3rd day | Tuesday, January 31, 2006
its mummiee's bday today! as well as 3rd day of cny. as promised, i will teach u all how to cook ultra nice yet simple soup to cook. *CABBAGE SOUP* *dramatic music plays*
1st u need to get pork, fish, chicken bones. (preferably no meat on them) then cook some garlic frying them. next, add water alot alot. put the bones in to simmer. the longer u cook the better yeah! then, get some ikan bilis grind to powder (using a blender of cos!) scallop grind to powder also. then remove all the bones from the soup, add in carrots, Dong Gu (watever u like to put in) next, u got to cook the fish maw seperately in hot water before adding it into the soup lastly with the cabbage since cabbage is prone to yellowish colour easily. add in the powder (scallop and ikan bilis) a little will do. this replaces MSG YEAH! GOOD FOR HEALTH! :D
*side note* u can also add in some yu lu (in chinese- fish deer lol) its some soy sauce where they used fish instead and its sweetish salty.
the ikan bilis + scallop powder is very useful for everyday's life. every soup u make just add in some of it will make ure day brighter! calcium filled.
Created at 11:50 AM
2nd cny | Monday, January 30, 2006
HELLO! yesterday wasnt free at all! due to cny yeah. Happy CNY to everyone everywhere~
lets start with the the 1st day of the lunar year. happily i slept at 230am. sadly i woke up at 6am... had to go to church for service XD almost died during the service since i wanted to sleep DEARLY BADLY. 3.5 hours isnt going to take me anywhere far. then we went mac donalds for breakfast. ate alot just to replenish my HP, big breakfast + 1 extra hashbrown + large milo. then we went to Auntie Nancy's house (1st stop my mum's church fren's house) hehe ate again :/ TONS OF FOOD OK!
she even cooked ultra nice white fungus dessert and its good for ure skin! yeah my skin needs it too ._. then auntie nancy's mum (we call her popo though she isnt related to me anyhow) gave us ang bao as usual :D u noe wat is so special? its a tradition ever since 5 years ago, that we always visit macD after church and auntie nancy and we always slept in her house during the visit. i broke a lil of the tradition though this year. i didnt slept :D:D cos i was busy eating :/:/ i reckon i gained 0.5kg
then next stop back home. only 15minutes of rest before we head out to DaYiMa's house. yes da yi ma.. meaning my mum's biggest sister. no. not period. i was asking mummiee why is period called da yi ma cos its my auntie isnt it.. she said she didnt noe. so i further investigate and asked, why not call da yi zhang .. or da biao ge..
AND TADAAAAA!!! white fungus dessert again... didnt noe that da yi ma also cooked that. this time, there is lesser soup but MUCH MORE ingredients. nicenice. zhihong biao ge was also there. he is so slack lol. and he got this ULTRA big GiGi leung's poster!! he got it from CDRama when the promotion was over they wanted to discard the poster (just like trend as usual S.H.E soon will be over) so he feel very wasted then went to scavenge it. stayed for 1 hour though then next stop er yi ma's house. lol 2nd elder sister from mummiee's side. this time at Eunos! sat in the car till want to vomit lurh!
er yi ma there EVEN MORE MORE MORE MORE FOOD! OMG! hehehe. saw my little... (my cousin's sons are called--?) 3 of them, yi bang, yi zhi, yi hang. so cute and yi hang though the smallest, was playing with 2 small sweet boxes. placing them on his arms and balancing. then he started laughing when the boxes drop...
such innocence, are we able to learn from it? e.g someone killed u in DOTA, u died in maple by something stupid, u fail ure test, someone called u a fourletterword, 5letterword or a 7letterword. are we able to take life as easy as a small kid (daily things to consider).
