monday | Monday, February 27, 2006
the day before IAD. yet i've not yet prepared fully.
yst had an uber big dinner at JP. omg i cant believe i ate so much. surprisingly i didnt have indigestion cos of the huge amount of fruit daddee forced me to eat when reach back home. we didnt even walk much lol. cos everyone is dying from the food.
1 thing good about going out with parents for dinner is --- dinner's free XDXD everyone ordering a different food of each type then share. thats wat i call a gathering. often everyone have different slots as well as different holidays. extremely hard to meet up RAGH!
and.... i got a new BOLSTER OMG! hahaha i was ranting to mummiee about how i need another bolster. why? so i can sleep better *of cos its a lie!* cos i simply love to snuggle and hug bolster.
ppl might ask why do u love to snuggle so much. "why do u breathe?" - answer.
sounds gay to ppl. but thats my way of life!! XD *hint*
wats worst is i dun have a bolster case for it... ITS STILL IN A PACKED CASE!! cant wait to strip off the case and hug it. back to the question why do i need another? - cos 2 is better than 1 (:
Created at 4:12 PM
scolding | Wednesday, February 22, 2006
as i've said this to quite a few ppl many times -
wat matters is not wat u tink u said. its wat others think u said. if u say things like "Hi!", and it becomes "you sucks!" to another person... well.. u might wanna try polish up ure skills on communication.
i bet many have learnt aobut communication. when u talk, the thing that matters most is ure receiver and how he/she interprets it. if u tink by saying "Hi!" is gonna hurt him/her. then URUSAI! dun say lor. simple lol XDXD
i kinda like this phrase urusai. or watever if i spelt wrong. meaning shut up in jap. happened so often in anime though. esp. fighting scenes :D currently watching naruto. just finished epi40 a while ago. much more to go LOL but HALT! exams :((
tml's Hubertus's terror part 2. gdev. urgh.... this is going to be worse. yst's paper was rather.... simple yet complicated. 1 mcq = 2marks. 1 shortanswer 20marks yet 1 part of a short answer is 5marks. so a WRONG WILL COST U URE A,B,C WHICHEVER!!! wrong = 5 marks gone :X
didn enjoy much of today since its pretty hot weather. urgh. rather disappointed with someone again. hope he/she will learn and be a better person.
Created at 8:29 PM
remi | Monday, February 20, 2006
alright! i just manage to recall this word - reminiscene. hard to pronounce yet can be broken up into re-mini-scene. re-enacting small parts of the scene haha so it basically means RECALL.
so today's topic is recalling.
1st thing that comes to my mind is - i rmbed always giving others wise/not-so-wise solutions about how to go about doing things yet, as usual with many ppl, i do not noe how to give myself solutions. RAGH! not good at all. ah yes i rmbed again about this phrase in Dora's blog. when is the last time you were praised? and where is the last time you praised someone?
its a really interesting thing. how we used to complain about how things happen against our wish yet we do not put ourself in a third person view (do take note of this) e.g scolding someone just becos that person did something UN-purposely though it irritates you. its hard stuff to do such 3rd person thing. with reference to my 1st example of cos. a couple can be fighting yet i can give solution. but if the same happen to me, i bet things fall off.
another really interesting stuff given by Clement - something like this - if a girl doesnt want you (if u like her) she lose out more. why? u may ask (like i did) u loses a person who doesnt like u. yet she loses a person who likes her.
yet again i tink, comforting to lots of single-sided affections but still isnt practical enough. In the end, she still doesnt like the person. Isn't it?
tml's hubertus's paper. Simulation and Physics. im..... TOTALLY NOT PREPARED lol! dunnoe wat to study also since we are the pioneers *neil armstrong to the moon*. as usual "Physics in games are some pretty interesting stuff.* - Hubertus
wishing luck to everyone taking exams during this period :D and... no more naruto for u SP!
