sunday night | Sunday, April 30, 2006
i guess im pretty of a side character aren't i?
leaving that aside,
Elfen Lied's story plot is by far one of the best i've seen. short 13 episodes make it all worth while. didnt like the gory-bloody parts of the show though.. but oh well, got used to it nearing the end of the anime. the story rocks and entices ppl to watch it till the end. pretty sad at some parts though and i almost cried :/
yst was so fun slacking ok. i just slack the whole day sleeping playing games and off-ing msn. just all alone to myself. since mummiee and daddee went indonesia or malaysia..but i suppose bintan is in indonesia.
accidentally banged my head this afternoon pretty badly. hope does not occur any concussion. hmm wat am i suppose to say now.. i tink i forgot some of it. should cut my hair soon since its been more than 1 month since i last cut. neat and tidy works best for me. i didnt understand why some girls/boys prefer rowdy looks over neat looks. fashion? or they prefer guys/girls in sweaty jerseys and rough looking attitude? cool? i dun tink so.
i would prefer decency over such stuff. of cos, dressed ladies are more decent than none. just act like a real lady/gentlemen and im sure plenty of bees will come after them. perhaps trends have changed? or am i super-old-fashion... guys have chosen indecency over decency; girls have chosen attention over comfortability with clothes.
pls dun blame guys if they look, cos they are programmed to have more testerones :/ but if they couldnt admire it, they are either abnormal or they are not decent enough to appreciate things. its sure indecent if they expect more. as usual..
i should refrain from fatty food for this week. frens help pls. i tink i've grown fatter!!!! raghs! if this goes on, i will be bigger than my pc chair then i cant enjoy turning around in the chair anymore :/:/:/ with a packet of fast food!
Created at 11:13 PM
friday | Friday, April 28, 2006
spent quite a huge sum of money on eating today :/
*looks at satisfied tummy* *nods* sure provides a satisFATory answer
went to bugis area to meet client today. well, wat to say.. ummm they are totally.. *BEEEP!* wont talk about them. really exhausted walking in the sun to their work area. i can feel im going to get a cold soon. in and out of air-con really kills.
in lab = cold. out lab = hot. in train = cold. in parco = cold. out parco = hot. in client's = cold. out client's = hot. in Macs = cold. in train = cold. out train = warm.
sokpeng and peggie took so long to go toilet that we were practically "chased" out of Macs. cos we finished our food just that we were waiting for the 2 PRINCESS to return and the manager of macs came and told us to give our places to ppl if we are not eating >:[
went home pretty alone on the train. listening to mp3s when suddenly it ran out of batt! luckily, as ready as i am, changed battery. if not, 40minutes of train journey will kill me. got kinda dizzy when i was looking at a bystander's newspaper about POLITICS. yeah.. no comments on that. just looking at familiar faces and seeing their name and wat they are doing.. ok, i was pretty lucky. cos that guy didnt notice i was glancing and i glanced for almost 30minutes of the journey!!
giddiness overtook me finally.. and i gave up.
tinking about lunch, if i were to close my eyes, mind, soul, conscience, practicality, feelings, probably i would say its a nice meal. shared with 4 others, i paid 9.50 for it. and NORMAN STILL OWES ME 50CENTS!!! :X
we ate - Metal plate dou fu (sounds "rusty" with the word metal..) black pepper spare ribs (peg wans it.. honestly i prefer sweet sour pork!) sambal kangkong (this dish is slightly saltish due to the sambal but it ROCKS!) mango fried chicken (slices of mango and sweet thai-ish sauce makes the cutlet nice.)
overall, mango chicken was the best. (new dishes tends to be nicer isnt it~)
am uber glad tml is rest day for me. sunday is not. monday is labour day. "Labour day means more labour." - quote from Richard.
hopes the individual ppl are doing their jobs well.
