just found out my home IE cant even view my blog properly..
so, my blog is only best viewed in MOZILLA FIREFOX (ORH-nage!!) yes of cos best viewed in my home PC (ownaging ORH-Nage!!!)
EUREKA SEVEN - one of the best anime i saw got a pretty bad shocked again when i found out the set i got from fren who got from another fren who is my fren also, meaning fren's fren also my fren, didnt give me the FULL SET!!! so i just watched till 35.. with the baddie gripping his sword tightly and looking at the Orhhhh-nage LFO flying away from him :/ i betcha it didnt just end like that.. i mean wat kind of ending is that lor!! so i suppose 100% it didnt end just like that. no way i will rest just like that! i need to find! F-I-N-D!!
all i found is some pics yeah of cos the main char and main female char

of cos u might be wondering why is a surf-board doing there. well, in that anime, they called it Reffing instead of surfing. and they surf on trapar(a sort of invisible wave in the sky, greenish in colour to contrast with the clear-blue sky) so even their big robots surf on that as well to travel, besides rocket booster of cos..
i've been wondering, how come in any anime where they are not suppose to be etchi or hentai, no matter how the girl swing her butt or jump, dance, fall, sit u can nvr get to see the undies. that is PURELY amazing. that DUN happen in real life though. and its NOT advisable to do so.
Created at 7:37 PM
found this in ro-guardians forums
1. From 9 June to 9 July 2006, you should read the The Sun's sport pages so you are aware of what's going on regarding the World Cup and will be able to join in conversation.(If you fail to do this, you'll be looked at in a bad way or be totally ignored. DO NOT complain about not receiving any attention.) 2. During the World Cup the television is mine at all times - without any exceptions. 3. I don't mind if you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game - as long as you do it crawling on the floor and without distracting me. (If you decide to stand naked in front of the TV, make sure you put clothes on right after because if you catch a cold, I won't have time to take you to the doctor or look after you during the World Cup month.) 4. During the games I will be blind, deaf and mute - unless I require a refill of my drink or something to eat. (You are out of your mind if you expect me to listen to you, open the door, answer the telephone, or pick up the baby that just fell from the second floor....it won't happen) 5. It would be a good idea for you to keep at least two six packs in the fridge at all times, as well as plenty of things to nibble on. (And please do not make any funny faces to my friends when they come over to watch the games. In return, you will be allowed to use the TV between 12am and 6am, unless they replay a good game that I missed during the day) 6. Please, please, please if you see me upset because one of my teams is losing, DO NOT say "get over it, its only a game" or "don't worry, they'll win next time". (If you say these things, you will only make me angrier and I will love you less. Remember, you will never ever know more about football than me and your so called "words of encouragement" will only lead to a break-up or divorce) 7. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can talk to me during half-time but only when the adverts are on, and only if the score is pleasing me. (In addition, please note I am saying "one" game, hence do not use the World Cup as a nice cheesy excuse to "spend time together".) 8. The replays of the goals are very important. I don't care if I have seen them or I haven't seen them, I want to see them again. Many times. 9. Tell your friends NOT to have any babies, or any other child related parties or gatherings that requires my attendance because: a) I will not go, b) I will not go, and c) I will not go. 10. But, if a friend of mine invites us to his house on a Sunday to watch a game, we will be there in a flash. 11. The daily World Cup highlights show on TV every night is just as important as the games themselves. Do not even think about saying "but you have already seen this...why don't you change the channel to something we can all watch?" The reply will be: "Refer to Rule #2 of this list". 12. And finally, please save your expressions such as "Thank God the World Cup is only every 4 years". (I am immune to these words, because after this comes the Champions League, Italian League, Spanish League, Premier League, etc etc.)
oh yes, of cos it was a guy who wrote this there. if any guys follow it, i will be glad to boot them. "be glad u even have a gf" for those scums
Created at 7:29 PM
yesterday was kinda edgy.
i almost lost myself during lunchtime due to some issues regarding something. yes i could have just bang the table or turn the plates upside down. or even worse, just get up leave and go home
yeah.. rarely do i lose myself. but it was almost. its not of my temper but its almost to losing it and it can get to 10000% worse if i lose it. frens can become someone i dun talk to at all. i can be spiteful and do all sorts of things to them. i can even use my tongue to annoy them 12hours a day.