then i saw the parrot as usual :/ so fierce lor. daddee was even playing with it.. put finger there to disturb it.. 1 thing i feel very disappointed is that i didnt manage to hear the parrot talk. then we ate alot alot alot of things. jelly, cabbage soup (ultra nice i will teach u all how to cook it~) karrage (crispy chicken) wu xiang lotus leaf rice (ultra nice!) fa cai with dong gu (hair veggie with big mushy) prawn mee taiwan sausages fried breaded prawns abalone slices with veggie (hate abalone cos its so ex yet not nice to eat)
yeah it reminds me of chewy dragees like Mentos. no not the ones SP always gives me willingly :D i gtg now for today's programmes~ ja ne (spelt wrong i tink)
Created at 11:44 PM
sian | Thursday, January 26, 2006
tml's the final stop to CNY celebrations before resuming sch on wednesday. sounds kinda good to me but the aftermath? DUE DATES. im lazy.
moody right now. im not sure wat i wanna do now though. half of my body says maple and half says slack. it have always been 100% say maple, not too sure wat this meant. perhaps i've slowed down myself to suit my current situation.
sigh. i should just be alone :X
Created at 9:12 PM
tired. | Wednesday, January 25, 2006
tired coming back from sakae sushi yeah. ATE SO MUCH OH MY GOD. some food i ate: ALOT, egg mayo inari (in tao pok skin sweetsweet de :D) egg mayo tuna mayo (inari) miso(soup), gyouza (fried dumpling) fried toufu, steam egg (doufu-like), corn salad sushi (BEST!)
somemore else. but dear me forgot. and sp is here crapping with me. yay hooray we pon-ing anand tml. *rejoice blows balloons*
arcade was unusually fun today. HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4 UBER FUN GO TRY IT. scare ure pants wet. yes go. scare ure heart out. kill cute little jumpy zomzoms :D
didnt manage to maple today. tired like snail lurh. YES PEGGIE took most of my energy away. my sis talking alienated language right now. are about dunnoe wat talking u me to?!?
Created at 10:41 PM
me and my stupid idea | Thursday, January 05, 2006
me and my stupid idea. i bought this cute little maple cash card costing 10.50 and i almost threw it away :O was scraping this security code greyish thing off and then found out there is some leftover scraps on my card. then i was lazy to shake it off at the rubbish bin, lol then i went to shake it off out of the window XD
then my hand dunnoe wat happen drop the card lurh! then it landed on some ledge haiz. had to use a broom attached with cellophane tape then try to stick it back up.
hehe -> a pic of me lvling up.

lvl70. luck have been bad for me :/
Created at 11:33 PM
| Wednesday, January 04, 2006
sigh. internet down right now. using notepad to do my blog lol. lazy huh. so many things is happening lurh! yesterday telephone line gone, so mummiee frantic wan to buy new phone cos afraid is equipment fault. then bought 1 new one hahah end up cannot cos ITS REALLY line fault. no one listens to me isnt it :/
so we called the woman thru handphone then complain la. lols typical singaporean. service not good must complain. and im suppose to stand by at 9am here alone at home and wait for the technician man to appear. then broadband failed :/:/:/:/ then i call to complain also lol. why complain?
then got to explain everything to the sweet voice girl i heard thru my handphone.so sweet~ i bet i sure cannot make it. then now the phone can work but broadband cant and i got to call the broadband side now lurh. so mafan de. this time i call they give me auntie voice lol then say is technical fault so they transfer me to another section... then waitwait still nth then suddenly the auntie popped out again scare me XD say they busy so ask me call them at this number 1800-848-#### then press 4. now i called --- all technical officer engage lurh means ALL FAULTY ALL CANT PLAY MAPLE!!!
after waiting so long then they say sorry our officers are still engaged. u can contact us at www.singnet.com something and send an email. im like LOL. if i can access ure website i dun need to even call u liao.
hey.. i wanna 70 today de leh. looks like not possible lu. rotting with the
phone beside my ears :( using one hand type.
now i wait for them sooo long till the internet restore by itself. RAGH PISSED.
Created at 10:19 AM
Name: Moses a.k.a momo
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