Created at 10:21 PM
thursday morning | Thursday, April 27, 2006
BAH! not suppose to go schuuul! but becos of the 3 letters - F Y P (quote from shuoping~)
this morning was kinda cold. best time for bolster-snugglers like me. but WHY! WHY SCKUUUL!!! :((((
yups~ a swensens icecream with candle~ *dreaming.
yst during lunch, so many ppl was making fun of shuping lurh! so sad.. lols. kept calling her sokping or shuoping or even serping (slurping?)
so, i was kinda moody and sad :( so i came out with a few words to share with my blog~ "sleeping", "slurping", "seeping", "second-helping" hahaha ok, im not that bad to continue ^^
last but not least, "Shhh! everyone's sleeping".
Created at 8:19 AM
morning | Wednesday, April 26, 2006
climbing to wake up :/ pretty tired sleeping late yst. this is a very random post. so.. im just posting cos i basically got nth to do hahahaha XD
today is the day we had to pass up our Game Design Document. wouldnt noe whether our works since 75% of the document is done by me :)))) wat else can i do besides typing? lol slack?
Created at 8:49 AM
tuesday | Tuesday, April 25, 2006
been pretty busy with projs as well as gaming hahaha. check it out if ure free~
word of the day: Exceed
this word just happens on almost everyday of my life since the last post on the blog. exceed limit, exceed patience, exceed budget, exceed expectations, exceed slack
today mummiee was telling me how KFC ppl try to cheat her :/ she gave that girl 4 coupons yet that girl charge her the same amount :/ so evil then mummiee was telling me she could have kept the coupons and keep for herself :/ so very evil
pretty happy these days contemplating my return on RO. back to the days where strategies mean everything. as well as electricity and..bots... :X
watching this anime called Shuffle! its pretty nice anime though abit.. revealing at some parts, but its pretty nice all the same. cool. RIPPED OFF ALOT OF ANIME FROM FUFU TOO! i bet those anime can last me for 4months :)))))
Created at 8:31 PM
sunday follow up pissed | Sunday, April 23, 2006
no mood.
Created at 8:17 PM
well.. some things triggered me while reading Clement's blog.
life's good when ure intensely immersed in something that ure really interested in and u can actually see the effects of it. strategies are our kind of life. true i wasnt really card games but well, i pride myself in spending 3 weeks to build a stats build for my Assassin in RO.
ah~ yes i missed that life.
didnt really like simple and replicating things. for a long period that is. "maple" spending 12hours hitting same things in a same map to gain 1 lvl. tiring and vexing :/
partially i stopped RO cos things are getting too simple for me and things like botting and reloading are getting too replicating.
RYL2 will be the most fun thing if it didnt lag AT ALL!
wasnt really too glad to go out on sundays though. except probably for church.
was kinda disappointed. but i suppose no one bothered.
Created at 12:55 AM
friday | Friday, April 21, 2006
cursed drumstick i ate before going home! im not suppose to eat meat today. -abstain- -try-
met our project clients today at T2024. seriously, my 1st impression is that "hey 2 bunch of old ppl who still plays game!" TAT is amazing ok.
at least until they told me - "i havent played any digital games in my life before." :(
so, wats this project about? changing a board game to flash game. yes Flash. in case anyone still dunnoe wat is flash or insist it is connected to a "flasher".. visit: the meeting isnt as easy as we tot so. "aiya just another meeting. should be simple." instead we got 2 consultants from this company at bugis. honestly, though peggie was the one who didnt noe about where is it and got sarcastically shot back by team-mates, i was also another one who didnt noe where is it.. _clever me_ i noe how to escape such things. so i remained silent~
the 2 consultant, weren't simple person from my point of view. they knew how to tackle things and manipulate the environment to suit their speech. (how else do they be consultant?) so they made this environment kinda like, "i give u all free hold on wat to do, but in the end i wan the result. something that can be sold and ppl wans it since we are a commercial company."
imagine ure parents telling u, "ah girl/boy! i let u play all the games u wan, buy all the clothes, sleep everyday watever u wan. in the end i wan all A* ok?" so u see the pressure is there.