almost reach an edge i hardly believe i reached. well, for a moment while staring into blankspace out of the foodcourt, i almost cried. its been too long since i had been in this *almost* losing myself situation.
took me an hour to recover.
waffle rocks. especially JP's prima deli's shuping loves it peggie loves it i love it
ultimate heaty waffle = chocolate peanut (as discovered by shuping) 1 day, im gonna try all the different taste with someone. yeah.. share half half lurh if not i will fat myself to death :/
i should make a song for waffles.
Created at 1:01 PM
i miss en je en je!
Created at 8:46 AM
just got the letter for NAFA test. surprisingly girls also have to go for it :X
i bet i will fail badly.
Created at 8:36 AM
turned off. pissed off. switched off. *ed off.
Created at 8:41 PM
| Wednesday, May 24, 2006
yes. as group leader of FYP, i certainly can sense poor shuping's stress and strain during school time.
yes. alot of our members are also escaping reality of stressdom with playing of games. but she couldn't cos she is doing the most crucial part of all -The Interface- there is also the problem she have to visit her grandma during night time after school hours. well.. wont say much about it as it is a sensitive topic, so all we can do is pray for her
didnt have the mood to play flyff too. reached home rather tired. i might be slacking all the time but my brain is thinking real hard on how to solve lots of things.. hence im getting FATTER yet my mind is tired. mentally trained yet not physically.
i had to admit wat a way to solve problems where we just leave things to shuping's hand. kinda cruel but none of us are quite up to the job of design.. well, peggie is good in average, norman is good technically, shuping is good designing, im good in.. talking and negotiating or representing, kahlun is good at something which im sure i have not discovered yet. perhaps i should give some chance for him to show his power!
i believed im not lazy. just that im not motivated by anything.. getting stronger and better at games are wat motivates me to play and play while i believe seeing good designs and results are wat shuping's motivation is.
being with them indeed made me realise my good points as well as alot of bad points, have any one of u realised ure own ones from frens as well?
Created at 9:16 PM
met dora yesterday evening at foodcourt. yup. she changed alot. growing long hair now though i felt long hair isnt really suitable for her :X:X but honestly it dawned on me on that moment that, though sometimes we and our frens can be laughing together at this moment, life still goes on even when ure eyes are not seeing them.
kinda amazing when u start thinking about everyone, about wat are they doing now at this moment when ure tinking about them. then start thinking about another person wat are they doing now when ure thinking about another 2 person and start thinking about another person wat are they going to do now when ure thinking about another 3 person and start thinking about another person wat are they doing when ure thinking about another 4 person and start thinking about another person wat are they doing when ure thinking about alot other persons and then start thinking about alot other persons..
so end up, u go crazy and end up u feel like sleeping :D better than counting sheeps right?
oh yesss my blog teaches educational and useful stuff isnt it? (:
Question of the day - how many feet does a millipede have?
few things in my room i cant live w/o - bolster (obviously) fan (i will die of heat) PC (my only source of entertainment) bed (rest)
yeap reminds me of wat arthur was telling us, when u owe someone ALOT of money, and they have the warrant to confiscate ure property, they can take all furniture including bedframe but nvr ure bed and clothings.. cos these are the basic necessities a human should have. they should not take my bolster too. *added basic necessities Moses should have*
Created at 7:57 AM
had one of the WORST kuay chap in my whole entire food-eating life!!! blant soup. not-so-nice intestines. taste-less worse than chee cheong fun; kuay
wats best is the braised peanuts and OTHER-STORE braised duck! the rest just isnt up to it. ok.. the salted veggie is pretty good too. honestly, i would have opted for rice with those sauce than kuay :/:/:/
Chrno Crusade - really nice anime. will do a writeup on it when i have the time. sad though.