Created at 7:28 PM
sigh | Sunday, February 19, 2006
sigh. so many things i wanna say to someone but i couldnt. cos i dun feel i hve the right to. how? its like a tap and ure trying to stuff it up with tons of tissue, hair, or cloth. wat to do? things always goes wrong when i said something like those i wanted to say. those that i dun wanna say but just pop out of my mouth (cos im a big box with a mouth) often turns to laughter or even crap.
ate dinner with daddee again at our favourite hawker center. just found out he hurt his arm and knee again :/ not very nice to hear ya. couldnt carry heavy stuff somemore.. so sad :(( he was talking about politics as usual lol XD this time! the topic is maid. about how singaporean are like monsters treating their maid. no food no rest. eng gao gao (use fully) sg also have the highest rate of maid dying dropping from flats cos they hang clothes yeah. yeah right, he even told me mummiee said if we were to hire a maid, the maid will have a better life than us.
some thing to ponder since im blogging. often we talk things w/o thinking or really meaning it. "is it really wat i wanna say? or is it that i have nth to say yet i wanna give a reply?" as for the second option, its quite selfish yeah. why must we say something if we have nth to say (wats more might hurt others) things like, "hey ugly!" "so childish!" "shut up!" "go away!" might hurt others much more than u can think of.
what if the person really values ure reply and yet u give such answers? what if he/she thinks of you as their god/goddess, yet u crush them with answers u just feel like saying? - Moses
(i dun mean to target anyone. lol. its just personal pondering. we should do it everyday.)
point is: daily think, whether anything u have said hurt anyone just like how if the reply was directed at u. no point typing much in blog if no one bothers to think.
Created at 9:12 PM
lvl84 DRAGONTAIL | Saturday, February 18, 2006
muahaha finally. Dragon Tail sia. at long last. reached the highest current available weapon (though not for long since lvl90's preview came out.)

now i can finally.. study hard? lols perhaps. hope so. i think? maybe. should be. MIGHT be. feel kinda left out from catechism. dun feel belonging to it anymore. cos everyone's doing their job. while im bombed by assignments urgh!
gonna go sleep soon. will blog again tml :D
Created at 11:22 PM
finally! | Wednesday, February 15, 2006
*REJOICE AND BLOW BALLOON!* gonna go cut hair today later on~
been so stressed these weeks. no one can fathom how much have happened and how i feel after INTERNET CAME BACK. WHY DID IT COME BACK? i called the ISP then they say ooo u got filtering service on (AS BY DADDEE) so u need to do this on ure browsers (blabla)
tadaaa! workable. talking about valentines! i spent them on shopping for a new pc *evil grin* so happy yeah. move so fast. but... im still looking at my poor old pc. at the corner.. i really liked that alot u noe. I WILL NVR THROW THAT AWAY. be it a big ugggullii black-turn-to-gray box. i will keep it till i get married! u'll see!
Created at 9:38 AM
| Sunday, February 05, 2006
DEAD TIRED *faints.
i dun tink i can make it alive. left perhaps 15% energy left today is a veryvery tiring day.
church the whole morning since 9. had sunday school too. haha the students are more energetic than i expected thx to clement's help lol :D slacking behind the class looking at everyone with hendri.
then went over to kl's house. project ahhhhhh!!! ok. his pc spoilt so yeah end up i helped him fixfix instead. wats so funny? he even SLEPT WHILE we are rushing project omigosh! goodness! his lil sister is UBER ENERGETIC... poor limbs of mine suffered severe injuries due to the relent assaults from her.
i betcha tonight he will be mapling :/:/ bah. having class tml at 8am. not sure whether im able to go. pretty feverish now. and full >.< had dinner at 9+ eat mian fen guo. not bad though.
 Band of Thieves. so cute yeah.
Created at 10:34 PM
thursday | Thursday, February 02, 2006
finally get some time to blog. had out 1st sunday school meeting for the year 2006 today. sad to say, only wen ning and clement manage to make it. so yeah we 3 talk about baptism as well as confirmation.
kinda down today cos im not really making much progress.. tired? perhaps tml morning i will not maple and have moer ample and needed rest. urgh. resisting the urge.
p/s poor noir just reformatted his pc. lost everything. poor him :(
Created at 11:58 PM
wed | Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Big Sigh!
assignments bombardments due really soon. and i didnt have the motivation to do them. cos i hate java. kinda pissed off at 1st at everything. until i got Dark Scarab yay. and i got pissed off still as easily as before :/
warm weather today. CNY's over too, i dunnoe wat to do with the red-packet money though. either should i save up for a new pc? which goes outdated pretty soon. or should i get a palm top? kinda tink of it seriously, i dun need it badly either. its a want more than a need. lap top is worst. iPod? nah i have my trusty mp3 player from Creative le. not spending anymore on those. how about.... hehehe PSP? umm not really needed too. will put it aside i believe, after playing it for a time.
i dunoe.. perhaps i will just keep the money till needed~
Created at 10:28 PM
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