Created at 7:47 PM
thursday | Thursday, April 20, 2006
thursday - today im not suppose to go sch yeah!!!!! but well.. becos of project FORCED to go back. didnt do much as usual but were learning from online tutorials how to do some simple basic Flash8professional's document.
isnt easy but at least it is almost same as 3DMax studio 7. shuping was complaining about how the flash8 book sucks lol. honestly she was bias against it :/
shuping: this book sucks man. me: why? shuping: i prefer the other professional book, saw other ppl having it. me: how u noe better? shuping: cos the front picture is nicer :/ me: ok...
so she complained to jacilyn awhile later on train.
shuping: this book sucks man. take a look! jacilyn: hmmm quite ok leh. same as flash MX ma. shuping: no no. this one sucks. jacilyn: ok wat. i see the things the same. *quiet for awhile*
shuping: its so expensive somemore jacilyn: how much? shuping: 27-28 lor so damn ex. jacilyn: flash MX i buy at 30+ shuping: *prolonged silence*
more instances of her serious brain-confusion will be discovered later on i reckoned.
Created at 8:06 PM
wednesday | Wednesday, April 19, 2006
today is another raining day again. Raine. lols. sometimes this name - Raine, why do i like it alot? cos if im to tink of names, there is this particular person i came across in Final Fantasy 8. there is a girl called raine. this name is nice, soothing and refined. not like some names rough rough de. like... nraeojuhwefy (ok.. i couldnt come up with any names hence the word XD.)
was pretty happy RO-G ppl welcomed me back there. wasnt too sure of returning cos of the lots of new faces there. (im not very sociable) but then i was only just replying to one thread only hahaha~
was so sad kays. didnt get to perform 6 ppl acapella today :/ slightly disappointed cos there werent 5 mics for us. and since each of us have individual parts in the 2 songs, we need 1 mic each person :/ check out the songs if anyone have the time: Good old acapella, Sukiyaki (by group, 4PM) so i was just wishing friday also dun have it too. didnt noe why i have such tots :/ but choir is just not there. the whole choir is suppose to perform singing a few songs for the public in sch so that ppl might wanna join. but they were so heck-care about so many things, that they just push the job to us, seniors. so only left 6 who were enthu enough for it..
oh yeah, since the Election was coming, they put a law that discussing about it or about Polling for who, IS PROBIHITED IN BLOGS. so whoever caught will be punished of cos. not to say, my daddee who always been saying this sucks that sucks alot of things sucks (complain) haha i cant share them all with bloggie since i cant put it here.
A feast to the eyes, a dagger to the heart.
Created at 8:23 PM
tuesday bored | Tuesday, April 18, 2006
just got a ton of bleach anime from FUFU! raghs! waited 6weeks for it yeah!
sch isnt very nice today :/ totally a waste of time and youth. and i was late for 1hour for our meeting due to oversleep :X i was tired kays. and tummy ache tornado. so rushed to sch and found everyone is slacking their day out. OMG. REALLY SLACK. wat did i do for almost 4hours? slack abit rest, breakfast,bleach for few episodes, lunch, lessons, thats all! then come home play some games.
it was raining very heavily today. poor shuping was trembling with fear at the sound of thunder. was kinda dumbfound cos i didnt noe how to comfort a girl who is closing her ears all the time :(
me: hey dun be scared, its just thunder.. shuping: huh? me: its nth and it wont strike u. dun scared till like that. me: u need umbrella? i can lend u. shuping: huh? me: nvm..
Created at 8:02 PM
monday | Monday, April 17, 2006
1st day of sch, of cos, as usual im ready for it ~ 1st lecturer, im not ready :/
ARTHUR POH!!! *background ghosts clutching face and screeching at his name*
this guy is VERYVERY *FUNNY-LAME-NOCOMMENTS* ok he is worse than me ok. perhaps~ he is lawyer of cos with a tongue that is quick to respond and tons of quick-jokes. i admire him alot! *preparing tongue-chopping knife*
abit bored with maple. no mood no motivation :/ sigh.
Created at 3:48 PM
sunday | Sunday, April 16, 2006
feeling rather down right now.