Created at 10:41 PM
yay free day today.
was finding nice subwoofer these days~ need brand-recommendation~~ i need to find ways to amplify my room!! AMPLIFY!!
step 1: woofer with nice jpop songs WEEEE step 2: fix my aircon (take years..) step 3: permanently close my windows. the dust is flying in. step 4: get nicer curtains step 5: get 4 more satelite speakers step 6: save money for some other ULTIMATE plans
this way, i will be stuck to home even worse than before XXD
catchiest word of the weeeeek; OWNAGE! i dunnoe but i feel its very catchy. much better than gg. cos gg only happens when ure losing or winning.. ownage seems like WAHHHHHHHHH!!!
seriously, i nvr enjoyed FYP time as much as yesterday.. ok.. 3 hours of real-time FYP and 3-4hours of playing haha Defense of the Ancients and Tower Defense. i tink Tower defense seems more fun. just buildbuild and see those minions die.
been forgetting to eat my medicine on time :/ getting headaches ocassionally :/:/:/
Created at 3:10 PM
wats wrong with everyone? why am i getting scolded everywhere just for the slightest irritation they get from me? am i not irritated too?
Created at 12:33 AM
| Wednesday, May 17, 2006
didnt have much mood to entertain anyone. sick and tired of accomodating everyone.
even im sick, i still have to do it. fell down to viral infection today. stiff neck, shoulders. weak limbs. a lil stuffy nose. head-breaking headache. hard to breathe. slight sorethroat.
couldnt do much in school today except looking at ppl programming and asking them to teach me.
it is really scary right now. there is a funeral just at my void deck and the "priest" is like shaking some bells and some eek eek eek sound like electricity. then a red glow is on the other side of the block.. ok.. i suppose they are doing some good things..
*imagines* summoning back the dead
good ppl are hard to be. everyone expects u to do all sorts of good stuff when ure good. even if it means they are going to be bad to u. then when they do stuff with other ppl, they tries their best cos they wont noe whether are they good or bad. the more comfortable they get, the more they take advantage of it.
im complaining yes im complaining. yeah think wat u all wan about me. fussy ranty complainy etc. im human as well. and i do get sick of it.
Created at 10:50 PM
today's i MUST pack my room. it hurts my eye and mind and soul to see my table messy. time to clear some stuff!
tested and proven - slinging a laptop and accompanying another girl to shop for her shoes is really... shoulder breaking. oh well.. need to get black polo tee also.
tested and proven - Prima Deli in JP which produces waffles are DE BEST! if anyone compare a six dollars plus MACD meal and 1.20 waffle, i rather starve to death than to eat macD. ok haha sometimes i was -FORCED- to eat ok.
-look- at the yellow veggies @@! -taste- the fattening mayonaise @@! -feel- the large amount of salt deposited in ure liver @@! -smell- the everlasting oil @@! -hear- the usual song of MacD. pala pap pap paaaaaaaa @@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Created at 7:38 AM
yes tml is mother's day. Happy Mother's Day to all. i mean.. more than half of the population are woman (: im happy about it cos im just happy about it~
talking about woman, they have been on earth later than man. and of cos, devious creatures with minds of extremes. lets say, example - they can love u alot and hate u alot. unlike guys who always "aiya.. anything la. shui bian la"
girls are considered poisonous creatures. i have found some reasonings to these too. in ancient times, if a guy found out his wife had an external affair, be sure he will take his sword and dash in and hack that guy to pieces. and its nth wrong :/
if a wife found her husband had external affair, be sure she will either 1. kill her with poison 2. kill him with poison 3. kill them both with poison 4. kill them both with poison and found out she couldnt live and poison herself too. 5. keep quiet about it and suffer for lifetime. thats the amt of love she have.
this week, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima in church. so its like mother's day, we celebrate. then we go off to have dinner at LokYang again. this time, im clever~ i took the menu~
dinner - Yam ring with chicken cubes (mummiee wanted this. quite ok i tink) Cereal prawns (this one is GOOD! the cereal is mai pian and it taste better than the prawns ironically~ ULTIMATE!) Seaweed soup ( alot of ingredients yet soup is not enough. irony again) gailan with fish slices (family favourite) Thai Style chicken (disappointment 100% its jsut fried chicken with chilli sauce) metal plate doufu (family favourite)
for ppl who tinks mothers are fools who sacrificed their youths and beauty, think again. if they didnt sacrificed their youth, u wouldnt be understanding wat im typing here. u wont be having ure fun time sitting on ure chair and seeing the blog. not to mention u might even call a maid as mummiee.
Hail to Ladies!
Created at 10:08 PM
internet speed sucks. i just calculated it took me from opening firefox till reach my Create Post page took me 4minutes and 23 seconds :/
dunnoe wat the * singnet is doing..
anyways was playing flyff these 2 days. really nice and cheerful music, not to mention the 95% lag-free i got. 5% will be the afternoon-hard-to-connect-issue i encountered. lvling is really ultimate. REALLY ULTIMATE. took me almost 6hours to reach lvl15 including job changing which took 30minutes to deliver 2 things as well as hunt 20 visionStones from almost 30 same monsters which are lvl14. lol sounds scary but which game isnt fun without some hardships and sweet taste of satisfaction at the end?
yst our whole group except kl, went out for lunch/teabreak/snack or watever. under the orders of me of cos hohoho~ as wat hubertus said, our current leader norman, was too stress with admin stuff as well as technical and external things. so appointed me as leader of the group now :S so the first few orders were to settle things with members such as who do wat and wat will happen.
next is to have lunch. next we were chased out of lab cos our timings are over. next we went to PS to eat again lol. next slack till carrefour. seriously, i havent ate any of the stuff i bought from carrefour yet :/ no time to eat sia accidentally scraped poor shuping's ankle while i was pushing the trolley. the trolley is really way too short :X i cant push properly and i cant see anyone's legs there too :/ *apologise*
now the real fun part is the train back home. this is the funnest of the whole day. rebecca telling us lots of things we didnt noe. then after she got off at Dover for her training, the fun begins lol. shuping and i was giving each other glances of this china woman who was leaning on the pole (meant for ppl to hold in the train to prevent fall) yet her whole back was on it, causing so much trouble. then she even hold the top railing which (only tall ppl does that) apparently, she isnt that tall of cos and her hand is 180degrees which means...... if she had odour, we would have died. i wonder whether the coldness of the aircon had masked out the smell or not..
Created at 11:40 PM
didnt have the mood to blog since tuesday. but made it a point to blog today since its been so long since i touch bloggie.
just found out that my internet protocol is actually fixed :/ no matter how many times i reconnect it gets the same ip :/ means if im lag im lag i cant do anything about it, so dumb.
temperature taking later on in school. Mr Lee told us its to show we are ready for anything that happens.. ok.. i lost my thermometer ever since secondary school SARS days :( how prepared am i? was discussing with outside frens about it in msn
fren num1: i need to find my thermometer. me: i lost my thermometer. and even if i have it, its rusted. fren num1: i give my sis liao. fren num2: i like to rub the thermometer on the floor then it will heat up and get 40degrees fren num3: i dismantled it to see how it works. fren num4: my thermometer spoilt cos the battery inside leaked alkali. me: dumb. remove battery lo fren num4: i threw away the whole thing
this shows how prepared we are if there is a 2nd SARS.
found out i have not enough sleep everyday though its 7hours aday, i should be alive. this morning woke up and a sudden stroke of loneliness struck me. its like hmmm a sudden sense of loneliness. i wonder wat i lost during my sleep.. !!!!!! :X
no la, just felt goggy tats all.
Created at 8:10 AM
didnt sleep well last night resulting in headache almost like migraine this afternoon. hated FYP time more and more now. sometimes things just gets stuck and is not moving.
i should learn to abandon things and move on. sometimes caring too much isnt useful. example, ryl2 where if i had to care about archer's life and death and turn my back on the monsters, i could very well died. so learnt that might as well dun care since he can run around the place surviving pretty well.
having nth to look forward to nowadays. was always looking forward to games at home. but the bloody lagness of ryl2 turns even inferno passion to frost. maple is just too much stress and pressure. RO .. nth much to say about it now.
in front of their face. nope. i dun give face. scorpios nvr give face. when scorpios turn face, they turn 180 degrees. when that happens, the sting is poised to strike at every chance.