1st thing.. school starts tml. thats 1. ... thats 2. ... thats 3. maple is boring. thats 4. i have tummy ache right now. thats 5.
its.. kinda strange how 1 person can react so hugely to another person's reaction whom reacted on another person's reply. im not sure how this chain goes on. but its kinda disappointing at some way or another.
well, almost everyone is the victim of it. (of cos related to the subject). there isnt a MOST victimized or the LEAST victimized in this thing.
for the few times, i felt confused about myself. whether im dumb or clever. often i have pride myself in being clever to recover fast from lots of things. and decide wat to do. the dumb part is when i found i really am bad at piano. and it isnt something to recover easily.
either 1, im unfortunate to get scolded or 2, im pure dumb (which i dun tink so) or 3, innocent victim of the related subject.
and so it goes on. on and on. so how am i going to recover from that? sleep? or play or slack?
basically just divert all my attention to another. so.. tinking back, my bandit lvl108 isnt something that dun grow on my moodiness. seeing how high its lvl is, means how good im at diverting all my attention to it. (meaning often moody lurh!) well, it does mean diverting time and energy to it too.
Created at 2:12 PM
friday | Friday, April 14, 2006
today's mass was very long. 2hours service including stations of the cross :/ i went there 5minutes earlier and found the crowd already piled to the porch of the church ;(
okies. hope there is no one dummy enough to wish anyone, HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY!
*wack his/her face!* then off to choir a capella practice. nth much to do there lol except ppl wow-ing at lvl108 bandit. then rushed down to central to meet shuping and eileen. lol both of them kept laughing all the time :D dunnoe why they are so happy anyways. not much mood to blog neways :/
Created at 9:33 PM
wednesday | Wednesday, April 12, 2006
MUAHAHHAHAA just came back from roger's bday!
was pretty fun u noe. lols. bachelor-turning-to-gay club. sigh.
there were - kangkong pork ribs claypot doufu fried prawn-paste chicken (personally i tink this is good) fried rice ($10..) hor fun ($10..)
and a green tea-garden cake from BreadTalk. taste.. not.....bad... cos its not cold anymore. thus not fresh since we sort of ate dinner 1st before the cake.
now! the BEST PART!

pretty late now, so i wont blog anymore for today. tata.
Created at 11:10 PM
monday | Monday, April 10, 2006
felt sastisfied about this holiday though tiring and all. at least i attained my desire of being almost top 10 bandits in maple.
since im rather free now, doing abit on bleach then~ beware though, there are some.. not so important chars here so, i will skip those. why? cos its fun to do all but its HARD JOB lols (:
 1st Division Captain: Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni old and yet he holds the best "fire element" soulslayer (blade/katana/weapon) ever existed. and he is muscular too. *wow* of cos its typical ok. suddenly an old man is the leader of all division and u expect him to be a man to be shivering from cold? lols so its expected he is STRONG. though didnt see any of his moves before but yet with his "stare" he immobilises an opponent with fear. specifically - Ise Nanao
 2nd Division Captain: Soi Fong she is cool-looking ok. i was rather impressed with her before seeing her in action actually. cold, yet seems high in pride, she is a killer. with her weapon (actually its like a pen-cover -.- with a sharp point. so, lets try COSplaying her. take a pen-cap and try it :D ) she pokes her target with it. its fast though since its small jabs and once ure jabbed on the same spot twice, ure dead no matter who you are.
 3rd Division Captain: Ichimaru Gin links almost to his name Gin (grin) his face is sly and foxy. ok.. imagine u have a fren where u have nvr seen his eyeballs or even teeth before. i like his hairstyle though. but with the fringe, prolly u have to pin them up. but oh well, he dun have eyes for them to poke with anyways. his soulslayer is able to pierce any target at high speed at almost any range. meaning it stretches.
 4th Division Captain: Unohana Retsu motherly look. not much impressed with her except her blade turns to a "stingray" thingie that heals ppl by *eating* them up. :/ nth much about her except she is said to be highly intelligent to crack mysteries
 5th Division Captain: Aizen Sousuke innocent-looking man. he is nothing much in the beginning of their saga in SoulSociety at 1st. innocent bystander being slaughtered. but well, he is highly intelligent enough to cheat almost everyone.
 5th Division Vice Captain: Hinamori Momo ok. she is cute lor. sigh. innocent enough to be cheated. anyways she loved that aizen who is her captain. notice - lovED. she is good with demon magic as a very good caster. talented. one of the best .. characters i like. coincidently, her second name is Momo. lols. of cos i like her becos of that. *ting ting!* remember? momoxx and momox? "curses that guy who cheated on her!"
 6th Division Captain: Kuchiki Byakuya this guy, easily mistaken to be the coldest guy around is actually VERY handsome i admit :/ sharp anime features always attracts girls (: sharp chin, sharp eyes, sharp watever. his weapon is able to break in thousands of little petals. sharp petals to kill of cos.. not some flower petals to add fragrance to the room. Lotus petal? lols. so those sharp petals actually consists from his 1 blade. and flies at fast speed demolishing things. like mini swords. KOOL! -- imagine a virus. 1 virus splits into many worms and propagate ure pc. and flies at fast speed demolishing ure pc. as well as send to ure frens. so his ultimate is almost the same. except this time, he summons an array of swords. i estimate it to be 50 of them. -- so its now 50 virus going around ure pc propagating. its almost 1 virus which calls in 49 others and start spreading. deadly eh?
 8th Division Vice Captain: Ise Nanao 1 qn, why didnt i add her captain? cos i dun find him impressive. in short, i dun just like guys more than girls or girls more than guys in anime. i jsut like them all. *most* or .. *some* she is pretty ok. her hairstyle is nice too as well as she is very contradicting to her superior. she is stern, strict yet always have a fierce face. typical boss-subordinate case. well, contrast are always there to provide more fun u noe.
 10th Division Captain: Hitsugaya Toushiro Ice dragon guy. quite cute as a kid, cool *wat else to expect from ice..* called a genius kid. not to mention his height** LOL similar to my fren~ btw it is said his blade is the strongest of all ice element blades. so his attack is summoning a ice/water dragon and freeze everything up. nth special :/ so common. i was expecting him to do something else like.. a blade of sharp ice which can turn wounds to ice. sounds cool.
 11th Division Captain: Zaraki Kenpachi seriously. i may be sick or mad but i liked this captain out of all. he looks sick/scary/perverted and he is beyond cool. he doesnt have any special attacks. just pure attacks which makes him the strongest of all divisions. not too sure if he pits against the old man. he is another dumb character who only relies on his strength. yet i can see he is sincere about being the strongest thru his bloodlust. always got cheated by his sub-captain. that eye-patch is said to be constantly eating his power to prevent it from overflowing. scary eh. wearing something to stop ureself and enjoy the against-the-odds battle more.
so everyone can try this - get a pentium2 pc and play world of warcraft or play command & conquer-generals. against all odds of lagness ure gonna win. how interesting. or something like this -get an almost dried-up ink pen and go for an exam. try doing the exam as usual. - this is the dumbness of this captain.
 11th Division Vice Captain: Kusajishi Yachiru Kusajishi = sounds so weird. height = extremely short. overall = cute yet playful. pink hair also sia lol.
*challenge - try cosplaying her at her height. difficulty - max reason - only few can match her height. few that i rmb though..
no one wans an oversized yachiru! OMG!
this is the desciption given to her - Cotton candy to her captain's tiger, Yachiru seems distinctly out-of-place in the battle-loving Eleventh Division. She is consistently sweet and cute, somewhat airheaded, and totally devoted to her captain (as well as the only person in the world who can get away with calling him "Ken-chan").
Yachiru's perpetually happy personality is well-established; in her infancy, as a nameless orphan, she was quite bubbly and cheerful even among a pile of corpses, where Zaraki found her and named her. Since then, she has accompanied him wherever he goes, gleefully misleading him with her rather bad sense of direction and generally adding a splash of colour to Zaraki's otherwise dark life.
so again, dun ask me why ichigo or rukia appear. cos i didnt like them. not as much as side characters. perhaps i will. next time.
Created at 7:39 PM
sat | Saturday, April 08, 2006
take a look --

Biggest congrats to MomoX for reaching lvl100!! *rejoice blows balloon!*
some might say "oooo i sleep at 3am everyday! u sleep so early!" FEW might noe the devilish-hellish training me and momox went past. slept at 11, wake up at 1.30 only to sleep at 10am+
life wouldn't be fun if there is no torturous endeavours as well as sweet results. some might say "can sleep dun wan sleep" but sleeping, i sch days also sleep lol. so wats the point? rather do something extreme during the holidays and awe at it during ure sch days. wats more.. we dun have much holidays left do we? before starting worklife as adults.