Created at 10:26 PM
Created at 3:17 PM
yst was really fun yeah. went out with shuping and peggie. peggie was wearing this bohemian skirt which shuping says looks nice. the skirt is nice... but the color nope~ the funny thing is when we are talking about her skirt, just then we found out the road railing has been fixed up. lol which means non-pants ppl cant climb over.
then also saw 3-4 malay boys putting some tiles/rocks on the base then they climb over the railing. so this funny idea came to my mind - kick the rocks away while they climb and watch their face as their something land on the railing hahahaha XXD the strange thing is, shuping said it was bian tai but she was still laughing..
so sad couldnt get my CD-Tube. i didnt noe wats the name for it but its just TUBE. need it to store my burned-DVDs. and there is this REALLY URGH thing. i was browsing the CD-casing in popular when i notice this.. pink packet with a flat white folded thingie inside. well.. im pretty sure anyone will have guessed it. its just on the stack of blank DVDs. oh my :/
went to mini toons! minitoons.com the stuff there are so colorful yet soft. soft toys actually. wanted to buy this voodoo keychain. so many of it on the shelf if im not wrong there are almost 20 different kinds. mainly representing (love, luck, health/studies and one more...) argh i couldnt find info of it in the webbie though :/ was planning to get 1 each with shuping and peggie but end up they didnt have enough money and wanted to wait for the "coming soon" models. personal favourite - little mummy king. struck me most - little elf fighter, fights off all the bad luck and chase them away.
then we went to Daiso to look. seriously i've been telling them, the ALL-STORE 2dollar thingie is not worth it. i wan to buy some stickers but it COSTS 2 DOLLARS!! though some mugs is also worth 2 dollars.. so which is more worth it? of cos i wont buy the stickers knowing i've been chopped. heart-pain.
but the store really have tons of very innovative stuff which we didnt tot of. and we had to read the instructions. ok, we had fun guessing wat each thing does. surprisingly again, peggie isnt that WOLS|SLOW today. ummm not tat much. left them at 730 when i had to meet family at Giodano. then we went to lokyang for dinner. usual eating place for us. but the BAD THING IS!!!!!!! NO TRANSPORT THERE OMG! cant go there myself.
the food there is much cheaper than wat norman intro :/
i even stole the receipt from mummiee hahah
Dinner - prawn-paste chicken $8(notice i love this alot. but not this store though. cos they serve mid-joints causing not much crisp) metal plate doufu $8(again hahah my 2nd favourite) GaiLan with fish slices $8(3rd favourite of our family. gailan is veggie) sambal kangkong $8(seriously i tink this is turning to 4th favourite.. but its a lil salty since sambal is slightly too tasty) SALTY veggie-doufu soup $6(lol.. for me i tink yst soup is too salty. too..)
all this only adds up to 39 bucks! yes yes.. service charge. how many ppl eat u say? 5! same as we eat at norman place there! im starting to tink whether norman gets commission for intro-ing us to eat near his place :/ lols
lets see, if we substract the soup will be 33 bucks. divide by 5 will be 6 point watever. 6 bucks for good stuff. DOWN WITH MAC D!
Created at 10:12 AM
today's pretty sunny. not too hot not too cold. just my style :D
woke up pretty early today. USED TO IT WAT ELSE?!? i can sleep at 1am+ but still wake at 8 :/ i was planning to sleep on till 10. but due to body clockworks, i cant. too bad~ im just too hardworking~ hohohoho~
carried a sound amplifier to sis's bf home via daddee's car. 1st time i've gone there though. new house. just lacking the furnitures, its all done pretty good.