2ndly, i ALMOST forgot about some extra characters from Naruto ok.
 Pakkun. 1 of the summonings that Kakashi can summon. this one is ultra cute ok. the only dog summoning that can talk human languages. it is often used as a tracking device to find someone. needless to say, it have soft paws too. so, u all might ask wats so good about this oh-so-soft-paws? well, 1st off, its soft. 2ndly, its very soft that everyone wans to touch it. (thats wat it always claims)
 Gamabunta. one of the boss of Toad summonings. only 2 current ppl can summon it, namely, naruto and Jiraiya (top 3 sennins) of cos, w/o the power of Ninetails (demon fox or kyuubi) naruto can nvr come as close to summoning this big frog. perhaps the next one will be the most suitable one. this frog, does things by its own mind, short to say, it just do wat it wanna do w/o following its master. some skills it have - spitting tons of oil where the master can turn them to inferno. dagger attack - which i have not yet seen any real dmg coming from it yet. jumping around - good evasive. nth much else left :/ since he dun appear soooo often like some main chars :/
 Gamakichi. the elder son of Gamabunta. looks like it doesnt it? MUCH smaller in size yet have brains and attitude like its dad. good for scouting as well as talking-trash. not quite impressed about this one as the next one :/:/
   OMG THIS IS IT! Gamatatsu. DAM CUTE OK! wahhh. chubby cheeks sooo cute. and its dumb eyes lols. i would have voted it to be the main char after naruto *down with sasuke!* *some fighting going on* "run away. or else u will be snack for everyone." "huh? am i getting snack? yay yay!" "no, obviously not. this is my blog. there is no food here.." "there is no snacks?" "no snacks." "can u spare me some snacks?" "i said there is no snacks here."
this is the way-low stupidity it has. lol but its just too cute
Created at 2:27 PM
thursday | Thursday, April 06, 2006
alright! although right now its raining and the best time to sleep yet i've taken some time out to entertain myself as well as readers~ i declare this week as anime week then lols.
1st off, Naruto. there are really alot of pics to upload to this blog thingie :/ so basically its just an introduction to those characters in the anime. well.. for those who dunnoe Naruto anime, tis a good chance for ya!
 there u go, Kiba. a human-close-to-animal-like of a human. lols. might as well say he is the same as his pet dog Akamaru. both uses veryvery physical dmging attacks. a skill for instance - Gatsuga - where they spins into tornadoes? or drill watever. so all they do is just dash at some walls and bulldoze them. pretty good work for demolishing houses aye. might wanna hire them to be bulldozers.
 this guy. Shino. SICK omg. if im a ninja i will forfeit fighting this guy-hiding-in-his-cloak/jacket/vest. well, both clement and me lols suggested that cosplayin this guy is perhaps the cheapest. a simple jacket, sunglasses, gel and a headband will do the job~ not to side-track, he uses bugs as his weapons. yeah unknown-bugs that eats up chakra(energy) so he just summons and they swarms u and u just KO. thats all. the tot of it is sick itself :/:/ and they live IN his body.
 Shikamaru. extremely clever guy whose IQ is high. uses shadow as his ninja arts. so.. his shadow just stretches and touches ure shadow and.. watever he does = u does. kinda manipulating though. wouldnt wan to fight him as well. he can use shadow to STRANGLE U AS WELL! imagine a shadow killing someone.. sounds like fake. so, later u guys can try casting some shadows on the wall beside ure pc. make a rabbit or horse or spider watever and try to strangle the lizard on the wall. btw plsss dun hurt lizards ok. they are adorable and harmless. perhaps try on mosquitoes instead. lizards are so cute with their eyes <3<3
 Ino. THIS ONE I WILL FORFEIT OK! she just shoots her soul into u and controls over u like a puppeteer. VERY VERY URGHS! so she just goes into u and do some bad stuff and just popped back to her body and u gets all the blame. pretty good "scapegoat" skill in real life. so i can just go into someone's body and do something advantageous to myself. of cos its up to ure imagination wat is it.
 Ayame. very adorable girl lols. kinda very side-character but still she is gentle. and strikes my eye in putting her here. no. i dun like her or wat but i just wanna prove that she is MORe Interesting Than Sasuke or Naruto.
okies thats the end of it. dun ask me why naruto or sasuke or sakura didnt appear (3 main chars) they just dun appeal to me~ i love side-characters i dunnoe why. cos they often make the stories interesting.
if tml im free, i might do some report on Bleach. stay tuned. well, i just got all their pics ready. just wanna sleep now lols.
Created at 4:28 PM
wednesday | Wednesday, April 05, 2006
wow, should i be glad my internet restored its former glory and is able to surf as fast? or should i say.. the recent lagness is unnecessary?
rested pretty much today. slack slack as usual. so bored till i went to look at some MTG decks. not rich enough to form any, though interested to see those cards' art and abilities. thats wat u do when ure bored. utterly bored - do something that u noe its pointless to do yet u still wan to do it. example - having 8hours of sleep. bored in the afternoon yet another 4hours of sleep? pointless yet its "something" to do.
so let's see, i have this pimple which is causing me great distress now. urgh. real.
day 1- was rubbing my nose then it felt as if its gonna dropped, "*rubrub*... ARGH!!! OMG!?! MY NOSE! OH NO! ITS FALLING OFF! SO PAIN!" - thats wat happen when u rub ure nose w/o knowing theres a pimple there.
day 2- inspecting it trying to find where is it. the trouble is, there is no white color stuffy u always find in pimples and its a small patch of red on my nose. finalise position = the side of my nose.
day 3- woke up to my horror 1 side of my nose is larger and stubbier than the other. raghh! still no white thingie yet. i cant do much. tried test-rub again. ok.. with caution isnt that pain.
day 4- a slight touch causes shocks to my nose. i still cant find any white thing!!! i cant even wash my face properly with the shocks it gives.
day 5- havent recover any bit. im suspecting its a tumor or watever bad stuff :/:/
Created at 6:45 PM
monday down | Monday, April 03, 2006
am super down.
* broken-down * climb-down * down payment * down under * dressing-down * face-down * first down * hold-down * low-down * sit-down * stand-down * step-down * stripped-down * thumbs-down * top-down * trickle-down * upside down * watered-down * write-down * builddown * eiderdown * putdown * rundown * down-and-dirty * down-and-out * down-at-heel * down-to-earth * hand-me-down * swan's-down * up-and-down * ups and downs * upside-down cake
Created at 11:08 AM
sat | Saturday, April 01, 2006
well, today's april's fool day. nothing much happened today besides someone started a joke lol. nothing much to be said that except, its a little overboard cos i sensed its a joke yet the person refused to admit its a joke till it is almost real. normally, when a person already sense its a joke -
"haha ure joking right? i knew it!" "chey not fun one. ya it a joke."
haha and both happy and all is well. but it isnt nice if it causes the person to be angry/sad/nervous for nth and then say "lol? its just a joke. see ure face so scared"
(example) exaggerated with nth regarding the one i got. the one i got wasnt this serious. *lalala nth happen for the day feeling happy* "hey. i saw ure sex scandal pic online. lols its so funny and ure ugly! omg blablabla" "is it.. haha i tink ure joking. i dun take pics" "no leh real" (keeps denying) *begin to feel anxious* "is it..?"
on and on till u wanna cry. then suddenly "april fool!!!!" so.. is the person suppose to slap/laugh/cry/relieve/angry at wat u did out of the blues of april fools? it isnt as bad as making fun of ppl cos laughter is there as long as its not overboard. but making a person wet himself out of the blues and then saying april fool will probably get ure head crushed by anything he can reach for.
conclusion lol, i dun blame the person for wat he did though. its naturally april fools day and its good to learn things about it.
and no. the things above said is not a joke. fullstop.
Created at 2:42 PM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
Moses Lee
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