kinda noted lots of errors - 1. the power switches are too low. bad for old people and young babies. 2. kitchen door too small. how is the refrigerator and washing machine gonna fit in? 3. toilet floor wrong tiles. why get those roughrough where stains can get stuck (argh..home example) 4. the internet cable is... BLOCKED BY A WARDROBE which is UBER BIGger than my bed itself!!! 5. wardrobe too big, waste space. (wat to do, sis got tons of clothes) like 2 king size bed standing up, side by side 6. too many extra "sticking-out walls" looks like a maze. 7. a too-sudden decision to put a hanging cradle. no holes drilled and even so, the artificial wall wont support it. 8. a very rough patch of tiles like road at the doorstep. "using it to clear mud from shoe-bottom" well, tink about it, who is gonna clear the floor then~? 9. living room top have a ceiling fan but no lights. lights only come from top cornies hidden. looks nice but, it will be a waste of electric to on all of them just to watch TV. 10. windows too low. if my current bed is there, and no window grills, i would have drift off to eternal sleep if i sleep there. 11. HE USES WOOD beside the kitchen sink!?! imagine washing veggies and ure wood grows fungus. ah! free mushies. there is no hope he will tink of growing ling zhi there.. 12. coffee table is beside the fridge. small area nice but i wouldnt face the side of the fridge while drinking tea :/ and fridge is HOT! hot air from behind.
oh well, thats all i could tink of now~ i will have my own garden of peace when im rich enough. daddee was telling me, "if u are poor, u change ureself to suit the environment. if u are rich, u create an environment to suit ureself." kinda nice catchy phrase (:
mummiee was cheeky today. i was telling her she should go pat toh with daddee since they are free today. she was telling go out pat toh needs money. she "accidentally" said she rather pat toh on bed. LOLOL daddee was even smiling conically while driving
Created at 12:30 PM
just outside, huge darkness of clouds amass like an armada of flying airships covering the skies. i couldnt even see my keyboard since its black :/ its gonna be a cold day, got to prepare sweater.
spent the whole morning (haha only 30minutes since i woke) clearing stuff from my pc. unwanted folders, pictures, texts, music watever. didnt like to see them sprawling around like that on desktop, my pictures, my doc, received files, c:, d:
kinda hate friday more than i like it. cos today is pure lab hours. and its 7hours of it. 3hours; 1 hour break; 4hours. i like it tweenie bit is becos tml is saturday. and i hate to go out on saturday why? i just love to stay at home after 5 days of sch. doing things that i wan (play game) often playing games myself alone cos i jsut wan to do my things w/o thinking about others for awhile. move around in game fight monsters; sleep; eat; slack; see anime; on and on, i didnt have to put into regard of anyone's feelings if im alone.
some tots always enter my head when i am always boarding the train. is it good to be sociable? having a small group of frens? or a huge pile of frens where u go into communities with them like choir, band, games, tournaments, sports. sometimes i do envy other ppl for being liked by so many ppl. having fun with all of them. but thinking back why i didnt achieve that, i found out i wasnt being sociable like those ppl. well, they are the ones who always takes the 1st step and likes going out. but often i didnt like to go out cos there isnt much communities/things for me to do.
nonetheless, i still envy them alot when i see them enjoying themselves. i didnt like to have alot alot alot of close frens. a small group of my own frens. a small workgroup. a small team. if i wanna go out with close frens, i dun like to add in not-so-close frens becos it spoils the mood for me. worse still, frens who do not noe each other. a small group like 3-4 will be very nice for a dinner or so.
Created at 8:28 AM
got this from my friend's blog. well, few mins to do nothing is doing something. ^^v
01- What time is it now? - 12.20am.
02- What are you doing? - waiting to sleep, voice, snuggle. doing blog now.
03- Thinking of Anyone? - turtle.
04- Are you Happy/Blur/Sad? - Tired
05- Why? - obviously haven sleep.
06- What is the last thing you eat? - chocolate mix with strawberry icecream at 7pm.
07- Whats the last thing that you've heard that made you cry? - nothing.
08- Whats the last movie that made you cry? - nothing.
09- Who do you wish to be by your side? - you.
10- Regretted anything in this month? - its only been 4days since this month. regretted not having enough sleep.
11- Who was the last person you talked to? - daddee. told me to sleep early.
12- Who was the last person you hugged? - bolster.
13- Who was the last person you sms? - kangwei
14- What did you Dream of today? - going to school to play games. throw the whole file at norman's face.
15- Who can make you laugh? - few. i always laugh at myself.
16- Who always takes care of you? - alot of ppl.
17- Anyone you know is in Pain? - my fren's sis.
18- What happen? - she's stressing over her 'o's. {poor thing}
19- What do you wanna do before you die? - confess my sins to God. have a last kiss with my beloved spouse.
20- What song is stuck in your head? - Over the Frail Dream.
21- What song are you listening now? - nothing.
22- Worried about anyone? - quite alot of ppl.
23- What age do you wanna get married? - when i feel im matured enough.
24- How many children do you want? - 2-3. ask my wife
25- Where do you wanna go for Honeymoon? - no preference. somewhere quiet with her.
26- Any plans in this 2 month? - F Y P. forced labour. eat nice food.
27- Describe a perfect wedding? - the wedding i will have is "perfect" enough.
28- Describe a perfect Date? - anywhere anytime just somewhere to be quiet with her.
29- Where would you like to go for Holiday? - anywhere but school.
30- Do you play instrument? - harmonica=rusted. voice=yes
31- Do you have a band? - rubber band yes.
32- What song do you want to listen to? - if i want to listen, i will be listening le.
33- Wish you could die? - not my will, but His will be done.
34- Do you give up easily? - sort of.
35- Do you know anyone that acts like a kid? - yeah.
36- Do you know anyone that is rude? - yeah.
37- Honestly.. Which Ex do you love the most? - give me 10x10 reasons to answer this qn.
P.S i almost totally copied it lol. the questions duh. XXD
Created at 12:20 AM
didnt feel quite well this morning since i vomitted twice. felt like heaven just fell on my head. little angels floating around me :S
sigh. half thinking whether should i go on to school. if i didnt go, the LEADER will *nag nag nag* :/ i kinda felt weird, why do i see other groups for project is so slack, they can like have excuse for not coming while our group is daily basis.
felt abit breakdown. couldnt relax. no more str liao. if only continuous vomitting can excuse me from all FYP meetings.. *provided wont die* i would gladly do it..
*drags myself to sch..*
Created at 8:21 AM
tuesday morning | Tuesday, May 02, 2006
if only i could... just erase some parts of my memory. no not all. cos there were more happy memories in my life than just that small portion.
its just tat, whenever i rmbed about it, it just stings. hurts. life's good if i can just forget about it totally.
Created at 8:14 AM
sunday after lunch | Monday, May 01, 2006
early morning woke up didnt have anything to do cos i couldnt sleep. so i took a copy of the Catholic Digest and read. found out May is the month where we celebrate for Mary. some might think how does it come about? well, after i finish reading the article, i will share with bloggie.
so mummiee brought me along with daddee to Auntie Marlene's house for gathering. the Family Rosary group. celebrating its 29th anniversary since formed. honestly, i couldnt knee down for more than 15minutes cos my lower back was aching :/ so i sat on the floor instead.
then comes the time for buffet. the food is ok ok just taht the mee siam is yummy as well as the kuay pie tee. honestly again, i dun noe wat is the real meaning of kuay pie tee but thats wat the adults called it. using little deep fried crispy "basket" and filling it with radish (same fillings as popiah) *of cos DIY since its buffet* i didnt realise its pretty nice to eat.
so here's my research - ate 3 plain ones. feeling rather good. ate 2 more. found there is chilli for it so made 2 more with chilli. couldnt resist so i ate another one with chilli, slight more chilli (its the same chilli as hainanese chicken rice. sweet sour and spicy) again, i found out there is actually sweet sauce for it. blackblack sticky sauce. so i ate 2 more with that and found it isnt as nice as chilli. so i ate 1 more with chilli and black sauce. urghs... then ate 2 more with ultra lots of chilli. and found its too.. tasty as in too much taste. *full*
dad is cheeky yst in Balai *i found out where they went finally LOL* an uncle was telling everyone that they went to a place promoting medicinal balm. *gou yoke in hokkien* so daddee was so -nothing to do- then decide to help that guy promote. he wanted to say in dif language so auntie anna took cantonese while uncle christopher took english and daddee took hokkien and teochew. so when it was his turn, this is wat he said,
"u wan a daughter u can get 5 of this and paste on ure forehead. if u wan a son can get 10 of this and paste on ure wife's tummy. if ure wife cant give birth, find me to help."
cheeky isnt it? XD
 the boss from some games. honestly i only liked the blade and background lololol.
Created at 1:55 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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